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Scientists claim black people less intelligent than whites in Channel 4 show

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:40 AM
I don't know about intelligence, but something I have noticed is that Black people have darker skin than white people. That should tell you something.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by GiveUpTheGhost
Why is it that the moment racial issues arise critical thinking is immediately dispatched and emotional hysteria usurps the reins of discourse?

Because of emotional immaturity.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Ok you guys are very misinformed.

Black people are not physically superior to white people.

On average yes they are, it’s a scientific fact. Black people are “all around” physically superior to every other race.

This is a myth perpetuated by sports on TV, however if you watch the Olympics you will see whites/asians/blacks at a NECK to NECK competition athletically.
on average they have more twitch fiber muscles, better stamina, and faster muscle recovery and build rates.

All the testing can be found online, my brother did a lot of research on this and there’s not even a debate.

If you take an average black man and an average white man, the average black man will blow the white man out of the water with nearly every physical experiment.

Saying Blacks are more athletic, or that whites are better at counting money, or that asians are better researchers is completely unfounded and ignorant.

Those three things you listed are not the same. They have done tests on the amount of twitch fiber muscles, anaerobic respiratory abilities, muscle recover rates and have found that black people are superior to every other race across the board. There are few exceptions. One exception is the superior lungs and repertory abilities of “high” Tibetans.

Your playing favorites and ignoring the VAST amount of evidence that disproves your assessment. here. Cuz people like me will shoot you down.

My brother has researched the evidence you speak of, and it all points toward black people being psychically superior.

Either you think we are all Homo Sapiens or you do not. There is no middle ground.

False dichotomy

And by the way, black people get sunburns all the time too. Just ask them.

Not nearly as easily as other races; Enhanced protection from the sun is just one more thing that makes black people psychically superior.

And please think about things Critically before you spew prejudice and ignorance around here. Cuz people like me will shoot you down.

This isn’t prejudice, it’s a fact. There are many tests that have been performed that I’m willing to put up against your OPINION any day.

Black people are physically superior

Deny ignorance.

[edit on 10/16/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by nwodeath
I don't know about intelligence, but something I have noticed is that Black people have darker skin than white people. That should tell you something.

I've noticed that also, I've also seen some white people who almost appear dark skinned - as if they spend far too much time in the sun. Crazy how skin colour works.

Unlike me, fluorescent lights for legs.

oO Im serious...... Oo

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

It has to do more with diet, weather and culture. Look at those Eastern Europeans. They are white, are they not? Then why are they poor?

Besides, who created labels like subprime? Who doesn't give proper budgets to inner city schools? You reap what you sow.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:33 AM
Don't believe the hype about the alleged 'IQs' and hence alleged intelligence of Black people, White people and Asian people. I am going to qualify my use of these categories - they are just simple categories for convenience.

The whole IQ argument is grounded in misinformation, outright lies, and false premises. Anybody ever read the book The End of Racism by Dinesh De Souza? While he made a few valid points re individual African Americans who take fighting racism down an irrational, solipsistic path, he uses the IQ stereotype to declare that yes indeed Blacks are inferior intellectually while Asians are the superior ones over Blacks and Whites.

This is apparently based on how well Asians pass IQ tests and how well they do at Math and Science. There are misleading 'IQ' charts found on wikipedia sites and other sites that make claims to show the intelligence level of each country.

Countries like Japan and Korea who shove memory learning and constant repitition of Math and Science into their students' brains from an early age are the supposed homes of the most 'intelligent' people on earth. What bulls***. We have to look at culture here and that includes the culture of deceit and saving face.

Koreans often boast they have the highest IQs in the world. Anybody who has ever lived in Korea will tell you for people who claim that their intelligence is superior, they lack so much commonsense and lateral thinking in daily life and in their insitutions.

Japan's society and its institutions has a similar although not quite the same inability to think laterally and to pursue rigid ways of doing things at every level that often result in negative results and the repitition of these again and again.

Lateral thinking, the ability to think outside the box is definitely part of the cultures of those two countries. Tney are known for adapting other countries' creativity and inventions to make products they then claim are totally original. They are copiers, not innovators.

The so called high intelligence is partly due to a combination of rote learning techniques and repetition, factors that help their students score highly in IQ tests. The other part of this is the fact that these societies continually test their students - their students do way more tests than their Black and White counterparts in the US etc, and they do far more rigid narrow tests.

Japanese and Koreans as students and adults tend to be poor at writing essays in which they have to combine analysis with fact with their own opinions. This simply is not a skill in those societies as they are educated to see knowledge as something you learn by rote. Thinking about and discussing issues are just not part of their education systems. Drilling to pass tests is.

Korea is a country in which image and saving face is the focus - not revealing truth or seeking truth. That is not saying all Koreans think alike that way - it is saying that the societal structure and insitutions are built on how to project the image of something rather than digging for the truth.

Cheating is a huge problem in schools and higher education institutions compared to their counterparts in the west. Korean teachers, academics, researchers and professionals have been found to have falsified data at far higher rates than in other OECD countries. This includes the scores of students at school and colleges.

IQ tests could only be relevant in terms of seeing how the countries of the world perform if uniform, consistent rules were applied. If those who took them such as school students and university students had to take the same test as everybody else under the same conditions with strict regulation to make sure cheating was not possible nor post test falsification.

There also could not be the bias whereby indigenous peoples who do not have the same educational conditions (to name but one group of people) take an IQ test which is designed for members of a very different society.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by dontbelievehype]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:43 AM
Whites are less intelligent in X.

Blacks are less intelligent in Y.

The racist does not allow for realization 1 and the anti-racist does not allow for realization 2 because they are all a bunch of brainwashed morons. And this way many things will not come to light and be solved.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:44 AM
After starting this thread, I began by getting in on the discussion only to realise that the best option was to sit back and observe.

A few posters acted like it was my research and my program, and my fault!

After reading everyone's input, I believe it works like this:

If we could take 100,000 children from each so called race, for arguments sake let us say, Black, White, Asian, Australian Aborigine (because they are the most insulted by this scientist's claims) - and raise them identically. By that I mean house, clothe, give medical care, feed, nurture, provide emotional support, but above all EDUCATE them identically - I bet there would be no discernible differences in the IQ between the races.

This hypothetical experiment I believe would surely prove that the level of intelligence, determined from culturally bias IQ tests, is a flawed and inadequate means of testing intelligence, to say nothing about trying to link the results to a persons skin colour or genes!

Anyway, I'm sure another round of kiwifoot hating is on its way!

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:44 AM
And to address 'But Asians outperform Blacks and Whites in Math and Science in the US' - those same students come from families where constant studying is the norm. Period.

Anyone who knows Korea and Japan knows that from elementary school most kids go to after school schools. It's not a little tutoring - it's full on study after school has finished. This study ethic is taken to the new country of residence and where the after school schools aren't available in the same form, there are usually after school classes being taken. There are also replicas of the Korean and Japanese cram schools in the US.

Good luck to these students and their parents for their study ethic. Their high scores in Math and Science do not however make North-East and other Asians the most intelligent people in the world. They are the highest achievers in tests. As Kiwifoot said 'If we could take 100,000 children'. etc

I know that Australia had a White only policy on who they let into their country for a time in the 20th century. People from countries they didn't want (ie Chinese) were given language tests in languages they didn't know - eg Latin. I see this as an analogy to the racist view that Aus Aborigines have a low IQ - they would not perform in an IQ test that they have not been exposed to as a norm likewise with other peoples supposedly with 'low' IQs.

Getting back to Korea and Japan, it's significant that the inventions that truly enhanced human living conditions and radically changed life from the 19th century onwards were from societies that encouraged the pursuit of knowledge and lateral thinking in some if not all of their educational institutions. These changes did not come from Korea or Japan.

IQ test results had nothing to do with these great changes.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by dontbelievehype]

[edit on 16-10-2009 by dontbelievehype]

[edit on 16-10-2009 by dontbelievehype]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
but above all EDUCATE them identically - I bet there would be no discernible differences in the IQ between the races.

Yes there would. Because A is better in A-type-activities and B is better in b-type activities. Differences are good. They are ordained by nature.

Every race has their special tendencies and qualities that make them unique.

Unfortunately PC-culture does not allow us to explore and appreciate those differences.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by kiwifoot
but above all EDUCATE them identically - I bet there would be no discernible differences in the IQ between the races.

Yes there would. Because A is better in A-type-activities and B is better in b-type activities. Differences are good. They are ordained by nature.

Every race has their special tendencies and qualities that make them unique.

Unfortunately PC-culture does not allow us to explore and appreciate those differences.

I think in this instance, with identical upbringings, there wouldn't be a difference.

In their own cultures, in their own societies, yes there would be, maybe there are differences, but this isn't down to race.

I'm not saying that there are not physical differences, strengths and weaknesses Sky, but I believe that intelligence isn't one of them. And I am an avid supporter of a non-PC world, but this isn't PC, but just bad science!

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by dontbelievehype
Anybody ever read the book The End of Racism by Dinesh De Souza? While he made a few valid points re individual African Americans who take fighting racism down an irrational, solipsistic path, he uses the IQ stereotype to declare that yes indeed Blacks are inferior intellectually while Asians are the superior ones over Blacks and Whites.

De Souza is basing racial supremacy on Islamic theology. So the movement he suggest is toward global domination. He doesn't take into account any other factors than theology as superiority. And he's a loon.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Assuming everyone is born healthy. But that's just it, health is predetermined by genes and alelles. It's simple math. Extinction would happen to certain races first given equal environments and conditions.
The whole race catagorization is based on genes and origins of man to determine facial recognition for the Department of Homeland Security. Like catagorizing plants and animals, we needed a system to identify.
Then all these pansy a$$es had to take it personally and get all offended.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
I think in this instance, with identical upbringings, there wouldn't be a difference.In their own cultures, in their own societies, yes there would be, maybe there are differences, but this isn't down to race.I'm not saying that there are not physical differences, strengths and weaknesses Sky, but I believe that intelligence isn't one of them. And I am an avid supporter of a non-PC world, but this isn't PC, but just bad science!

I know its forbidden by the PC-police to say it, but their are differences in types-of-intelligence based on race.

"Different" does not mean "inferiour" though.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
After starting this thread, I began by getting in on the discussion only to realise that the best option was to sit back and observe.

A few posters acted like it was my research and my program, and my fault!

After reading everyone's input, I believe it works like this:

If we could take 100,000 children from each so called race, for arguments sake let us say, Black, White, Asian, Australian Aborigine (because they are the most insulted by this scientist's claims) - and raise them identically. By that I mean house, clothe, give medical care, feed, nurture, provide emotional support, but above all EDUCATE them identically - I bet there would be no discernible differences in the IQ between the races.

I would like to just bring up one case that was very public a few years ago.

As typical I cannot find the reference to link to, as google is pathetically inundated with non-relate links despite seraching for "aboriginal man" "raised in America" "brutal murder", But I will still make the point.

This case was of an America couple who had lived in Australia and had adopted an Aboriginal baby boy to care for. At some point, while he was still an infant, they moved back to the US. By the age of about 13 or so, the child had become involved in crimes that had welfare workers wondering about his mental health and ability.

It was determined that he was intellectually handicapped.

He spent his youth in and out of institutions, and was eventually sentenced to death for the brutal murder of a woman he and an accomplice intended to rob - and it was noted for it's brutality as she, the victim, was completely compliant.

The reason it stands out to me is because when I watched the Police show (48 hours or whatever it was, iirc) they had a description of a Dark Skinned male, but not African American, and not otherwise identifiable from a known ethnic group.

Once police had identified a similar MO with this one individual whos description met the same as that described, then it all came to light.

My point is not that it is indicative of all Aborigines to be of low intellect and prone to violence, but that given an entirely difference upbringing - as you suggested - in a lovng family, the outcome was no different - IN THIS CASE - to that which we see here in Australia.

I will continue to look for an article to confirm the case, I remember looking it up at the time, but then I had a name. Now I cannot recall.

If anyone else has any knowledge of the case Im referring to, I'd appreciate the input.

Anyway, I guess my point is that on the surface YES environment changes an aspect of the individuals outcome. But there is much more to it than that, and you cannot qualify that as a fact. Evolution breeds in and out of our brains a lot more than intelligence and common sense. It has a much larger impact, in my honest and personal opinion.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:58 AM
I totally agree lol.. I have an IQ of 169 but I'm the most clumsiest, un- coordinated, scatter brained, common sense deficient person I know! Lol

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Mainstream society accepts and teaches the implications of Darwin's "Origin of Species", or it s original title "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life", as the gospel truth, but mainstream society gets angry when it is spoken about? These scientists (so called) are simply products of their Darwinian indoctrination, can you really expect any less?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:45 AM
A contact of mine was conducting research into the differing drug absorption rates between race 'types'.

I am no pharmacologist, but according to his preliminary research, each of the races has a different reaction to various drugs. His research would have allowed him to benefit millions of people through better drug administration depending on genetic inheritance.

He was stopped because it was a 'politically' sensitive issue. We need to get over the past and realise that there are 'differences', even though we are all one.

We have gone too much the other way and are nonsensically knocking ideas purely because of political correctness.

Yes, we are the same..but we are different, and to quieten everyone who seeks to analyse the differences is not conducive. For example, those of Indian origin in the Uk have been found to be at greater risk of heart disease. Should we not pre-emptively treat them for fear of being accused of racism?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by JPhish

As a counter point:To truly deny ignorance would be to state at the offset your reasoning is limited by the term 'average'. An arbitrary standard as clearly someone is determining the definition of 'average' and others might disagree with those parameters. What you are doing is a classic case of misinterpretation, in that you---or more fairly the research you allude to--are attributing what are environmentally dictated individual or long-line point of origin traits to biological racial differences. Failing to account for selective breeding and environmental factors are the very reason these matters are so confusing to most.

Exactly as is the case regarding these 'iq' tests.

It might be advisable for us all to consider human beings as individuals(first and foremost) with varying skin tones rather than to attempt to pigeon hole some(groups) as 'superior' to others with one breath and at the same time insisting how equal we all are with the next breath.

The true ignorance denying point here is that races proper may and should be basically 'equal' given we are all one species, but we should all have enough plain common sense to realize individuals within or apart from any race can and are, in some ways and some cases, 'superior or inferior' to other INDIVIDUALS.

An 'average' person simply does not exist.When viewed in that light, this entire matter can be laid to rest.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:09 AM
There is no need to conduct a special study, take a sample from a racially diverse prep school. I went to one, we had white people, black people, and latin people (actually from various latin american countries just to clarify) all were either very upper middle class or just upper class economically and there was no difference among us, educationally. Brace yourself for the shocker of all shockers, there were a few scholarship students there, and yes they were mainly inner city blacks, and they were smart. They were typically smarter than those that paid full tuition because they put forth maximum effort to be there, as opposed to some of the others who were shuffled from boarding school to boarding school because they were more focused on getting into trouble. I do not believe the difference lies in the color of one's skin, but in the desire of the mind. A person will focus in on whatever it is they deem important or interesting.

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