posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Tormentations
According to scientists, given enough time, every possibility that can occur will occur. Well, if we were to make some assumptions, like time is
infinite and eternal, which I believe it is(I believe that Einstein erred when he said that time curves, when the more accurate conclusion is that the
object is aging slower), and that something can come from nothing, then it's possible for a God or an "Ultimate Creator" to have arose from
nothing. I'll post the details later, but here is how I think the process happened:
nothing -> given almost infinite time so that "desire or potential to become" possibility occurs -> almost infinite amount of time so that this
process repeats and becomes "intense potential to become"-> "intense potential to become" then results in "point of energy within potential to
become -> "potential to become" repeats process over almost infinite time and you have very high energy "within potential to become" -> given
almost infinite amount of time energy within "potential to become" evolves into "energy that can store information" -> "energy that can store
information" disperses creating space and empty universe by default -> energy that can store information regress and give information to "potential
to become" -> "potential to become" repeats process until possibility of energy exerting force by curving space" arise and form universe with
objects(our current universe) -> energy regresses giving back all information and experiences of the universe back to "potential to become" ->
"potential to become" takes information and becomes more intelligent -> potential to become repeats process and becomes "Almost Intelligent
Basically, given an almost infinite amount of time, it's possible for "God" or "a system of self-storing information" to have arose
spontaneously, much like the theory of "abiogenesis." However, to me, the time has to be very very long, much much longer than the age of the Earth,
because you have to assume that in the beginning, "nothing" tried to become every possible object inside OR outside of the universe, but was
unsuccessful, save for the "desire or potential to become(which is the opposite of nothing really.)"