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Pole Reversal and Pole Shifts Are Known Processes - UK Advertisements Reveal Coastal Disasters

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posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 03:08 AM

The Horizon Project documentary part 7 of 8 (Brent Miller)

This is the one that gives the science. And its compelling evidence. This makes it very evident that we actually require advanced technology/shielding. What we have without disclosure and perhaps even with it, is the metaphysics and we need to get to work on this.

We're talking maybe 10s of millions of times the size of our sun, maybe have long since collapsed in on themselves...but the force that they exert out of all the bodies, in this galaxy, probably will make it function. According to conversation of momentum, sort of like an ice skater, when she pulls her arms in she spins faster and faster and faster, thats what black holes do too. Most theoretical physicists agree today that black holes are revolving at their maximum speed. But even the centrifugal force can't overcome the gravitational pull. That still makes a very high frequency ripple in space time created by that gravity ALL IN ONE SPOT. The big ones (black holes) actually flatten out like a plate or a donut so the ripple would be diameter. Radially.

Thereotically if the center of the galaxy is a black hole that is very large and moving at high speed, and being much flatter, its radial gravitational wave could potentially be a wave that would extend the width of the galaxy. The answer is, beyond the width of the galaxy.

That being the case, the significance of the year 2012 becomes very evident then because on that date in 2012 our solar system passes into that exact plane.

Years before that occurs we will see the effects. An undertow. Thats what we believe, the evidence that is happening on the surface of the planet, inside the planet, that is what we believe is happening now. The undertow effects of this gravitational wave as it builds. Our solar system is moving closer and closer to that plane right now and actually touches that plane on the upcoming date. Because the Mayan calendar is actually built based on that galactic plane. From 3114 BC to 2012.

The astroid belt is discussed next and what the waves could do to them and they could be pushed into the earth. Some would be pushed out, so slowly over time, the astroid belt leaves the solar system its slowly pushed out....The cosmic dust gets pushed into the solar system and gets locked in the polar ice caps.

This also explains why all galaxies are flat and circular...If you look at our own galaxy there exists a dark band which shows you where this gravitational plane is located, where galactic dust and mass has been collecting since the birth of the galaxy. This is where we can actually see the location of the galactic plane which is what modern science refers to as the galactic equinox.

(This is the direct cause of the catastrophes and pole shifts, the position of earth in the galactic plane, its cylce).

The Mayans themselves describe what they refer to as the dark rift or the galactic plane (more evidence they are ET in origin), in ways eerily similar to those of modern scientists and physicists. The devastation is the world sitting on the dark rift. Even though the Mayans don't describe why the event causes the catastrophes it is very clear that we are talking about the same thing, where the earth passes through the equinox, the dark rift, or the central plane. It all refers to the cyclic and destructive influence caused by the black hole at the center of the milky way.

As we approach the gravitational plane, we will continue to experience severe weather, and ecological effects, such as earth quakes, tsunami's, hurricanes and volcanic activity, with increased frequency and intensity. As we penetrate the densest portion of the galactic plane, and experience the full gravitational effects, we may witness unprecedented solar flares, unexpected meteor showers, and one or more geographical pole shifts. (and then theres meteors and astroids)

The Horizon Project documentary part 8 of 8 (Brent Miller)

That advertisement is still making me furious because how dare they even attempt to scam everyone and make them feel guilty, these evil monsters, who enslaved the world, exploit all the countries and leave children starving to death, walking skeletons, kill their mothers with aids, and terrorize the planet. Machetes were brought in from China for the Rwanda masacre, and I knew right away some kind of trade off had occurred. The murder of citizens and babies in the middle east and use of depleted uranium everywhere and then dumping it off shores, in the atlantic and pacific oceans of north america and Canada, in prime fishing waters. These guys make coffee posts that leak and short out every few months. The landfills are overflowing with their shoddy goods, that extort the public.

This cannot be allowed to go the way they wish it to.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

What you are missing is the Spiritual element and the Divine Decree that Earth and Humanity will not be destroyed. The vast majority of humans are unaware that they are prisoners and slaves, and have been for millenia, but you can't force them to see something they are incapable of at their present level of evolution.

When disclosure of extra terrestrial life happens, there are going to be an awful lot of very surprised people, and how many of them are going to be in denial, I wonder?

It has been said that around the time magnetic pole reversal happens, there will be a period of Stasis where all life on Earth is put into a state of suspended animation, during which time the pollution will be removed from our planet, and where those who wish to stay in the 3rd dimension will be moved to other 3rd dimensionsl planets similar to Earth. When Stasis is ended, there will only be about 20% of the current population left, to continue in the 5th dimension on Earth, or Urantia as it is known to our Universe.

Who's going to do all this while we're in Stasis? Well, it will be by members of the Galactic Federation of Light and others by Divine Decree. What will qualify a person to elevate to the 5th dimension? A minimum 51% interest in the welfare of others, and 49% in their own welfare; plus the desire to ascend.

There are many people who will be required to help out during these times of change, but in many cases this remains dormant within them, until it is activated by the spiritual hierarchy at the most appropriate time.

Will this all happen, or is it a fantasy? Aye, there's the rub! We will only find out for sure in real time; at some point in the near future; or not, as the case may be.

The horse which I'm backing is Divine Decree, as I am excluding The Darkness from my thinking. This is a race where the result is already known and the forces of light will win; but there will bumps along the way; the possibility of a fence or two being refused and an awful lot of shouting and cheering from the crowd.

One of the first 'tells' of increasing light energy on Earth will be the ending of wars, plus disclosure of Extra-Terrestrial life. Ordinary people will be afraid and worried about these major upcoming events, and there needs to be large numbers of Wayshowers in every local community. These people are already being trained in the normal human sleep-state, and mainly without their conscious knowledge.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Tallsorts

What you are missing is the Spiritual element and the Divine Decree that Earth and Humanity will not be destroyed. The vast majority of humans are unaware that they are prisoners and slaves, and have been for millenia, but you can't force them to see something they are incapable of at their present level of evolution.

When disclosure of extra terrestrial life happens, there are going to be an awful lot of very surprised people, and how many of them are going to be in denial, I wonder?

The Divine Decree, I have not heard, rather the Divine Plan. This is a plan that involves freeing humanity that has been in place for eons, carried forth by Divine Mother, the Council of Nine, the Various High Councils, the Federation and ascended cosmic citizens.
However, the reset is very real.

Even an off planet rescue of some, which may take place, will not be everyone who wishes to go.

And this is not about evolution anymore, for humans have had their 12 strands of dna disconnected and downgraded, and do not have free will currently. There has been much divisions in the Universe, that is already growing colder by the bottle neck produced by the slavery of earth, and a separating further apart each day. For Unity is the answer and progression of the universe.

Some don't want to help humans. Starseeds, indigos, crystals, and walk ins are here by the millions. And many are not awake. These are not people who have had their memories perpetually rewiped. This system is too controlled. Even lost, and some are hard core alchohics, I know starseeds like that who are unaware, I recognize them, they are handing in reports. Very valuable reports that fine tune the full extent of earth, and the lack of true free will that exist for many.

Disclosure will be the most incredible event, for everyone will be informed of the disaster coming, and nearly all diseases will be cured instantly. The leaders will be stepping down, and the United Earth Council formed, with all goods distributed equally amonst people, and an end to war. There may be some in denial, but the plans and offers that Anthra Andromeda mentions in his threads are real, this is ongoing. And we need disclosure, because they will unmask them. It is a freeing of this planet, and RESTORING FREE WILL. Then evolution can continue.

I knew immediately that Anthra was for real, his energy was for real. Also, he is talking about something one of my friends already wrote out of memory blocks in a novel he was writing spontaneously, in amongst his abductions, for is AB - and the greys do take that dna, but without battles. But he does nightly missions, and we experienced the same events together and have both been to an andross station that is akin to a huge astroid. And I've a federation one. The terms that the Andross/Federation want is what poured off his pen. Now he's much more conscious. We share two of the advisors, though he may know the other two I recieve contact from as well. Thats another thing, Anthra's mother's name clinched the spelling of one of my advisors name, a very tall, dark haired, strong chested male with a similar name.

It has been said that around the time magnetic pole reversal happens, there will be a period of Stasis where all life on Earth is put into a state of suspended animation, during which time the pollution will be removed from our planet, and where those who wish to stay in the 3rd dimension will be moved to other 3rd dimensionsl planets similar to Earth. When Stasis is ended, there will only be about 20% of the current population left, to continue in the 5th dimension on Earth, or Urantia as it is known to our Universe.

The horse which I'm backing is Divine Decree, as I am excluding The Darkness from my thinking. This is a race where the result is already known and the forces of light will win; but there will bumps along the way; the possibility of a fence or two being refused and an awful lot of shouting and cheering from the crowd.

I understand when facing such information that people are forced to back various camps.
However, freedom will happen for this planet and the slave race should we become responsible and aware, and fight back. We have to oppose all of laws and decrees, because even dying pales in significance cosmically to this. We are eternal, and fighting for our freedom and saying NO, means we die free.

However, there two timelines, and one is a disaster, one is disclosure. One of the higher gifts kicked in when I was doing dishes, listening to the starseed music, Era, Gregarious, Vangelis, Constance Demby, on my mp3 player, and in altered state as that music puts you. It is meditation in itself. And the mindless chores create a zen mind. And I stepped into a flow, that I felt as vibrational energy, or a river and saw the two. The disclosure one was very joyous and my walk in friend was there at the podium too. Everyone was very relieved, as everything had been revealed and they were saved.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 10:59 AM
By the way, the earth and some people are ascending now, and the last installment of energy will come in 2012. We are due for another surge in Novemeber. In August when we had a big one I had several things occur that involved recognizing people in source, knowing some where my family, including a famous ufology figure who was now a renegade doing his own things, but needed prayers and support to wake up, lose his ego and go back on mission. For we love each other very much. Some family and my ex, and he needs a lot of help. A wonderful woman on youtube who is like a sister to me. I was just amazed, overjoyed, and started praying and asking for help for many people. And I had to sleep alot, my forhead was burning and I felt ill and went down for naps for 4 hours a day.

I knew that we had come down in various stages, during many decades in waves. That we knew each other and were informed of others, or knew them as well. When I read something written by the famous name in ufology that was off mission, I was really upset, and I had this expanded awareness, there was another me there, who knew so much more, and she wanted to go and have a talk with him. And was aware he was a renegade. The next morning J'Anus, one of my advisors came and said that many starseeds aren't waking up, and due to the severe negative 3D reality on earth, many get corrupted by the world, and we have to send love, and energy and light and prayers, and ask for them to awaken and go back on assignment.

I was feeling very isolated and suddenly and forgot the matrix for a moment and walked outside reaching into the Universal Understanding instinctively, knowing I could. I was connected instantly into the group mind with the Federation and my people and told "welcome back" and was just so happy, just over flowing with incredible happiness. This is the thing I miss the most. Sarah Brightman's song "Beautiful" ----Innermost thoughts will be understood, and you can have everything that you need."

My other thread is about waking up to who you are in source, and includes many songs.
The reason I'm including all of this is because the ascension is real, the vibrational hz, increases, and when it does, if you're an experiencer, you're experiences change and so much information is given to you. Some of that information, or nightly experiences are shared with those you know. You meet more people because you have energy recognition that draws you to them, and you recognize the light in them. Its something you have to begin, to experience.

This doesnt stop the need to rescue people and free them. For that is the Prime Directive and the Divine Plan.
love and light!
Sa'l me't ja'ri'n

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I'm glad you mentioned the 12 layers of DNA. Science only recognises the top two, and considers the other eight layers to be 'junk'. Gradually the other layers are being reactivated, as the increased light energy is beamed to Earth.

Kryon, The Magnetic Master has a summary of DNA 'The sacred names and functions of the twelve layers of DNA', here:

The main Kryon website is at:

I am sure that there will be many different opinions as to how the coming changes are going to impact on us all, from the Galactic Federation Commander in his Lightship, to Kryon the Magnetic Master; Archangel Metatron and all of the multitudes of beings and authorities involved in this vast subject.

For some people here there will be a good outcome, and for others not. It behoves us to do all we can to help as many as we possibly can.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 01:11 PM
Yes, and some of the archangels even are incarnated. They meet with the Council of Nine, and see the code of this matrix. And battles are done at night with the archangels and the Federation/Andromedans to assist those starseeds waking up and aware, who ask for this help. This can clear off abductions, and monitoring as well. Miczael, Uriel, Metraton, amongst many.

This is a cycle and instead of being repeated as slaves, humans need to be boosted from type 0 to type 1 civilizations so they can begin to advance. This is the galactic plan. The thing I don't understand in this process, and the dark rift, and the evidence of dramatic shifts in the earth's crust, and rotation of the planet is, why with such an occurrence predicted to be nearing again, is there this push for microchipping and nwo. I was also told that they intend to microchip people, and that there will be a neuro toxin in these implants so anyone speaking up will be neutralized. And that we will literally have to fight for freedom. Why is this information being demonstrated as severe when there wouldnt be enough survivors unless disclosure or other methods create a miracle this time, this cycle?

The earth changes are real processes, there is physics theories about the dark rift and evidence in terms of ice samples, magma samples and layers in the poles and northern locations, and in terms of underwater cities being discovered, pretty much intact implying entire land masses sunk. This seems valid enough. So why the microchipping??? Why the other aspects we keep encountering from the codex alimentarius to fema camps? Without intervention or a real awareness spike so we can do something that miraculously works, who is going to be left to put in those camps?

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

Interesting map. Thanks for that link.

Did you notice that there is NOTHING nuclear marked on Australia?

I'm not planning to go rushing off to there, or Africa, though.

I'm staying in the UK what-ever-happens or doesn't happen.

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:43 AM
It depends on what goes down, but my friend showed me two maps, one was better than the other, both were horrific, of the after earth. The UK is mostly submerged, Europe doesn't fare well, neither do the Scandinavian coutries, and quite a bit of Russia, China, is gone, sections of North America, and Australia doesnt do very well either.

So, while I believe that this is a situtation that has been variable in the past, I hope, and that this could be like a lion or a lamb, I hope, people who are awake and aware should be starting to throw everything they have at thinking of earth's healing, perhaps, shielding, disclosure and the shake the leaders down for info, plus if its all going to end, lets make sure we are free as a race. We need to declare our freedom from them, I'm not advocating violence, just backbone. Speaking up and saying, we don't endorse you guys any more, you and your evil henchman stand alone and we are now going to relocate and restructure AS WE WISH! Backbone.


The Prime Minister has warned world leaders the planet faces a "catastrophic" future of heatwaves, floods and droughts if a new deal on climate change is not struck....

The PM warned world leaders they could not compromise with the planet so "must compromise with each other" and reach a deal "to make the world safe for human survival".

"In every era there are only one or two moments when nations come together and reach agreements that make history - because they change the course of history," Mr Brown told the Major Economies Forum.

"Copenhagen must be such a time.

"If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice.

"This is the moment. Now is the time. For the planet there is no plan B."

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 10:47 AM
This one is very conservative, and its prediction is not related to anything hitting us, such as a gravitational field, ripple, energy, large CME's, etc which could speed it up. Also, this is the North Pole. Greenland has been melting at rapid speeds. If it melts it alone will raise ocean levels by as much as 30 feet. Its Antartica that would raise it permanently by 200 feet or so more, and possibly cause an immediate ice age, by flooding the fresh water in.
This is just the pole melt scenario. The disaster that we could be facing would be this, and pole shifts all at once.


British polar explorer Pen Hadow led an expedition to collect the data behind the alarming prediction.

He told Sky News: "We were able to reach the areas the scientists can't get to. Our findings are depressing.

"In just ten years or so 80-85 per cent of the Arctic Ocean will be ice free, and within twenty years we'll have completely lost the summer ice."

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

This is a cycle and instead of being repeated as slaves, humans need to be boosted from type 0 to type 1 civilizations so they can begin to advance. This is the galactic plan. The thing I don't understand in this process, and the dark rift, and the evidence of dramatic shifts in the earth's crust, and rotation of the planet is, why with such an occurrence predicted to be nearing again, is there this push for microchipping and nwo. I was also told that they intend to microchip people, and that there will be a neuro toxin in these implants so anyone speaking up will be neutralized. And that we will literally have to fight for freedom. Why is this information being demonstrated as severe when there wouldnt be enough survivors unless disclosure or other methods create a miracle this time, this cycle?

In common with many people, I have over the last few years followed several sources of channelled messages, in connection with Ascension, the Illuminati, and similar subjects. A few of them have been remarkable in their consistency and truthfulness. I should mention that all of the ancient texts which were written down by scribes, were received by telepathy, and this method continues to the present.

One of these sources is Matthew Ward who died in 1980, and provides monthly messages channelled through his Mother, Susie Ward. These spiritual (not religious) messages are remarkable and freely available to subscribe to, or download.

In the latest message dated 19th October 2009, Matthew explains why the Dark continue to peddle their horrific agenda, and what the Spiritual Hierarchy's plans are to defeat this. I won't quote from this document, as it is better to read the whole piece for yourself, but I urge anyone who doesn't understand the current situation regarding the Light/Dark battle on Planet Earth, to read it:

The Archive of Matthew's previous messages going back to 31st December 2003, complete with content descriptions is here:

It is fascinating to go back to previous events and incidents on Earth, and read Matt's messages regarding them, as it often gives a totally different perspective from our 3rd dimensional view. They are all free to read and download.

I hope this will help answer your question Unity_99.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:20 AM
To be honest I'm looking forward to 2012, because I'm fed up of hearing about it.

One of two things will happen in 2012:

  1. The world will rip itself apart due to one or all of the various doomsayers prophecies, billions will die, except the few who sit in their shelters wearing T-shirts saying "Told you so!" - after the aftermath, presuming there is an after, the world will be populated entirely by w@nkers. So, not worth surviving
  2. They'll decide that perhaps their calculations were slightly askew, and that the next big date will be 21 December 2021, as predicted by the Mayans, and various other cultures that have vanished. Which will be handy, because their books will be out just in time for Christmas 2012!

I weep for the future

Daisy's predictions for 2012:

  1. Led Zeppelin will do a re-union gig, again
  2. KFC and Burger King will merge to take on McDonalds
  3. London Olympics will be crap
  4. ID Cards will be introduced through a backdoor legislation
  5. The Earth will still be around, as will be the Prophets of Doom

[edit on 21/10/09 by Daisy-Lola]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Ty you, I enjoyed the first link, and its message. Is he referring to the Council of Nine? We're here for the change, for the emergence of 5D, but also for shining light and love frequencies, and waking others up. Disclosure would bring the United Earth Council, end wars and the banking system, nearly every disease would be healed and a time of advancement for this planet, and accomplish the Divine Plan. But there are several timelines, I've seen two. The disclosure one is the one we need. Such an advancement is required for the multiverse itself.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by sum-one

Australia has bigger problems than nuclear power plants. The safest place to be in Australlia is the desert -- as this will become fertile temperate zone. Unfortunately, surviving there BEFORE anything takes place is nearly impossible -- so Australlia is really stuck in a catch-22. Also, the majority of Australia will be ice cold -- no crop production, etc.

Here's what Patrick Geryl has to say regarding Australia:
The 'my' and 'I' references are Patrick Geryl's words, not mine.

Hi, I’m in Australia , I understand whats going to happen / Can I make a survival place/ community here, advice, I am on your wavelength...

My answer:
Survival will be higly unlikely in Australia

1. Tidal wave will be 2 km (7,000 feet) high!

Here is the link:

His answer:
Hi , thanks for that, we have mountains 2.1-2.2 high,
Would think it was possible? Aboriginals survived!?

My answer:
Mountains can sink. Read my book How to Survive 2012
Also the high mountains are natural parks. You can't build bunkers there or stockpile survival material!
How long do you think you can survive without food, material, etcetera?


Papoua New Guinea had a land bridge with Australia after the cataclysm.
Then the ice melted and the land bridge disappeared.

See Underworld from Graham Hancock
So it is possible that the animals and the aboriginals came from there!

2. Expected pole shift

If you study this map you will conclude that a large part of Australia will be very close to the polar circle. Like Canada, a large part of Australia will become ice cold!


posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 08:47 AM
Actually what has been told to me is that Canada will be at the equator after the shift, which is precisely why the House of Windsor built their base at the continental divide in Colorado.
The elite expect us all to go away in the night, and they will emerge into balmy weather.
The rest of the planet will be in a swift severe ice age.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 07:14 PM
Another great topic! I will go through it all next week and come back to you!

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