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More youngsters believed targeted in assaults on redheads

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:04 PM
I have a very handsome red-headed son, and he is very capable of kicking the living you know what at any *Meeeeawwww* that messes with him.

Let me know when they're doing dark haired women over 49 and i promise you i can take care of myself too.

Things like these make me mad.
Sick !@$%s out there. Just freaking sick.

(now i'll be mad all night. I cant help it. I want to kick someones ars.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:09 PM
This is Nothing short of a Parenting crisis our world is facing.
As demand for jobs rise and so does the sad fact that these young minds are left to their own devices.

With more parents using daycare, and at home babysitters, and even just a Latchkey system, these kids are lacking any true information that is vital to their development. They get most of what they know through our entertainment industry mixed with opinionated friends, whom they think is a better teacher than none.

To blame the Entertainment industry itself is a waste and a dead end. It truly is the parents fault for not instilling a honest and true moral understanding of this world and their relationships with other people, Not to mention that coupled with the lack of support structure they are more vulnerable to " Following the Leader" for support, which as we know is the Gang or hive mentality.

Let us pray this situation is resolved by these experiences, or someday these same Morally inept folks will be at the helm of our future.

P.S. Our generations and before did not have the internet to blind us and lead us a stray, we had to rely on our own teachings and experiences. You know the time im talking about, when you could let your child play out front without most of the issues of today.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 10001011]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by 10001011

So where did you grow up where children never teased or picked on one another?

Each generation falsely believes that their own generation was far more decent and moral than the current.

Memoria praeteritorum bonorum - ("The past is always recalled to be good.")

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

The Christians did not invent this prejudice. The ancient Egyptians for some reason burned redheads at the stake. Poor red heads , some of them are the nicest people. They don't deserve to be abused.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:35 PM
I grew up in Maryland, With a moral compass strong enough to know the difference between Picking on someone, and Physicaly harming someone.

Are you serious? It's call Hate crime. It's called Assault. It's called Gang violence.

So if you have a child, and that child is beaten up by 14 kids, are you going to ignore it as them just having a laugh?

I have 3 small children, and they know the difference between having fun, and hurting someone.

I played drums in a band, sk8boarded, built ramps and forts, played football and went on nature walks in boyscouts, none of that involved harming anyone.

And by the way, I'm married ( 6 yrs and counting ) to a beautiful redheaded women.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 10001011]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Wow, i always thought it was more a joke than actual reality the whole gibe a redhead thing... My dads was a super redhead (I mean im talking carrot-top the comedian red, he turned pure white around his late 30's for some odd reason), I have a copper tone beard myself, brothers a dark redhead, and I was a freckled youth with grey blue eyes despite my dark hair.

I just dont see why people have an issue with hair and skin tone, or facial bone structure... its all human for crying out loud. To attack someone over it is, flat out wrong (even animals tolerate albinos, odd or new coat patterns and the like within their own species)... humanities got a while to go

I guess I watch, have watched to many sci-fi shows through out my life with 'noses of the week' alien species and radical racial appearances to be phased or hostile to 'difference' on such a mundane level... heck, in all honesty, I actually find curly red haired, white skin, freckled woman uber attractive, heck freckled anything real, red hair just tops it.
although that could just be the 'red' genes in me looking for another 'red' carrier.

Am i some type of freak to think that... of course not, Viva la Difference.

Odd thing is I found that whole Southpark episode they site as a possible catalyst quite funny. It was more about making fun of people who make fun of redheads, rather than redheads themselves... guess people just dont take social commentary and satire real well, or to literal these days... I swear humanities getting even more stupid.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by BigfootNZ]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Beh Double post sorry... odd, been having issues posting today to boot.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by BigfootNZ]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I never understood what the obsession w/ redheads was, either theiyre the ONLY Attractive people in the world, or they should be punished for traits they do not ask for, i always wanted to have all red hair, AND have freckles, but i have freckles that are black spotted allover my body that look like star constellations (which someone has picked on me for before) And my hair is naturally striped, with different shades of red. Im mostly brunette, with bluish smokey black hair, with some auburn black, and even taup grey (im only in my very early 20s.) But the obsession over Redheads has got ot stop, its gone too far. Redhaeds are speacial. They are not soulless, if they were they would walk like Zombies and drool.
Blondes are not the perfect haircolor, you dont have to have a Specific haircolor to be sexxy, pretty or uber hot
it prejudiced. I was called werewolf in my younger years because of my hair and eyebrows. But guess what, i was young and a minor, minors are not supposed to be attractive, so all of those who called me ugly, would be blowing their brains out now if they were to see me. Damn Southpark, damn them to hell, they really have started a lot of flame wars aginst people who didnt deserve it, even more so than poking fun at those who actually do deserve it. This tares it. I hate Southpark now... Also, i think men with RED hair, i mean a maroonish red hair, are beautiful, BECAUSE its rare. im so sick of seeing the same think, humans all look the same to me anyway, atleast when i see different eyecolors and skin, and haircolors it makes it easier to tell them all apart... Also, Albinism is Awesome!
And this being said, have any of you noticed the new Wrestler known as Shamus? He's Such an Asshole! You can tell he dyes his hair and bleaches his skin and he's making Celts look bad, i dont appreaciate it!
Just one more reason why i do not watch wrestling... I miss Jesse Ventura!

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Casandra
And where were the parents of these children? Don't they monitor the time their offspring spend online? How irresponsible is that? I'm not saying sit next to him all the time, but check his social network sites!

Apparently the attacks were aggravated by Facebook postings. I wouldn't have thought Facebook would be objectionable, so as a parent I would probably not think to censor it.

It seems to me if a child is brought up with good ethics he or she won't be susceptible to the suggestions of social media. If there's a responsible person in the child's life, that influence should counteract the craziness a child might be exposed to.

Unfortunately, at the age of 12 or so it seems young people are more influenced by their peers and the need to be popular than they are by their families. Teachers and religious institutions can try to reach them as well, but often teenagers will ignore them.

To counteract racial, religious, ethnic and other kinds of bigotry in young people takes the effort of the whole society. It's the social stigma that will ultimately reach them IMO.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:37 PM
I hope they get charged under hate crime laws. attacked for being black is the same as being attacked for being a ranger.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by 10001011
I grew up in Maryland, With a moral compass strong enough to know the difference between Picking on someone, and Physicaly harming someone.

Are you serious? It's call Hate crime. It's called Assault. It's called Gang violence.

So if you have a child, and that child is beaten up by 14 kids, are you going to ignore it as them just having a laugh?

I have 3 small children, and they know the difference between having fun, and hurting someone.

No ones getting beaten by 14 kids...

They took a kick in the knee by another kid..

Hate crime? Assault? ... Gang violence?
my drink just about came out my nose. They're children, gimme a break.

Obviously I don't encourage that kind of behaviour, but that's part of growing up, kids pick on each other for frivolous reasons and that's not going to change. I used to get picked on by the older kids in 3rd or 4th grade because my ears would turn bright red when I got embarrassed and it taught me some valuable lessons about people in the end that I couldn't appreciate at the time.

You're handicapping your children by trying to create a sterile environment for them. You can only teach your own kids right from wrong, some parents do a better job than others and your kids are going to run into some that do a terrible job. That's just how it is, so it's best to have the tools to deal with it rather than sheltering them and having them be ill prepared.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

the only response I can give you is any one sentient being finds what they are looking for... cant blame tv video games etc for a persons need to find f'ed up stuff... or their ability to take a sentence said to them and morph it into hate...

If you look for it ... you will find it.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:22 AM
Not to aggravate a situation, but while reading this thread, I immediately recalled an email that I got at work.

Partial excerpt

UH OH! It's that time of year again!!!1

SLAP your irritating co-worker day is coming...

This Friday is SLAP Your ... yadah yadah

I still have a hard time looking at the picture and not start to cry... From laughing so hard.

I'm NOT suggesting that you actually slap your irritating co-worker this Friday... It's a joke ... Kinda like FaceBook jokes.


[edit on 11·24·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Investigators have not made any arrests and don't consider the attacks to be hate crimes.

It seems to me that if these kids were beaten up simply because of the color of their hair it's just as much a hate crime as children being beaten up because they were black, Muslim, Jewish, etc. If all the victims were black, or Muslim the aggressors would be charged and charged with hate crimes as well.

Whitmore confirmed that all four victims in the investigation have red hair.

This confirms that they were signaled out for the color of their hair which is no different than being signaled out for the color of their skin, or their religion. These kids should be arrested and charged, or they will think that they can go around attacking whoever, whenever they want.

The parents hold responsibility as well, since they have children that think it's ok to go around beating on other kids for any reason, let alone the color of their hair.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:00 AM
Not that I agree with kids getting picked on, but people are going way to far with this. This has nothing to do with Christianity, ancient Egypt, hate crimes, sociopaths, or anything else like that. It has to do with a bunch of kids watching a cartoon, and taking things too far. Sure they should be punished, by the school, and by their parents, but come on, charge with with hate crimes? Get real people...

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by eradown
The Christians did not invent this prejudice. The ancient Egyptians for some reason burned redheads at the stake.

I call B.S. on this one. The only source for such a statement comes from The Treasury of Superstition by Claudia Delys.

It is true that there were recorded cases of redheads in Egypt as early as 3000 years ago, mainly coming to Alexandria by way of Mediterranean cultures that had contact with the Celts.

However, like the Romans who reserved Crucifixion only for one specific crime and one crime only, the Ancient Egyptians reserved the form of burning at the stake as Capital Punishment for the most severe violations of Ma'at (Law). It was more likely, if one committed a lesser offense of Ma'at that invoked Capital Punishment they would be impaled on a stake, drowned, decapitated, fed to Sebek (crocodiles) or in the case of officials, have their Ren struck from all records and monuments.

If Claudia Delys stated that redheads suffered any other punishment at the hands of Ancient Egyptians then it might have some credibility. However, as having red hair is not mentioned anywhere in any Code of Ma'at, then it is highly doubtful that burning at the stake would have been the form of punishment for having red hair.

If you can provide a source for this claim, other than the aforementioned book by Claudia Delys, I'd be interested to hear it as this goes very much against Ancient Egyptian Ma'at, which was very specific. Just like the Romans, the Ancient Egyptians loved their law more than Americans do, and stuck to it with rigidity even over long spans of time.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by RoyalCanadian

Originally posted by trueset
My 12 yr. old son told me about this last week. Student's at his school were calling the redhead student's " Ginger's " I asked him why they were saying this and he said "because they are soulless ". I wonder where this is comming from ? Perhap's some online game ?

its coming from a tv show called south park. i can forsee it going off air because of this.

Everything like this in southpark is a joke to show how pathetic people can be like, cartman is a funny way of showing it.

South Park is a great show, no matter how stupid it gets (really crazy), it always has some good message or lesson somewhere.

[edit on 24-11-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:52 AM
Red heads where always considered different, and today you do not see many of them. I would guess that alot of them also dye there hair to show they are not.

Red heads in history have always been targeted. You can go and see in history.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus

No ones getting beaten by 14 kids...

They took a kick in the knee by another kid..

Hate crime? Assault? ... Gang violence?
my drink just about came out my nose. They're children, gimme a break.

The OP stated that one was beaten by 12 kids. That's assault and gang violence.

I read a report of a young girl in Canada who was beaten to death by a gang of teenagers (mostly girls) because she apparently passed on some unflattering gossip about another girl. (The book is called "Under the Bridge.")

There's an old movie called "The River" that deals with an apparently senseless murder by very young people.

"Just kids" can be very dangerous in some situations. Peer pressure is a big factor.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

I agree. I don't see "South Park" as a bad influence either and wouldn't block it for teenagers especially.

Just shows you group violence doesn't need much of a reason to incite it.

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