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Goldman Sachs boss says banks do "God's work"

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Goldman Sachs boss says banks do "God

LONDON (Reuters) - The chief executive of Goldman Sachs, which has attracted widespread media attention over the size of its staff bonuses, believes banks serve a social purpose and are doing "God's work."
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 8-11-2009 by ddacunha]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Wow, they just don't get it. That's why they do whatever they want, they truly believe that they're serving the people and we should be thankful. All of this feels like a long nightmare that you can't wake up from. I believe they won't ever get it, and the only way to stop this ideology from continuing is to force them to change.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:47 PM

I have this sort of idiotic hope that once the entire world is controlled and unified, that somehow justice will prevail and just kick us up a notch!

[edit on 8-11-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:48 PM
Didn't God have some words to say about usury?

Perhaps I misread that part.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:50 PM
This could only be a statement made by a person with a serious mental illness.
THIS is why we need to be our own leaders.
The people in charge are nuts.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:50 PM
I'm sure hes totally sincere in his statement, he just forgot to tell us that his god is lucifer~

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:54 PM
He also said: "Others made no money and still paid large bonuses. Some are not around anymore. I wonder why?"

It helps when the government gives you billions of dollar.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Goldman Sachs are giving out $20 billion on end of year bonuses, God's work is certainly a lucrative business.

He added that he understood, however, that people were angry with bankers' actions: "I know I could slit my wrists and people would cheer."

I wonder why.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 05:00 PM
Perhaps the "god of this world" is not our Creator.

The statement by the CEO is not too far off, as this god has been known to promote other Houses as His Banker.

The House of Medici were at one time known as God's Bankers until the family went on to becoming Popes, Cardinals and feudal overlords of Florence.

Perhaps there is a link between god's bankers and the vaticans $$$.

Here is something of interest from PBS.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 05:42 PM
I agree with spinkyboo.
This man is showing signs of mental illness. Call it a God complex, or whatever you want, this man is completely delusional.
Hell, he even hits on the fact that only "chosen banks" are allowed to exist and the rest fail.
...ummm....those "chosen banks" are the very same banks that are being propped up by the wreckless Government and are being given a means to absorb the banks that aren't "playing ball".

He's damned right I would cheer his decision to slit his wrists. That sounds harsh, but the last thing I want in charge of a large portion of my country's economy is a delusional egomaniac.


[edit on 8-11-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 06:18 PM
God needs to come out and do his work on this guy.. seriously..

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 06:24 PM
I wasn't aware God was in the business of theft and greed.

You guys are right he's completely delusional.

The last issue of Time has some good articles about this!
He also said he had to make the sacrifice so the americant people
can make money! Ya.....

[edit on 8-11-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:58 PM
So according to him God is for treachery, lying, deceit, selfishness, and corruption?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:00 PM
What a very "Templar" thing of him to say. I hope he reads his history, especially what happened to the Templars.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:15 PM
Wow, just wow. This guy is unbelievable. People like this are truly living in an alternate universe. Unfortunately, at all of our expense.

I guess you could say they do a public service. After all, even in nature, leeches and parasites serve a purpose. So sure, why not.

This is just one guy who thinks this way, now just imagine how many more like him are running the world. This is why humanity is still in the toilet for the most part.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Banks are very useful businesses in our world. They store and protect our money and when we need more than we have, they loan us some--with interest, of course.

The banks really can do God's work, insofar as they should be there when we need them and they should treat us individually and collectively in a fair manner.

They provide services that we need and we pay them a fair amount for those services.

Stealing is however not God's work and the people are not angry at banks in general for doing God's work. The people are angry over having been hoodwinked and having their tax money squandered.

We are all here to do God's work, but just because we're here doesn't mean that whatever we do is God's work.

The bankers would do well to note the distinction.

[edit on 2009/11/8 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 11:09 PM
I guess there protecting us from the sin of gluttony. If they sacrifice there self to this sin of gluttony and deprive the rest of us from having anything left to over indulge in. They are like a Jesus savior for us all. I can just picture these asses thinking this as they count our money and take there swine flu shots.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Man they are getting desperate now. Since when did loaning people money for profit become gods work? I must have missed that portion of the bible.

'Thou shalt erect false institutions, that distribute false wealth, causing people to place trust and worship that wealth.' Damn, sounds like the mark of the beast when I write it that way. False Idols anyone.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 11:41 PM
To get an idea of the ego that these guys have read the book "To big to fail" it just came out about a week ago. The way theat these guys operate is so beyond normal, middle class people we can't even comprehend it. The only way I could get my head around is to compare expenditures. The former co-prez of Lehman Bros. spent 15 milliion dollars a year, the avg. middle class American family makes around 60 thousand. Pick your third world country, but avg yearly income is 200 to 300 dollars. Imagine living on 300 bucks a year, how could you possibly survive? Its the same way these top banking exec's think of us normal middle class people. "Let them eat cake" all over again.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:22 AM
that's because the banks are run by "The Family". aka, the New World Order.

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