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Extraterrestrials have a larger impact on society than we realize.

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posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:44 PM
I was sitting in my psychology class today and I realized something. We were going over how we define intelligence and on one of the slides was a picture of an owl with a scholar's cap on. This made me wonder why owls are always associated with wisdom or knowledge. So i began researching owls and to my surprise they're not very intelligent. In fact, they're quite the opposite. So again this left me with the question of why owls are perceived as being intelligent.

Now, a common claim from people who say they have been abducted by aliens is that they have a distinct memory of seeing an owl's eyes. They are said to have mistaken an alien's eyes (because of their largeness) for something more familiar, such as an owl. After making this connection I felt like I was making hail-mary pass to try and connect the two. So I began looking up more information on the owl. The Greek goddess Athena has been depicted with an owl. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, peace, strategy, handicrafts and reason. So one could say that this is where the connection between owls and wisdom originated. But the Greeks felt some reason to associate the owl with the goddess. Right?

So I kept looking. But there isn't much information connecting owls and aliens. The more I looked, the more questions that seemed to arise. But I discovered that owls are not only associated with wisdom and knowledge, but fear and death. This is the same through many cultures throughout history and around the world. This is a common and recurring belief that gained popularity throughout history for no apparent reason. But both beliefs of owls seem to fit what most people feel towards "aliens" today. Either they feel that aliens are wise and knowledgeable, or evil and and are creators of destruction. This is depicted in Hollywood movies, books, television, and folklore. Coincidence?

This last one might be a stretch but aspects of both seem to coincide with each other. Both have extremely large eyes in relation to their head. An owl is nocturnal and most if not all UFO abduction stories take place at night. The owl is also a silent predator making it efficient at 'abducting' its prey. Every story having to do with UFOs always describe the craft as being silent.
Now I'm not saying any of this is true, but there are just too many coincidences for it to be disregarded. But there does seem to be a connection, and if it turns out it is true then aliens have inadvertently worked their way into our mythology and culture and we didn't even realize it.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by The_Truth818]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 11:58 PM
I like where you are oing with your idea. A fresh way of looking at something.

You should really do a little research on the "Bohemian Grove Owl" and "Bohemian Grove" in general.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by The_Truth818

You want owls? Check this place out:

Look at the photos and make them bigger for more detail. The 2nd and 7th photos especially.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:51 AM
I have never heard that people mistake aliens eyes for owl's eyes until this new Milla Jovovich movie, "Fourth Kind". Is that where you got this?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by The_Truth818

This is very interesting. I have the book “Abduction” by John E Mack and if I recall correctly he did mention dear and owls in the context of the abduction experience.

I have read other accounts over the years where animals (owls predominantly) have been a part of the abduction experience, and this new film coming out shortly has obviously incorporated them into the story. Animals seem to be somehow linked to the phenomenon. Is this a cloaking mechanism or a mental projection as part of the controlling mechanism?

Starred and flagged for the lateral thinking

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by damwel

Yeah, I've never heard of people making that comparison either.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 02:11 PM
To reply to all of you who think I'm basing this off of the new movie that shall remain nameless because that is not what this thread is about, No. If you dig a little deeper into the UFO abduction stories, people claiming that they see an owl's or (forgot about this one but thanks SmokeJaguar67) dear's eyes is not uncommon. The way I see it, we say and do a lot of things today without really knowing the real meaning behind it. So much gets lost to history and no one even bothers to find out the truth. To me it seems very possible that this could have happened. And why not?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 03:53 PM
So this thread is about owls but the thread title is Extraterrestrials have a larger impact on society than we realize.

Just wanted to add that I'm from Hawai'i origianlly and the owl is of some significance in Hawaiian Culture. Here is a quick link after a google search:

I could go in more detail about Hawaiian culture, but let's stay on topic about the ET/owl connection....

Back to why? From what I've read from the OP, ET's impact on society because....

How do you think the ET and the Owl are linked?

So what you are saying is that if ET's never visited Earth, the common conceptions and symbolicness of the owl, would be different?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:55 PM
In the book communion the main character thinks that he was remembering an Own and asks his wife if she saw an owl outside their window.
Penn and Teller's Bull **** did a whole episode on alien abduction and went into depth about the whole big eyes thing.
and whi is this
"Extraterrestrials have a larger impact on society than we realize."
and not
"Owls have big eyes"

[edit on 26-10-2009 by zaiger]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:04 PM
It's not "owls have big eyes" because from the information I've gathered so far it seems as though the two are connected on a deeper level other than the similarities in eyes. Thanks game over man for the info, and to answer your question, yes. What I'm inferring is that without contact it's possible that our perception of the owl might be different. The info on the website seems to fit the MO as well, so it just leaves you with the question, why?

If any of this is true, think of how large of an impact that is. Somehow they found our way into our everyday lives and beliefs by making contact all those years ago. Our ancestors may have related the two thousands of years ago and thus causing a kind of ripple in time effect. We connected the two thousands of years ago and the reason for connection got lost to history but the mythology behind it stayed, as do many other myths. It seems as though myths seem to stand the test of time as opposed to truth. The truth always seems to come out distorted or completely false in the end.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by The_Truth818]

[edit on 26-10-2009 by The_Truth818]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on if this theory I proposed is at least possible?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by The_Truth818

It's certainly POSSIBLE, but people have always associated the eye with perception because it is the organ of sight, so I would think more likely that is what is going on.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Like I said, this is just an idea. But I would really like to see if we can come to a conclusion with this theory. So if there are any history, owl, or mythology buffs out there who could shed some light on this, your contribution is most welcomed!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by The_Truth818
What I'm inferring is that without contact it's possible that our perception of the owl might be different.

Well thats why I'm asking how are they linked? Is there a missing link to ETs and Owls? Are you saying that ancient people saw ETs it reminded them most of an owl? And from that point on people associated the main characteristics with an ET to an owl? So that is why owls today are associated with Wisdom, Knowledge, Fear, and Death?

Maybe look at the evolution of the Owl. See if there is anything unusual.

But I don't get the significance to this?

Should we study the behavior of owls to better understand ETs? Are you suggesting we can learn something from owls that is extra terrestrial?

I think you need to find literature of people writing about ETs and they describe what you are saying. But this has to before anything about owls has ever been written.

Thats all I can think of I don't really see why the connection to owls and ETs is so significant.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
reply to post by The_Truth818

This is very interesting. I have the book “Abduction” by John E Mack and if I recall correctly he did mention dear and owls in the context of the abduction experience.

I have read other accounts over the years where animals (owls predominantly) have been a part of the abduction experience, and this new film coming out shortly has obviously incorporated them into the story. Animals seem to be somehow linked to the phenomenon. Is this a cloaking mechanism or a mental projection as part of the controlling mechanism?

Starred and flagged for the lateral thinking

Look at this photo as to the reason why "aliens" and owls are used.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Skeptical Ed

What picture?

And to GOM, I'm not saying there is a biological connection between the two, just a symbolic one. It's significant because we have unknowingly made "them" a part of our culture while at the same time denying their existence. You have to remember, not everyone believes in extraterrestrials.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by The_Truth818
reply to post by Skeptical Ed

What picture?

And to GOM, I'm not saying there is a biological connection between the two, just a symbolic one. It's significant because we have unknowingly made "them" a part of our culture while at the same time denying their existence. You have to remember, not everyone believes in extraterrestrials.

Oops! My bad.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by The_Truth818

yeah, who knows...they do sort of look like featherless and wingless fowls

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by The_Truth818

The Kelly-Hopkinsville Incident, 1955, Family Terrorised By Alleged ET's

In this case the a great horned owl was used as possible explanation,

An explanation for the case has been proposed recently by Renaud Leclet, a French Ufologist. It could be a misidentification of a pair of Great horned owls, which are nocturnal, fly silently, have yellow eyes, and aggressively defend their nests. Leclet argues that this explanation fits well with the details of the case, including the appearance and behaviour of the "humanoids". The metallic sound of the striking bullets can be explained by the fact that some bullets hit some metallic objects of the farm, such as the fence. This misidentified bird hypothesis was echoed by Joe Nickell in a Skeptical Inquirer article.

but the explanation was so ridiculous that after reading it, i concluded that the guy had been smoking the WRONG Marlboro before doin' his analysis.

In mediterrean culture, owls are thought to be some esoteric creatures: there's an ancient sequence of words that one has to say in case of sight, because they are considered some creatures carrying bad luck (i'm not joking). I actually, whenever i see one, touch my balls to ward off the evils eye, call me stupid if you want, but i do it just in case. You never know.
Look at some cat's eyes by night: we all know that they are reflectant, but just a few know that it's a layer composed (amongs the others) by guanine which generates that effect: so it's more than some simple iridescence, it's a real source of apparent light: the cat's eyes are very fascinating and still not completely explained. One of the issues is that during a sighting, one is owned by panic, so the chances that his report is reliable are very close to zero, cause his priority is to escape the danger, and panic rules. IN cases like that, regressive hypnosis may be somehow useful,. but many refuse the treatment.

This one, was not a misinterpreted owl, in my opinion: they saw something very different

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:09 AM
Interesting! The owl is a fascinating creature. Fossils were found with an estimated 60 million years in age. And during that long time this animal hasn't changed a lot!

I found this interesting link concerning the mythology and folklore of the owl:

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