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Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

once again i have to object. I do not think it possible with the number of supposed landings, abductions, crop circles, undersea bases, and more than several crashes, for no one, not one person who can come up with one verifiabe piece of alien technology, they have never lost one nut or screw, never busted a clamp or failed to account for the packaging of some spare part, or food. no fluid leaks from craft, no lost muffler or tail light, well you can see where this is going,
it seems from what I have been reading that we are in the middle of some alien galactic highway and being visited by the neatest , cleanest, beings with extremely well maintained craft,

that there is intelligent life in the universe besides us is very possible. that they would travel the distances involved to come to this rather backwater star system is remote to the extreme

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:08 PM
I'm going to play along with this whole senario for a moment.

So, let's look at it from another angle. What if there are ET's that have been in contact with Obama and perhaps offered to help with the problems of the world?

Could something like that be so appealing to Obama because of the big hole he seems to be in? What if Obama feels so cornered and overwhelmed by the problems he's facing, that he is the one reaching out for help?

There is a part of me that feels that, humanistically, a person with so much responsibilities on his shoulders might accept a helping hand in this manner. That would certainly answer the question as to why Obama would take time from all his concerns to introduce ET's to the world.

Just pondering.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Phedreus

The apparent lack of solid evidence may be a direct result of the alleged cover-up perpetrated by those "in the know"; any researcher who outright declares an object to be of extraterrestrial origin risks ridicule and ostracism from the scientific community and unwelcome attention from the aforementioned people in the know.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:32 AM
I'm open to the possibility of extra terrestrial existence. But does anyone here really believe that Obama, his govt, the military, CIA as well as the corporates running our country really have got any purity of motive in all this speculation etc?

Come on - if an announcement is made it will be only to serve yet another agenda of controlling us, regardless of whether the announcement is true or not. How convenient - the existence of extraterrestrials will warrant new taxes just like 'Global warming' which suddenly became 'Climate change', more money for supposed space projects etc etc.

Sounds like a greenlight for more medical experiments. Same feeling about the 'Obama assassination' predictions. I won't be surprised when I hear about an 'attempt' because it will be a means to rally support for this guy who was groomed because of his family connections (Mother's side mostly), has sealed his records because they probably show he didn't do much of what he said he did, and is a conman who won't even admit his Muslim religion even while genuflecting to Muslim princes.

And it will be used to crack down on the diverse opposition to Obama and those who are pushing their own agendas.

This is all another con - designed to concentrate even more power into the hands of govt.

[edit on 24-10-2009 by dontbelievehype]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:49 AM
I'm an experiencer, and the disclsoure is very needed. The US truly doesnt wish to disclose, the push that they do so is intense. We're facing earth changes, and depopulation, they all know it, and they're demanding the solution. Though its really complicated. What kind of disclosure would it be. They already have been working with renegade ETs, doing kidnappings to tailor make their own ideal humans, much like Hitlers plan, so would they disclose their "friends"? And how soon would the Fedeartion and Andross reveal themselves, and would there be a blue beam staged battle? I want the good guys to sail in and this planet safe, and free.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:12 PM
That is the problem, wanting a savior ("good guys") to rescue us. We need to rescue ourselves.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Really, guess you still think we have the power to change things, and that the world isnt at the brink of earth changes and depopulation with only huge massive bloodshed as the answer to get out of their control.
I am always going to be the female energy reflected from Divine Mother as I finally found out and while I appreciate heros and protectors from here, from the Federation and Cosmic families and archangels, we are here to free this planet so that true free will and advancement can occur. Trapped here one earth are many family members. And the evil dark side has emassed all the power and resources.

Disclosure needs to occurs NOW.

"I am free from the matrix, the people are free, awake, aware and happy, they are healed, and filled with joy, peace and unity. Disclosure is now, we are being taught by our cosmic friends and family. A new utopia is beginning for humanity and earth. We are healing mother earth and nature and she is being restored gently with humanity safe and powerfully protected. Divine Mother's Plan has been achieved, and the earth and its people ascend and evolve."

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by VelmaLu
That is the problem, wanting a savior ("good guys") to rescue us. We need to rescue ourselves.

Then why haven't we done it?

Do you honestly see the world suddenly cooperating to make the world a better place?

Do we need to wait another 1000 years for humans to mature? Will anything be left by then?

Is it possible to have politicians that don't subcome to the greed of the corporate monsters that don't give a fig about the well being of the average person?

I say we DO need help. I don't see how this world could thrive in the long term without it.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 02:48 PM
The reason we are in this situation is that we have allowed others to control us.

In the US, we have stood by while our government has eroded our rights to the point where we are slaves and our masters are now the enemy. We watched while they gave trillions of dollars to the bankers, promised us to make the bailout "transparent", then lied to our faces. Where were the pitchforks and torches then? What would it take?

The problem isn't that they have so much power, it is that we are unwilling to cooperate with each other to do something about it.

We want disclosure? Okay, then why not pass a law that requires any information that is withheld from the public be reviewed by a panel of judges to decide whether it is or isn't an issue of national security -- and allowing the judges to release the information to the public? Why not push through a law that would require a PUBLIC audit of the federal government by a private company? The spending isn't an issue of national security, is it? Don't we have a right and expectation to know where our money is going?

There are many options to forcing their hand, we just don't do it.

So IF some benevolent beings come to free us, we will be right back where we were unless we change our attitudes. It will simply be a better form of slavery. The reason that no one likes hearing that is because it means hard work for us and a lot of pain. It is so much easier to believe that some great sky god will swoop down, make the bad men go away, then we'll all hold hands and sing Kum Bye Yah together.

We need to take steps to empower ourselves, even if such steps prove futile if for no other reason than to make sure it never occurs again.

Maybe that's why no one has stepped in to help us. . . because we haven't done anything to help ourselves.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by VelmaLu

I am in full agreement here, VelmaLu, and have starred your post for in your face truth, something that is lacking anymore. We are going to be forced to save ourselves, that is, the ones who do not fall for the "Saviour Package" that will certainly be offered to the good people of planet Earth. Just like when a human passes over, he/she is immediately shown a bright, white light, and the compulsion is to go into it. Into the recycle bin, where memories are wiped, and brain is formatted, and new operating system is installed. This is how people "ascend," and "go to a higher place." "Ascended Masters" ring a bell?

There is so much more to life than the average human can even imagine.....

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:07 PM
There are different timeline possibilities, poised, and its a question of pulling the right one in. The Disclosure one is the opposite of the massive earth change one. Those are the two I saw distinctly in the currents. There is a lot of resisting and even outright fighting for our freedom that we need to become unglued, unpathetic and no longer numbly complacent and start to do. But all in all, without disclosure and our cosmic friends this isnt going to end well unless a huge portion of humanity where to rise up all at once, and they still have the technology to take out masses now.

The entire problem is one of ETs with slaves versus a cosmic response and a push for freedom. The slaves alone arent the solution, and unless you're advocating death of millions or billions as the solution, and trust me most parents would never do such a thing and will struggle for their children's safety at all times, then this idea that we should just go down with the bloodlines is rather foolish considering our cosmic family is here, and for anyone starting to metaphysically search for answers, seek help and contact, and the ascension, they're here to assist anyone who seeks.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
There are different timeline possibilities, poised, and its a question of pulling the right one in. The Disclosure one is the opposite of the massive earth change one. Those are the two I saw distinctly in the currents. There is a lot of resisting and even outright fighting for our freedom that we need to become unglued, unpathetic and no longer numbly complacent and start to do. But all in all, without disclosure and our cosmic friends this isnt going to end well unless a huge portion of humanity where to rise up all at once, and they still have the technology to take out masses now.

So true. Obviously, Unity, you are aware of the two timelines, am I correct? There is the origianal time line, the timeline of Christ, and then there is the mirror timeline, created by the Brookhaven/Montauk people in 1962-63. These two timelines are destined to cross soon. When this happens, anyone can "jump on" the original and be there from that point on. Or, they can stay with this one, and be a part of it, until the timelines cross again, which I believe they cross every 20 years. Each time before something has happened to distract us from this, but not anymore.....

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Violet Sky

Originally posted by VelmaLu
That is the problem, wanting a savior ("good guys") to rescue us. We need to rescue ourselves.

Then why haven't we done it?

Do you honestly see the world suddenly cooperating to make the world a better place?

Do we need to wait another 1000 years for humans to mature? Will anything be left by then?

Is it possible to have politicians that don't subcome to the greed of the corporate monsters that don't give a fig about the well being of the average person?

I say we DO need help. I don't see how this world could thrive in the long term without it.

I have to agree, if you're waiting around for the rest of humanity to wake up you're in for a very, very long wait.

The simple truth is that humans are selfish in nature and most are selfish to the point of narcissism. Everyone knows our current society is doomed in terms of energy production, food production, pretty much every natural resource and pollution of the planet.

Sure, we can make attempts to live sustainable in small groups, say 10 percent of the population if we want to be extremely generous but meanwhile the countries on this planet with the largest populations and unbelievably massive projected population growth are right at the starting line for industrialized society.

They are going to burn through natural resources at a rate that makes American look like conservationists and they don't want to hear about our concerns over pollution and sustainability. They feel entitled to their turn at modern, Western technological living.

Deep down everyone knows the party can't last forever but hey, it should last long enough for me to have a good time and probably my children too. We can put all that future crisis stuff right where it belongs. In the future.

If it really was just individual selfishness we could probably solve that, (minus certain cultural barriers which make universal change almost impossible). The real problem is our institutionalized selfishness / greed where the multi-national corporations who really run the show and should be if not need to be leading the way.

Do you see the major energy companies investing money in alternative energy at any meaningful level? A few of them have done some admirable wind and hydro power work but nothing that will make a dent in the need for oil / coal and despite being "free energy" the big motivator is public relations in nature.

The less of a resource there is to go around the more its worth so lets enjoy the ride down and make out like bandits. Maybe my grandkids will have to face reality but at least they'll be wealthy, who cares about the rest of society?

What we need is a technical leap forward, man made or ET hand me down and we need it to be driven from the bottom up. The stories about energy companies buying promising alt energy tech and burying it are not just fables. Its pure, money driven business protectionism.

As long as society doesn't have to stare over the cliff we aren't going to see a popular movement to push the corporations and government into action and we both know by the time we are looking over the cliff it will be too late.

That's why people are willing to invest some hope that a more advanced society might take pity on us. If they are going to I hope its soon because we're rapidly approaching the tipping point in destroying ourselves as well as our planet.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
My source has revealed:

Nov. 22nd- an object will appear in the sky, huge and glowing.
Nov. 23rd- it will make it's way to the surface
Nov. 24th- Obama will call for calm, claim we are not in danger and a full international press conference will be scheduled 6hrs later
Nov. 24th- Full disclosure of 3 Alien Races, 2 extra-dimensional races and 1 race of time traveling aliens
Nov. 25th- The craft will hover above the white house, closed meetings are held
Nov. 26th- The aliens show videos of biblical times and how they influenced and manipulated humanity with local agents, texts and special effects
Nov. 27th- Most religious commit suicide
Nov. 28th- Aliens make a gesture providing us with free energy and food replication technology
blah blah.. it's easy to make stuff up.....

Christians also believe in ALIENS they have Biblical names. They are;

Baalzebub = Lord of those who fly.

Zophim - watchers, angels who descended.

Sepherim - the many.

Baal was "Lord of War" and "Lord of the Sky".

Zuzim- the evil ones, roaming things.

Zamzummims - the evil plotters

Baalhazor "Lord of the Fortresses",

They will fly over the Whithouse!

[edit on 24-10-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 06:02 PM
You don't need the entire rest of humanity to wake up, only a few. The American Revolution involved only 4% of the population, which was less than the percentage on the side of the British.

There is also the FACT that we, as humans, operate as individuals, not as a group consciousness. That leaves me to wonder that even if every other human is calling for enslavement, if you are not part of the group, can you be enslaved as well? Interesting thing to ponder as I have not given away MY power, given away my decision-making ability and I do not consider myself part of the herd.

I do not want to be "saved", but you do. Who is right?

To say that you hope for a savior to "take pity on us", you are adopting a slave mentality and giving away your power. You are hoping someone else will free us, and will take care of us, like a parental figure.

It's time for everyone to grow up and accept that we must be masters of our own destiny. It is not futile unless you decide it is.

I would rather die free than live like a slave.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by VelmaLu

It's possible that they are parental figures, if they are responsible for putting us here in the first place.

I suppose it is all a matter of perspective and what you believe. Perhaps you can entertain, though, that some of us believe that ET's coming to help is not because they 'took pity on us', but because they care about what happens to us, like we care about what happens to our children.

But if you are viewing them as complete strangers, having nothing to do with humanity on Earth, then I can see how you feel that way.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Well, let's examine that.

How parental, how loving would it be to keep your children in the dark about reality, to have them believe that Santa is real and watching their every move, that Mom and Dad are really perfect when they are not? Is it loving and kind to keep children from learning to care for themselves fully, to make their own decisions as well as mistakes, to become as powerful as their parents? And what sane, loving and healthy parent works to keep their child dependent long into adulthood?

Surely you realize that any parent that keeps their child utterly dependent has issues and agendas that aren't in the child's best interest.

What is the next destination for humans? To be forever at the mercy of a more advanced being and deprived of their evolution or is to become masters of their own destinies, to grow up just like their parents?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by VelmaLu

Reminds me of religion for some reason.....

The revolution comparison is apples to oranges and I did say the catalyst could come from humans but every time a promising breakthrough comes along the inventor always thinks they'll finally be the one to make billions and the inventions end up going nowhere.

For all the grandiose talk people like to do the "human power" folks can't even come up with one single inventor willing to open source a new energy device for the good of all mankind. Not even 1.

Hell what percentage is that to change the World? 1 out of 6 billion or so?

I'm fairly sure the conditions for access to higher level technology would be the same elements we're going to have to evolve into anyway -

population control (we can't live longer and keep breeding like rabbits)
no wars (advanced energy - advanced weaponry)
sustainable society

If I were an ET I'd probably help Earth out at this point just to save the planet. Unless Earth type planets are massively numerous in which case I'd probably wave bye-bye.

Half of humanity is too greedy for their own good and the other half are too lazy to do anything about it. But we're not slaves already? Time to wake up and face reality.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 10:37 PM
This contradics an older Examiner article that explains that all data related to UFO's are kept within the private military-industrial complex corporations.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Here's the latest Examiner article. Dr. Steven Greer delivering disclosure documents to Obama. Has a fairly big letter with all the pertinent information.

I really fascinated to see how all this pans out. re-information-war-escalates

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