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A moment of silence for all the dead Jihadists

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by TacoBellMakesGas

Oh man, thats a fail.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by oozyism

I am not being unfair, I am taking sides. I would rather see every Jihadist die a horrible death. I think we should help every last one of them get their virgins. I dont believe what they believe, and since they wont be reasonable about coming to my point of view and decide to kill innocent people, I think they should die.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by RankRancid

My third thread in ATS

I also fell victim to the propaganda

Amazingly after 7 years of believing that Al-qaeda was a terrorist organisation, I have just realised my ignorance.

The media works in mysterious ways in brainwashing individuals like me. I truly thought I was the few who hadn't been infected by false information and here I'm

Al Qaeda No. 2: We don't kill innocents

Now Al-Qaeda has clearly said that they don't kill innocent intentionally, now just by saying that makes them a non-terroristic organization because we can never know someones intentions. Forexample America drops a bomb on a village in Afghanistan and purely civilians die, we can't say what the intentions of American army was for dropping that bomb, they said it was an accident or wrong intelligence, what ever the excuse the world accepts it. I'm here to explain to you the excuse of Al-qaeda which you should accept if you accept the American excuse.

Firstly the Al-qaeda intelligence is very inaccurate compared to the American. Al-qaeda does not have a separate intelligence agency like the American CIA, soooo they are in a huge disadvantage. If America with all it's might can make mistakes and kill civilians based on inaccurate intel than Al-qaeda also can. Why is it that the media claims Al-qaeda kills civilians intentionaly and call them terrorists when they know that their intel is very weak therefore deemed to kill civilians here and there (accidentally).

Secondly Al-qaeda does not have guided missiles, jets with guided missiles or any precise targeting weapons therefore are once again in a huge disadvantage compare to the US yet still the western force in Afghanistan has still managed to kill more than one quarter of all civilian deaths since the start of 2008.

Anti-government militants caused 422 of the recorded civilian casualties while government or foreign troops killed 255 people, according to the UN numbers. The cause of 21 deaths was unclear.

Now seeing the disadvantages of Al-qaeda you can justify the (accidental) deaths of civilians cause directly by the organization, same goes for America. The name calling is basically propaganda, when I read history books I read that Indians who rose up against the British colonialist were also called terrorists I find that amazing yet no one learns from history.

Have fun learning the truth

"On 21 September 2001, the Taliban responded that if the United States could bring evidence that bin Laden was guilty, they would hand him over, stating there was no evidence in their possession linking him to the 11 September attacks."

"This counter offer was immediately rejected by the U.S. as insufficient."

[edit on 1-10-2009 by oozyism]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by TacoBellMakesGas
reply to post by oozyism

Well if you want to pray for a bunch of guys that fill their rearends full of explosives just to kill some innocent people than go ahead. As far as America goes, at least we are efficient about killing the enemy and dont blow ourselves up in the process.

Ahhh you don't suppose it is because America is an advantageous position? Better technology, better guns, better armor, better intelligence, better economy. The enemy is in a desperate position.

To make a comparison, let's look at the WWI and WWII. The fight was fare between the sides, and there was many sides. Anyways check this out:

Remember the ships in WWII when it entered German territory? Well the individuals in front were sacrificed. It was basically execution, a machine gun in front and a massive field of nothing (open target). Some are sacrificed, get it? That is the same for the Jihadists. You think suicide bombing is bad, when giving up your life to protect is good. You are being unfare between the two forces in battle, in every way.

Your right we are an advantge with techs and here is why. The backward ways of Islam has allowed it instead of encouraging education they burn little girls who go to school, instead of building schools and getting books they build mosques and bombs. So if you ride into battle agaisnt us you better come a little bit more prepared. an AK-47 and IEDs are effective but not when we can see you coming before you see us and bring the thunder before you even know what happened

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Well if you want to give them a moment of silence then go right on ahead. You don't mind if I smoke while you do?

Anytime a jihadist wants to meet his maker we will be more than happy to oblige them. I'm sorry but blowing up women and children in the name of God just doesn't wash with me.

War well that's war....

Killing in the name of their god that's a whole other beast.

No Quarter!

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:52 PM
Interesting, to say the least. It's often easier to cower behind a popular opinion than to speak out for what you think is the truth, or to try and have someone look at something from a different perspective.

If it weren't for the language chosen, American soldiers would qualify as Jihadists.

Here is ONE Viet Nam vet's words:

God, Duty, Country... I was born in the beginning of the Cold War. I always wanted to be a freedom fighter and soldier. Sgt. York was one of my greatest heroes. Then JFK and his wartime heroics, and then his words, influenced me to serve in Vietnam. I was a proud green beret a

Notice the first word?


It might be worthwhile to consider why 'So Help Me God' is at the end of almost every official oath in this country. Marines, Army, it matters not.

It really IS all just a matter of perception.

When we invoke the name of OUR God before entering a battle, or ask his blessings, or his strength in our fight against another, in effect we are becoming 'Holy Warriors' in our own perception. When we call down the wrath of OUR God on those who would endanger our way of life, we become jihadists.

All that is different between them and US is the side of the fence TPTB have put them on and the language they use.

I abhor violence and the loss of life. It especially pains me when it is my brothers or sisters. So easy it is to look a the darker man and say he is not my say that his God is wrong and mine is the only one that could possibly be right.

The man on the TV tells me I'm supposed to hate the dark man in a different land and what he believes. So I go to his land and my comrades help me kick in his door. We shoot him for defending his land and his family against aggressors.

It is a difficult thing to think that perhaps the man on TV was wrong. Perhaps the man with so many medals on his uniform was wrong. Maybe there is not too much that separates you from that man in the other place.

But alas, this could not be, because they are haters of all things good and killers of women and babies and draggers of goats.


War IS hell and those that create it, engineer it, lie to perpetuate it, fund it, profit from it...THOSE are your enemies friends. Those are the enemies of peace, and the slaves to fear and greed.

Bullets don't care who your God is, and it's probably best to not pause for contemplation when in that situation, but when you return, hopefully in one piece, perhaps you can dig a little deeper than the words of the man on the television and see humanity in a man from a different land, doing what he can do to protect HIS way of life, the same as you would hopefully do for YOUR way of life and YOUR country, if God forbid, the need should arise.

I applaud your bravado, my friend, and though I don't know your motivation, or even agree with it, I appreciate your willingness to expose us to it, despite the knowledge, that you MUST have had, that yours would be an uncomfortable position to hold.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by oozyism

"On 21 September 2001, the Taliban responded that if the United States could bring evidence that bin Laden was guilty, they would hand him over, stating there was no evidence in their possession linking him to the 11 September attacks."

"This counter offer was immediately rejected by the U.S. as insufficient."

Of course it was rejected.
1. They would have rejected any proof, even if we had a picture of Bin Laden buying the plane tickets or if we had a picture of the terrorists smiling as they boarded the plane.

2. We already had proved that AlQueda was behind alll kind of attacks on US interestes around the world.

3. Screw them, they were the Taliban, and we didnt owe them anything.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:53 PM
link about a moment of silence for ALL of those that have given their lives or had them taken unwillingly on both sides of this conflict....

Jihadist - to me - means muslim militant extremist. I'm not saying that's the correct interpretation...that's just my interpretation.

I will NOT give a moment of silence to muslim militant extremists.

Flying a jet full of innocent people into a building filled with more innocent people OR strapping bombs to yourself and going to public areas full of innocent people to blow everthing up or driving a car/truck/bus full of explosives into a crowded area full of innocent people to blow it up isn't exactly ranking high on my ideas of giving someone a "moment of silence". The innocent people killed in those circumstances more than deserve a moment of silence.

- I read the post earlier about a US soldier tried for raping and killing a daughter and a family. As a US citizen, I don't condone that action and that soldier should be given the maximum penalty allowed. Not only is he a representative of the US, he is a human being and should conduct himself in a professional manner and never enter upon such an act as that. He should have gotten the death penalty IMHO.

I'm not sure I covered all I wanted to I'll chime in as topics come up.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

one mistake made there with the oath of enlistment YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAY IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

one mistake made there with the oath of enlistment YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAY IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by oozyism

No propaganda here Im telling you my first hand accounts... as far as them having the right to fight us.. sure they do they also have the right to die which there very good at by the way. The civil war in Iraq wasnt just Americas doing Iran had a role in it to...

And Im not generalzing they do it all the time there thats a fact.

When we indaved Ba'athist and Sunnis took the fight to us, when the jidist showed up and started the indiscrminate killing they stopped fighting against us and turned there weapons on them... SO even ex ba'athist and Sunnis no the difference between Jidist and Americans...

Now as far as the Americans who have comitted these horrible crimes, they desrve to be in jail the rest of there lives. And what do you know they are there in jail now. Cant say that for the people in afgan throwing acid on little girls going to school now can we?

And you nevered answered my question for you do you like hitler as well?

I'm confused, you seem to think your first hand experience is evidence? ZZZ I lived in Afghanistan, that doesn't mean I know every thing. Get my point. I also lived in Peshawer refugee camp, that doesn't mean I know everything.

Afghanistan has been fighting for how many years now? It got destabilized through American support for Jihadists in the first place. So you are asking the poorest country in the world not to have crime? Ofcurse people did horrendous things, but no one helped Afghanistan to fix those problems.

Now imagine America being in the same chaos Afghanistan was in. would you not expect some extreme elements in America to react? Like the racests might start killing the black? Like the Christians might start killing gays? Like the Black might start their own uprise against whites? Hate exists in all societies, when you generalize it, it is called propaganda.

I'm 100% sure that most of the people fighting the aggressive empire are against the crimes you are mentioning. Similarly I'm 100% sure that most people fighting the Jihadists are against crimes I'm mentioning hence rape, torture etc.

So let's make this discussion productive.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by wdkirk

That is a reasonable answer. I dont have any problem praying for the INNOCENT victims of any war. Nobody really wants them to die, but ACCIDENTS happen. Even in WW2 we killed Japanese civilians on purpose to break their will, and while I dont think that was wrong, I would still pray for the civilians that died.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Actually, a number of us got together for a period of silence in memory of the jihadists who got their asses killed, oh, must have been a month or so ago down by the lake.

Must have been about forty of us, we all sat to be silent, and it was completely silent except for the crickets for about two minutes before one guy way off to my left begged another to pull his finger. He was having trouble, but all I can tell you from where I was, someone almost pulled his finger out of the socket.

Appropriately, we were saluting all the jihadists by pulling our own fingers, and I believe every single note within two octaves was hit before it was over a couple hours later, among howls of laughter between gulps of beer.

Truly memorial.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Reply to post by oozyism

You can right now look up videos of suicide bombers. Ok now count how many men in uniform are around. Now count how many INNOCENT bystanders are by. In their own damn country killing their own damn people. Read their own press. See how many soldiers die compared to their own woman and children. I'm sorry but I just can't see this sympathy that you seem to muster. Also really not enjoying this high and mighty stance you seem to take with everyone. You want to point out everything wrong,links to rapes. Do you think if I scanned the web I wouldn't be able to plaster this thread full of the bad muslims? If you like them join them,don't see one person trying to stop you. We are clearly never going to see eye to eye.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Semper Fidelis

Always Faithful.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by dooper

You know I liked you moment of respect. So I just ran out, found a picture of Bin Laden in an old magazine, tore it out, and had a moment of silence while I vacated my delicious dinner directly on his face. I hope that makes Oozy feel better.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by TacoBellMakesGas]

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by TacoBellMakesGas

Did the government at least give you the evidence? The one who is going out there killing and dying for something which was orchestrated
I want to know if they gave you the evidence to see for yourself.

Here is the propaganda you are eating:

on a sidewalk near the World Trade Centre, passerby found the passport of one of the hijackers. First, how does a passport fall out of a man’s pocket, survive a 400 km/h plane crash into a building, survive a series of fire and explosions caused by 9000 gallons of jet fuel, land intact on a sidewalk 1000 feet below the crash? You might be thinking, “something”s not right here’, or “this just doesn”t add up!’. Well, listen to this: also found were driver licenses, buisness cards, and passport photos. But how did two of the hijacker’s end up renting the house of a former FBI informant? That doesn’t happen very often, does it?

Now, I ask you, if I told you that six of the nineteen reported hijackers claimed to be alive and well after the attacks, what would you think?

So you go to war, Osama denies any responsibility, Mullah Omar states that Osama was under his guidance, if he was behind it we would know (that is why he asked for evidence). So basically you bombed the hell out of an already bombed nation.

Imagine if Russia bombed the US for suspicion

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Now, I ask you, if I told you that six of the nineteen reported hijackers claimed to be alive and well after the attacks, what would you think?

I would think that you believed any BS you read from any lunatic you could find as long as it supported your hate for America. But since you didnt actually say that I will assume you are at least still sane.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by KSPigpen

one mistake made there with the oath of enlistment YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAY IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO.

Not a mistake on my part, friend. I chose to say it, some twenty years ago when I was young and idealistic and had but one life to give for MY country. It really doesn't matter. There was a time, before the washing away of the culture of America, that you DID say it. You said it in school. We were taught, no, conditioned, that God was the reason we have a free country. You know the God...I think he's white...looks sort of like Charlton Heston.

I have absolutely no bone to pick with ANYONE killing another man to protect their own life, their family's lives, or their beliefs. We have been brought up in America that those things are worth giving your life for, or allowing the 'other' guy the opportunity to give HIS life for.

What we see playing out here is exactly what is DESIGNED to play out. Highly galvanized opinions that come to an impasse. Conversation is replaced with rhetoric and communication makes the inevitable slip into altercation. It works exactly the way it is supposed to, even here amongst thinkers of deeper caliber than most.

I find it more than slightly ironic that we can turn the most proud symbol of our way of life, the Empire State Building, into a billboard for communism. You remember them, right? Those were the last woman killing baby eaters.

In twenty years, just as in the twenty years prior, there will be a new, different man, with different beliefs that will be the new enemy that we must fight. If we are all still around in twenty years, perhaps we will see the Empire State Building drape flags for Jihadist and some old man will be scratching his head, remembering the days when they were our enemies, trying to figure out how they are not now.

When our enemies are created for us by powers that we cannot influence, and we do nothing to resist, then we are DESTINED to tear this world apart chasing one race of people after the next into the caves, or the deserts, or the jungles or the tundra until there is no one left to kill.

The happy ending in this story is not. When there is no one else, we will turn against each other because we have different ideals and beliefs. I'm afraid when only one man remains, there will be one too many and he will then wage war on himself.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by TacoBellMakesGas
reply to post by oozyism

Now, I ask you, if I told you that six of the nineteen reported hijackers claimed to be alive and well after the attacks, what would you think?

I would think that you believed any BS you read from any lunatic you could find as long as it supported your hate for America. But since you didnt actually say that I will assume you are at least still sane.

OK enough is enough, I thought ATS was more grown up than this. This thread shows the full extent of how even the MODS are taking sides

Something similar said about American soldiers would immediately receive warnings and the post would be removed. It shows the extent the propaganda has affected all of us.

OK my turn to ridicule your believe:

You seem to believe that some bearded clerics in the world's poorest nations planned an attack against the world's richest nation with the world's most expensive defense system. And they managed to pull it off. WOW do you understand what you are believing?

By the way even Americans are saying it was an inside job, I guess they are the non patriots, the ones who don't go running picking up the gun ready to kill without any justification.

Most humans don't act like you, too much propaganda impairs your brain meaning your brain is handicapped. Turn it off

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