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The ONLY kind of hate allowed on ATS

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by Roadblockx

Well lets see if you can disagree with this statement, "Religion breeds hate." Plain and simple, historically religion brings out the worst in people and has cause more hate and murders then anything else... EVER. So I think in general the topic is misleading because hate and religion run hand and hand.

Absolutely true! The "application" and "use" by man, once any religion is cherry picked and made fanatic, has caused more trouble, and death than almost any other institution on this planet, minus monetary greed, and once again ALL the religions once hijacked and used for agenda and power have their hands into the money.
It always troubled me that a religion such as the catholic church, could say they were promoting and embracing the teachings of christ, when christ is said to have asked those wanting him to teach them and to follow him,
to "give away all you own give away your worldly riches", and follow me.
yet the vatican and the catholic church are drowning in billions while their "world flock and potential flock suffer".
The Spiritual Path and the religious path are 2 seperate entities.
And the new nazi pope, (and thats what he is) now THAT is some of the best marketing I've seen.
THAT is the symbol of the living god on earth?
The only way that could be outdone would be to see the launch and successful operation of
"Hitler Bagels" with the branding tag line of "get em while their hot,
fresh from the oven".

Yet people CLING to the unbelieveable.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:25 AM
So just for the sake of clarity. Am I allowed to say that I hate Hitler & Nazi's
Or am I only allowed to say that I merely hate what they do or did?

There seem to be certain people and organizations that everyone is allowed to openly hate. The Nazi's, the KKK, the Illuminati, the NWO proponents, the FEDs, any president past or present...ect.

It should come as no surprise to Christians that they are hated, Jesus said that his followers would be persecuted. So why complain about it when it happens? It is inevitable. Matthew 5:10 says "Happy are those persecuted...

I think this whole thread is an exercise in futility

[edit on 11/13/2009 by Sparky63]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Ridhya

Originally posted by endisnighe
I always wondered how many Christians were killed in the 20th Century by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

It seems history, kind of glosses over atrocities committed against Christians and only pushes the atrocities committed by Christian Zealots.

That was ridiculously ignorant of you, Hitler and Himmler were devout Catholics, and believed they were doing God's work. That WAS an atrocity carried out by Christians!!

Hitler may have been born to a Catholic family, but he was non-practicing. He really had no love for them later on, and they were thrown in the concentration camps along with the Jews and the gypsies. He was ever officially excommunicated though. Hitler's religion was Nationalism. He believed that the country was what you were to believe in, and that you couldn't serve both God and the country.

A major part of what Hitler saw as his forthcoming struggle was targeting, isolating and destroying millions of enemies in the way of his total mastery of Germany. There were the Jews, the Communists, the Social Democrats with their entrenched electoral support, the Catholic Center Party, and the Roman Catholic Church. All were enemies, each to be dealt with as quickly as circumstances would allow.

From this article

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:40 AM
Hitler's Concordat with the Catholic Church (1933)
Although Hitler was determined to undermine, if not entirely destroy, the influence of Christianity in Germany, he could hardly proceed in a provocatively confrontational manner against the two main religious denominations--Protestant and Catholic. His problem with the Catholic Church, however, derived from the allegiance both the Catholic hierarchy and the laity owed to the dictates of the Pope. And since Catholics represented some one-third of the population, Hitler perforce proceeded with caution in his ultimate goal to bring the Church to heel. Thus, the formal agreement of July 1933, the Concordat with the Vatican, was an interim step on this path--enough to lull the Church into acquiescence of the regime while leaving him the option, which he used, to step up intimidation and persecution of its members as the opportunity afforded.

Art. 1. The German Reich guarantees freedom of profession and public practice of the Catholic religion.
It acknowledges the right of the Catholic Church, within the limit of those laws which are applicable to all, to manage and regulate her own affairs independently, and, within the framework of her own competence, to publish laws and ordinances binding on her members.
. . . .

Art. 4. . . . Instructions, ordinances, Pastoral Letters, official diocesan gazettes, and other enactments regarding the spiritual direction of the faithful issued by the ecclesiastical authorities within the framework of their competence may be published without hindrance and brought to the notice of the faithful in the form hitherto usual.

Art. 5. . . . The State will take proceedings in accordance with the general provisions of state law against any outrage offered to the clergy personally or directed against their ecclesiastical character, or any interference with the duties of their office, and in case of need will provide official protection.

Art. 6. Clerics and religious are freed from any obligation to undertake official offices and such obligations as, according to the provisions of Canon Law, are incompatible with the clerical or religious state [serve on juries, etc.] . . .

. . . . . . . .
Art. 14. . . . Catholic clerics who hold an ecclesiastical office in Germany or who exercise pastoral or educational functions must:

a) Be German citizens
(b) Have matriculated from a German secondary school
(c) Have studied philosophy and theology for at least three years at
a German State University, a German ecclesiastical college, or a papal college in Rome
. . . .
Art. 15. Religious orders and congregations are not subject to any special restrictions on the part of the State, either as regards their foundation, the erection of their various establishments, their number . . ., pastoral activity, education, . . .or as regards the management of their affairs, and the administration of their property. . . .

Art. 16. Before bishops take possession of their dioceses they are to take an oath of fealty either to the Reich representative of the state concerned, or to the President of the Reich, according to the following formula:
"Before God and on the Holy Gospels I swear and promise, as becomes a bishop, loyalty to the German Reich and to the State of . . . . I swear and promise to honor the legally constituted government and to cause the clergy of my diocese to honor it. In the performance of my spiritual office and in my solicitude for the welfare and the interests of the German Reich, I will endeavor to avoid all detrimental acts which might endanger it." . . . .

Art. 21. Catholic religious instruction in elementary, senior, secondary and vocational schools constitutes a regular portion of the curriculum, and is to be taught in accordance with the principles of the Catholic Church. In religious instruction, special care will be taken to inculcate patriotic, civic and social consciousness and sense of duty in the spirit of the Christian Faith and the moral code, precisely as in the case of other subjects . .

Art. 23. The retention of Catholic denominational schools and the establishment of new ones, is guaranteed . . .

Art. 32. In view of the special situation existing in Germany, and in view of the guarantee provided through this Concordat of legislation directed to safeguard the rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic Church in the Reich and its component states, the Holy See will prescribe regulations for the exclusion of clergy and members of religious orders from membership of political parties, and from engaging in work on their behalf.

Signed . . . in the Vatican City, July 20th, 1933 [Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli; Franz von Papen]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Sparky63
So just for the sake of clarity. Am I allowed to say that I hate Hitler & Nazi's
Or am I only allowed to say that I merely hate what they do or did?

There seem to be certain people and organizations that everyone is allowed to openly hate. The Nazi's, the KKK, the Illuminati, the NWO proponents, the FEDs, any president past or present...ect.

It should come as no surprise to Christians that they are hated, Jesus said that his followers would be persecuted. So why complain about it when it happens? It is inevitable. Matthew 5:10 says "Happy are those persecuted...

I think this whole thread is an exercise in futility

[edit on 11/13/2009 by Sparky63]

You can say you hate the nazi's but you can't say you hate Hitler.

Regarding xcowman's signature -- I don't hate Christians I just hate what they do --- I adopted a signature: "I don't hate xcowman I just hate what he does" and it was deleted by a moderator. Does that clear it up?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Christians deserve all of the ridicule and stigma that they receive. You reap what you sow.

To be honest, all religions should be wiped from the face of the earth - it's a pandemic of mental illness.

The Para.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Roadblockx

First I want to say that I am on the fence when it comes to religion. I was raised a Christian (Baptist) and until a few years ago, believed heavily in God and His religion. I am not so sure anymore
but I don't allow any ill-will that I feel towards Christianity or organized religion in general to be advertised as I don't believe in ANY kind of hate.

So your basically saying what the person who you are accusing of hate is saying.

you don't have any ill-will feelings for Christians (you don't hate them)

There must have been something about God and his religion that you did not like to feel 'on the fence', perhaps something they did or do?

I don't hate Christians, I hate what they do

Regardless of how you both feel about Christians, I am a Christian and
I don't find this quote offensive at all.

This person is saying that he/she does not hate Christians as people, he/she hates what they do.

Maybe this person is on the fence like you.

Well what do Christians do that people hate?

We go around thinking that we are authoritative spokesmen of God. And in some respect we are.
Even among ourselves we argue over the most minuscule details of the bible hoping to gain a better understanding of our creator.

The reason why this person hates what we do is because he/she does not understand human nature, and the quest to figure out the oldest questions ever.

Why are we here?
What is the meaning of life?
What happens after life?

Either this person must know these answers and is not willing to share them, thus being the biggest conspiracy ever, or we may know something that he is just to ignorant to want to understand.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni

You can say you hate the nazi's but you can't say you hate Hitler.

Regarding xcowman's signature -- I don't hate Christians I just hate what they do --- I adopted a signature: "I don't hate xcowman I just hate what he does" and it was deleted by a moderator. Does that clear it up?

You have to be kidding me!! Please send me the mod's name as I have a feeling I know who it is. DON'T PUBLISH HIS/HER NAME ON HERE. I would like to see if ATS will practice what it preaches (see the pun)?

I will go back and check out the other posts but I just had to respond to this one.... D@mn.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse
I just blazed through the thread and was thinking about how much venom can come from some members with regard to the intelligence of others. can't agree with you more. Personally, I think if a member is allowed to hate one thing, don't I have a right to hate another.... whatever it may be? Sure, if I say that I hate spiders(I don't) I suppose not many would have a problem with that. If I say that I hate puppies, I would generate hate mail. I was taught in elementary school that you shouldn't taunt someone because of their lack of intelligence or their level of ignorance. Intelligence is in-borne, ignorance is a lack of knowledge because a person may not have had the opportunity or ability to learn. I have seen plenty(in my short time as a member) of vitriol directed towards a members' lack of intelligence or ignorance...........................and oh "I hate puppies."

BTW...... If I were to say" I DON'T hate Hitler", how will that be taken. Food for thought.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by butcherguy]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Roadblockx

Originally posted by Bombeni

You can say you hate the nazi's but you can't say you hate Hitler.

Regarding xcowman's signature -- I don't hate Christians I just hate what they do --- I adopted a signature: "I don't hate xcowman I just hate what he does" and it was deleted by a moderator. Does that clear it up?

You have to be kidding me!! Please send me the mod's name as I have a feeling I know who it is. DON'T PUBLISH HIS/HER NAME ON HERE. I would like to see if ATS will practice what it preaches (see the pun)?

Are you flipping serious? So now we are getting to the meat of it. If you are going to accuse a specific mod of something be open about it, report it or just accept it. Publically asking peeps to send you names in private just makes you look sneaky. It also makes it look like you had a different agenda when creating this thread other than defending your fellow christians. I haven't really seen xcowman even reply to this thread so wtf does he keep getting mentioned for? Do you not see the hypocricy in bad mouthing a fellow member who's not even here to defend himself while claiming to be the only hated demographic on ATS?

I will go back and check out the other posts but I just had to respond to this one.... D@mn.

Even Ghandi said he does not like what some christians do.. and given the history of christianity (and other religions) it's a fair opinion to have.

That is the whole point of a public forum.. to share information and opinions.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by riley]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Roadblockx

"To get to the point, the only hate that is allowed on ATS is Anti-Christian".

You must be in the alternate universe ATS. The hate I've seen has come in many shapes and forms on this wonderful sounding board we call ATS.

Hatred for Gays
Hatred for Religionists
Haterd for veterans
Hatred for goverment (I'm in that group)
Hatred of feminists
Hatred of Science (GMC, Stem Cell research, HCL, etc.)
Hatred or Intolorance of other peoples views
Hatred or Intolorance of other peoples morals

Hate abounds anywhere there is a difference of opinion. Maybe not as harsh as the word hatred. Some simply loathe or dismiss others.

I'm not fond of hatred in general, but it does get us some interesting material here. I like different points of view. Lets me know where I stand.

Christianity.......I don't hate it. Rip everythng out of bible not concerned with Jesus and you may have a convert. Nah not really, I won't convert. Religion is passe. We no longer need to be controlled by outdated dogma. Just an opinion. Not hatred.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by riley

I really hate to call you out but your assumptions don't do you or your post any justice. It looks like you assumed through the whole thing and came out with nothing close to what we are talking about. I will break it down for you point by point to hopefully clarify any misunderstanding.

Are you flipping serious? So now we are getting to the meat of it. If you are going to accuse a specific mod of something be open about it, report it or just accept it. Publically asking peeps to send you names in private just makes you look sneaky.

I didn't accuse any mod of anything. If you had read through the ENTIRE thread, you would have seen I have made every attempt possible to prevent any mods from being identified as this thread isn't about them. Also, if you had noticed, several mods have already posted their thoughts on here and since this thread hasn't been malicious, it's still around. Asking for the mod's name via a u2u message helps ensure that no mod becomes the central figure head of this thread.
Nice try.

It also makes it look like you had a different agenda when creating this thread other than defending your fellow christians.

Again, your assumptions got the better of you. Had you responded with a cool head and not in a rush, you would have known that I don't have any "fellow Christians" in this thread. I have never used that term (fellow Christians) nor have I said that I am a victim of any anti-Christian hate. I simply pointed out that they (notice I didn't say we) and several others have been allowed to receive hate messages against them while others are off-limits.
Again, I give you some cred for trying.

I haven't really seen xcowman even reply to this thread so wtf does he keep getting mentioned for? Do you not see the hypocricy in bad mouthing a fellow member who's not even here to defend himself while claiming to be the only hated demographic on ATS?

I didn't say who had that sig line nor have I asked anyone to publish their name. If that person feels they need to defend themselves, that's their call. I'm not attacking them but instead asking why the site (ATS) and a few mods allow some hate to fester while prohibiting others. Really kinda sad you made a conclusion without asking.

Even Ghandi said he does not like what some christians do.. and given the history of christianity (and other religions) it's a fair opinion to have.

And feel free to have your opinion. By all means, you should be able to have any opinion whether others find it wrong or right. What you don't have the right to do is spread hateful or insulting remarks to someone else. That is the point that you seem to keep missing in your hurry to respond. This isn't an opportunity to attack someone or get defensive about. I simply stated that there appears to be a lot of hate directed towards several groups while others remain prohibited from the same hate. No one is calling out any individual which you need to understand.

Please stop assuming. Just ask what someone means rather then assuming the worst and proceeding to attack. Wasn't it Ghandi who asked his followers/believers not to strike back?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by brilab45
reply to post by Roadblockx

"To get to the point, the only hate that is allowed on ATS is Anti-Christian".

You must be in the alternate universe ATS. The hate I've seen has come in many shapes and forms on this wonderful sounding board we call ATS.

Hatred for Gays
Hatred for Religionists
Haterd for veterans
Hatred for goverment (I'm in that group)
Hatred of feminists
Hatred of Science (GMC, Stem Cell research, HCL, etc.)
Hatred or Intolorance of other peoples views
Hatred or Intolorance of other peoples morals

Hate abounds anywhere there is a difference of opinion. Maybe not as harsh as the word hatred. Some simply loathe or dismiss others.

I'm not fond of hatred in general, but it does get us some interesting material here. I like different points of view. Lets me know where I stand.

Christianity.......I don't hate it. Rip everythng out of bible not concerned with Jesus and you may have a convert. Nah not really, I won't convert. Religion is passe. We no longer need to be controlled by outdated dogma. Just an opinion. Not hatred.

Let me guess, read the headline, jump to page 8 and post your thoughts? How close am I? Please read through some of the previous pages where I cleary stated it isn't just Christians feeling the hatred. There is no discussion that we can have with you if you don't even understand where we are. Also, feel free to have whatever opinion you want and I agree, your opinion isn't hate. But, everyone else on ATS should be able to have an opinion without you or anyone else sending hateful comments their direction.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:53 AM
Yes this seems to be the norm of late,the US seems to be going anti Christian,so it could reflect on how the thinking is of the site Mods and owners,deny ignorance? thinking this is swaying towards the new world agenda,guess when you get big,think like the big boys,really sad if you ask me IMO

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Roadblockx
reply to post by riley

I really hate to call you out but your assumptions don't do you or your post any justice. It looks like you assumed through the whole thing and came out with nothing close to what we are talking about. I will break it down for you point by point to hopefully clarify any misunderstanding.

Are you flipping serious? So now we are getting to the meat of it. If you are going to accuse a specific mod of something be open about it, report it or just accept it. Publically asking peeps to send you names in private just makes you look sneaky.

I didn't accuse any mod of anything. If you had read through the ENTIRE thread, you would have seen I have made every attempt possible to prevent any mods from being identified as this thread isn't about them. Also, if you had noticed, several mods have already posted their thoughts on here and since this thread hasn't been malicious, it's still around. Asking for the mod's name via a u2u message helps ensure that no mod becomes the central figure head of this thread.
Nice try.

Yeah right.. you even said you suspect it might be a certain mod.

It also makes it look like you had a different agenda when creating this thread other than defending your fellow christians.

Again, your assumptions got the better of you. Had you responded with a cool head and not in a rush, you would have known that I don't have any "fellow Christians" in this thread.

Fellow christians as in (paraphrased) "the only hate that is allowed on ats is against christians". There is no assumption.. you were saying that christians have been singled out as group and that ats has sanctioned it.

I didn't say who had that sig line nor have I asked anyone to publish their name. If that person feels they need to defend themselves, that's their call. I'm not attacking them but instead asking why the site (ATS) and a few mods allow some hate to fester while prohibiting others. Really kinda sad you made a conclusion without asking.

Basically you quoted someone quoting his sig and then added your comment about him not getting punnished. YOU were bad mouthing him as well. Now you are just passing the buck.

I'm not bothering with the rest of your post as you have now even accused me as using this as an opportunity to attack. Subtle. I notice there is alot of hate from chistians in this thread that you seem to have completely ignored..

[edit on 13-11-2009 by riley]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by riley

I appreciate you stopping by and wish next time you stay longer as you seem like you could really add to a thread if you actually wanted to.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by riley

I notice there is hate from chistians in this thread that you seem to have completely ignored..

Being the only Christian that I see now posting on the thread I assume your speaking of me.

The word hate is a strong word. I hope you did not see what I wrote as being hateful Because it was not. I call things how I see them.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I see all kinds of different hate on this forum... I have even spouted some of my own ( not anti religious)...(but here it gos anyway) lol

I am going to try to make this point with out it sounding like anti - Christian hate speech Lol

For instance your very thread subject. Its so cliche Christian, Why do Christians always think everyone is out to get them? And think they are being singled out? ( I believe they would call that paranoid delusion of granger)

But whats funny is Christians think they can post their religious mumbo jumbo all over the web and everyone had just better live it learn it, and love it no questions asked. lol Then the Christians get all bent out of shape when %99.99999 of everyone else tells them where to shove their bible and exercise their right to free speech. Sounds arrogant and almost fascist to me.

And as for that guys signature tag "i don't hate Christians I hate what they do" if your such a good christian instead of whining about it and trying to get the MODs on the forum to trample somebody 1st amendment rights in a attempt to get your way... Ignore it!!! I mean I'm not even a good christian, but when I bible verses posted someplace I accept we have freedom of speech and ignore it Grow up!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Roadblockx

While I am new to ATS (6+ months), I have seen a trend that is beginning to develop which is an ugly trend. ATS is a powerful and successful site and I have benefitted from it greatly while meeting many intelligent individuals from various backgrounds, upbringings and are different races, sexes, some may not have even been human.
[edit on 12-11-2009 by Roadblockx]

You lost me there.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by dallasgboy
What first amendment rights are there on ATS? Can I have a signature that says' I hate Jews'; 'I hate Blacks; Caucasians..etc?

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