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Here's one for you Kerry supporters...

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posted on May, 16 2004 @ 11:56 PM

Unfit for Office
I was on Mr. Kerry's boat in Vietnam. He doesn't deserve to be commander in chief.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

HOUSTON--In 1971, I debated John Kerry, then a national spokesman for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, for 90 minutes on "The Dick Cavett Show." The key issue in that debate was Mr. Kerry's claim that American troops were committing war crimes in Vietnam "on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command." Now, as Sen. Kerry emerges as the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency, I've chosen to re-enter the fray.

Like John Kerry, I served in Vietnam as a Swift Boat commander. Ironically, John Kerry and I served much of our time, a full 12 months in my case and a controversial four months in his, commanding the exact same six-man boat, PCF-94, which I took over after he requested early departure. Despite our shared experience, I still believe what I believed 33 years ago--that John Kerry slandered America's military by inventing or repeating grossly exaggerated claims of atrocities and war crimes in order to advance his own political career as an antiwar activist. His misrepresentations played a significant role in creating the negative and false image of Vietnam vets that has persisted for over three decades.

Neither I, nor any man I served with, ever committed any atrocity or war crime in Vietnam. The opposite was the truth. Rather than use excessive force, we suffered casualty after casualty because we chose to refrain from firing rather than risk injuring civilians. More than once, I saw friends die in areas we entered with loudspeakers rather than guns. John Kerry's accusations then and now were an injustice that struck at the soul of anyone who served there.

During my 1971 televised debate with John Kerry, I accused him of lying. I urged him to come forth with affidavits from the soldiers who had claimed to have committed or witnessed atrocities. To date no such affidavits have been filed. Recently, Sen. Kerry has attempted to reframe his comments as youthful or "over the top." Yet always there has been a calculated coolness to the way he has sought to destroy the record of our honorable service in the interest of promoting his political ambitions of the moment.

John Kennedy's book, "Profiles in Courage," and Dwight Eisenhower's "Crusade in Europe" inspired generations. Not so John Kerry, who has suppressed his book, "The New Soldier," prohibiting its reprinting. There is a clear reason for this. The book repeats John Kerry's insults to the American military, beginning with its front-cover image of the American flag being carried upside down by a band of bearded renegades in uniform--a clear slap at the brave Marines in their combat gear who raised our flag at Iwo Jima. Allow me the reprint rights to your book, Sen. Kerry, and I will make sure copies of "The New Soldier" are available in bookstores throughout America.

Vietnam was a long time ago. Why does it matter today? Since the days of the Roman Empire, the concept of military loyalty up and down the chain of command has been indispensable. The commander's loyalty to the troops is the price a commander pays for the loyalty of the troops in return. How can a man be commander in chief who for over 30 years has accused his "Band of Brothers," as well as himself, of being war criminals? On a practical basis, John Kerry's breach of loyalty is a prescription of disaster for our armed forces.
John Kerry's recent admissions caused me to realize that I was most likely in Vietnam dodging enemy rockets on the very day he met in Paris with Madame Binh, the representative of the Viet Cong to the Paris Peace Conference. John Kerry returned to the U.S. to become a national spokesperson for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, a radical fringe of the antiwar movement, an organization set upon propagating the myth of war crimes through demonstrably false assertions. Who was the last American POW to die languishing in a North Vietnamese prison forced to listen to the recorded voice of John Kerry disgracing their service by his dishonest testimony before the Senate?

Since 1971, I have refused many offers from John Kerry's political opponents to speak out against him. My reluctance to become involved once again in politics is outweighed now by my profound conviction that John Kerry is simply not fit to be America's commander in chief. Nobody has recruited me to come forward. My decision is the inevitable result of my own personal beliefs and life experience.
Today, America is engaged in a new war, against the militant Islamist terrorists who attacked us on our own soil. Reasonable people may differ about how best to proceed, but I'm sure of one thing--John Kerry is the wrong man to put in charge.

Mr. O'Neill served in Coastal Division 11 in 1969-70, winning two Bronze Stars and additional decorations for his service in Vietnam.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Wow. No responses to that.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Homer Jay
Wow. No responses to that.

Of course there won't be a response to that.

There is no way that they could spin it in a good way for Kerry. They would rather just ignore it and hope that information about that goes away.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Response to what? John O'Neil, who Nixon used because he was afraid Kerrry would erode the war effort? As opposed to the many other's who have served with him, including his commanders, who says he a great guy? Who really cares what O'Neil says? I have a guy down the street who hates Bush, do you want me to start a thread on that? I have an idea. Let's line up all of the people who served with Kerry in Vietnam, then line up the people who served with Bush in... um...wait a minute. That won't work. Well, if find someone who remembers Bush in the National Guard, no, that won't work either. So Kerry volunteers for two tours of 'Nam, and Bush volunteers your sons and daughters for two tours in Iraq. You Bush supporters got nothing. Iraq? Economy? So you try to attack Kerry's Vietnam record when Bush didn't even serve!

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by curme
So Kerry volunteers for two tours of 'Nam, and Bush volunteers your sons and daughters for two tours in Iraq. You Bush supporters got nothing. Iraq? Economy? So you try to attack Kerry's Vietnam record when Bush didn't even serve!

As opposed to Clinton who did not serve in any capacity at all?

Bush at least served in the national guard, which is more than many of you here can claim. Yet, you crucify him for that fact any chance you get.

People seem to forget that he had to go active duty for training and that they could have snagged him then to go to Vietnam. Since there was not a terrible need for pilots, he was allowed to serve his time in the National Guard.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:51 AM

As opposed to Clinton who did not serve in any capacity at all?

Where did that come from? Is Hillary running for President? And I don't think she ever claimed to be in the military or attacks veterans war records.

Bush at least served in the national guard, which is more than many of you here can claim. Yet, you crucify him for that fact any chance you get.

Every chance? Compare the number of posts attacking Bush's lack of military service to those attacking Kerry's actual service.

People seem to forget that...

People seem to forget he went used his daddy's connections to get him into the Guard, and then went AWOL

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:53 AM
i think a person shouldnt be president if their old wars buddies say dont vote for him.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by curme

As opposed to Clinton who did not serve in any capacity at all?

Where did that come from? Is Hillary running for President? And I don't think she ever claimed to be in the military or attacks veterans war records.

The last Dem president never served in the military. To me that makes military service a moot point when it come to the job. However the DEMS relentlessly point out that the current President did not serve in Vietnam becuase he ran away from it. Pure BS.

Bush at least served in the national guard, which is more than many of you here can claim. Yet, you crucify him for that fact any chance you get.

Every chance? Compare the number of posts attacking Bush's lack of military service to those attacking Kerry's actual service.

The majority attack Bush. Guess this is a DEM board after all. What is your point?

People seem to forget that...

People seem to forget he went used his daddy's connections to get him into the Guard, and then went AWOL

And the proof of that is where? I have looked for it and cannot find it. Please show us the actual letter, phone call, order, etc. where his Dad exerted influence to get him out of going to Vietnam. It should take not time at all to provided sufficent proof of that which you claim.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:04 PM
A good article written on this particular topic...

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by curme
Response to what? John O'Neil, who Nixon used because he was afraid Kerrry would erode the war effort? As opposed to the many other's who have served with him, including his commanders, who says he a great guy? Who really cares what O'Neil says? I have a guy down the street who hates Bush, do you want me to start a thread on that? I have an idea. Let's line up all of the people who served with Kerry in Vietnam, then line up the people who served with Bush in... um...wait a minute. That won't work. Well, if find someone who remembers Bush in the National Guard, no, that won't work either. So Kerry volunteers for two tours of 'Nam, and Bush volunteers your sons and daughters for two tours in Iraq. You Bush supporters got nothing. Iraq? Economy? So you try to attack Kerry's Vietnam record when Bush didn't even serve!

Sorry that I have to say this, but you are an idiot. If military service played ANY ROLE WHAT-SO-EVER in a liberal persons mind, it could only come out of their corrupt and dirty way of thinking. Liberal people are just like John Kerry. They flip flop on issues. Its freeking amazing how these things occur. You all cry like babies. You loved Billy boy a few years back...and that dude left the country when it came to draft time. John Kerry changes his mind so much that I nor anyone else can keep track. Hes against the war when the people around him are, and for it the next day if thats the crowd he is trying to please. GWB....he did some things that really pissed me off. The thing he never tried to do was change his mind because people didn't like it. At least he sticks by his guns with conviction, where as John Kerry is a meek follower. A leach. He cries middle class and lower class woes as he sports around his unearned 500 million. He cries economic fairness, but never leads by example. Stop the destruction of our environment he SUV' he owns a FLEET. What a hypocrit. What an Idiot. And what an idiot you are for trying to defend his sorry excuse for a politician and leader.

By the way, when World War II was going on....and all those women worked in the factories. They did not necessarily go over seas...... Under your moronic and misguided assumption that GWB did not serve, you would have to say that these women did not serve either. I bet your liberal feminists would love to hear you say that. Under these pretences Bill Clinton should not have been your party leader for so long....being that he did not serve at all IN ANY CAPACITY. Again...your thoughts are incomplete serving as an indication for your "follower" mentality and lack of intelligence.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:19 PM
Please Seapeople, tell me you're either drunk or not old enough to vote.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 12:28 PM
This is all excellent anti-Kerry fodder. Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for nearly anyone before voting for Kerry, I don't find any aspects of his character pleasing...
..The problem is, though, so many people are incessently caught up in the past with him - as they are with George Bush. And this is amusing for about twenty minutes, until you realise that it's thirty years ago and bears no weight.
Kerry did some pretty sketchy things in Vietnam; one that I find most ironic is that he self-nominated for his medals. Medals for a war which he despised...I'm honestly surprised he doesn't combust from his own inner paradoxes.
That said, there's enough current (read: last five years) information on Kerry which should lead any semi-evolved simian to the conclusion that he's an unpredictable, flip-flopping, out-of-touch potential leader. The people who are still stamping their feet and gnashing their teeth about how "despicable" Bush is are those who are still simmering over the 2000 election.
Fact is, the people who are voting for Kerry wouldn't care if George W. cured AIDs, cancer, world hunger, and could walk on water. They're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Lest I remind the masses, as well, that these are the people who whine and complain about how Bush could've prevented September 11th, how the United States hasn't taken terrorism seriously enough, etc, etc...But also want the Defense budget cut by tremendous amounts.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by curme
Please Seapeople, tell me you're either drunk or not old enough to vote.

What did I say that was a lie...or that was untrue.... Tell me one false statement in what I wrote....I think your high based on your apparent disregard for factual information... Its people like you that are ruining this country. You should get a pet rock so that you have a buddy with a similar IQ.

[Edited on 5/17/2004 by Seapeople]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by curme
People seem to forget he went used his daddy's connections to get him into the Guard, and then went AWOL

First of all, the AWOL crap has been proven to be just that...crap. It's a lie, and you are doing nothing but spreading what has been proven to be so. That makes your credibility level, as a known liar, zero.

On the first part, lets see some evidence that he "used his daddy's connections to get him into the Guard", eh? I see nothing and have seen nothing that even remotly supports that bogus claim....

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 01:32 PM
Don't sweat it, seapeople. As we all know, the far left don't let facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 01:47 PM
but his daughter shows her titties so the dad can't be all bad, right?

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:32 PM
As a general rule, Left/Right debates go something along the lines of what follows:

Left: "This is how I feel...[insert pithy emotional diatribe]
Right: "These facts support that..[insert logical conclusion]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:48 PM
I just want Bush out of office, I will take my chances with kerry because he is the only other person who has a chance to do it. I dont care about his past, he's not a felon.
I'm not a republican or democrat. I choose who I think will do a good job, and since IMO Bush failed misserably as commander and chief in how he has handled the wars currently going on, I am going to go for the next guy in line. Flame me if ya want, but thats how I see it. Maybe Kerry can do a better job, and if not, I will vote his freaky butt out too.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:50 PM
Anyone is better than Bushie and his cronies...

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