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Number of victims to unknown virus growing! State of emergency to be imposed in Ukraine?

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by ecoparity
Regarding the CFR 'lady': I think people in such positions should be professional enough to be above 'bad jokes'. How in this day and age such a wackadoodle could attain that position, it is distressing. WAS IT A BAD JOKE? OR WAS SHE BEING SERIOUS?

[edit on 12-11-2009 by butcherguy]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by ecoparity
Regarding the CFR 'lady': I think people in such positions should be professional enough to be above 'bad jokes'. How in this day and age such a wackadoodle could attain that position, it is distressing. WAS IT A BAD JOKE? OR WAS SHE BEING SERIOUS?

[edit on 12-11-2009 by butcherguy]

It was a bit of conversational banter. Unfortunately it is turning out all too true! That said, people should let it go and not get so tied up in conspiracy theories.
It sure must be a boring day in 'conspiracy land'...

[edit on 12-11-2009 by unicorn1]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by squiz

Umm, the purpose of the study was to determine how viruses evolve to counter resistance. There's only a couple of ways to go about forcing that to happen in the lab.

I don't see anything in the studies surprising, as you posted yourself - the virus that wasn't exposed to vaccines became better at infecting the lungs of the mice. That's not a good thing.

I don't think anyone is claiming that viruses won't mutate to overcome vaccines - they are living entities competing for a host, they evolve to counter anything that gets in the way. Don't confuse an accelerated process in the lab for what happens in real life though. Viruses don't mutate that fast in nature unless they are allowed to run wild - like in Ukraine and a few other countries before this which had worse and worse outbreaks leading to this one.

Vaccines don't eliminate viruses, other, better viruses do that. What vaccines do is limit the number of available hosts and prevent a seasonal virus form becoming a pandemic. The best way to mutate a virus into a killer is to give it lots of hosts to infect.

We're all getting way off topic, I have a thread where we can all debate which conspiracy theory is more realistic - let's drop it on this one and let it go back to being for updates and news from Ukraine.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by ecoparity]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
I don't see anything in the studies surprising, as you posted yourself - the virus that wasn't exposed to vaccines became better at infecting the lungs of the mice. That's not a good thing.

Umm, I think you better read it again. You got it backwards. And no it's not a good thing.

Sequencing revealed that the unvaccinated mice—which lacked vaccine-induced antibodies—had no mutated influenza viruses in their lungs. In contrast, the hemagglutinin gene in virus isolated from vaccinated mice had mutated in a way that increased the ability of the virus to adhere to the receptors it uses to enter lung cells.

I just explained the reason for the mass vaccination. They are brewing a perfect storm. They know the direction this virus will take.
Prey I be wrong.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by BLUESHADOW747

Go to the websites where medical professionals order the vaccines and read the inserts. None of them have squalene - yet.

It was a banned substance in the US and was only used in one flu vaccine in Europe which is only given to the elderly. The Obama administration lifted the ban which will allow them to use it later if they decide they need to make a lot more of the vaccines.

I'm completely against squalene in vaccines, I promise you if it were in them I would be shouting about it but it's just not true. The hard part for people who decide to take the shot is going to be continuing to check and see if they added it yet.

I would check the insert of the product at the Dr's office, personally.

There's too many lies and misunderstandings surrounding this conspiracy. I'm telling you people - don't follow the crowd on this one. They fell for a huge lie and are being played.

The real conspiracy on this is not what you think it is.

Go Here: Vaccines Ordering

Click on "prescribing information" and you will get the product inserts for three vaccines available in the US (which are all sold out for the year, by the way).

[edit on 11-11-2009 by ecoparity]

I hvave to correct you on this one, there is squalene in the vaccine they are givine here in Norway or most of europa (10.67microgram), to children from 6.months, pregnant, and elderly, everyone get the same vaccine here, It's called Pandemrix (Panvak) and prodused by GKS, and Im furious about this!!


[edit on 11/12/2009 by eriathwen]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by squiz

Thanks for posting this information regarding that study. I am not a medical professional, but common sense will tell you that if you put an obstacle (vaccine induced antibodies) in the way of a virus, then it is guaranteed that only those viruses with mutations that help it get around the obstacle will survive to see another day and infect more people. If everyone has the same set of antibodies, everyone is vulnerable to the new super bug.

Mass immunization programs are in fact making the problem worse. I am afraid that in this scenario, it is the virus world that is going to win out. Think about the limited number of labs there are working on drugs or vaccines vs the immeasurable number of people carrying live viruses constantly recombining or mutating.

I say let nature take its course; at least there is some balance there between what a virus can do to an individual with what each individual's system can do to fight back. Once you start doing mass vaccinations, its like in agriculture where they produce mono-crops where everyone uses the same seed/plant. Once a bug arrives to kill that plant, everyone has dead plants. Once a bug arrives that overpowers the anti-body that everyone has thru mass vaccination, everyone dies.

Super bugs would be less likely to develop (there would be less need for them to develop) if there were no mass vaccination programs.

Its foolish. The scientists can't see the trees for the forest.

[edit on 11/12/2009 by wayno]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by eriathwen

Click on "prescribing information" and you will get the product inserts for three vaccines available in the US (which are all sold out for the year, by the way).

Squalene was not allowed in vaccines in the US until a few months ago. Until this pandemic the only vaccine in the entire World for flu that had it was in Europe and was only given to people 65 and older.

The vaccine makers were granted permission to use it if needed in the US should the need for more vaccine than they can produce otherwise arises.

One vaccine which currently does have it just gained approval for sale in the US but it is not in distribution at this time.

As I said, if you decide to get the vaccine I would get the nasal spray which does not contain squalene or mercury. If you get the shot you can request mercury free vaccine but I would ask to see the product insert from the vial, opened in front of you and verify there is no squalene or mercury.

I don't know what they are doing in Europe right now but I don't live there so I wasn't really looking for it.

The flu vaccine made by Baxter is not available in the US right now, either.

Regardless, there are those who won't take the vaccine even if it doesn't have squalene or mercury. That's fine, everyone should have the right to decide but if you don't take it you have a responsibility to isolate yourself so you don't contribute to the spread of the virus.

As for the theories of hidden "deadly contaminants" in the vaccines, I don't worry about things which cannot occur. Vaccines are randomly tested by city, state and national agencies and thousands of researchers. I know more than a few of those people personally and have no doubt they would tell the entire World if anything like that was going on.

I don't get vaccines for anything normally but for pandemics that roll around every 20 years or so I might make an exception. I waited, got sick with "mild" swine flu several times but since mild cases do not give immunity I once again have to decide. After seeing Ukraine I've decided to go ahead and get it if I can find it and if I can verify it is free of squalene and mercury with my own eyes.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by eriathwen

Pandemrix is also used in Finland.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ecoparity
reply to post by eriathwen

As for the theories of hidden "deadly contaminants" in the vaccines, I don't worry about things which cannot occur. Vaccines are randomly tested by city, state and national agencies and thousands of researchers. I know more than a few of those people personally and have no doubt they would tell the entire World if anything like that was going on.

Just like the Baxter vaccine, right?

Had someone not "chosen" to do the test, those vaccines would've been distributed.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Finalized

Please don't use a blog for a source. I've looked into the Baxter incident extensively and it's another case of people making bad assumptions.

It was not a production vaccine meant for people, it was a pandemic "mock up" used for testing a new manufacturing process.

If you had read the entire thread you would see where we had discussed it and posted the real, actual media and EU govt reports on the incident.

The issue which took place cannot happen with production vaccines. There are numerous safeguards and verifications in place. (Which the conspiracy community admits when they claim this means it could not have been an "accident"). You cannot compare a one-off, hand made test sample to production vaccines.

I don't want to be in the position of defending Baxter but once again the CT community is "enhancing" reality quite a bit on this one.

And for the last time - there is a dedicated thread for this type of discussion, I'm not going to continue to participate in off topic exchanges on this thread. Join me on the other one if you want to debate / discuss these things, please.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by squiz

Originally posted by ecoparity
I don't see anything in the studies surprising, as you posted yourself - the virus that wasn't exposed to vaccines became better at infecting the lungs of the mice. That's not a good thing.

Umm, I think you better read it again. You got it backwards. And no it's not a good thing.

Sequencing revealed that the unvaccinated mice—which lacked vaccine-induced antibodies—had no mutated influenza viruses in their lungs. In contrast, the hemagglutinin gene in virus isolated from vaccinated mice had mutated in a way that increased the ability of the virus to adhere to the receptors it uses to enter lung cells.

I just explained the reason for the mass vaccination. They are brewing a perfect storm. They know the direction this virus will take.
Prey I be wrong.

First of all the first study was in the 1930's and the second in the 1950's but look at the conclusion again:

Next, the researchers infected a new set of unvaccinated mice with the high-affinity mutant virus strain that had emerged in the first series of experiments. In the absence of antibody pressure, the virus reverted to a low-affinity form and was once again able to easily infect cells and spread

Without having been vaccinated the weakened virus was able to revert back to being dangerous. That's why the article concludes that seasonal vaccinations would help to reduce the severity of future seasonal flu outbreaks.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Ukrainians do not die from pneumonia, and from viral disstressindroma - expert Ноябрь 12 2009 15:41 November 12, 2009 15:41

Все жертвы вируса на Буковине (22 человека в возрасте от 20 до 40 лет) умерли не от двусторонней пневмонии, как это считалось ранее, а в результате вирусного дисстрессиндрома, то есть тотального поражения легких: сначала наступает сердечно-легочная недостаточность, а затем развивается кардиогенный шок, который вызывает остановку сердца и смерть.

All victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral disstressindroma, ie total lung injury: first comes the cardio-pulmonary insufficiency, and then developed cardiogenic shock, which causes cardiac arrest and death.

Об этом вчера, 11 ноября, газете «Доба» сообщил начальник бюро Черновицкой областной судмедэкспертизы, доктор наук, профессор Виктор Бачинский.

On this Monday, 11 November, the newspaper "Doba" said Chief of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, PhD, Professor Victor Bachinsky.

«Во время двусторонней пневмонии отслеживается определенная морфологическая картина.

"During the bilateral pneumonia monitor specific morphological picture.

Относительно данных смертей, то здесь такой морфологической картины нет.

Regarding these deaths, there is no such morphological picture.

Вирус, который вызывает смерть, очень агрессивен, он даже не поражает трахею, а сразу попадает в легкие и вызывает сильный их отек и сплошные кровоизлияния.

The virus, which causes death, is very aggressive, he did not strike the trachea, and immediately gets into the lungs and causes strong swelling and continuous hemorrhage.

Вызывают такое состояние смешанные типы парагриппа и гриппа А/Н1N1.

Causes such a state of mixed types of parainfluenza and influenza A/N1N1. This is a very toxic strain, which has not yet been worked out by the Ministry of Health method of treatment ", - said Victor Bachinsky.

По его словам, нужно срочно менять стандарты лечения, ведь те, которые применялись до сих пор, результатов не дали – в реанимации не удалось спасти всех людей, пораженных этим вирусом.

According to him, an urgent need to change the treatment standards, because those used so far, the results have not given - in intensive care unable to save all people infected with the virus.

Не оправдались в этой ситуации и аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких – смертность людей наступала в 100%.

Not justified in this situation and ALV apparatus - the death rate of people attacked in 100%.

Ввиду этого, группа профессоров Черновицкого медуниверситета обратилась в Министерство здравоохранения и СНБО с требованием пересмотреть стандарты лечения больных на Буковине.

In view of this, a group of professors of Chernivtsi Medical University appealed to the Ministry of Health and NSDC to demand to review the standards of treatment of patients in Bukovina.

Ученые-морфологи отправили в Киев протоколы, результаты исследований и взятые у тяжело больных и умерших от вируса лиц анализы.

Scientists-morphological sent to Kiev reports, studies and taken from seriously ill and died from the virus of tests.

Виктор Бачинский, входящий в группу инициаторов обращения, отмечает, что вирус является чрезвычайно токсичным, он способен проникать не только через органы дыхания, но и через глазную оболочку.

Victor Bachinsky, part of the initiators of the treatment group, notes that the virus is extremely toxic, it is able to penetrate not only through inhalation but also through the eye membrane.

Поэтому черновицкие ученые рекомендуют ни в коем случае не отказываться от масок и на период эпидемии даже носить защитные очки.

Therefore Chernovtsy scientists recommend in any case not to give up the masks and the period of the epidemic even wearing goggles.

Важным условием для недопущения ухудшения ситуации является также соблюдение карантинного режима.

An important condition to prevent deterioration of the situation is also the observance of quarantine regime.


posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Holy $hit.
"Not justified in this situation and ALV apparatus - the death rate of people attacked in 100%."
This totally looks like a biological attack and can be contacted through the eyes. eek. I'm scared.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by JJay55
Don't worry, nothing to see here. Please move along. It's just H1N1, don't worry. The line for vaccine is to the right, pregnant women and children to the head of the line. Please move along. Those people aren't dead, they're just resting.
No that's not blood coming out of them, that's ketchup. They were eating french fries. Try not to disturb the other victims..... err citizens.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by squiz

i believe you got it right/ also why is everyone having a difficult time figuring this out?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by ecoparity

Thanks for posting the article. That's some scary stuff. The article is from a Russian publication, correct? Not Ukrainian. If it is, that is interesting seeing as how Russia was downplaying the situation.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by BLUESHADOW747

I agree Blueshadow............he has nailed it on the head!!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by eriathwen

THANK YOU FOR A REPLY I have read about this and heard about this in many sectors that is what I was saying and to ecoparity yes there is squalene in the vaccines , who are you believing the govt. drs/ or what?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
No that's not blood coming out of them, that's ketchup. They were eating french fries. Try not to disturb the other victims..... err citizens.

That's too funny! In a really sicko kinda way.
Ok, so the govrenments in the West are informed that the Ukraine will have political posturing and to expect certain items to come out of the region. And that's the perfect opportunity for a biological attack. Who would believe the ketchup covered victims, they are just confused.
But what would be the mission? What is in Kviv or who would be the real target of this biological pesticide?
Oh wait 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD)!!!! I remember Yushchenko now!!!! He was poisoned in 2004. Dioxin poisoning. He was experimenting with biologicals for years!!! So who did he sell out to or who is trying to kill this guy like the mole he is?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:26 PM
i would like to point out that several posts and articles hve WARNED against vaccine especially BAXTER but also what the agenda is how in the undeniable proof that the vaccines, baxter the corps,etc. can anyone condone these vaccines and deny the precsence of what this is for? i am amazed! you mean the clips of nuns, and health officials speaking out openly about this wasn.t enough?

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