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I'm am finally a Master Mason... Any Questions?

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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 04:24 AM
A master mason 3rd degree. It's nothing. What do you know that someone can't learn from watching a few youtube video's or reading a few books. First lesson.... "This one thing I know, I know nothing" Socrates

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by r2d246

Well I'm way too tired to give a good response. So this will have to wait until morning, but just looking at your links I've already seen this material and will be able to give me opinion...probably bluntly.

reply to post by r2d246

edit on 17-8-2012 by KSigMason because: Combined with second response to r2d246

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by r2d246

Well I'm way too tired to give a good response. So this will have to wait until morning, but just looking at your links I've already seen this material and will be able to give me opinion...probably bluntly.

reply to post by r2d246

edit on 17-8-2012 by KSigMason because: Combined with second response to r2d246

Why do we see tons and tons of posts, videos, and millions of google searches. Thousands of books, thousands of accounts of 33rd degree masons, all confirming the fact that at that level it's revealed that Lucifer is the entity running masons???

The secrets they use to keep about these types of things are long since leaked. It's no secret anymore. It hasn't been for eons. Masons are simply a denomination of Satan's church. One of many. Everything Satan does mimicks God and or tries to mock God. We see that in everything he does. So in his church he has many denominations, just like in Christianity. Masons are one of them. Others include: scull n bones, satanists, illuminatie, etc etc etc. This is such basic knowledge. My goodness. I'm going to bed.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
...thousands of accounts of 33rd degree masons, all confirming the fact that at that level it's revealed that Lucifer is the entity running masons???

Since there are 'thousands' maybe you can post a few for discussion.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by r2d246

As a researcher and analyst, I have to laugh at people for their "Just Google it" attitude. Not everything that appears on Google or the internet (particularly YouTube) is factual. There is a great deal of historical fiction that is pushed as fact due to ignorance, slander, hype, and want, not for reality or truth.

As for your first link, Cutting Edge, I have to just laugh as they are a horribly biased, unreliable, and holds no credibility. I'd like to point out that just because a group doesn't obey the fanatical Christians doesn't mean its Satanic. Far too many want to label everything as "pagan" without any knowledge of Christianity and some of our pagan roots. Far too many Christians have take Christ out of Christianity and turned it into a militant, extremist ideology that irritates me as an actual Christian.

As for the content of the site:

1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"

This is a misquote taken from Morals & Dogma. If one looks at the degree and the story it surrounds, this quote is actually talking about those who deserve to be misled will be misled...usually out of their own ignorance. This degree is a great tale about the dangers of fascism and tyranny.

A response to the "free11" link. Nowhere in Pike's quote do we praise Lucifer or even say we worship him. He is just pointing out the irony that Lucifer translates to "light-bearer" is tied with the Prince of Darkness. I don't have time to respond this entire page as well so I'm going to make a comment on "free12" link then going back to the main page you quoted. The Double Headed Eagle, not a phoenix, is a symbol of many interpretations. It is a symbol of security from those who may approach it from either side. The eagle itself is a symbol of many things, but can be seen as a symbol of spirituality. Phoenix symbology applies to many stories of the Bible and Christianity. To say otherwise is to show how narrow-minded one is. Nor do we consider ourselves "born again" once we've gone through the various degrees and orders. There is also tons of triangle symbolism throughout Christianity. Okay, now back to the main Cutting Edge site.

Many need to do research into the history of the pentagram in Christianity.

"Freemasonry Proved Conclusively To Be Worship Of Lucifer-Satan"

Actually nothing about it was "conclusive" or strong in any sense of the word. Such pride and arrogance with their own stupidity.

It should be noted that the Eastern Star is a co-ed group since it allows both men and women in it. Actually the legend of the Eastern Star is not based on anything related to Satan, Lucifer, or Goat Head of Mendes. It is actually very Christian and its legends surrounds several stories of the heroines of the Bible.

Again, triangles (or the number 3) is seen all over the Bible and Christianity. Do I really need to elaborate?

Yet, Freemasonry joins all pagan groups in saying that man can become "divine" or "perfect'.

Where? Where does it say this in any of our RITUALS?

The books of George Steinmetz are his opinion only. I'd ask the authors of this page where in our ritual does it say this.

The two triangles (one pointing up and one pointing down) combined into a hexagram can be seen in Matthew 6:10 (part of the Lord's Prayer):

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven

As above, so below.

The One Dollar is not a Masonic symbol. One only needs to see that Ben Franklin was the only Freemason involved in any of the committees charged with designing the Great Seal, but his recommendation was rejected. His design was one of the scene of Moses leading the host through the Red Sea and Pharoah being overtaken by the waters with the motto "Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God". The final design was orchestrated by Charles Thomson who took something from the other 3 previous committees and added his own things to it. He was not a Mason, but he was very knowledge as he taught Latin in an academy. And as for the Eagle, Ben Franklin had suggested a turkey be the national bird, not the vain eagle (his opinion).

As for Lynn Perkins, one should read in the 2nd paragraph of the Introduction the following:

The author does not know it all, or anywhere near the all of Masonry; his book might well be called 'What Masonry Means To Me'.

These books listed are nothing more than the opinion of the author, not the Fraternity. Fanatical Christians are illogical, irrational, and often too stupid to even reason with. They like to damn anyone, even fellow Christians, who don't live in their tiny box.

It should also be noted that Manly P. Hall wrote his books decades before joining the Craft.

To be continued...

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by r2d246


The circle is a very spiritual symbol. It symbolizes time, specifically eternity and in Masonry we see it represents the boundary line of conduct (with us as the point in the middle) beyond which we should never suffer our passions, our prejudices, or our interests to betray us. Basically it teaches us against extremism and pushes towards moderation, temperance. This circle is defined by the Compasses we use and the angle at which they are set (which increases, IMO, with improvement/betterment and enlightenment). There is nothing of the symbolism of circles that goes against Christianity.

Freemasons don't worship a phallus. Anti-Masons or rather extremists in general are the ones obsessed with sex and sexuality. I'm not going to dabble in the psychology of why they are so obsessed.

Just because some authors did a comparison of Masonic ritual with other ideologies/mythologies doesn't mean we adhere to that specific belief. Hell, one can do a comparison of Christianity with many other ideologies and find things similar between the two that the fanatics consider pagan and therefore Satanic.

Plus while many Masons are Christian, not all are. So you're cry of Satan and damnation is pointless as they, as I do, could really care less what you think. There is no need to pray for our souls, that is none of your concern and I'm confident in the state of my soul. Far too often, the fanatics are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing spewing their hatred out like serpents.

Anti-Masons like to pull the "low level (or average Mason in the words of the site) vs high level" game, but they fail to understand how Freemasonry is structured and organized. I highly doubt this site or you r2d246 could accurately describe how we are structured and how we operate.

Truly, they fulfill the Biblical definition of the pagan in Romans 1:25, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

Actually in the 1st degree charge, we're told to pay due homage and respect to our Creator, so this is a false statement. It seems to me that many anti-Masons are selective in both outrage and standards. They also seem to be okay with lying when it suits their agenda; ends justify the means and all.

One should note that the Washington Monument isn't the one that was originally designed to honor our 1st President. And an obelisk doesn't necessarily mean phallus, again, it goes back to that sick obsession of anti-Masons.

Freemasons also revere Baal, and all the Egyptian deities upon which the worship of obelisks is based!

No we don't. I'd also like to point out that many anti-Masons and fanatical Christians don't understand the use of baal in the Bible.

Can you believe this most unbelievable blasphemy in this Freemason symbol to the right? They have taken the Satanic Circle With Dot symbol, and have placed the Holy Bible on top of it! Surely, there can be no greater blasphemy possible in connecting a Satanic symbol with a most revered, and holy, Christian symbol.

Actually the Masonic interpretations say that as long we keep ourselves thus circumscribed (within the bounds of the circle), we necessarily touch upon the supporting pillars and upon the Holy Writings (varies with the faith of each Brother). Keeping ourselves thus circumscribed we cannot materially err. There is nothing blasphemous about this, but of course some will find it to be blasphemous.

Rather than call up your Lodge Superior, who is instructed to lie to you, read the same Masonic material we have been quoting, and compare their teachings with the Absolute Truth of the Word of God.

Nowhere in the Lodge do we lie to our fellow members. Plus, can you call the Bible the absolute truth when it was written by men and has been edited, revised, and (mis)translated over several centuries?

Also do not fall for the Masonic propaganda lie that 'within our Fraternity, no one person can speak for Masonry ... no one -- not a Grand Master, not a Grand Commander, not Albert Pike himself -- can speak for Masonry when it comes to the meanings of its teachings. That is something each Mason must seek and find for himself. No one can speak for Freemasonry." ["Please Look A Little Closer ", by Jim Tresner, 33 Degree, Director, Masonic Leadership Institute, Guthrie, Oklahoma]

Actually this is very true and Jim Tresner is a very knowledgeable Brother. I'm actually waiting on his new book to arrive on my doorstep.

To be continued...

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by r2d246


How dare you allow yourself to belong to an organization that says it is so murky and so uncertain that no one can speak for the Fraternity! This argument would be laughed at greatly in Business, in Politics, and in any debate class. Local, state, and Federal governments operate by fixed rules called charters, or constitutions. Any private business operates by fixed rules of organization and goals.

Actually at all levels of Freemasonry and with each of the appendant/concordant bodies there is a Constitution or a set of By-Laws by which the organization is regulated. Many of them have it on their public website.

Freemasons have no such assurance, and I know Masons who are absolutely terrified of death.

Why should anyone fear death?

It's ironic that the website cited the King James version so many times when King James is said to have been a Mason.

This website is just the stupid rantings of a self-righteous "christian" who knows about Freemasonry as he does his own religion.

Now finally going o to your 2nd link, the "confessions" one.

Confession made by a former Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander of the Thirty-First Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite who had withdrawn from Masonry in 1968 for religious reasons.

First off, the 31st degree in the Southern Jurisdiction is called the Inspector Inquisitor, there is no Grand or Commander with it. The name of this degree is referred to as something completely different in the Northerne Jurisdiction. Plus if he was a 32° why would the article refer to him in the 31°?

I agreed to speak to you in general terms about why my commitment to Jesus is incompatible with the masonic religion.

Freemasonry isn't a religion and Albert Pike even says that in his book (to head off the inevitable misquote) and doesn't meet the basic requirements to be considered one.

I would like to point out that Stephen Knight is a tool and a liar. JMO.

blah blah blah stupid pointless story that he can't back up blah blah blah

Now onto the video:

Ah, yes, a Catholic TV show is going to be so unbiased and truthful in what they present about Freemasonry.

The man even joined for the wrong reason and lied on his entry into Freemasonry. He joined with ulterior motives, that for business networking. He wanted to advance himself. He joined under false pretenses. He is a deceiver.

The reason for taking off the metals was explained to him in the Lecture. It is not an attack on his faith.

One is in darkness in regards to Masonry. Nowhere do we say that you are in darkness in regards to your faith and your relationship with God. This guy is manipulating and twisting facts.

Gnosticism is only a heresy to the fascists who were afraid of the early Christians usurping their new militant, ignorant form of "christianity" that deceived so many for so long. And the host only spews out the talking points of the Catholic propaganda without her having any real knowledge on the subject.

A definition of "profane" is "one who is not initiated". It is not meant to be an insult. Those who are not Masons are "outsiders" in a sense as they are not members. Again, it's not an insult or a degradation, just an observation.

I never had any wedge forced between me and any of my girlfriends. Nor have I been forced away from any of my friends. Nor do any of my friends feel that our time is restricted due to my Masonic affiliation.

I do love their display of complete intolerance. This just shows that all of those who go through the degrees (as he claims) is still ignorant when there mind and eyes are closed.

Actually no, there is no blood oath in Freemasonry as no blood is spilled at any time.

reply to post by r2d246

The 3rd degree or Master Mason degree is the highest degree in Freemasonry. The rest is just icing on the cake, but it is not superior to the 3rd degree.

reply to post by r2d246

Because there are tons and tons of morons who have access to the internet and YouTube. Half the time they are quoting each other or the same faulty information.

There are not "thousands of accounts of 33rd degree masons". Quit exaggerating or at least list all the 33rds that say Lucifer runs Freemasonry.

Masons are simply a denomination of Satan's church.

No we are not, but that is okay, you don't know any better. Poor thing.

I don't know how you live with seeing "boogey-men" everywhere.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Since there are 'thousands' maybe you can post a few for discussion.

Bet you a hundred bucks he'll post the same two out-of-context sentence quotes, one from Pike and one from Hall, to justify his "thousands" remark.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Dude, you must have some time on your hands. To watch that trash, and then take the time to explain why it's trash is a monumental task. Kudos for you.

I'd say if someone was stupid enough to blindly believe this garbage, they are exactly where they need to be. Far, far away from masonry. In fact, I am starting to think that everything is as it should be. The fanatical wacko cult Christians are where they should be, thumping bibles and patting each other on the back, and also are very far from our doors. In all this talk about Lucifer, Balphomet, and whomever else these conspiritards like to associate with us, there are still some normal, soul seekers, who find us and are a perfect fit.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by network dude

I've been rocking some killer insomnia in recent months so sometimes I pull a 36+ hour days so I come on here and perform the ranting style I call "word vomit". I tried to sleep, but it didn't take so I came back to that train wreck posted by r2d246.

Exactly. Those who deserve to be misled will be misled. The more these anti's post the more I feel better about the decisions I've made in my life (not just joining Masonry either).

On another forum, I was butting heads with this anti-Mason then he came around and made some profound esoteric assessment of some of the Royal Arch symbols. I gave him my opinion and we actually had a civil was kind of weird. Then on another thread we're at each other, but the one thread we act like good ol' buddies. Luckily he's not a religious nut, but I'm still trying to hone in on what exactly makes him hate Freemasonry as it isn't anything consistent. I wonder sometimes if he's just not f***ing with me for the fun of it, but he also bites at my bait as well. But I digress.

I do find it funny that r2d246 uses "r2d2" in his/her username when that comes from a movie that references many pagan beliefs.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
edit on 17-8-2012 by KSigMason because: Combined with second response to r2d246
Don't worry, school should be starting up in the next week or so…

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

I start back to college in just over a week and I hope it clears some of the children off the site...that and Modern Warfare 3, there are way too many kids that can kick my butt on that game.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

I'm glad you at least read it unlike so many of these others. So for that I respect your view points, even if I disagree with you.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by r2d246

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by r2d246

Please show us in the Masonic ritual where this occurs.

reply to post by superluminal11

Or both.

My goodness, it's not a ritual. You know way before then. I know and I'm not even a mason.


You believe you know, but really, you don't.

What a crock.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2

Originally posted by r2d246

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by r2d246

Please show us in the Masonic ritual where this occurs.

reply to post by superluminal11

Or both.

My goodness, it's not a ritual. You know way before then. I know and I'm not even a mason.


You believe you know, but really, you don't.

What a crock.

So all these hundreds and thousands of members and ex members who leak information about it being revealed to them are wrong and your right.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by r2d246

What hundreds or thousands? I bet you can't quote 20, probably not even 10.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by r2d246

I think you are exaggerating the number of people who have "leaked" information.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason

I think you are exaggerating the number of people who have "leaked" information.

Indeed. To my knowledge, the only person who made such a claim was Schnoebelen.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by KSigMason

I think you are exaggerating the number of people who have "leaked" information.

Indeed. To my knowledge, the only person who made such a claim was Schnoebelen.

Ah yes.
the one and only master of all.(self appointed)

I sure would put a lot of stock into what he has to say.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 12:17 PM
Just one question really, who the hell cares, and when is ATS going to start cracking down on these back patting "Look everybody I'm a Mason" threads like they were going to do several years ago. I'm a glass artist, think I'm going to start me a thread about it, this is a conspiracy site after all...

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