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Why lie about an advanced civilization?

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:22 PM
There is a historical sign along a rural Virginia hi way. I always photograph these signs.
It used to say "Last Indian Outrage" and then went on to describe the massacre of a local family during the French /Indian wars.
Today it reads---"Last Indian Disagreement" Political correctness in it's worst form.

I looked at the menu posted along side the diorama of a Crystal River shell midden. (west coast of Florida).
I noticed that there was no mention of the manatee (sea cow). A large walrus like creature that still inhabit the river (minus tusks). I ask the State park ranger why that was.
He replied that they should be on the menu but they do not want to encourage moderns to eat them as well.
So Florida denies the truth for PC also.
There will always be someone who thinks they know better than you and will bend or change things for their advantage.
Archeology of late has been corrupted by politics as a discipline IMO.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:07 PM
Well the reason why people who claim these things as fact, sell them as books or lectures is because if you spend your life flying all over the world looking for the evidence, where is there time for a normal job? And who is going to pay you to do this?

Flights cost money, research takes time ... if theyre that dedicated that they spend all their time on these things, how else will they make a living?


posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Tomb_Raven

Well the reason why people who claim these things as fact, sell them as books or lectures is because if you spend your life flying all over the world looking for the evidence, where is there time for a normal job? And who is going to pay you to do this?

Flights cost money, research takes time ... if theyre that dedicated that they spend all their time on these things, how else will they make a living?


Is there another way to publish the info you have gathered?
Just how would you share it?
Wouldn't YOU want to share info that you had gathered on a subject that you were pasionatly enthuzed about?
How would you go about doing that?
Pray tell, inquiring minds want to know.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:52 PM
this is easy,

If you have a whole civilization built upon a very understanding in which it has been backed and backed again by leaders and important figure heads, Would you want to tell the world you were wrong?

The better question to ask is, How would the masses react to such a tribulation?

I can assure you, further credit and trust in certain backers of said belief would be diminished by a landslide.

It kinda goes along the same line as to why a Advanced race of Ets wouldnt make their appearance to the masses. It would undermine the trust of our leaders by such a degree that chaos and distrust would reign supreme.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 10001011]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:26 PM
All I can say to that is that sometimes learning the Truth can be painful.

Just goes to show you that telling the truth in the first place is the wiser course of action. Once you have lied you must work day and nite to keep the truth hidden.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by dzonatas

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

That isn't what I asked. I asked what evidence is there that *is not pure speculation*. Speculation is not evidence, it is simply speculation.

Actually, I edited my original message to erase: "As much it is speculation that it exists, as much it is speculation that it doesn't exist."

Guess I should have left it.

Originally posted by Harte
If it does, what would that evidence consist of?

What is not real?


Now, you have your evidence of absence.

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by dzonatas
If it is the same, what would the LHC need in order to cause a chain reaction?

Critical mass.

Uhm, I said nevermind to that question for a reason, and instead I wrote "I got a better question: if it is the same then why isn't it considered the world largest implosive device?"

[edit on 23-11-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by OhZone

well if it made it my job to research these things id publish it in books and do exactly the same things these people do. Yes it hurts your credibility if your making money out of this sort of research, but let me tell you one thing youll never get any funding from anywhere if you propose to do research into the possibility that our dna is part alien, or that there were civilizations more advanced than ours, because people would consider it a waste of their money.

If you want to do serious investigation into these things youll have to fund yourself, as well as make enough money to feed you and your family.

and thats why they sell this information.


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:36 PM
And now.... these mars is atlantis, or life on mars, and such claims just became credible in science.

Evidence of life on Mars lurks beneath surface of meteorite, Nasa experts claim

That and the recent discoveries of water on the moon show that the 3rd rock from the Sun is not the sole origin of Life.

Case closed?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by sirnex

This is purely conjecture, but an example of a possible reason for this type of cover-up. IF you had concrete, undeniable proof of the fact that humanity is not alone in the universe, or even on our own planet, AND this same proof also proved that if one or the other groups of sentient entities should become hostile towards humanity, that we are so much more unadvanced technologically that we could offer no defence whatsoever, AND this same proof also proved that this has been the case throughout ALL of human history, would you offer this make this proof known to the public? Remember, that if humanity found out that we are NOT now, and never have been "safe" if these entities wished to harm us, the most RATIONAL response would be wide-spread panic and people living in a state of perpetual understandable fear. And that would be the most reasonable response. Humans are NOT known to be remarkably reasonable people, for the most part, however. The UNREASONABLE responses to this newly proven fact could be devastation to society, and even end up preventing any possibility humanity has of eventually developing a viable defence and thereby providing human safety. This is posted purely to provide an EXAMPLE of why archeologist and/or the government(s) might conspire to keep the "truth" and any evidence of it hidden.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by DraighNogrii]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:27 AM
There's all kinds of reasons that one advanced civilization would lie about another.

1. Conquering: The conquering civilization wants to destroy the history of the other so they could rewrite it. Prime Example--Roman armies burning libraries.
2. Money & Tourism: An archeologist with lots of monetary backing makes a mistake, so to keep with the monetary backing, they propogate the lie. Prime Example -- Noble archeologists with titles of Sir, doing archeology digs in Egypt in the 1800s made mistakes about gender and carbon dating because DNA testing and carbon dating didn't exist. So to keep the financial backing for tourist purposes, the lie gets propagated with the wrong date or wrong gender of the find.
3. Religion: A region in the past had a different set of religious beliefs which are at odds with the present people living in the region. So the modern religion lies about the religion and people of the past to substantiate their present religious doctrine. Prime Example -- the Middle East and Palestine. The groups living there in the past worshipped pagan religions, not Judaism, not Islam and not Christianity.
4. Gender Discrimination: A group in the past had a matriarchical social organization and was conquered by a patriarchical group. The patriarchy lies to erase the matriarchy. Prime Example -- Navajos. All property in the past, sheep, land, hogans were owned by the women and passed from grandmother to granddaughter, until Franklin Roosevelt's administration where sheep ownership was given to the men and taken from the women in the Allotment Act.
5. Stupidity: A modern day group doesn't understand the social structure of a past civilization, so they simply make stuff up. Prime Example -- Egypt. Most of what they are calling "gods" and "goddesses" were simply human beings with a mere shrine set up for them for burial purposes and such humans were never worshipped as deities in Ancient Egypt.

There's all kinds of reasons it could happen.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by MapMistress
There's all kinds of reasons that one advanced civilization would lie about another.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I think this nails most of the reasons why there would be a cover-up of an advanced civilisation.

I am convinced, beyond a reason of doubt, that ancient India was a advanced civilisation, possibly as early as 3000BCE. It was a huge global power and it civilised much of the world. And I think there is a major cover-up by the West to hide this and it is motivated by political and religious agenda. And I can even see evidence when the cover-up begun in the 19th century, when Western scholars themselves were coming to the conclusion that India was an advanced civilisation. This lead to a counter movement of scholarship, largely motivated by Christian missionaries to deny what early Western scholars were saying about india.

1. Conquering: The conquering civilization wants to destroy the history of the other so they could rewrite it. Prime Example--Roman armies burning libraries.

Very systematic efforts were made by British scholars to erase the history of India and portray it as uncivilised, superstitious etc. We can even find quoatations by the architects of the distortion agena explictly saying that is what they are doing.

2. Money & Tourism: An archeologist with lots of monetary backing makes a mistake, so to keep with the monetary backing, they propogate the lie. Prime Example -- Noble archeologists with titles of Sir, doing archeology digs in Egypt in the 1800s made mistakes about gender and carbon dating because DNA testing and carbon dating didn't exist. So to keep the financial backing for tourist purposes, the lie gets propagated with the wrong date or wrong gender of the find.

India had a huge and dominant share of the GDP of the world and production. Its goods were more economical, higher quality and more in demand in the world which was leading to economic losses to the British empire. So the British empire introduced unfair taxation and closed down all the industries of India and even engineered famines to kill of the prosperous populations. This is how India was reduced to poverty over 200 years of misrule and leeching of its resources.

Indological studies were initiated on the grounds of the "Aryan invasion theory" which fabricated by British colonial scholars. This theory, despite having no evidence to support it allowed to perpetuate well into the 21st century. Today, despite overwhelming evidence against it, most indological academic departments in the world refuse to let go it. One of the main ones in Harvard has revised it to "Aryan migration theory" in face of the evidence, but still is not admitting that Aryans were a cultural group indigenous to India.

3. Religion: A region in the past had a different set of religious beliefs which are at odds with the present people living in the region. So the modern religion lies about the religion and people of the past to substantiate their present religious doctrine. Prime Example -- the Middle East and Palestine. The groups living there in the past worshipped pagan religions, not Judaism, not Islam and not Christianity.

Most of the British scholars who wrote Indian history were Christian missionaries. They made efforts to translate the sacred sciptures of India, the Vedas, and denigrated them at the same time. Their translations did not match the indigenous translations and made them look very primitive and savage(Even saying this explictly) The dangers they perceived were that the indigenous religion had many similarities with Christianity and historical connections with it, possibly even inspiring its birth. But this would mean Christianity was of Pagan origin and they despised that possibility.

4. Gender Discrimination: A group in the past had a matriarchical social organization and was conquered by a patriarchical group. The patriarchy lies to erase the matriarchy. Prime Example -- Navajos. All property in the past, sheep, land, hogans were owned by the women and passed from grandmother to granddaughter, until Franklin Roosevelt's administration where sheep ownership was given to the men and taken from the women in the Allotment Act.

Yep, British scholars especially Christian missionaries exaggerated the practices of dowry, child marriage sati(wife-burning) and oppression of women in Indian society to erase all signs of matriarchy from Hinduism and even set aside the Vedic phase from the Indus valley phase which was explictly matriarchal. However, what they omitted was that dowry, child marriage and sati was a social custom that originated in India during the Muslim invasions and rule. Indian Women would prefer to have self-immolated themselves than fall prey to Muslim oppressors; child-marriage and dowry was created to protect Indian women. In Hindu society prior to the invasions women had a very high status. They were allowed to study, to become teachers, to participate in religious ceremonies, fight in the army and there were many goddess cults.

5. Stupidity: A modern day group doesn't understand the social structure of a past civilization, so they simply make stuff up. Prime Example -- Egypt. Most of what they are calling "gods" and "goddesses" were simply human beings with a mere shrine set up for them for burial purposes and such humans were never worshipped as deities in Ancient Egypt.

There's all kinds of reasons it could happen.

Hinduism was portrayed as a polytheistic religion and this view was not changed until the very late 20th century, where it is now understood to be henotheistic(Many in one) It is now also acknowledged that the caste system was not always based on birth, and in ancient Indian society social mobility and meritocracy was present to a degree. It has finally been acknowledged that ancient Indians were not just mystial, religious and superstitious but made huge contributions to Philosophy, Science and Arts.

Now, new revisioniost efforts in history are pushing back Indian history thousands of years earlier than colonial scholars dated it, suggesting that India IS as volataire proclaimed, the cradle of civilisation. It did influence Babylonian mathematics, Greek Philosophy and Christianity and many Indo-European cultures in the world. It reached levels of high civilisation as early as 3000BCE. Finally, its records which go back million of years ago strongly challenge the dominant view in anthropology that modern humans only appeared 300,00 years ago. This is another reason why Indian's advanced status has been covered up.

The newage movement has been one consequence of the contact of the West with India and the newage movement has strongly challenged the dominance of Christianity in the world, with a lot of Churches in Europe now being forced to hold Yoga classes to stay in business. The immediate fear of those who are trying to cover up India's advanded civilisation is that it will lead to the end of the Western dominance of the world. Something the eminent historian Will durant also warned, "The West will conquer India in the 20th century, but India will conquer her conquerers in the 21st century" And that does seem to be happening right now!

[edit on 16-12-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 03:41 AM
i believe there have always been forces, dictated by an underlying intelligence, that have strived to thwart the evolution of human technology and spiritual wisdom.
i have wondered had we not endured the dark ages and all its fearful superstitions and ignorance that set us back 400-500 years....where would mankind be today? colonizing the stars?
the burning of the library of alexandria is such a tragic loss...all the knowledge of the ancient world.
the.....ah.....i gotta do weights. i will conclude this later!

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