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Iran to 'blow up heart' of Israel if attacked

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by quetzelcoatl

When were the Persians redesignated as semites?

Sorry, I didn't get the memo, and neither did the arabs.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Centurionx
reply to post by nenothtu

First, "almost" doesn't count for anything, except in horseshoes.

And... hand grenades.

Iran is saying what any nation would if it were threatened with war.

That is so. The same goes for Israel. So what we're about to get into here looks a lot like a chicken or egg discussion.

When did this thread become a discussion about what constitutes an actual 'war'.

Here: post by stumason

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Haha yeah the "paucity" of nuclear weapons available. Tell that to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You're a funny guy. Not everything is a conspiracy and not everything is liberal this conservative that. The fact that you cow toe to that thinking says a lot about your own intellect and ability to reason.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by nenothtu

Haha yeah the "paucity" of nuclear weapons available. Tell that to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You're a funny guy. Not everything is a conspiracy and not everything is liberal this conservative that. The fact that you cow toe to that thinking says a lot about your own intellect and ability to reason.

Terribly sorry about that. I thought we were discussing the "cold war", and the possibility of a "nuclear armageddon" that was involved in it. I didn't realize we were discussing WWII and Hiroshima. It would have made it easier to discuss if you'd pointed that out, instead of braying on about a "nuclear armageddon", and trying to change the subject after the fact.

I don't recall mentioning either "liberal" or conservative" in my post. I believe you are the one who is throwing that particular red herring in.

Yeah, they came around and told us all about those 100,000 nukes the US and USSR had between 'em, and all about how they could "destroy all life on earth 8 times over", and all about how folks would burst into flame 100 miles away from the blast, and all about how we were targetted with 100 MT nukes, and tried to make it sound like all 100,000 nukes were 100 MT bombs.

Yeah, they told us all about all that foolishness. Scared hell out of me. Scared me so bad I went and did my own research into the matter.

Then I found out what a crock of bull all that "information" was.

This really isn't the place to debate that, since the subject will be rather in-depth, but if you want to start your own thread concerning any "nuclear armageddon", and send me a link to it, I'll be happy to debate the issue THERE with you. I'll bring all my facts, figures, heck, I'll even throw in some pie charts if it makes you happy.

Then we'll see just whose "intellect and ability to reason" needs some polish.

For the record, a "cow toe" involves a hoof. I think you were reaching for "kowtow". Evidently your reach exceeds your grasp.

[edit on 2009/10/12 by nenothtu]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Eye On War

I predict that:

Iran and Israel will attack each other (does it really matter who starts it?).
Then Obama will impose a 7 year peace treaty on them, earning his peace prize, and one concession is that Israel gets to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

Wait a minute. I am getting my predictions mixed up. It is the Antichrist who imposes a 7 year peace treaty allows the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:50 AM
I guess the United States will take out the Iranian missle sites just before they invade .Iran will not have any missles left to retailate.The United States knows where all the Iranian missles are and have on the ground CIA AND Mossad teams already in Iran to help take out the missle sites,disrupt commnications and take out some important bridges.You can forget about the Iranian airforce too.The Iranian jets will be taken out even before they takeoff.The Iranian navy will be useless too.The firepower of the US navy will deal with them very quickly.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:28 AM
check out confessions of an economic hitman if you want to know who the real terrorists of the world are

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Hello all,
Seems to me there'll be no Iran to attack should Israel's military get the green light in the effort to clobber-down Iranion WMD.


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:47 PM
Here are some quotes from famous ancient persons that would come to mind as a contribution to the thread:

All warfare is based on deception. - Sun Tzu

Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage. - Thucydides

When there is mutual fear, men think twice before they make aggression upon one another. - Hermocrates

In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury their sons. - Herodotus

so, it has all been there before ...

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Decoy

First of all Iran doesn't have any WMD's ... just like Iraq didn't have them .. even tho our government told us they did.

Israel has the WMD's ... about 200+ nukes.

However assuming Israel does not use nukes, then Israel population is 7 million.

Iran population is 72 million at last count.

If Israel launches a nuke we are all in deep dodo because Russia and China would step in and that would be last we would see of Israel and possibly the last we would see of anywhere if America decides to continue to back the war criminals.

Its all down to America, who they gonna back ?

If i had to put money on it I think they will wave Israel goodbye.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
reply to post by Decoy

First of all Iran doesn't have any WMD's ... just like Iraq didn't have them .. even tho our government told us they did.

Israel has the WMD's ... about 200+ nukes.

However assuming Israel does not use nukes, then Israel population is 7 million.

Iran population is 72 million at last count.

If Israel launches a nuke we are all in deep dodo because Russia and China would step in and that would be last we would see of Israel and possibly the last we would see of anywhere if America decides to continue to back the war criminals.

Its all down to America, who they gonna back ?

If i had to put money on it I think they will wave Israel goodbye.


Hi, with Iran I assume the worst. And for now that includes hidden, but uncovered, nuclear enrichment facilities (wonder what else may be hidden still?).
China nor Russia wants to start a big monster in the sand dunes of warrior states. Iran's hatred for Israel and festering words to annihilate is no secret as is Israel's right to bash their heads-in. The superduper powers know Nukes can no longer be used from their arsenals of means to kill multitudes, and their being very-powerful dudes not from around this town.

Seems to me the USA backs the right party of the two, the one who favours peace but will no doubt defend themselves through destruction of "WMD" facilities before being attacked themselves. Seems prudent.

Oh, btw, who are "...the war criminals"?


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:21 AM
I totally agree. If Iran assumes the right to launch missiles against Israel simply because Israeli attacks them then the next thing you know they will be claiming the right to fire upon Israeli troops for something as insignificant as invading their country.
And this latest demand that it be acknowledged that they have a right to defend themselves despite the fact that the Torah limits that privilege to the Chosen Ones! Can you believe the outrageous nerve of these barbarians? Now if that does not qualify as provocation I don't know what does.
If not stopped now they will soon be demanding recognition as equal human beings. How long can we allow such blasphemy to continue unchallenged?

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:33 AM
I take it you are not aware of the truck mounted top of the line nuclear tipped Russian missiles in Iran? Manned by top of the line Russian experts? Truck mounted meaning they may not be today where intelligence told you they were yesterday?
Are you aware that is is less then 3 minutes between launch and impact in Tel Aviv for these guys who fly at under 200 feet?
Are you aware that Russia has said that if Israeli attacks Syria they will turn Israeli into glass? Has the mutual defense pact been extended to include Iran?
While Israel's claim/nonclaim of 200+ atomic tipped missiles might frighten smaller Arab nations do you really believe it intimidates Russia?
Russian missile defenses are prepared to attempt to take on thousands of American missiles coming down on them at once. You really believe a hundred or so from Israel scares them?
I can not help but wonder how a launch from Israel resulting in that nation ceasing to exist in any practical terms will be handled by the pro-Israeli fanatics in the U.S. Just curious

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I take it you are not aware of the truck mounted top of the line nuclear tipped Russian missiles in Iran? Manned by top of the line Russian experts? Truck mounted meaning they may not be today where intelligence told you they were yesterday?
Are you aware that is is less then 3 minutes between launch and impact in Tel Aviv for these guys who fly at under 200 feet?
Are you aware that Russia has said that if Israeli attacks Syria they will turn Israeli into glass? Has the mutual defense pact been extended to include Iran?
While Israel's claim/nonclaim of 200+ atomic tipped missiles might frighten smaller Arab nations do you really believe it intimidates Russia?
Russian missile defenses are prepared to attempt to take on thousands of American missiles coming down on them at once. You really believe a hundred or so from Israel scares them?
I can not help but wonder how a launch from Israel resulting in that nation ceasing to exist in any practical terms will be handled by the pro-Israeli fanatics in the U.S. Just curious

im going to need sources of some sort dude.......

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Sharrow
Iran has the right to defend themselves. If that means they're going to bomb Israel back to the stone age, they have every right to do that if their country is being attacked. They can't reach the U.S. But they can reach Israel, who is pushing the U.S. toward another war. It's a completely fair move. Something for something.

The only problem is; just as in Iran there also people in Israel whose are opposing the war and they're innocents. I don't like when innocents are going to die, because of some fanatic moron, whose are believing they can do anything.

If the U.S. and Israel and some of the fanatic citizens wants war, why don't they go into the first line? If they would taste war just a bit, they would shut their mouth for a lifetime.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by Sharrow]

I understand the sentiment but in reality any country that bombs civilians is breaking the Genova Convention, and yes, that means Bush should have been convicted and executed for what he did to the Afghanistans and Iraqis. Though I don't approve of capital pushishment, I would have thrown a huge celebratory party at seeing JUSTICE occur.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Oh, btw, who are "...the war criminals"?


Israeli leaders described by UN as war criminals

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Don't let him get to you. Most people on this thread are discussing wars. Some are arguing semantics. Don't assume that anyone beyond the presidents who exploit it and, of course, the few obsessed with semantical technicalities, will not acknowledge Korea and Vietnam as de facto wars even if they don't meet the legal definitions.

Their intent is obvious. Unable to challenge you on the actual facts they change the subject and argue semantics instead. Semantics is not the subject being discussed. Do not allow them to distract you with this trivia.

Ask yourself, if atomic weapons begin to fly between any two countries and/or the armies of two different countries meet in a continuous armed confrontation, will it matter how anyone defines it? Most people will see it as and label it a war. Should there be a few insisting that technically, for one reason or another it only qualifies as a police action, do you really think that will matter to anyone?
Let them rant, ignore them, return to the subject and move on. They are not worth your time.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:59 AM
"(CNN) -- A militant Islamist group associated with al Qaeda has for the first time threatened to attack Israel, far from its normal base of operations in Somalia.

Al-Shabab, which is fighting to control the east African country, accused Israel of "starting to destroy" the Al Aqsa mosque, where standoffs have taken place recently between Israeli police and Palestinians. The mosque is part of the complex that Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call Haram al-Sharif.

"The Jews started to destroy parts of the holy mosque of Al Aqsa and they routinely kill our Palestinian brothers, so we are committed to defend our Palestinian brothers," said Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur, a prominent Al-Shabab commander."

Let it begin. The pandemic in Ukraine will force people to do things in desperate times soon.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:19 PM
You will need some sources dude?

I can relate to that. But...small problem. I remember the original source was from right here on ATS but this particular thread does not interest me. I don't find it relevant to anything. Just passing through so the idea that I would invest a day or two to track down a particular thread, not likely.
Don't I want to prove myself right? Not particularly. My ego can handle it.
So feel free to disregard me. Or, if the subject interest you then check out the ATM threads pertaining to Russian assistance to Syria. If you want the knowledge then you do the homework.
Just curious. Do you truly believe that once the Iran/Israel problem is resolved one way or the other that the same people will not be on this same forum discussing the Syria/Israel problem or the Saudi/Israel problem? Or given enough time the Turkey/Israel problem, the Hungary/Israel problem, etc. etc.? You have not yet detected a pattern?
In my world this is all just one more soap opera I watch from a disinterested distance. Will Bob marry Mary? Will Ted find out about Julia? Will Israel bomb Iran and will Russian missiles turn Israeli into glass? Stay tuned for the continuing saga.
So enjoy yourself. I have more important questions I need answers to.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:51 PM
link do know that Israel could nuke Russia back and Moscow, Sankt Peterburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhniy Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Kazan etc would cease to exist? You think Russia would risk that over Iran? You are crazy my friend.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I take it you are not aware of the truck mounted top of the line nuclear tipped Russian missiles in Iran? Manned by top of the line Russian experts? Truck mounted meaning they may not be today where intelligence told you they were yesterday?
Are you aware that is is less then 3 minutes between launch and impact in Tel Aviv for these guys who fly at under 200 feet?
Are you aware that Russia has said that if Israeli attacks Syria they will turn Israeli into glass? Has the mutual defense pact been extended to include Iran?
While Israel's claim/nonclaim of 200+ atomic tipped missiles might frighten smaller Arab nations do you really believe it intimidates Russia?
Russian missile defenses are prepared to attempt to take on thousands of American missiles coming down on them at once. You really believe a hundred or so from Israel scares them?
I can not help but wonder how a launch from Israel resulting in that nation ceasing to exist in any practical terms will be handled by the pro-Israeli fanatics in the U.S. Just curious

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