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Those that have awakened or had flashes of "oneness" realization...

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posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
How did you initially react when it was felt, or realized?

I must admit up front, that I have not been able to "hold" this state for extended periods yet, but I have had brief glimpses of it.

Two primary things occur when it is realized and felt:

1. I weep tears of overwhelming joy and awe.

2. I laugh histerically in utter amazement of how incredible it is.

In these brief flashes, I become aware not of who I am, but what I am.

Those that have unfolded this inner knowledge, how did it effect you?

My experience was this past summer. I'll be honest I had partaken in a "herbal" cigarette. I was out taking my dog for a walk and had stopped and overlooked the river valley by my place. For a brief moment, it was though I understood everything and realized everything would be okay with game I was in. The colours of the sky the air, everything seemed super-saturated and I had this deep level of understanding. It was gone as quick as it started.

So don't know if this counts at all

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Again, existence is illusory. You will always/already BE. Freedom is choiceless. You are always/already liberated and unfettered. Recognizing that is the task if one so chooses. All Consciousness wishes is the experiences and the outcomes. It will BE no matter what existence decides and YOU ARE THAT!

This freedom comes with birth...Can we chose birth? If so, can we chose existence itself? Is there a metaphysical plane on which we have a soul? Couldn't we have been born as somebody else? Or maybe we already are somebody else and just don't realize...Or is our existence inevitable?? I just can't break through

Maybe it's not that our conciousness happens to be our bodies' expiriences but that a body being home to one of conciousness is inevitable.. Or is just most stuff an illusion??

//Another expirience. Of forgiveness. A couple of years ago, I was at school in the gym and the lesson just closed. I stood next to a wooden wall and sensed no harm when somebody whacked a soccerball from all the way across the hall to unintentionally have my head in the trajectory it traversed on..Upon hitting my head, it passed over the kinetic energy to instantly be transformed into a rapid acceleration of my head, propelling me into the wooden wall close by. I blacked out for a second and slacked into the ground and my first impulse was "something happened, somebody has the intention of harming me. Therefore I have reason to be mad" But then seconds later into the frenzy of a couple of people gathering around the hilarious secene I noticed that this wasn't an assault but an accident. and no matter how bad my head hurt or how concerned I should have been about the dots of colour dancing in my peripheral vision as an apparent result of the trauma sustained I was perfectly okay with it. It really hurt but I could just smile and laugh and say "oh what are you looking, it's not like anybody wanted it to happen". The medic we called wouldn't believe I could have sustained a head trauma seeing me being in such an unaffected mood. I really felt an unexpected , but completely unquestionable surge of peace and ease, which should be a lesson to me, because by now I get mad at people over miniscule flaws..Shouldn't have taken this path!

Oh and about pain, last year in the gym, I accidently slipped and fall backwards onto my elbows, exerting some force onto my shoulderjoints and it felt like I could have dislocated my arm at ease. And it "stung", that's how I would describe the pain. And because it was an unpleasant sensation I reckoned I could either laugh or cry, so I laughed, as a maniac would. It was rather reminiscient of late Heath Ledger's presentation of the Joker and must have been a pretty absurd expirience to others because I was just lying there wheezing and keckled "oh boy, I almost broke my arm!"

[edit on 10/11/09 by thricearound]

[edit on 10/11/09 by thricearound]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

That immense feeling of bliss and amazement, I feel quite often. Just about everyday! I suppose the reason why I don't feel it for extended periods or all day is because I'm not being very mindful. Duality is an illusion and everytime I think about myself or thinking about myself in general i see or know everything is me. Because of this when i do chakra mediations I see the chakras in the center of the universe and have them activated and projected in this body.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by thricearound


Maybe it's not that our conciousness happens to be our bodies' expiriences but that a body being home to one of conciousness is inevitable.. Or is just most stuff an illusion??

REALLY look at what you wrote there...I can tell that by what you wrote you are teetering on the brink of catastrophe and that's a good thing. A thing anyway. But that is the line of reasoning labeled "On the right track". Those are exactly the right kinds of questions one wants to have in their line of inquiry. Fantastic questions. Only one problem:

You are trying to objectify the experience of awakening. You can't. Impossible. It is nonconceptual. Period. Everything that I have written about it is a lie simply because I wrote about it. Get it? However, the Source of the words and ideas.....What is that? Here's a line of inquiry to bump things up for you:

1) Who or What is reading these words?

2) Who or What is seeing my thoughts? (you can see them can't you? Who or What is seeing them?)

You can see and objectify everything around you can you not? Therefore you are not that.

You can see and objectify your physical body can you not? Therefore you are not that.

You can see and objectify your thoughts and emotions can you not? Therefore those are not you.

Take it all away. You are left with nothing. But still see, hear and feel.

Question then Whom or What is doing the seeing, hearing and feeling! Who is this Witness that sees but cannot be seen? Hears but cannot be heard? Feels but cannot be felt? The answers are closer than the nose on your face!!

YOU!! You are this Witness. Rest in it. BE the Watcher. Don't try to objectify it and see it for it is the One seeing!! Don't try to feel it. IT is doing the feeling! Don't try to hear it. IT is doing the listening! IT is YOU is WE is ALL.

It really is that simple. That subtle. That wonderously ordinary.

When you asked if most things are illusory, change "most" to "all" and then you have it correct.

Any thing is created and therefore it is not real. You are uncreated and therefore the Source of All. Things are thoughts and thoughts are things.

Make no thing. BE. Watch. Observe. Don't identify with any of it. Let your noisy, busy mind become as a mirror or still pond. When it sees tree it reflects tree. No attachment. The tree won't change because of your thoughts or perceptions. It's still a tree. What are You?

Once you have the answer The Great Death or Catastrophe is soon to follow. Nondual Suchness. Radical Awareness. You as Witness collapse into All that is Witnessed. No separation. No division. You can't hear the bell. You are the bell! You can't see the clouds because you are the clouds. Your head the stars, the Earth your feet and the clouds your belly forever and ever again and forever.

Cheers, Love and Grace,


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

All is one being, a singular unified infinity of intelligence and awareness experiencing itself indefinitley.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by redwoodjedi

All is one being, a singular unified infinity of intelligence and awareness experiencing itself indefinitley.


Once realized it can be put into simple terms and understood as such. But the ego loves complexity. While Consciousness within the vehicle is always/already understanding it's Self, the ego barracades the recognition by requiring difficult and convoluted doctrine to not understand Consciousness but to prove it is in itself real. Quite the paradox.

Great Fun!

Cheers, Love and Grace,


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

We chose to incarnate and we can choose to not incarnate aswell, its pure freedom of choice. Incarnation is just another way of understand unity.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
its pure freedom of choice

Did I choose to have a #ed up body that brings a lot of painful discomfort to me? I must be pretty freaking stupid. Or maybe unbelievably smart? So smart that I know not the consequences of my smartness? I mean, I wouldnt make myself feel pain if it wasnt for a really really really good that I couldnt make any sense of?

Choice seems just so...predictable?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Yes you did, as a catalyst to certain aspects of a lesson and/or experience that you have chosen to strive for.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

Er...Where are the juicy answers? If im here to learn, tell me something I already dont know!

Just kidding, dont take me seriously.
But anyhow, Im assuming that the experience im striving for is one that have not been manifested yet by anyone else. Right? Because if not, I could just watch a movie...

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

From what I'm beginning to understand, you ARE watching a movie, as the "you" that you identify with is not exactly the "real" you, but a manifestation OF the real you into the illusion of form, and the beingness that is manifesting it (which you REALLY are) IS observing the experience, like a patron in a movie theater viewing the screen. Again, not making a statement, just offering a possibility...

Now as to the reasons why, that is really the question...Perhaps to add depth to its experience. Perhaps your experience, viewed from your perspective of the collective whole, is percieved slightly differently overall than another being with a different set of genetic differences or thought processes?

[edit on 10-11-2009 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by redwoodjedi

We chose to incarnate and we can choose to not incarnate aswell, its pure freedom of choice. Incarnation is just another way of understand unity.

One chose the many. Some choose the One. It's a game with two rules:

1) Forget Whom/What YOU really are.

2) Believe in another.

From this all suffering was borned INSIDE YOU. One is the Witness looking in. Life is creation looking at One.

Remembering and Realizing is having the two collapse into one another. The Eternal Dance of Shiva and Shakti. Eros and Agape in infinite embrace.

Awakening is remembering....nothing.

Cheers, Love and Grace,


Geladinhu! You're playing with your food again!! Ha!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

But if Im truly watching a movie where does the interaction comes in, if there is any?

I mean, there is definetly a difference between watching a movie of a couple kissing and puking in a mouth of a girl. Do you get my point? It cant be just the watching of a movie, that wouldnt be any fun.

Wait, maybe instead of watching the movie we ARE the movie and we make ourselves so that others can watch? But why would others want to watch when they could create their own movies? This is getting interesting.

We are the movie, I think thats better then saying that we are watching the movie. But whats the purpose of having the movie made? Why does it have to be a movie, or in other words, something with patterns of development instead of pure randomness?

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

Maybe its just curiosity. How far can we go? Is there an end? A moment of completion? The movie unfolds sistematically, seems like it has a purpose...Maybe we are trying to save someone that went too far?

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Yes, the movie is more than a flat, two-dimensional screen. It is more like a 3 dimensional, virtual reality interface, complete with sensory stimulation. You are like the projector on which the film is moving, casting out an image (experience), and simultaniously one of the characters within your very own film. But who is running the projector itself, changing the reels of film from story to story? Who, or what, is witnessing them all?

From my moments of deepest silence and quietude, I get the sense that there is an underlying presence, a "space" if you will, in which all life and experience is manifested from. And this space (or emptyness, depending on perspective) is intelligent beyond comprehension, and imenant within and throughout everything that is, including us. From what I can tell in my deepest moments of inner reflection, this beingness is what is not only animating and one with "me", but also observing all that I have ever done, quietly.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I know this wasn't a real question but I have to answer this:

These things I didn't know, I found them out by practicing.
Remote viewing and astral travel are not the same and there is a third thing.

When I remote view, I only see like a photo with no interaction.
When I astral travel I can move around and it looks more than real and talk to others.
Third thing:
When I needed an answer to something I didn't know, like how to solve a complex "mathematical shape" that only has one way to solve it and I was the only one that had the answer from a group of about 40 and to this day I have no idea of what the heck I did but the answer came in this what I have been calling "INTERNET of the mind".
When they (students and teacher) asked me how I solved it (knowing that I wasn't smart enough to know the math involved in order to do this) I told them that I dreamt the solution. I failed the class because I had no idea of how the math worked, they where left wondering how I pulled it off.

I am not a spiritual type of person and I don't believe in god but I know that we can communicate with something smarter than us and that our brains are capable of allot of things that we don't know about.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Just know you have chosen every aspect, relationship, etc... of your incarnation for the catalysts that emerge and teach you what you are attempting to learn.

All is how it should be. As it always has been and will be.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:13 PM
[edit on 10-11-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Elieser

Thats very interesting.
My last thread is named "A little something that came from nothing".
Guess when this something came to me? When I was sleeping. I just got flooded with ideas and phrases. And this has been happening quite often. Maybe that nothing that I mention on the title is really a big something, the same thing you call the internet of mind? Weird thing is that we download kinda unconsciously. Its like there is another part of our consciousness working for us whitout us even realizing so until the download is complete and ready for us to use it.

Boggles the mind. I think thats what its supposed to do.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 09:31 PM
It started for me last november. I was reading carlos castana(?) the teaching of don juan i think it was called. Anyway i had a really bad nervous breakdown and started to experience my own duality. I couldnt understand at the time, i was just really scared that i was going crazy. There was this other me in my head the started to insult me, I freaked out and it took me a while to stop( i resorted to repeating the hail mary out loud!).
I started living in the moment then, just concentrating all my mind on what i was doing, 'performing each act as if it is my last, prepared to completed it even if it meant death'. It was the only way i could do anything, even walking down the road.

I decided to give the carlos books a rest and try to forget about it. im an avid reader and over the next few months i tried to find different subjects to take my mind off things. but then something wierd happened. every book i picked up seemed to have the same teachings. First it was terry prachett, that freaked me out! maybe 3 or four other works of fiction later and I started to realise that maybe i should not just ignore the subject.
I got my mother a book she asked for, eckhart tolles power of now. Total mind blow! his teaching are identical. when he mentioned core religious elements in buddism and the like i started my own research, but enough on that.
Lots of practise and now i am able to achieve the silence/ presense that tolles talks about most days, if still interspersed with bouts of egoism.
I've had a few instances of the law of attraction and alot of spontanious what i would call philosophical writing.
Two very vivid dreams i would like your opinion on. first ive had lots of dreams of dying, but but i usually wake up at the moment. a while ago the dream went further. in it i performed a selfless act and died. at which point my spirit left my body, looking like energy and i floated above the earth, seeing that earth is really all our spiritual energy and its all connected, all across the universe.
In another dream i remember been given complete understanding of our universe and all the dimensions in it. very strange, especially becauseit was in the form of a horse. its hard to describe. it was like, if you could really understand that which is a horse, then you can understan our universe. i dont know if that makes sense! when i woke it felt like my brain was a sieve and i couldnt retain all this understanding...
Everyday now, i try to control my thoughts, my words and my actions. its hard but im getting better.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 10:17 PM
For me it was seeking Union with God in the Christian sense. I didn't get "it" or what this Union was supposed to be.

I had a Christian Mystic Monk teacher who was telling me to be aware of Awareness, but it didnt make sense to me. Awareness seems so bland, it just is.

The for some reason I felt drawn to Taoism ..... I was wondering if what they refer to as Tao is God.

Then I coincidentally (happy accident) purchased a book online entitled Oneness by Jon Greven. The title struck me and it was my first introduction into Advaita Vedanta, also known as the End of the Vedas. Veda meaning knowledge, this is the highest form. This onness is beyond knowledge, transcendent, etc.

I read the book in 2 sittings. On the second sitting he said, "Just like the thought of a rock is not an actual rock, so too, the thought of who you are is not who you are"

I had this realization and saw how the source of my "issues" was this ego that was formulated, constructed, a false premise. Then I started looking for what is me that's not a thought.

As I did this, I took a short nap, then woke up and there it was, Oneness. But then the mind sprung back up to analyze this Oneness and it disappeared. I mean its still there, but the mind gets in the way of its subtlety and brilliance. Since the glimpses happen of this, but trying to hold on to the glimpse, it disappears again.

It seems as if the mind is a projector and projects the false illusion of separation from somewhere in the chest (dare I say heart?) ....and its a matter of tracking down the source of thoughts or where they come from to completely destroy the mechanism the identifies thoughts with body and separation.

It is basically permanent ego death, which in its wake leaves the Oneness as a full time never ending experience never to disappear in the shadows of thought again.

There is nothing you can do to get there. Doing anything to get there creates more of the false "you" that blocks the Oneness.

But you can create the perfect environment and situations to allow this to reveal itself. Meditation, reading, self inquiry, etc.

Maharshi says to only think of the thought 'I' and nothing else. Doing so will extinguish the false projection and completely destroy the ego.

Or you can simply be aware of awareness at all times just that. Its so simple that the mind has a hard time just being aware of awareness. Because that means it is not included in your practice, when usually its throwing all types of stuff at you.

The mind goes nuts and puts up this HUGE fight to try and save its position. Thats where im currently at

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