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Religions Of The World, The Bigger Picture!

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:31 AM
Religions In General.

RULE #1 Regardless of what religion you are the only thing that matter is the following:

Does it make you a better person?
Does it DIVIDE you from other people in a way that you look at others wrong or differently?
Does it make you feel guilty or shameful of who you are?
Do you dump your responsibilities on others or in a church instead of taking responsibility for yourself?
Is there anything being taught to you that is making you look down on others maybe even unknowingly making judgments on others unconsciously?
Do you feel like your better than others?
If your religion is positive/uplifting and made you a better person then congratulations you are on the right path regardless of what religion that is.
IF there is nothing negative to be found whatsoever in what your doing and you are truly down to earth, sincere, humble, grateful full of love, caring, understanding, full of humility and all the positive things then continue down that journey/path.

There is only ONE pathway to higher places through progression. That is doing all the right things, everyone knows what these things are deep down inside. You just need to discover them all and figure them out if you haven’t yet fully seen/felt them.

What is God, Who is your God?

A few more things about religion:
Technically there is a GOD but only to man there is a GOD because we have put a definition on the word GOD and the definition that man has given to GOD is our own perception of GOD. Every religion has become divided and just about all have different understanding/definition/perception on the word GOD.

Technically GOD or should we say spirit FATHER above in higher places is ONE in the sense that if you left ONE man on earth with ONE woman all the children they have over many generations would all lead back to that ONE FATHER but every FATHER has a FATHER and it never ends so our FATHER in higher places has a FATHER and so does GRANDFATHER and great grandfather and so on. It goes on for eternity/infinity something the finite mind cannot begin to grasp/understand or comprehend. GOD is a word used and allowed for everyone to use in this world as a definition- stepping stone- TOOL to give meaning to Creation/Creators, perhaps it’s an authority figure of a Creator and what many need to hear in order to obey the laws/commandments of the Creator/Creators but the way GOD is portrayed in most religions is much different then what it is.Most need an authority figure in order to obey, as a son needs a father as his teacher/mentor!

I’ve researched many religions of the world and laws/commandments and for the most part (many) are good and common sense rules- such as don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie and so on. Most are GOOD things so religions teaching such things are not bad or wrong in doing so. There is no division necessary in dividing GOD from man if you see things from a higher perspective. That is like you dividing your FATHER from yourself, everything your FATHER and FAMILY has in the infinite heavens/universe’s above will one day be yours and you will be equals to them not slaves or servants playing a harp singing in their midst on a throne like a KING. That is earthly imagination of kingdoms of this world that DIVIDE one from another. That is child talk on the other side but perhaps once again it all comes down to what people need to hear/ in order to make it through this life obeying the laws, keeping the commandments and doing the right things. The only thing that matters in this lifetime is “DOING THE RIGHT THINGS”

THERE IS NO DIVISION in the heavens/endless higher dimensions/universe’s. The term heaven is INFINITE and heaven is not ONE place like people imagine it to be, Heaven/Heavens really only mean higher dimensions/universe’s. Those in higher places are merely more progressed than us but there is no servant, slave, master or division in kingdoms like we have on earth. UTOPIA planets times infinity out there exist. There is not ONE heaven or ONE Father in heaven there are INFINITE that all link back to us, we are interconnected to all things some that are more progressed and some that are less progressed than us. Just because somebody that some on earth consider or look at/feel to be above them on this planet like say a President or Wealthy popular superstar/celebrity is looked at as “Respected’ or even “Above” people in general doesn’t mean that this same mentality/attitude is accepted and found above in higher dimensions because it’s NOT. Only on planets like earth do people start dividing value of one soul to another. It all comes down to ONE thing. Literally 1 = ONE.

1=1 plain and simple that is the value of our soul and the value of all things in existence. WE are all ONE in value and the same from an eternal perspective. 11111111111 is a constant in all universes/dimensions/existences and eternal never-ending representing equal opportunity for all. Think about this for moment, a PYRAMID structure could NEVER exist within the limitless boundaries of infinity. If there is a TOP dividing those below that means there is a limit and an END to infinity. Infinity has NO end and NO beginning therefore there can be no TOP, no bottom, no higher, no lower and NO PRYAMID type structure of ONE KING or ONE RULER etc. It’s an impossibility within infinity or infinity would not be infinity period-period-period. (There can never be a Most high or Most Low within infinity.)

If someone was to view all the many so called Heavens/Utopia existences/planets/worlds out there they would refer back to the movie “What Dreams May Come” because those are your heavens. 1 2 You will someday create and have access to ANYTHING YOU WANT, you will create ANY TYPE of world/utopia planet you want but it all has to FIT perfectly in with the higher laws/rules of INFINITY. Everyone needs to learn their lessons first and have that understanding of ONE=1 and all things literally ALL THINGS are equal opportunity and ONE and the same in value nobody differing in the limitless boundaries of infinity. When a soul finally catches this understanding and it’s imprinted in them it will change the soul forever. ALL LIFE whether less progressed or more progressed is the same in terms of value and ONE. A tree in comparison to man is man in comparison to some that are above in the heavens/higher dimensions/universe’s. Then those above in higher/dimensions/universe’s are trees in comparison to some even above and this goes on eternally/infinitely. Knowledge/progression is never ending and eternal as soul progression is never ending/eternal. Most of what’s out there is BEYOND all comprehension for man and only some things can be shared and known by man as most things would be impossible to put into words let alone comprehend. A grasshopper does not know how to work the remote of your TV. The tree/man analogy is only a metaphor so don’t take it in the wrong way

I was raised a very religious person and I’m grateful to have experienced what I did because it has pushed me into a good direction. Whoever it is, whatever it is your following in this lifetime whether through religion or elsewhere it all comes down to those questions above I stated earlier.

Does it make you a better person?
Does it DIVIDE you from other people in a way that you look at others wrong or differently?
Does it make you feel guilty or shameful of who you are?
Do you dump your responsibilities on others or in a church instead of taking responsibility for yourself?
Is there anything being taught to you that is making you look down on others maybe even unknowingly making judgments on others unconsciously?
Is there anything negative about what your doing, are you happy with what your doing knowing you are on the right path? Are you sure you’re on the right path?

Wherever the words of wisdom come from they are coming from the right source if they are good. I have found words of wisdom that are right within many religious institutions but on the other hand I see words of truth/wisdom at times mixed in with subtle prejudices that divide one group from another.

Only take what is right in all things and leave behind all prejudice, ego, pride, vanity, judgment and so on. Never look down on anyone, do not let the thought cross your minds that you are better than anyone or more worthy, or more deserving or whatever it is because it’s false/incorrect. An important lesson to learn is 1=1 and ONE is what all things are with equal opportunity from an eternal perspective. Never judge anyone or think anything bad/wrong about another person you are not benefiting from it yourself spiritually and it’s a pointless act only damaging your own consciousness/spirituality by thinking something wrong of another. There is really no other purpose other than ego, pride or even self-comfort in feeling you’re better than someone by lifting yourself up above another in your own mind. (You are only better in your mind, that is not reality as every person is the same and all things are one/interconnected and equal from an eternal/higher perspective.)

All good things found in religion regardless of what religion it is- use and take those good things into your consciousness if they are positive energy and good for the soul. If you do not have a religion it makes no difference, you are still equal as religion is mere smokescreen and plays an important role- everyone will be happy with the outcome if they are doing the right/correct things regardless of religion/belief system, the only thing that counts again it’s very simple living your life in the best way you can, striving to make your weakness’s become strengths, choosing the right over wrong! (Plain and simple.)

Many words of wisdom to be found:

38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, forgive with understanding that this person is a little lost and only needs more love in his life.
40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, offer him more if you have more to give.
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him and ask him/her if there is anything else you can do to help.
42 Give to him that asketh if you have enough to give, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away if you have.
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Let your light so shine before men!
Blessed are the peacemakers:
Blessed are the pure in heart:
Blessed are the merciful:
Blessed are the meek:
Blessed are the humble:
Blessed are the patient:
Blessed are the sharing, caring and loving people of the world.
Blessed are those who face negative situations with positivity.
Blessed are all who seek equality and non-division among all people and nations.

All who do these things and remain on this path are on the right pathway regardless of religion, nation, country, race or division.

All are equal and ONE from an eternal perspective and have equal rights/opportunity to all things within the universe. YOU ARE the same as anything/anyone else out there and not looked down on as less, unworthy and so on. Your merely on a path and in the process of finding this information out and learning it so that you can better understand that nothing is greater in the way man perceives it to be. We are all the same, love your enemies as yourself. Do good to those who use you because they need to find this higher consciousness/understanding of love more than anyone does. Those who are thirsty for consciousness share what you have with those people. These are not requirements of you on this planet but they are the way of the higher/understanding consciousness. Those in the heavens/higher dimensions/universe’s are numberless and they all take JOY in helping those who are less fortunate then they are. This is the way of the FORCE the positive force of all things and the nature of happiness and love, in sharing, helping, caring, giving. When you are helping those less fortunate than you are, you are only helping yourself and your eternal progression at the same time you are only helping your family because everyone is your family in spirit.
Awaken Your Consciousness-Open Your Mind!

[edit on 11-10-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:38 AM
I tend to look at things like this, overall...

there's something that everyone is essentially trying to find. A center point. This center point can be considered "god", "the source", "nirvana", "total knowledge", WHATEVER you wish to call it... it's at the core of what all of us seek.

it is, in essence, what could be considered "god".

You can look at this all as being a big wheel. That center point that I spoke about is the center of the wheel, the hub. Each possible pathway is a spoke on the wheel. Each of us is on one of those spokes.

Some people find christianity is the spoke for them. Some people islam. Some buddhism, hinduism, tao, science, flying spaghetti monster...

Whatever your own path is, it's what is right for you, and you're on it for a reason.

That does NOT mean that someone else's path is incorrect. They're just on a different spoke than you are. That doesn't make you superior to them... All things are leading to the same place. No spoke is stronger than the other, to be that way, the wheel would be out of balance and we all fall down.

But... in the end... we're all looking for that center. It's all maya, illusion.

It's when people take that illusion seriously that we get into the most trouble

Your path can change at any time, just by turning your head, and seeing the "shinies" on the other side

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:52 AM
The 10 Commandments are pretty helpful even though it's way too summarized. In a nutshell, a commandment like "Thou Shalt Not Kill" basically means killing by mind, body, spirit, being a cause of, being remotely a cause of, etc. Same goes with the rest of the OT Commandments. A fix was issued in the NT since most people are too stupid to realize that "Thou Shalt Not Kill" didn't simply mean "Thou Shalt Not Kill Physically".

Essentially if people obey the commandments in the Bible, the world be a utopian society. The world wouldn't be like this if you just do what is commanded.

Unfortunately, people are just too lazy to read.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Unregistered

Essentially if people obey the commandments in the Bible, the world be a utopian society. The world wouldn't be like this if you just do what is commanded.

The bibles also advise that that those who don't follow its' orders that they should be punished . Some of the the punishments include stoning to death and being tortured for eternity.

Hm, hardly a Utopian world that xtianity did try ( and would probably try again given enough rope) to force upon it.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

You are SOooooo setting yourself up for the anti-christ, who will provide jobs and money and be all to end all to the ignorant who don't know His Word, His Book and want to be politically correct!..

If you don't stand for something [ besides PC [ bs ] , you'll fall for anything!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Unregistered

The correct translation is, ** Thou shalt not MURDER **

If you kill someone while defending your life, you did not murder them, you killed them out of self defense, there is no punishment for defending yourself.

However, if you plan to kill someone, then that is wrong and that is murder, and that is what the Commandment is all about saying not to do.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:24 AM
Hmmm! In India religions preach to be happy in whatever religion you are born in. All paths are the same. There were no so called conversions of any kind. Personally speaking i believe existence of god gives a hope in times of troubles. It gives a meaning to our existence , and it gives us a hope of after life.
And religions are just a way of defining a good path to lead a life. Overall i think todays technology driven world with the finite limits of our science has just limited ourselves on what can exist and what cannot. If we cannot percieve that anything or anyone like god can exist it dosent mean it might not exist at all.

Overall i believe all religions are good , only the leaders or current preachers can be corrupt or have modified the interpretation to suite their own vision.

And regarding life i think same as one old saint in India said " Life is a Dream. But only diference is that this dream starts when as a child we open are eyes and it ends when we close our eyes for last time. "

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Jomina

Hi Jomina,

Whatever your own path is, it's what is right for you, and you're on it for a reason.

It doesn't get any clearer than that, whether someone is running down the wrong or right path they are there for a reason/purpose and it's part of their learning experience in the long run. However in order to progress/advance a person needs to find/choose the correct path to higher consciousness. Nobody can force a person to understand/comprehend or be aware of something they have to find it all on their own. There are zero negative beings in the higher dimensions/existences/universe's, negativity is of a lower state of consciousness/understanding. We are part of that negativity while here on earth, man looks outwards sometimes pointing the finger elsewhere not realizing that many humans on earth are considered to be "The Malevolents" by others looking at earth from the outside.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Hi Moocowman,

The bibles also advise that that those who don't follow its' orders that they should be punished . Some of the the punishments include stoning to death and being tortured for eternity.

Anything negative is of negative. (Plain and simple)

If there is anything negative to be found in any bible it is not the correct path.

Take what is positive and good from religion and bibles and leave the negativity behind.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by toasted

Hi Toasted,

You are SOooooo setting yourself up for the anti-christ, who will provide jobs and money and be all to end all to the ignorant who don't know His Word, His Book and want to be politically correct!.

Who/what do you believe the anti-Christ is?

What is the book and word and where do you believe it's origin is from?

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by curiousindian

Hi Curiousindian,

Hmmm! In India religions preach to be happy in whatever religion you are born in. All paths are the same. There were no so called conversions of any kind. Personally speaking i believe existence of god gives a hope in times of troubles. It gives a meaning to our existence , and it gives us a hope of after life.And religions are just a way of defining a good path to lead a life.

God is a word used by man, defined by man and needed by most men to keep them on the correct path as you have also suggested to bring definition to what creation/life is all about, to bring hope, meaning, purpose and so on. This does not mean God does not exist (Technically God does exist), only that mans perception/definition of God is finite, shallow, limited and incomplete. God/Gods are technically infinite Teachers/Creators/Designers of this universe and beyond all human understanding/comprehension as the human mind cannot even begin to grasp what infinity really means, man can only touch on the concept of the idea.

Has anyone considered that all religions have a place in the endless of heavens/higher dimensions/existences/worlds? With all things being possible and able within the limitless boundaries of infinity all religions have a place and someday all will understand that division/separation of cultures, races, languages, religions all came down to a purpose/reason for humanity needing division/separation in mortality in order to come to the realization that all things are one/equal/family and the same from an eternal, higher consciousness/understanding/perspective.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:05 PM
I just wanted to add a few more things on religion. Most/All religions out there have the best intentions in the long run. Some of it is what's necessary to know/experience on this planet for all people. The Teachers/Creators/Designers are aware of everything going on in the world and have played a role in many different religions--many different times from the very beginning since man was placed on earth. Messages are given, prophecies are told, inspirational words of wisdom are given, miracles happen, prayers are usually always answered, everything has a higher unseen/not yet understood/realized purpose/reason even all religions.

This may go against what many out there believe and say but I have asked/found out for myself on a personal level. If you want to open your mind a little bit more on religions I would start with this website: You don't have to look about what's being said so much about religion but keep in mind all religions of the world serve a purpose whether anyone sees it or not as bad/good as it seems sometimes.

Another mind-opening book to read is "The Gods Of Eden" by William Bramley! Now I realize things will be said/thought much differently about world religions/governments structure/power etc. They have created great DIVISION among many people on earth however they do play a role, in fact everything plays a role down here on earth whether we see it/realize it or not. Everything in the long run is for the betterment/progression of everyone's soul/mind consciousness and you need to experience/go through all these things whether good or bad. So cast your vote and make a decision/choice today on where you want to go. Which way are you headed or do you even care?

The only thing that matters and it always comes down to one thing.
"Doing the right thing, Making the right choices in life, following the right path! Period-period-period...

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by moocowman
reply to post by Unregistered

Essentially if people obey the commandments in the Bible, the world be a utopian society. The world wouldn't be like this if you just do what is commanded.

The bibles also advise that that those who don't follow its' orders that they should be punished . Some of the the punishments include stoning to death and being tortured for eternity.

Hm, hardly a Utopian world that xtianity did try ( and would probably try again given enough rope) to force upon it.

No. You have gravely misunderstood it. The commandments of God and Christ didn't advocate stoning anyone or killing anyone. The pharisees are the ones who are doing those things.

You should try reading it so you won't misunderstand.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 12:02 PM
An interview I recommend people watch on religions/structure of the world so they can have a bigger picture as many things said are true but perhaps seen from the wrong perspective by Mr. Jordan Maxwell but nevertheless it will help open your minds further to the world and keep in mind whether things are happening for a negative/evil purpose or not everything plays a role in opposition and is here for a reason/purpose. Your choices determine your destiny/outcome, what you put out you get back, negative/evil can only act upon you according to the law of consequence to action and according to your own actions. If you treat others badly your only treating yourself badly in the long run. The Spirit/Soul and consciousness is all that counts-making the right choices is all that matters!

The basic idea/concept/image representing right to wrong, negative to positive found within the universe balancing opposition one to another equally or 50-50. The road of choice so to speak between "Right" and "Wrong" before one reaches the yellow brick road as spoken of earlier in another post! .Look familiar!
Jordan Maxwell Interview! (Worth Watching)

[edit on 12-10-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 12:52 AM
The Universe seen from Earth. A Bubble within a Bubble within a Bubble Universe's! Infinity is One Eternal Round, Never Ending! Everything in the Universe fits within one spherical shape like a marble! There are many shapes and flavors to dimensions and universe's some made of EU (Extra Universal) flavors and materials beyond all comprehension where there is no death, there is no pain, there is no sadness, misery, hate or opposition. There is zero polarity/negative forces found within some bubbles/universe's and all things are positive energies the only words to describe such places are beyond human comprehension, "Pure Bliss" "Happiness" Beyond what man could ever call "Heaven" far greater than anything Man can ever create or imagine in his finite mind where dreams do come true! “To Infinity and Beyond”

The FAKE you, the physical ILLUSION!
(You do not look like your body-when you look in the mirror that is only the temporary you but not the REAL you which is eternal.)

This is similar to what people in spirit/energy form look like, you are not what you look like in the mirror. Your physical appearance/body is not even yours and was given to you as a gift/blessing/tool in order to enter this school of mortality on earth. You are nothing but a spherical soul of “Light” We are all “Light/Energy/Intelligence” Your family in higher dimensions that man refers to as the “Gods” are also “Light/Energy/Intelligence” and interconnected to all things just as you are interconnected to all things. All souls are nothing but “Light” and from the same source only differing in brightness and size depending on level of soul and consciousness!There is nothing different about light and if you can imagine a small sphere of light entering into a larger sphere of light that is where you will go someday when you meet back with the Teachers/Creators/Designers of this universe. The body and all matter DIES/Changes/Transforms in this universe but your “Soul” “Life experiences” and “Consciousness” lives on forever without beginning or ending!


Is it mere coincidence that the spherical universe concept can be found in the Men of Black? Do you believe in accidents or coincidence?

Awaken Your Consciousness, Open Your Minds!

[edit on 14-10-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Instead of re-posting information from another thread I felt that I should add a link into that thread that has to do with this thread and the human Vehicle/Body/Vessel - Soul- Creation- The Teachers/Creators/Designers among many other things.

Best Wishes!

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