posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by bilmerys
Hi bilmerys, I can see where you are coming from and I was not comparing Robbie Williams to Jesus in any way.
I was brought up reading the bible and Jesus, up until his 30th birthday, did not show any signs of being the Son of God as he was 'learning' about
the world we live in before he showed his true colours.
So he was an ordinary man who 'knew' he had to fulfil a promise, a prophesy and he did in a world changing way as we all know now.
I am not saying this is what might be happening with Robbie Williams but he has a personable nature, down to earth kind of way of thinking, which
appeals to loads of people throughout the world.
Why should he not be a 'channeller' for alien contact or to open people's third eye?
If Robbie Williams reads this he will know himself if he has a 'calling' to inform us of aliens, God etc..... then it is up to him???