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Suppression of Alternative Theories

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Why the Alternative theories about anything else are always Suppressed in Favor of Currently Accepted Mainstream ones and Why this is always happen particularly for last 20 years? (if not suppressed those alternative theories will be going mainstream, Replacing Currently accepted ones)

[edit on 18-11-2009 by masonicon]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:08 AM
My personal feeling about this is most alternative theories do not have any profit or control features to them. The people in control have the wealth and they decide what makes it into production and what does not.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:14 AM
Why, mainly because their a lot of edumacated idiots. Just look at one of the top threads now.

No one that has spent years studying a subject and thinks they have all the answers, wants anyone to prove all of their supposed knowledge to be false.

The worst ones are the "supposed" experts.

It is called a paradigm shift.

It is happening in the medical field on the vaccine hypocrisy.

It is happening in all kinds of advanced fields. The "Experts" only responses to new hypothesis's are attack the person not the hypothesis. Perfect example, look at the thread on the inexhaustible oil supply. All the hypothesis is, is that oil may come from abiotic formation besides the biotic formation. ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK

Fear is a major factor in their positions. They do not have the mindframe to allow shifts to their knowledge. Which actually goes to show how absolutely STUPID THEY ARE!

And I am so sick of the "Experts" ignorance.

S&F for seeing the hypocrisy in the idiocy of the unwilling to learn.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

I agree with the paradigm shift. It seems like more and more people are saying "Wait a minute that doesn't make any logical sense." And the educated idiot asks for qualifications to dispute all the certificates on his wall. I believe there are well educated people with a critical thinking mind, but they are usually forced into silence until they get into a position they can actually change something.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:26 AM
There is suppression of information on a large scale. Permanent monopole magnets are according to physics impossible to make (apart from spin ice etc) yet I have held one! One side didn't stick to anything.. and yes the implications for energy generation are enormous. That's one little part of a huge lie. Tesla anyone?

If you learn things for your self you will often find ways of doing things that others have not, whom have been all taught using the same books and information. I could counter argue by saying it is also not just the info you get but how you get it and in what process, which determines how you will interact with it.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by GhostR1der

Great points GhostR1der. It's true when you don't know what the hell you are doing you observe much better than someone who does the same thing over and over. I find that I learn by observing something...I ponder all the uses for something, I think about the ways it could be used. I find that my coworkers accept things as they have been taught without giving it another thought.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by ExPostFacto


I cannot think of the book I read that showed me the problem of the advanced specializations in our world today, but here goes another component.

Specialization has actually hurt the advancement of science. Compartmentalizing science does the same thing to science that it does for the intelligence field. It suppresses knowledge of the big picture. Where one group only specializes in their one field, they forgo the knowledge that may very well institute a great discovery. Especially if they are inflexible to new ideas.

Scientists that are only in it for the science also cannot see the applications to their ideas. That is where the practical scientists or mainly engineers come in. Who cares if (huge mathematical model) proves diddly squat. How can it affect or make everyones life better or easier.

Great thread peeps, keep it up.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:58 AM
Its not that the "experts" are ignorant. The problem is that in their arrogance they have a tendency to almost literally wear "blinders". They think they have all the answers and nothing else could possibly be the solution except the one they advocate and have been taught. It is the same "intelligent ignorance" that affects those who in the face of undeniable evidence still refuse to believe Earth has ever been visited by other forms of intelligent life.

My best example is a heart doctor I saw about 15 years ago who told me people with my condition live at best 5 years or so, there was nothing could be done about it other than very powerful medications. I refused the medication and ignored his advice. Changed my diet and lifestyle, removed the stress that I thought caused the problem in the first place and lo and behold recent tests failed to find any evidence of the problem. The current doctor didn't believe I ever had the problem except I had the old diagnostic results to prove it.

So the so called experts are as bad with their "herd mentality" as everyone else.

The only way the world ever changes is when a few are brave enough to think outside the box and escape the herd.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
The only way the world ever changes is when a few are brave enough to think outside the box and escape the herd.

Well put. I have one other comment to add in relation to this statement. Science in a few ways has seemed to turn into what appears to be a religion. 'The laws of physics can not be broken', 'that goes against all common thought and must be not possible' and so on. Crystals are a perfect example - they are inside the screen you are reading and in your wrist watch, they have an electromagnetic field around them, each with a slightly different frequency. People say 'nah they can't do anything to you' in relation to crystal healing yet our entire body transmits signals electrically (thus producing a field). Two fields interacting appear to cause changes in both. Now tell me crystals (or anything with a field) can't effect you, or the vibrations and fields of every other thing around you... Perception I guess? Nature appears to follow a set pattern that we call a law, using experiments to prove so but it does not mean it must always do so. Just like the 60mph spontaneous combustion theories back in the 1800s and speed of sound more recently. Problem for me as a student was that at highschool I had figured out that light is affected by gravity (black holes anyone?) thus the 'c' of the e=mc^2 equation is never constant, as it depends on the localised gravity field. Sure you'll get reasonably accurate using the constant speed in a vacuum but never an exact answer. I guess you could also argue that everything is always moving anyway so a quantitive number is never really 100% correct regardless.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by masonicon

alternative theories about what?

scientifically, most major changes take a long time to be accepted, the case has to be made, remade, argued, proved, disproved modified and accepted time and time again before it becomes mainstream.

generally, the best way to go about science is to come up with an idea and then try to disprove it. that's just the way it works.

20 years ago, the accepted theory was global cooling, now it's global warming but people are starting to swing back to cooling again.

quantum theory seems to change dramatically every other week!!

what exactly are you referring to?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by masonicon
alternative theories about what?
scientifically, most major changes take a long time to be accepted, the case has to be made, remade, argued, proved, disproved modified and accepted time and time again before it becomes mainstream.

I have no doubts that some science is suppressed, things like free energy that would upset the economic applecart, or data that is politically charged. But academic suppression simply to protect an intellectual paradigm is pretty much hooey. Every grad student out there is looking to make their mark by having their names attached to something new and different. That is the way of academe...publish or perish. Two words sum up the process: "Prove It".

Change is propelled by 'what if' moments that inspire the research in the first place. So to those with alternative theories...just prove it. If an alternative theory is suppressed or squashed by those two words, then it's time for Sparky to get back to the blackboard and review his calcs.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:40 AM
Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave

An interesting case of suppression.

Of course the conspiracy theories say there is more to the banning
of instantaneous loss less power and communication through
the ether. Note the mention of brain wave type.
Not mentioned are various successful Tesla works as he only
used electrostatics and worked with ether devices.
Also ether pressure longitudinal waves can cause physical pressure
an thus mind control and UFO propulsion as suspected secret
applications of Tesla's wireless loss less instantaneous power and

Big ether control alternative energy devices Tesla worked on
seems to be Radiant energy, which I see no one used the bulb,
and a atomic gas generator oscillator and ionization techniques.
In two cases I have noted that Tesla made follow up patents
and the second has the improved device.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:35 PM
Here are some of the list of the Currently accepted Mainstream Theories:

    Evolution through nothing but Trial and Error
    Anthropogenic Global Warming
    Light is the fastest thing in the universe
    throughout much of human history man are live no longer than lower animals
    all of the species of hominids and human beings except modern homo sapiens are just mindless animals
    September 11 2001 are done by 19 cave dwelling arabs by nothing but boxcutters
    in universe Life only exists in earth where in earth alone life itself only exists in superficial region of crust and lower troposphere
    all of the Mythology and Religion Except Evolution are just Superstition

while Here are some of the List of Alternative that always ends up suppressed in favor of Currently accepted mainstream Theories (if not suppressed these theories will going mainstream, replacing currently accepted ones):

    Intelligent Design
    Perpetual Motion Machines
    Gods and Mythical Creatures are really Exists
    all the event in any Mythology are ever really happened
    Homo Sapiens are just one of numerous Sapient Creatures
    CIA Helps Al qaeda performs September 11 2001 attacks
    Sci-fi Technologies have been around for decades
    some of the Dinosaurs are survives K-T Extinction Event
    The Biggest Cause of many world's problems are no other than global Capitalism

Why this is Always happens to world particularly since the fall of berlin wall?

[edit on 19-11-2009 by masonicon]

[edit on 19-11-2009 by masonicon]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by masonicon

alternative theories about what?

scientifically, most major changes take a long time to be accepted, the case has to be made, remade, argued, proved, disproved modified and accepted time and time again before it becomes mainstream.

generally, the best way to go about science is to come up with an idea and then try to disprove it. that's just the way it works.

20 years ago, the accepted theory was global cooling, now it's global warming but people are starting to swing back to cooling again.

quantum theory seems to change dramatically every other week!!

what exactly are you referring to?

Which Year Where Global Warming theory is Accepted by people?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by masonicon
Which Year Where Global Warming theory is Accepted by people?

As long as Obama does not mention the GWT or Global Warming we
are safe. That means he has nothing left and the carbon energy
forces have gotten to him.

Be we hear of people of note in the media mention Carbon emission
and Global this and that and Green this and that.
However this is to no avail and easily ignored.
We know they lie for tptb and the common man just do as they are

One person that I know of seems to have gone his own way and
solved all our problems. Referring to life on Earth energy problems
and not solving the hereafter solution.

ED: left left => left
ED+: Eric Dollard did not follow Tesla and velocity c is correct for
the longitudinal wave as Tesla said the wave travels as sound at
velocity c and is not instantaneous.

[edit on 11/20/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 11/20/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by masonicon
Why the Alternative theories about anything else are always Suppressed in Favor of Currently Accepted Mainstream ones

Most people, scientists included, do not have an open mind and tend to reject anything off-hand if it doesn't fit into their pre-conceived belief systems.

Originally posted by masonicon
and Why this is always happen particularly for last 20 years?

During the last 20 years, both the media and academia became increasingly influenced by political and corporate agendas, further numbing objectivity in research.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by masonicon
Intelligent Design


Originally posted by masonicon
Perpetual Motion Machines


Originally posted by masonicon
Gods and Mythical Creatures are really Exists


Originally posted by masonicon
all the event in any Mythology are ever really happened

No evidence.

Originally posted by masonicon
Homo Sapiens are just one of numerous Sapient Creatures

This is being suppressed?

Originally posted by masonicon
CIA Helps Al qaeda performs September 11 2001 attacks

Too sensitive politically.

Originally posted by masonicon
Sci-fi Technologies have been around for decades

No evidence.

Originally posted by masonicon
some of the Dinosaurs are survives K-T Extinction Event

Questionable evidence.

Originally posted by masonicon
The Biggest Cause of many world's problems are no other than global Capitalism

Too sensitive politically.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:48 PM
The energy gravy train exists for the haves and the have nots like
us have to accept the suppression.
Obama was sent an email urging the release of advanced technology
and got a boiler plate email back.
Obama and 99.9% (just for talk sake) of the people in power (tptb not
even in the government or outside) know where the documents lie for
what gravity is or anti gravity or perpetual motion machines (run on
atomic gases like air).
If you do not know that such things exist please continue with
the suppression and be happy.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Obama and 99.9% (just for talk sake) of the people in power (tptb not
even in the government or outside) know where the documents lie for
what gravity is or anti gravity or perpetual motion machines (run on
atomic gases like air).
If you do not know that such things exist please continue with
the suppression and be happy.

How does perpetual motion work? To my knowledge, perpetual motion is impossible.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Obama and 99.9% (just for talk sake) of the people in power (tptb not
even in the government or outside) know where the documents lie for
what gravity is or anti gravity or perpetual motion machines (run on
atomic gases like air).
If you do not know that such things exist please continue with
the suppression and be happy.

How does perpetual motion work? To my knowledge, perpetual motion is impossible.

A perpetual system can work using atomic gases that are in the air.
They have recoil properties.
Tesla used an atomic gas as a spring that vibrated a magnetic reluctance
field for an alternating generator. The vibration got so intense the
device that the part fell apart. Tesla gave up on that one but why
should we. We have no answer as the magnifying effect of
Inductive Reactance in the Tesla Tower that would generate 10 million
hp and be twice the power of Niagara Falls. An atomic gas turbine is
thought to be sold by Tesla in 1914 to German Navy that went into
final Electro U boats and now in he classified hands of the US Navy.
This generator did not break apart. Radiant Energy is perpetual
energy and so is ionization generators or at least quite good.
Anyway that's the perpetual generation works in a device that has
wear out but perpetual enough to put oil out of business on a perpetual
basis. So perhaps no to perpetual but to some it is.
The atomic mechanize is perpetual but the engine parts can wear out,
however that is discounted in light of the perpetual oil company
elimination. The Tesla Wireless Power Tower was to power his
aircraft. The Tower went down so Tesla went to developing power
plants for the saucer as we know his aircraft. Some Tesla researchers
think Tesla developed near perpetual generators based on atomic
gases. You wish to say no such thing, but there is a lot closer than
what people may say.

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