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2 UFOs Chased by Military Jets Ecuador, English translation

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by rickyrrr
The subtitles are accurate, but they look like not a very literal (word by word) translation. more like a paraphrased translation.

they are very heavily paraphrased. also not in sync.

[edit on 15-10-2009 by JScytale]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:29 AM
The question is whether these so called UFO's are really alien or probably some form of new black project cloaking crafts not known to a standard air force credential officer.

I would not be surprised by one slight of a chance if it were ours, as it would justify the need for real toying so to speak exercise that man made UFO crafts would need to partake in order to study the real applicabilities of these crafts and reactions of another less dominant air-force like Ecuador.

[edit on 10/15/2009 by krystalice]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Don't you think that U.S admittance of this being a genuine UFO case is a bit fishy? It's a classic example of what the U.S always does when people see things in the sky that they don't want to be seen. If it's a genuinely something that cannot be explained, they write it off as an "experimental aircraft" or some kind of "weather balloon" and in the event where people do catch a good glimpse of an experimental air craft or something or other, they turn the tables and say "it was of extra-terrestrial origins" classic disinfo. tactic.

It could very well be the U.S. covering its own hide to keep whatever the Ecuadorians found under the sheets. But i'm not denying that it could have been something else entirely.

just consider the possibilities

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 01:07 PM
I think that due to the fact both eye witnesses are pilots brings a great deal of credibility to the report, although that said at the end of the day they are still just human and open to the same temtations as anyone to exagerate a bit. I am not saying for a minute this is what is happening but I think with all eye witness accounts of anything there is the temtation there for anyone to exagerate.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by andy mac myc
I think that due to the fact both eye witnesses are pilots brings a great deal of credibility to the report, although that said at the end of the day they are still just human and open to the same temtations as anyone to exagerate a bit. I am not saying for a minute this is what is happening but I think with all eye witness accounts of anything there is the temtation there for anyone to exagerate.

I agree, thus I am curious as to how much it would cost a low economically stranded government to be paid to make an exaggerated claim as such?

Perhaps this story is as real as it gets, except that we are not seeing any extra-terrestrial crafts, whilst arguably they stand strange and unexplainable.

When will we ever be provided with some hard evidence as oppossed to some flaky dots on a radar screen and animated illustrations.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by El Wendigo
Don't you think that U.S admittance of this being a genuine UFO case is a bit fishy?

If you understood spanish (or read my translation) you would understand there is no admittance.

"Concretely, from the United States, that are highly qualified sources of information, that we are inside an environment in which we have unidentified objects. Concretely, they are extraterrestrial objects, of that I am sure. We share the universe with other beings."

[edit on 15-10-2009 by JScytale]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by JScytale

Originally posted by El Wendigo
Don't you think that U.S admittance of this being a genuine UFO case is a bit fishy?

If you understood spanish (or read my translation) you would understand there is no admittance.

"Concretely, from the United States, that are highly qualified sources of information, that we are inside an environment in which we have unidentified objects. Concretely, they are extraterrestrial objects, of that I am sure. We share the universe with other beings."

[edit on 15-10-2009 by JScytale]

I speak fluent spanish actually and your translations were for the most part accurate but not verbatim. And thinking back, admittance was probably a bad choice of words. The commander does say however that based on the information he has from sources not only within Ecuador (namely the U.S.) that lead him to conclude these objects were of extraterrestrial origin. That's as close as admittance as we'd probably come. Which still raises my original question, could it still be disinfo on our part?

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:43 PM
Hi ALL, Great Vid, but we ALL know there ARE other intelligent beings around. 100s of Billions of Stars, Trillions of planets and we are the only walking, talking beings. VERY Narrow Minded.

The reason USA and UK etc Don't want to release all the info they have, is because it will ONLY prove how they lie to us the tax paying civilians every day, On EVERY subject matter. Now what government wants to admit "Yes voters we've been lying to you ALL, about Everything from UFO's to False Flag operations etc for the last 100 years or so, as its for Your Own GOOD"

Wonder how long it will take for all the politicians to admit they are lying S.O.B.s

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by El Wendigo

"Concretamente, son objetos extraterrestres, de eso estoy seguro."
the fact he finishes that statement with "de eso estoy seguro" rather clearly illustrates that it is his opinion, and not information he learned elsewhere. I think what's throwing people off is that he says this immediately after mentioning that someone from the US told him that unidentified objects are to be expected.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by krystalice
I agree, thus I am curious as to how much it would cost a low economically stranded government to be paid to make an exaggerated claim as such?

Perhaps this story is as real as it gets, except that we are not seeing any extra-terrestrial crafts, whilst arguably they stand strange and unexplainable.

When will we ever be provided with some hard evidence as oppossed to some flaky dots on a radar screen and animated illustrations.

If anyone was incapable of bribing Correa into silence it would be the United States. He (along with a very, very large percentage of the country) have a strong distrust of the US which, in my opinion, is more than justified considering the history of the US presence (both militarily and economically) in the country. Bear in mind I am saying this as the son of a US diplomat who was posted there - we have treated them like they are insignificant and they most certainly do not appreciate it.

Correa sees the US a lot like Chavez does. He just doesn't ramble. The entire reason the Manta base isn't getting renewed is because Correa said the US could only maintain a presence there if they allowed Ecuador to build a military base in Miami. If the US asked the Ecuadoran government to not talk about something, I pretty much guarantee it would be in the papers the next morning.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by JScytale

and speaking of UFO sightings in Ecuador, there was one in the mid-late '90s that a large portion of my friends saw (this was before I lived there). None of the people in question were interested in the subjects of UFOs at ALL (people more concerned with graduating high school and where the next big party was to really think about something like UFOs). It was apparently a low-altitude object that just hovered over Quito at night and was seen by a lot of people. I would love to know if there are reports about it floating around online.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by JScytale

if Ecuador wrote that the U.S. asked them not to disclose info on UFOs they would look like idiots.

And no i dont agree that Correa would turn down money from the U.S. under the table for shutting up

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:30 PM
Last year our local police force Helicopter was (Allegedly) nearly hit by a UFO, they were angry at first thinking some idiot flying at night had nearly hit them. So they tried to catch it, then the reports get fuzzy. They say they have NO video/radar/sensor readings of ANY kind. This from a helicopter that can read vehicle license plates from 20,000feet, Pick up heat readings of a small dog at 5-8,000 feet. But NO video/pictures of what they chased for over 25 miles.

This was in ALL the news tv, newspapers etc. But by the next day the pilots had been told to play it down.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by The Legacy
reply to post by JScytale

if Ecuador wrote that the U.S. asked them not to disclose info on UFOs they would look like idiots.

And no i dont agree that Correa would turn down money from the U.S. under the table for shutting up

You clearly know Correa.
Does he have to present it as fact? No, he can very easily mock the US for making such a request. Would he take money from the US? No, because that's half the reason Ecuador is in trouble. Debt. To the US. Trust me when I say he would never believe "no strings attached" coming from an American.

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