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Tea Party Movement Scores Its First Political Scalp

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Just in case anyone STILL is gullible enough to think that
"Tea Party" = "Republican," maybe you can start to admit the truth that you (and the Rebublicans and RINOs) have denied for so long ... .

As the tea party movement scored its first political scalp, mainstream Republicans wasted no time in grasping at the coat tails of Conservative Doug Hoffman.

The high-profile off-year special election House race in upstate New York that had Republicans scrambling to pick the right side turned into a stampede rightward Saturday, as stragglers rushed to endorse Hoffman after Republican Dede Scozzafava suspended a campaign that she appeared to have little chance of winning.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who’d previously warned that backing Hoffman in the NY-23 House race amounted to a “purge” of the GOP, told POLITICO Saturday morning that he was now endorsing the conservative, "and believe[s] everyone who wants to create jobs with lower taxes and to control spending and deficits should vote for Hoffman Tuesday."

So call us all your stupid made-up slurs, use your intellectually-bankrupt pet names, but it's time to face ideological reality:

"We're mad as Hell, and we're NOT gonna take it anymore."

The Tea Party movement is NOT and never has been Democrat v. Republican; FOX v. MSNBC, or any of your make-believe pigeon holes.

Dismiss us, write us off all you want, but we are going to bring this Country what it wants: REAL "Change" you can believe in.

(and you better believe it)


[edit on 31-10-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:03 PM
This news made me sit straight up from sleep today. I was glad to hear the news. The GOP has made their party look like a clown, and I still see all the same old faces making appearances acting as if nothing is wrong with their platform. Unfortunately, the GOP and Democrats are only for big business and profit, they have abandoned the individual. This is why the Tea Party movement is gathering such momentum, time to give the people back their government, and return to a country that cares about it's citizens.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:04 PM
I'll believe any real material change when I see it, and this doesn't make much of a change to me.

Consider the actions of the major parties any time serious ideas hit the mainstream.

1) Fight against the opinion, saying it's just fringe garbage

If/When that fails

2) Be moderate on the subject, saying it needs to be tempered.

If/When that fails

3) Incorporate that into their own rhetoric and then a) fail to act on any of it or b) create something that will pacify those who don't actually read any of the legislation (almost everyone) but will do almost nothing to actually address the issue.

The Dems and Reps don't have such big tents because they want to, but only because they have to have practically all political schools of thought inside them to maintain dominance.

Good luck.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:23 PM
Nothing to see here, Gingrich just stuck both his feet in his mouth.
He must have been, very very hungry.
Tea partiers, this is a wake up call, way to go, but watch out for the Two Headed demon sneaking up on you. First the Repubs will try to bring you in and if that does not work, both parties will begin to attack.

S&F. Hell if I did not have my history I would be running for an office. Anyone out there, that does not have large skeletons in your closet, run for any office, city council, county board and let's start the peaceful revolution. I mean it. We need different people than the handpicked stooges. If we do not stand together, we will fall seperately to the One World government.

SOVEREIGNTY IS OUR RIGHT, if anyone continues this path, THEY ARE TRAITORS and should be treated that way.

Run unaffiliated, I will be voting for anyone not an incumbent from now on. The only ones I would leave in is Kucinich and Paul, maybe the crazy ladies from Minnesota(R) and was it Ohio(D). Both of them cannot stand Washington and the elite.

If you are not involved in politics(the very least of expressing your opinion to everyone you know), you have no right to complain.

If another vote is stolen by TPTB, by either their new machines or dirty MSM tricks(e.g. Ron Paul), I will either be leaving this country or joining a very long list. Nuff said.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Consider the actions of the major parties any time serious ideas hit the mainstream.
1) Fight against the opinion, saying it's just fringe garbage
If/When that fails
2) Be moderate on the subject, saying it needs to be tempered.
If/When that fails
3) Incorporate that into their own rhetoric and then a) fail to act on any of it or b) create something that will pacify those who don't actually read any of the legislation (almost everyone) but will do almost nothing to actually address the issue.

The major parties and their lackeys, the MSM, have tried to make Tea Party advocates "one of us (them)" every time we strike a new, unexpected blow for democracy.

The party-lackeys at ATS are no better; they can't see beyond the limits of their tunnel vision.

So long as the Tea Party movement chooses its own independent and conservative way, the OTHERS will become the followers. We will not be co-opted, but their principle-less posturing will be exposed for what it is - a play to the naive and weak-minded.

Good luck.

With "friends" like Newt, Huck and the MSM, we'll need a little.

And, We thank you for your support.


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Hell if I did not have my history I would be running for an office. Anyone out there, that does not have large skeletons in your closet, run for any office, city council, county board and let's start the peaceful revolution. I mean it. We need different people than the handpicked stooges.

Don't forget, you don't have to run to be effective. I helped support local candidates back in the late 20th century when I was still in college. We got a non-partisan mayor and an ex-hippie elected councilman. Threw out their big-business corrupt incumbent opponents. Austin has never been the same.

Just a bunch of kids with a cause.

SOVEREIGNTY IS OUR RIGHT, if anyone continues this path, THEY ARE TRAITORS and should be treated that way.

If you are not involved in politics (the very least of expressing your opinion to everyone you know), you have no right to complain.
(emphasis added)

Every candidate has a website or a phone number. Begin with giving your name and email. You WILL be contacted. You WILL be offered opportunities to help.

Choose not to, and you WILL be left out.

Very simple, really.



posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:05 PM
Maybe people will stop dismissing the polictical clout of this new movement. It will be a force to be reckoned with. It is very motivated, media and tech savvy and gets it point out quicker than either of the two major parties can or have.

The days of them being laughed at, sneered and derided are over. Now they need the National Figure to focus the movement. That will be hard as it has a very Individual/Libertarian bent to it.

The big problem now will be TPINOs. Tea Partiers In Name Only. Look for both major parties to try and cater/copy them.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by pavil

The Tea Party movement focuses on the individuals benefiting from government decisions. The two major political parties are attempting to hijack portions of the movement, but they are missing the point. We are not interested government spending that does not give benefit to the individual. We are not interested in corporations squeezing money from the tax payer. We want real change and focus on our needs not institutional needs.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Maybe people will stop dismissing the polictical clout of this new movement. It will be a force to be reckoned with. It is very motivated, media and tech savvy and gets it point out quicker than either of the two major parties can or have.

The days of them being laughed at, sneered and derided are over. Now they need the National Figure to focus the movement. That will be hard as it has a very Individual/Libertarian bent to it.

The big problem now will be TPINOs. Tea Partiers In Name Only. Look for both major parties to try and cater/copy them.

What do you think this is? Hoffman is now the official GOP candidate and will be joining the GOP caucus in the House if elected to Congress.

Sozzafava began to fall behind in the polls, and rather than risk losing the election to a Democrat in an easily Republican district, she was forced to suspend her campaign so that the GOP wouldn't lose another seat to the Democratic party.

There may be an independent/libertarian element to the tea parties, but this is all about the right-wing fringe asserting its control over the GOP.

I don't think anyone is dismissing the clout of the disenfranchised base of the GOP. We all know what the "moral majority" are capable of. Many do dismiss that this is some third party or non partisan revolution...probably due to the apparent lack of supporting ideas other than what the hardcore GOP base supports.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by pavil

The big problem now will be TPINOs. Tea Partiers In Name Only. Look for both major parties to try and cater/copy them.

Boy, is that certain! I expect that MSNBC and other liberal MSM outlets will now start naming THEIR 'up and coming' favorites as TP members, as they look for coattails to grab.

Or else, they just continue to ignore reality, indulge fantasy, and otherwise distract from the coming end to "business as usual."

(need proof? just read the posts immediately above and below)

It won't be long before they start taking credit where NONE is due for all that the TPM has accomplished, no thanks to any of them.

I don't mind coverage, it's the "we're on YOUR side, too" attitude that many of them cop, FOX included, that is our worst problem.

TPM will get by just fine with "fair and balanced" coverage, if anything like that even exists anymore.

"The times, they are a changing."


[edit on 31-10-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

You're right. This is much more about internal GOP politics than a non-partisan movement.

I do disagree about one thing, however. The GOP establishment didn't pressure Scozzafava to quit for fear of losing another seat. No, they did so to save face and prevent Scozzafava finishing behind a third party candidate, but also to try to contain what basically amounts to a conservative revolt against the NY GOP and prevent it from spreading nationally.

The weak party leadership has a major problem on their hands with a disgruntled base and if this continues, Michael Steele and some others may soon find themselves out of a job.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by vor78]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by jdub297

First political scalp is the democrat loss in Virginia.
2nd political scalp will be the conservative WIN in New York.
3rd political scalp will be Christie WIN in New Jersey.
Bad news for Team Obama.
Big headache Wednesday morning for the White House.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:04 PM
This is nice and all but success will only lead to fakers inflating the phenomenon into some massive entity. As size of a group increases the more they lose sight of their vision. Happens everytime.

This is the reason Jefferson believed a revolution every 20 years. Without tiliing down the weeds the garden rots.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:25 PM
I love how non Republicans on this website love to give advice on how we should "run our Party", like they have our best interests at heart. The Republican Party needs to weed out those candidates that people call RINO. If they can't adhere to the main platforms of the party then they need to find another party to fly under. All these "Democratic Lite" Republican candidates need to go as badly as the "Republican Lite" Democrats under Clinton did.

To me both parties work best when they offer clear distinctions on the major issues. If they could only compromise afterwards, then we would get the best of both parties, but it just doesn't work that way I guess. Instead we get unilateral measures or half steps that don't represent either side.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by pavil]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by pavil
I love how non Republicans on this website love to give advice on how we should "run our Party", like they have our best interests at heart.

Yeah, that's something I find hilarious as well. As if the GOP should be taking advice from its enemies.

You're right, the winning strategy is to provide the voters with a clear distinction on the issues. The GOP is not going to win by emulating the Democratic party platform, or vice versa. People are going to vote for the real thing, not the cheap imitation, and not only that, you're going to lose your original base in the process as well.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:09 PM
Originally posted by vor78

You're right, the winning strategy is to provide the voters with a clear distinction on the issues. The GOP is not going to win by emulating the Democratic party platform, or vice versa. People are going to vote for the real thing, not the cheap imitation, and not only that, you're going to lose your original base in the process as well.

endisnighe saw it coming before the critics started their "advice" and "understanding:"

Tea partiers, this is a wake up call, way to go, but watch out for the Two Headed demon sneaking up on you. First the Repubs will try to bring you in and if that does not work, both parties will begin to attack.

Whatever happened to running on principle?

Liberals, progressives and RINOs wouldn't know it if it hit them in the face.

I think it just did.

deny ignorance.


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by jdub297

You know, regardless of political leanings its a fairly positive thing for the moment to see support for third party candidates. I think folks should start looking towards other options beyond the R's and D's, and this is a good way to promote it.... to show that third party choices to have chances... That being said, I disagree with you on your analysis on the tea parties.

To me the tea parties are mixed.... there are a fair amount of folks who in there wish to start a new party, who are tired of just two main parties, and then theres a fair amount of folks who will march on with em' because this movement is mostly against liberal policies. But once they get home (and to the votin' booths come 2010) they'll be paying their support to Fox and the RINO's. The tea party movement has been hijacked and its been that way for a long time now. Sure you will find folks who will walk with you and tell you they agree with you, but ultimately its just their frustration at the Dems because Fox news told them so.... and yea... come 2010, the republicans will have some help thanks to this movement.

I tell ya, if this movement is against both parties, ya'll helping to fight it by tolerating the participation of fox news and republican speakers, as they have been in the last few protests. When I confronted folks about this, the excuse is always "well fox atleast is paying attention". I dont give a damn whether fox is merely "paying attention" to this movement, they have have a big "R" on their logo and those republican speakers are part of that very system this movement is supposedly against. 2010 won't be any different.

So, good on this third party candidate for making headway past the R's and the D's, but that doesnt change the overall consensus of the two party system and their chances come 2010.


[edit on 31-10-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by jdub297
You know, regardless of political leanings its a fairly positive thing for the moment to see support for third party candidates. I think folks should start looking towards other options beyond the R's and D's, and this is a good way to promote it.... to show that third party choices to have chances... That being said, I disagree with you on your analysis on the tea parties.

If you believed what you post here, then why immediately resort to the "FOX" and "Republican" tagging as if such connections were the fault of the TPM? Why not cover all the bases and bring in the Liberal/Democrat/Progressive movements and their MSM cohorts?

Your omission reveals a flawed perception.

To me the tea parties are mixed....

Stopping there would leave you with some credibility. But you segue into your standard drone against anyone or anything purely anti-liberal or pro-conservative, regardless of who does or doesn't jump on their bandwagon:

... once they get home (and to the votin' booths come 2010) they'll be paying their support to Fox and the RINO's. The tea party movement has been hijacked and its been that way for a long time now.

If you'd just keep with the opinion and speculation, it would be one thing. To state something as fact when it is not (see below) is just misinformation.

I tell ya, if this movement is against both parties, ya'll helping to fight it by tolerating the participation of fox news and republican speakers, as they have been in the last few protests.

Of course, no self-respecting liberal would ever "tolerate" any outsiders' points of view, would they? Or even understand how anyone else could. To "tolerate" in this flawed logic/mindset, is to be "hijacked by" or co-opted by or sold out to.

Oh, and how about that GREAT signature of yours! As false as much of the other empty tripe spewed here, without fear of disclosure, as if it were gospel.

And not just slanderous, and false, but Stolen.

PLAGIARIZED from the "Boondocks" strip of November 3, 1988 and re-printed as "Classic Boondocks" August 1, 2004. Isn't it?

See for yourself (but you already knew this when you stole it, didn't you?):
Or did the Tribe/Aaron McGruder sell you permission to use it as your own?

Or, will you claim "Ignorance?"

If the latter, does that hold true for all the rest of your contributions, or just some of them?

Deny Ignorance!


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 11:43 PM
The only way anything will really change, is for the wholsale removal of every incumbant, no matter how popular they are, no matter how much pork they bring to your district.

Anyone who is fearfull of losing a so called "good representative" must realize they are all part of a sick , broken system. And ask yourself, could anybody do any worse??

As a collective group, now led by the Dems, they have , through total malfeasance of office, and willfull neglect of the constitution, ruined this country, and saddled us with a debt we can never repay. The Republicans have had their chance to stop the madness, and went right along with it. They are all guilty. Throw them all out, and start over.

This next major election in 2010 will be the first real chance voters will get to have revenge. These life long Senators, and Congressmen, who have never worked a real job in their life, need to be given the pink slip. Those idiot left wing msm reporters just don't get it. They continue to try to paint the Tea party movement as an arm of the right, or a bunch of disgruntled republicans. It won't work, the movement isn't about the political parties, it's about a real change, a change the incumbants better realize is coming their way.

I hope the incumbants can smell the tea brewing. They'll have plenty of time to sip the tea, while they waste away the hours at home, trying to figure out what they did wrong after 2010.

It's pink slip time baby....

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 11:51 PM
I am not exactly sure what will makes these candidates any more faithful or honest.
Seems to me you are experiencing a "Messiah" moment, "the times they are a changing",
I think this was the final phrase of that chorus got bumped-- "again/// to the times we had just last yeeeeaaaaaar" (enter harmonica)

I think you are happy because you want to see the firm resurgence of what the GOP intended to be. But it sounds like you are convinced that the nation will be healed, while abuse and greed are hunted down like common criminals. One could say you sound like an Obamatron or what have you. From my POV it was nice to witness people being persecuted for similar optimism, probably was nice doing it too...

Anyhow, I am not sure what miraculous change has bolstered your faith in politicians but I did not see many signs that gave me much faith. Like they say; "bread or gun, we trust our own" - pass that steel around I suppose


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