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Should I go under hypnosis?

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Ok. Ever since I was a little kid I've always been fascinated with the egyptian culture. My parents used to take me to museums and for a short time I was able to read the hieroglyphics on the exhibits without any prior knowledge of how to read them. I used to tell the stories written on the artifacts before even reading what the signs said. This is just one of many strange occurrences throughout my life.
I was raised as a christian, but I always questioned the bible and I eventually stopped believing. My research has led me to believe that reincarnation is more likely than heaven or hell. I don't really know which is true but.....
Anyway, I was wondering if I should go under hypnosis and going to a non-biased hypnotist and not telling them what i expect to see. But I don't know what to think, so what do you think ATS?

(Sorry if this is in the wrong section, so if it must be moved please do so. I only put it here because of my belief in alien existence and their interest in me.)

[edit on 25-11-2009 by The_Truth818]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by The_Truth818

I was wondering if I should go under hypnosis and going to a non-biased hypnotist and not telling them what i expect to see. But I dont know what to think, so what do you think ATS?

If you feel inclined to see a hyponotists, then by all means, go see a hypnotist. You don't need our permission.

But what would you tell the hypnotist is your reason for the visit? It is a guided process. They will probably want more input than just "Hypnotize me please!"

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

I wasn't asking for permission. But yeah, I guess I would need to tell them something. But how do I know I'm getting real results and not making it up in my mind?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Nah. Don't waste your time. You were probably able to read the stories because hieroglyphs are in a sense a picture story in some cases. And to a child, with their imagination, it would actually be easier to understand than an adult with no knowledge of egyptology.

So you questioned the bible and stopped believing. So do tons of other people. I grew up to a Christian father and have always thought the bible sounded iffy, and when i was old enough t0 actually understand how nature works, i gave religious ideas the boot. Load of crap, really.

So you were fascinated with egypt culture. Me too. I was also fascinated with dinosaurs when I was little. I nver thought for a second that in a past life I may have been one.

Anyway, I truly don't believe in reincarnation, so maybe i'm a little biased to say that you're misleading yourself to believe something that isnt there. Think about it, how many billions of people believe in a god that doesnt actually exist. I say this as a fact only because you yourself dont believe in god. So with that said, couldn't it be possible that you believe in an idea (reincarnation) that doesnt exist, also?

[edit on 11/25/2009 by Schmidt1989]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:10 PM
I personally had a hypnosis session a while back & for some reason, no matter what, I could not be hypnotized. I was so disappointed. I want to find a good hypnotist in my area and try again. I say if you want to do it, do it. Lots of luck to you & if you decide to go ahead with the hypnosis, let us know your results if you wouldn't mind

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by The_Truth818

I would need to tell them something.

Three possibilities come to mind:

1) You could directly ask for a "past life regression" but not diect her to egypt.

2) You could explain to the hypnotist that you want to identify the origin of your fascination with egyptian culture, but not specify that you suspect it to be experiences in a previous life.

3) You could explain the whole thing to the hypnotist and ask her to please be careful not to lead the session, because while you're open to the idea of it being past life memories, you're not certain that there is such a thing, and you're more interested in truth than validating asumptions.

But how do I know I'm getting real results and
not making it up in my mind?


Do the best you can.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by j.r.c.b.

for some reason, no matter what, I could not be hypnotized.

In my experience, there are three different types of people who cannot be hypnotized:

1) People who don't want to be hypnotized
2) People who are scared of being hypnotized
3) People who are too stupid to be hypnotized

Hypnosis isn't really something you do to someone else. It's something that you help someone do to themselves. If somebody really doesn't want to be hypnotized, it's usually pretty trivial for them to refuse to be hypnotized. A guy who's looking to get an ego boost out of "proving his willpower" by resisting hypnosis is going to be really difficult to hypnotize. Someone who's terrified of the loss of control, or nervous about what someone might "do to them" while hypnotized is also going to be difficult to hypnotize. And finally...hypnosis does require some ability to focus and think inwardly. Some people just aren't smart enough to be hypnotized.

Which are you?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

Many good points. I am a believer in past lives and would have loved to see what if any a past life of mine would have been. I know there are many good hypnotists out there and I think maybe I should find a better one then the one I had. I would think I would be easy to hypnotize, as I am a pretty laid back person if in the right atmosphere. I do agree with above poster about being sure the person hypnotizing you not ask any leading questions.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:17 AM
You might be interested in the work of Dr. Brian L. Weiss. He has written some very interesting books on the subject (I suggest Same Soul Many Bodies)and even has some CD's that you can get so that you can do your own past life regression at home.

I've used the CD and its not bad - but only lasts about 30 mins which is really not long enough to get a detailed regression going. If you want a really in depth regression seek out a certified hypnotist in your area. Hypnotism is very safe and something that we do naturally on our own all the time.

Good luck! Be sure to post whatever results you find!

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