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The Islamic 'Lie' & Other Fun Facts

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:34 PM
Well my scriptures are probably older than yours, does that mean that the facts in my scriptures supercedes yours?

Stop taking the bible and any other religious writing so literally. They all share the same message when you get past the politics of the time and regardless of what you think, that message is one of love and peace and it is the basis and only truth from every religion that any human can understand and see logic in.

you can hate on Islam all you want, I'm out of this discussion, if you search you'll find many anti islams threads on ATS that will help support your argument, btw. Looks for ones with lots of replies as people tend to flock to the negative whenever they can.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by jeddun

I'm not jewish, christian nor muslim but i've read a lot about them yeah especially islam to tell the truth i can't see any of those "truths" you speak about, why don't you speak about the "truths" about the chritianity? Or nevermind i'm not as low as you and saying bad things about many peoples only light, hope their guardian in this time of chaos the results of no nevermind where i want to come is stop saying bad things about others believes and make sure you know about your own first and speak of the lacking parts there before start with things unknown to you, but you have the right to think however.. but to adress people to evil and their religion is a whole other story but i won't say about your, by respect to your God and by respect to the fellow people of your beliefs

but for you.. i got no respect and just say you're a man of God, you don't even have any respect for your God by behaving like this

N.O R.E.S.P.E.C.T - Mr.Pain

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Palestine at one time WAS Israel and Judah it was taken from the Jews. The diaspora followed that event (the dispersal of Jewish people) what's your point?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by mr.pain

Wow...missing the point again eh? at what point did i claim to be a "man of God"? I'm simply stating historical facts here.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by jeddun

No, really - you can stop now!

Experts believe that a staggering 15 to 20% of the world's Muslims will willfully strap a bomb to their bodies and deliver vengeance to any and all non-believers, including children.

WHY do you believe stuff like this?? Because some 'expert' televangelist told you!!!?

Estimates of world population of Muslims is between 1.2 and 1.6 billion. Taking lowest numbers from both categories we see 15% of 1.2 billion is 180 million.

You HONESTLY think that there are 180 million people out there who are would-be suicide bombers?

People are people. Muslim women give birth to babies just like everyone else. The babies are smiling and joyous and crying just like other babies. People in Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia are PEOPLE.

If you're not just someone who came on here to troll and make people angry, then you REALLY need to step back from your angry, judgmental religion and take a look at reality!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Cool i can totally understand not wanting to get involved in real issues. No to focus on discussions about the reptilian races, etc..the flights of fancy if you will.. Religion isn't for everyone to expound upon. It's a toughie.

Once again....i'm NOT saying anything about being better than anyone,,or my beliefs are just re-iterating what anyone can find by reading and watching current events., no need to get personal or upset.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by notreallyalive

eek....what have you been watching? i wanna watch the all is well in the world network too. Are you serious dude? Use your pc and do a search...then come back and feed me the numbers you find. Getting personal and calling me a troll or whatever is unnecessary....sorry my opinions conflict with yours.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by jeddun

The numbers are from your post!! WTF?

CIA Factbook is a good means of finding data as well.

Then there's this thing called 'Mathematics' were you multiply to get a result.

180 million is the low end, no getting out of it with a lame ass argument like that. You really think that 180 million people in this world wanna strap a bomb to their chest?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by jeddun

You're talking to me about real issues and religion? I've been here over 4 years and have expounded on numerous religious discussion, everything from pro islam, anti islam, pro christian, anti christian, atheism, hinduism, buddhism and everything in between. As for now yes, I prefer flights of fancy, and real current events instead rehashing the same your god is wrong, my god is right centuries old discussion.

perhaps if you had spent sometime researching ATS you would understand why most ignore these discussion and find the religion bashing to be tedious and inflammatory. Seriously do a google search on religion on ATS and start reading, like I said you will find numerous threads that support your anti islam view, you need the fodder.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by jeddun

Allah and God are emphatically NOT the same God.

I have an Arabic Bible on my shelf(and I can read it). The Word used in it for God is Allah.
I suppose you think Arab Christians don't worship the same God as you claim to?

Do you even understand what the Bible says about Islam? Or what is "God's"
purpose in allowing Islam to exist"?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by jeddun
OK, firstly lets all come to the conclusion that unlike what most people think, Islam is NOT the Jewish answer to the 'Abrahamic' age-old mystery of which son is the precursor to which faith, Judaism or Islam, Isaac or Ishmael.......they subscribe to 2 TOTALLY different Gods. This is a HUGE misconception, this is also why most tolerant people put up with the 'Arab Problem', by elevating Islam along with the 2 other Monotheistic faiths, Judaism & Christianity, under the SAME God, YWHWH...well nothing could be further from the truth...let's go to school here a sec:

Allah and God are emphatically NOT the same God.

Excellent post!!!!!!!!!
It reminds me of Lebanon. It was a Christian nation till the muslims came in and took it over politically then kicked the Christians out.

[edit on 10/26/2009 by texastig]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
I do not know why you would indulge yourself in such nonsense. You start your thread with divisiveness and you continue to drive that wedge in between groups of peoples who are brothers in faith. For your sake, and everyone around you I hope that one day you find peace of mind, body, and soul.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by TheOneElectric]

The author of the post is telling the truth. It's not nonsense. There is a division between Christianity and Islam. Jesus arose from the dead, mohammed did not.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Having Read the Bible, I would swear that one book speaks of two different gods, one that is vindictive and harsh and the other that is good and kind. So if the god in the bible can have split personalities and be the father, son and holy ghost, why cannot Allah also have split personalities. Actually let's take that further, we then agree that all gods from all religions have split personalities and multiple identities, so isn't possible that somehow all these gods overlap?

God in the Old Testament gave laws and the Jews broke them. Thus they get punished because of what "they" did.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:41 PM
I agree with the OP. Allah is not the God of the Bible. The two are so different. Yet the OP should realize that bringing up such a subject is like throwing meat into shark infested waters. Agnostics, atheists, and one world religion members will spot it and come in for an easy kill. What you should have done was pose your statement into the form of a question and a why you think so added. That way it wouldn't look like road kill when one comes upon the thread. having said all that. God and Allah are as different as the sun and the moon, if you get my point. As different as light and night.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I think that if you wanted people to get your "point" you shouldve simply stated it instead of arguing with yourself before anyone even responded. People understand what your saying, they're just questioning that if you just wanted to prove one point why you would keep bashing the religion. Everyone has they're own opinions, just deal with it i guess, quit trying to fight, just state your point and let it be..

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by texastig
God in the Old Testament gave laws and the Jews broke them. Thus they get punished because of what "they" did.

Sorry what? Did you just justify anti-semitism?

Did you really just do that?

Man, you guys take all the fun out of fundamentalism.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM
I completely agree. For some reason, people do not understand Islam. They want to either blame all religion, or say it's a minority of any population that is a threat. Not me. I know about Islam.

7% of Muslims worldwide support terrorism, on average (American Muslims are less, British Muslims are more, for example)

This adds up to about 91 million Muslims who openly support terrorism. I highly doubt you could find that number or percentage in any other religion.

In Islam, once you become a Muslim, you cannot convert to another religion. Even some "moderate" Islamic nations have the death penalty for apostates, like Iran.

I've talked to many Middle-Eastern people who have (secretly) told me that "the real Muslims are the Taliban". . . or other Extremist groups, like Saudi Arabia where no Bible is allowed, no Church, and generally all religions other than Islam are illegal.

The ONLY nation where Muslims or Islam is persecuted in the world is China.

Q. Where are Christians persecuted? A. Almost all non-Christian nations, and especially Muslim nations...

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by jeddun

Watching the religious play with their action figures would be cute, if they weren't adults with a high propensity to violence.

You, good sir, display a not-at-all-surprising lack of knowledge about either Islam or your own religion, whichever of the other two you buy into. Let's start from the top. If you don't mind, I'll presume christianity on your part, as most jews I've met tend to be better-informed about this stuff.

they subscribe to 2 TOTALLY different Gods.

Well, no. The jewish version of god, and the Muslim version of god, are extremely similar. There's a reason for this, which I'll get to in a bit. It is in fact the christian god that stands out of the group as the oddball. Jews and Muslims hold that god is a singular, usually distant entity. Christians believe that god is made of three parts that can have sex with women, give birth to itself and walk as a person, and then die only to come back. The christian god bears more resemblance to the Roman imperial deities (Which Caesars are god? All of them. Which gods are Caesars? Just the one in charge right now) than to the original Jewish god. Or perhaps he has more in common with

Hindu chief Gods, Vishnu and Shiva

Ever had a religious discussion with Hindus? Quite a large number of them are monotheists. You see, all those myriad gods, are simply extensions of the one god, Brahma. Think of them as the father / son / holy ghost trinity, only with a little more variety to the divisions of god.

The God of the Bible is one of LOVE,. Allah has NO emotional feeling toward Man.

you've actually got that one backwards. Crack open the bible and the Koran, compare 'em. You'll find that the biblical god is a gigantic prick, even to the people he really, really likes (Seriously? Job, Lot, Moses? Those poor dudes were God's favorites and look what he did to 'em). In the Koran however, Allah is, in fact presented as an infinitely loving, though distant force. Allah doesn't smite, doesn't turn people into salt, and so far as I can tell, never massacred the firstborn of a nation.

And he's never sent bears to eat small children, which is kind of a negative on Allah's part... Because if I could, I would totally sic some grizzlies on the noisy neighbor brats...


Mohammed worked in professions that brought him in contact with MANY Jews and Christians,

Jews, actually. Christians didn't have much of a presence outside of Alexandria really. Most of what we look at today as the middle east was in fact ruled by primarily Jewish kingdoms at the time. Remember where I said there's good reasons Allah and YHWH are so similar? Here's that reason.

Mohammed was Jewish. it's clear that his family believed in one god, only one god, was wealthy and powerful, and his religion is almost straight out of the Torah. This guy couldn't have been any more Jewish if he were eating salmon and bitching about his goy son-in-law (but if there had been salmon in the desert, you totally know he woulda been doing that, too!)

No different that Mormonism or any other fabricated 'Cult' of personality. The religion is an APOSTATE faith and holds zero creedance as a TRUE faith.....

You mean like christianity?

it's really sad and i am a firm believer that the world would be a MUCH better place without this religion or its evil, sick influence.

I could say that just as easily about monotheism in general, since whenever someone's come up with the idea, lots of people end up dead. The Aten-worshipping Egyptians had the priests and followers of other gods executed. The jews slaughtered their way through the middle east. The christians killed off lots and lots of people in Europe. Then the Muslims did in most of the local faiths. Then Jews, Muslims, and Christians started their constant slapfighting. hell, over in India, when they invented Buddhism, the early Buddhists tried to eradicate the Hindus, got driven out, and started killing animists in Tibet and Hindus in Indochina. And when the Aztecs and Inca played around with singular deity worship, they simply enslaved and sacrificed entire nations.

So it seems to me that monotheism is like a psychological defect more than anything, akin to the sort of people who put kittens in microwaves.

Not that polytheists were a whole lot better. They just kicked the kitten, though, they didn't get all sadistically creative about it...

One thing these 'people' are taught by their 'Imams" is that the western world (us) are very tolerant and generous

Nice how you put people in quote marks. Surely the sign of a stable, humanitarian mind you've got there, mr. "My God is LURRRRRRVE!". And two things. One, Imams are a shia thing. You find 'em here and there, but they're no big whup. And two... Heh. really? They teach about the awesomeness of hte west, do they? You am from bizzaro-world? Beauty are ugly and Middle East are friend?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by notreallyalive
Got some verses for this? Or is that just what they keep saying in church.

John 3:16

Originally posted by notreallyalive
The God of the bible is unfair [favoring one twin over another? WTH]

God gave Abraham the covenant and it was passed down to Isaac.

Originally posted by notreallyalive
The God of the Bible is a jealous God

If you read the Bible in context you'll see this:
In Exodus 20:5, it is not that God is jealous or envious because someone has something He wants or needs. Exodus 20:4-5 says, “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God...” Notice that God is jealous when someone gives to another something that rightly belongs to Him.

Originally posted by notreallyalive
The God of the Bible is so many things other than love... Playing with a man's life over a debate with the Devil?

Where's that in the Bible?

Originally posted by notreallyalive
Making a man's daughters have sex with him, after getting him drunk, to carry on His chosen people?

Book, chapter and verse please.

Originally posted by notreallyalive
I'll just stop there...

That's probably a good idea because your not in context of the Bible.

Originally posted by notreallyalive
This is THE SAME AGE-OLD argument that sparks wars, lack of acceptance, and hatred! "My religion is right, yours is wrong"
Find the love, the peace, the connection between people, that which we all share - ALL humans. Don't judge one group as wrong and yours as right, just accept.

That would be nice but the muslims want to kill the infidels plus they treat their women worse than dogs.
Wife Beating in Islam - The Rules

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
The problem of Israel and Palestine is a modern border dispute now being used by religion on both sides of the border.

God gave the Jews the land.

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