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Obama and G-7 Head of State given UFO/ET briefing documents

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Wouldn't this international shadow government also control the president of the united states?

Still that'd be something.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

O.k. this is where you lose me this one little paragragh...

"The constellation of problems that include global warming, biosphere degradation, air pollution, energy
security, Mid-East policy, a collapsing geo-economic order, growing disparity between the poor and rich
of the world, over-population and human sustainability on Earth, to name but a few, are all
interconnected and directly affected by the secrecy surrounding this subject."

This is utterly ridiculous. All of this is relevant to a short span of time, namely the last 20 or so years...
What makes this era so important? Especially when we almost destroyed each other with World War II just 60 some odd years ago...
Where were these so called helpers of humanity then? When we were on the 1 of our many brinks...

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:23 PM
In my mind this kind of cements what others have said about Dr. Greer, he is not the same person that he was 5 or more years ago... His 'facts' and 'information' seems to be flimsy 2nd or 3rd hand theories and assumptions, which I think is just hurting his credibility and the names of others involved with him are potentially tarnished. But I digress S&F OP.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Way to go Dr Greer,
starts a letter to his President with a quote from a former President
and than after boredom sets in he proceeds to tell President Obama what to do and how to do it

He's almost saying Move over I'll do it

Way to go Dr Greer.


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:41 PM
I have been hearing "disclosure is imminent" for years. Decades.
In my younger days, I was a true believer. But then, one day, it hit me.
This UFO stuff makes for good stories and there are a lot of them.

Disclosure is imminent. Any day. Listen to me!

I believe the latest prediction is Nov 22nd.


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:49 PM
The fact that Greer wrote this bit of spam mail to the White house will invariably result in it not being read or taken seriously.

Greer needs to forget about UFO's and vector a brain!


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by ls1cameric
SO your basically saying that you could care less i someone is trying to uncover the truth hidden by our govt for the rest of humanity...

Thats pretty much what I got from your reply.

Do you not feel that this is an important agenda? I personally feel it's the most important thing to the entirety of the world for our sake.. To let the truth be known once and for all so we can start to grow as one.

Understand first and foremost that unlike you I do not think that the U.S. Gov't or any gov't is hiding any "truth." That's for conspiracists to waste their time on.

Yeah, that was pretty much my reply.

I certainly do not feel for one moment that anything associated with UFOs and alleged aliens is an important agenda. We see and record UFOs and nobody knows anymore than anyone else. You can believe whatever you want to but this crap has been going on probably longer than you've been on the planet.

What is the truth? How would you recognize it? How do you really think that anything the gov't knows is going help us "grow as one"? What does that mean? Humans will never grow as one! There will always be all kinds of divisions and the only thing that could help would be total annilihation and regrowth with different operating minds without religion for one.

"Disclosure"! What a joke!

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:53 AM
I see now that many of you who post here probably work for the cabal as disinformation agents. Anyone interested in bringing the light to the UFO question should be thanking Dr Greer for almost single handedly putting together The Disclosure Project. This was the first time a hint of credibility was brought to the subject.

I thought people who visited ATS were here to discuss the uncovering of the truth; not to spend time flexing their own egos and showing their ignorance to the true facts regarding the UFO phenomenon.

This briefing was meant not only for the eyes of the President, but also meant to help educate the masses. Maybe if the educated masses would rise up as Dr. Greer, and Steve Basset, and Robert Dean, and many others have suggested and make their voices heard demanding that the Truth Embargo be lifted the President would be more inclined to pay attention to it and do something about it!

Dr. Greer has dedicated his life to revealing the truth not only about the ET presence, but the disclosure of the co-opted technologies that could end our dependence on oil. So what have you done today to help Disclosure come about?

I have no desire to keep pouring my tax dollars down the black hole of Black Projects and corporate thieves who want to keep us ignorant and enslaved. I will work everyday until the truth comes out. I will not spend anytime trying to say which person in the UFO reaserch community holds more sway on the truth. It is really pretty easy to figure out who is enlightened and working toward a common goal.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:13 AM
Steven Greer's doing a great job !

I've Been thinking & have an interesting take on disclosure.
So Do this post ALL the way

In modern society there has always been a pattern of manipulation of information and current events by the political leaders of the world.
A big story's released at just the right timing so those who will benefit by it will extract the maximum political mileage from it.
Now, the leaders couldn't care less about the significance, implications or ramifications of it.. All theyre interested in is, How THEY can benefit from it.This manipulation or timing of the release of this event can be for different agendas.

- Political Rivalry.
- Financial gain.
- Re-election to power.
- Diverting attention.

I'll elaborate - take some examples.

A sleazy sex scandal involving a senator is released just when the senator is seeking re-election.
A scientific report emerges, stating that the worlds oil is finite & rapidly diminishing, which will - pardon the pun - fuel the stocks of oil companies (Anyone remember $150/Barrel last year?)promoting the peak oil theory, thus making billions.

A campaigning president's seeking re-election
His administration releases a statement for a stimulus package or
troop reduction which is favored by the public by & large.
Yeah right.
Just why couldn't it have come a month before or after the campaigning ?

Don't get into the Nittygritty - Try & get to the idea I'm trying to highlight.
The concept
i.e. - Information as a political weapon.

Now see it in the context of Disclosure.
I believe it will happen
However - WHEN it'll happen is a different story

Think about it for a moment.If you had a statement of a story as big as this,would YOU not release it just when it suits YOU best ?

Lets say Obama's got this power to release this info when he wants.

When do you feel he will?

Maybe his decision to send the 40,000 troops backfires.
Maybe after another 'Terrorist' attack.
Maybe during his re-election.
Maybe if a huge scandal is released (involving both,Wall Street & political elites)that shows the current economic crisis wasnot just planned & criminally orchasmanipulated Or a story about the CIA's drug trafficking in Afghanistan breaks.


These elites (Bilderbergers/illuminati/NWO -tk ur pick
ain't stupid.
Theres a reason the Elite STAY elite ! U think they wouldn't have already thought it out ?

Barring an act of God or unless the E.T.'s suddenly decide
To Land on the White house lawn,I don't foresee a situation which they will not have

Also - IMHO there is a strong possibility that Obama may very well be the man to get the honors of disclosing Disclosure.

Why do you think he got the nobel ?
Remember - the nominations for the candidates were closed A WEEK BEFORE HE TOOK OFFICE ! He wasn't even President then & achieved almost nothing!
My Guess - The elites have prepped him up as a puppet through which they will manipulate the release of this information.
He comes out as the shining clean good honest savior who promised change & kept his word.
Oh ! & the fact he'll go down in history as the 1st OFFICIAL ambassador of mankind.
Meanwhile while this huge event is the buzz of society worldwide, the elites will quietly & covertly conduct their nefarious agendas.
Agendas which would otherwise been noticed by the 'Mainstreamedia'
but didn't coz everyone's scrambling to come to terms or get more info about this historic event.

Do you see my point?

Disclosure WILL happen.

WHEN it'll happen.HOW will it happen & WHY it'll happen when it does
is totally up to them.

We will be lied to.We will be manipulated to believe their version of what to believe.We will be subverted.We will be cheated against.

SIGH, Oh well..
But you know what saddens me most ?

That we'll be accepting all this with smiles on our faces & hope in our hearts.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Brainiac
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

O.k. this is where you lose me this one little paragragh...

"The constellation of problems that include global warming, biosphere degradation, air pollution, energy
security, Mid-East policy, a collapsing geo-economic order, growing disparity between the poor and rich
of the world, over-population and human sustainability on Earth, to name but a few, are all
interconnected and directly affected by the secrecy surrounding this subject."

This is utterly ridiculous. All of this is relevant to a short span of time, namely the last 20 or so years...
What makes this era so important? Especially when we almost destroyed each other with World War II just 60 some odd years ago...
Where were these so called helpers of humanity then? When we were on the 1 of our many brinks...

He is totally right, they are all vastly interconnected.. and to correct you its been more than 20 years, even the US truth embargo has been going on more than 60 years

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by The Shrike
I certainly do not feel for one moment that anything associated with UFOs and alleged aliens is an important agenda. We see and record UFOs and nobody knows anymore than anyone else. You can believe whatever you want to but this crap has been going on probably longer than you've been on the planet.

What is the truth? How would you recognize it? How do you really think that anything the gov't knows is going help us "grow as one"? What does that mean? Humans will never grow as one! There will always be all kinds of divisions and the only thing that could help would be total annilihation and regrowth with different operating minds without religion for one.

"Disclosure"! What a joke!

man.. how ignorant of you. You certainly don't speak for everyone and yet you claim to know it all.. come on, your statement is utter ignorance.

How do you explain the thousands of us who CAN identify some UFOs. I myself have met with other beings in higher states of consciousness. I KNOW that we are in the presence of many developed galactic cultures

very soon you'll realize what it means to be 'ONE'. We always are and have been, so your statement is simply invalid.. sorry to burst ya bubble.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by orazio]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:23 AM
Greer? Isn't this the same guy who insists that he's interacted with Lilliputian aliens a few centimeters tall?
And isn't he the guy who puts some fella on the stage who claims that a friends brother's son-in-law who's married to his niece's uncle saw a bright light in the sky 25 years ago and claims this is incontrovertible evidence of aliens?

And so what if the prez of the US of A is given a 'briefing document' by Greer? How does that change things? We all know that the prez is just a puppet on a string. He cannot take major decisions. In fact he just has a Top Secret Eyes Only clearance. The highest classification being Cosmic Top Secret, twenty one levels higher than what the prez is authorized!

And then what has the G-7 got to do with disclosure? Greer is barking up the wrong tree. The G-7 is the meeting of the finance ministers from a group of seven industrialized nations. The finance ministers of these countries meet several times a year to discuss economic policies.

It is not to be confused with the G8, which is the annual meeting of the heads of government of these industrial nations, plus Russia.

So what's the point in taking up the issue of disclosure with the G-7 group of nations which only discusses financial matters with FINANCE MINISTERS who have no authority to take any decisions on matters concerning disclosure?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Zelong
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Way to go Dr Greer,
starts a letter to his President with a quote from a former President
and than after boredom sets in he proceeds to tell President Obama what to do and how to do it

He's almost saying Move over I'll do it

Way to go Dr Greer.


Well, I'm not saying I agree with Greer on everything he believes, but Somebodies Got to tell the president what to go and how to do it beside the the elite with the corporate agenda that he's listening to now. It might as well be The American People.

If The American People want disclosure, and Greer has already done the leg work and got the people together, then I don't mind him being my spoksperson. No matter if the man has made mistakes in the past.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 08:37 AM
Is there evidence that these documents made it it to the hand of our president
and G7 leaders?!
While I believe they were faxed in, it's quite an assumption to believe they were "given" to the president and co.
Pictures or it didn't happen.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Do not believe anything that the government discloses about Alien Life.

The truth has become so vague and misleading.
Any "disclosure" effort will only be done so in order to give one group a tactical advantage over another.
I know that several people on this board are hoping that the aliens pop up any day now, but I beg of you one question:

If a group of technologically superior beings existed who could make their presence known to the people of this planet at will, then would they really need the permission of the government to engage in said disclosure?

What makes the government the all powerful gatekeeper?
(Other than the fact that they control nearly the entire flow of information being pumped into our brains via the largest propaganda matrix to have ever existed)

TPTB need a galvanizing force for an effective world government. They need something that will unify the world community and, historically, nothing has unified people quite like a common enemy or threat.
This is what I call the "Enemy Du Jour" (currently Arabs)

This divide, distract, and conquer tactic is literally EVERYWHERE people.
Just open up your eyes.
(Pepsi v. Coke, Ford v. Chevy, UGA vs. UF, Ohio State v. Michigan, USC v. well everybody else, the World Cup of Football(not American throwball.... SEE?!?!), Soccer v. American throwball, the Olympics, OJ v. everybody, White people v. everybody else, Jews v. everybody else, my city v. your city, my state v. your state, high school v. high school, Republican v. Democrat, Target v. Wal-Mart, Chris v. Rhianna, Kate v. Jon, CNN v. Fox News, battles between rappers, battles between *(you fill in the blank)*)

Just look around and see how many items are advertised that divide people into camps opposing one another.

And the final battle will be...
The Earth v. The Aliens.

This is how those in power continue to hold onto their power.
We are all too busy fighting over who should have won American Idol to notice that the real enemy is stealing our real wealth (i.e. land and resources).

TPTB have used these same tired tricks throughout all of recorded history.
They know that individuals with no critical thinking skills can neither remember that these same tactics are repeated over and over, nor will said individuals do anything about it if they actually realize that this is being done. (the so called silent majority)

Question everything, and don't be so quick to throw up your hands in praise of some supposed ET intelligence.

We have an enemy that is pervasive, patient, and inisidious.
We must keep our guard up at all times.
They know our weaknesses, and they know exactly how to exploit them. (Look at advertising. Just google Branding, or Albert Bandura).

Btw... How do you spell relief?

Exactly what I thought, I bet that you knew the answer that I wanted to hear... and QUICKLY.

Now riddle me this batman:
What is the difference between common law and civil law and which is your jurisdiction?
That is what I thought.

The majority of you do not know.

In fact, try and find the answer and you will see exactly how difficult it is to track down the truth.

Every single Abrahamic religion speaks of one common enemy. Some call it the anti-christ. While others call it the dajjal (who has ONE EYE!)
The 3 Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are one religion; all continuations of the same battle against the same enemy.

The ruling elite do not want people unified under one God.
That would mean disaster for divide and conquer.
Thus, the enormous historical effort to divide the Abrahamic traditions.

Tell me...
How many Arabs are portrayed as heroes in Western entertainment?
How many Arabs are portrayed as terrorists in Western entertainment?

I think that you are beginning to see clearly.

Do Not Believe The Hype.
Always say no to violence and do not fight an enemy unseen.


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Ok, so Obama is not allowed to reveal all this ET information or information on limitless energy until he has taxed us to death over the global warming hoax first and thrown out the gutted Constitution and handed us over the the UN which is really just a front for the criminal Rockefeller gang. Make a bet these Rockefellers were in on the ET presence for at least a hundred years now which is why they backed Hitler and have been trying to depopulate us all this time.
This reminds me of an old Star Trek episode where the leaders of a planet had a deal with another planet to march their population into incinerators.
I don't care how many ET's there are out there, or how threatening they are, they should do their own dirtywork. No human being should help them, and certainly no president.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by m khan]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Tippys Dad
I have been hearing "disclosure is imminent" for years. Decades.
In my younger days, I was a true believer. But then, one day, it hit me.
This UFO stuff makes for good stories and there are a lot of them.

Disclosure is imminent. Any day. Listen to me!

I believe the latest prediction is Nov 22nd.


Way to many lies and stories being told about ufos. Nobody can get through to any of these people. They will believe just what they have been told. Unless they have an open mind maybe the truth can get through to them. I gave up a long time ago with them. Some people think everything is one big joke.


It was/is these abductees who could have came back and brought the truth. But what did they do? They fell for it hook, line and sinker. All I could figure out is they must like being a guina pig and having needles stuck in themselves. They don't think these beings are lieing to them. Just because somebody shows them a map and tells them they are from another planet they believe it. Gullible people.

They can't stand up to these beings because they don't know any better. So the stories will continue...

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:03 PM
It's great to see so many people here bashing on Greer and spreading lies about someone that is trying to do the world some good. What have you done? At least he is making an effort, and has people that support this effort. It sickens me to see blatant lies here from people who think they know personal things about this man but probably haven't read a single page out of his books. People make claims that Greer makes claims of magical and ridiculous things in his most recent book when it simply deals with out of body experiences and a certain level of awareness. Out of body experiences have been documented using scientific methodology and statistical analysis to be factual and part of reality. GROW UP, get off of your ass and do something for a good cause instead of sitting around passing judgment on someone you don't even know.

Simple as this. I see someone making a concerted effort to change the status quo for the good of humanity, and then I see people making an effort to hold it back by spewing bunk and trying to ruin a perfectly good name. Makes no sense to me. Good luck with that

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by spacemanjupiter
Simple as this. I see someone making a concerted effort to change the status quo for the good of humanity, and then I see people making an effort to hold it back by spewing bunk and trying to ruin a perfectly good name. Makes no sense to me. Good luck with that

Hold on! Check out his claims:

> Is in constant touch with Lilliputian aliens (Claims they are a few centimeters tall!).

> Can summon UFOs at will (through telepathy?).

Ok. So how about him showing some evidence? If he is in constant touch with some micro midget aliens and whistle down UFOs at the drop of a hat, THEN WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? HOW ABOUT SOME CLOSE-UP PHOTOGRAPHS? WHY DOESN'T HE SHOW THEM DURING HIS MYRIAD MONEY MAKING CONFERENCES?

When someone asked him about this, you know what he said? Oh, if I show the photographs, no one will believe it! or words to that effect!!!

Oh yeah! He fails to 'disclose' what he claims he has, but wants Obama to do the disclosing instead!! WTF? Charity begins at home, no?

So the bottom line is he has NOTHING to show as evidence.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:04 AM
This is where mainstream science has to step up to the plate and make a stand. No disclosure will ever happen without them on board. They have to say something albeit positive or negative, because the paranormal money machine is going to do more damage than good if left unchallenged.

These people are in a self-fulfilling gold mine right now and the wilder the claims, the more attractive they become to media that only cares about market share and advertising bucks.

Certainly many on ATS will agree that NOTHING goes forward in conspiracy theories unless those that have the ear of government make it happen. That is the way it is.

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