posted on May, 20 2004 @ 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Seekerof
As tragic as this reads, this smells.
A 2:45am wedding....nada', not buying it, BS meter is pegged.
As you can notice in the Reuters article, they mysteriously leave the time of the so-called wedding out, it taking place in a remote desert area, but
happened in a town bordering the Syrian border....interesting.
Three cheers for sanity! Here's a thought, let's wait to pass judgement until we know a little more. I don't know 'bout you all, but I've noticed
that breaking news (really, really hot breaking news) hardly ever gets the story right. They don't have the time. In their rush to put something out
(and scoop the other guys), they often cannot accurately research a story. Instead, they throw whatever garbage they have onto the airwaves or into
the papers so that you, the audience will tune in. Once they have you, they can slow down and bring you a more accurate, slightly less yellow story.
Trust me on this, I do this for a living, and nobody likes getting scooped. Most would rather print nonsense and correct later than get scooped.
And ohwhatashocker!!!! We already have new reports saying that the initial wedding story is likely a crock. SATCOM radios? At a wedding? WAKE UP!!
What wedding have you ever been, scratch that...ever even heard of that had a SATCOM radio? What's that you say? None? Yeah, me either. And
the money is a gift. Wow! 2 million dinars for a gift? How do I get into that family? Granted the dinar has lost a lot of value in recent years, but
it's not like were talking about pesos here. It is still way too much cash for a wedding gift.
I know what your thinking, the big, bad USA just planted a bunch of bloody gloves so that we can blame this on someone else or say we were justified.
HORSESH!T!!!! Maybe we should just ask Kato if he heard any strange noises last night. Like we have the time or the inclination to go around shooting
up every wedding party we find at two in the morning with machine guns and SATCOMs and tons o' cash.
My advice...
Be patient, then use your brains.
If we did it, if they were innocent victims, we'll know for sure soon enough. But my guess is, it won't be for a day or three.