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America's Emperor Is Naked, With No Moral Authority Any Longer

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posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by natas
Can you say anything positive? Tell us - what would make Kerry a great president? What would Gore have done differently that would be so much better?

I wait with baited breath...


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:50 AM
orang, Your reply is absurd and as thoughtless as your original post. You speak only with anger and I've yet to see a post of yours injecting knowledge or intelligence in the discussion.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by CommonSense
orang, Your reply is absurd and as thoughtless as your original post. You speak only with anger and I've yet to see a post of yours injecting knowledge or intelligence in the discussion.

CS: I admit I am getting more angry everyday, and today's reason is another act of Bush Treason against America ---

Stocks Decline on Concerns About Oil Prices, Iraq

May 17, 2004 8:07 a.m.

BRUSSELS � European stock markets fell on rising oil prices and concerns about Iraq after the head of the Iraqi Governing Council was killed in a car bomb in Baghdad."


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 07:36 AM
Seriously Orang, you're an idiot! I say that with all brotherly kindness I can muster for a fellow community member here, but you are. You are like a child interrupting the adults, you add nothing of value. Seriously, I'm beginning to think you're are doing it on purpose. What you need to do is shut the heck up and let Masked Avatar handle it as you are more harmful than helpful to your own "cause".

MA, please tell me who is a "legitimate" detractor of Bush. Orang? Heck, I've come across drunks and simpletons that make more sense than he does. Or, are you referring to well-known ones, such as Michael Moore, who has serious honesty issues and his books and movies should be classified as fiction. Or, are you talking about people like me? Why yes, I am a detractor of Bush, but you probably didn't know that because I spend way too much of my time defending him from lies and baseless allegations on this board.

Might you care to prove that Bush knew of the prison abuses? I'd love to see that. As far as Bush being the worst president in history, you really don't know much about American history. Either that or you just have a flare for being overly dramatic!

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Sometimes I feel like one of the few lucid members of an insane asylum, I really do. Read the drivel writen by "topsecretbomb" and you'll understand. The dumber people are, the wittier they try to be!

Gad TC, you're as rabid as your dog, you really should change your uniform to the black one you folks used during WWII, or put on your pointy headed nightgown as your true avatar.

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by orang]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:04 AM
Good response. An unsupportable allegation against someone you don't like. Very good. Well, typical, if nothing.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Good response. An unsupportable allegation against someone you don't like. Very good. Well, typical, if nothing.

Sorry if the truth hurts my Nazi friend, your Fuhrer has killed a lot of American Heroes and Patriots, and I'll bet you have done more than your share of cross burnings.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:13 AM
Now you accuse me of burning crosses. You are what you accuse me. You have no truth, no fact, nothing but baseless assertions, and you do the typical democrat thing, you attack those who tell you it is you that has not a stitch of clothing.

I can't handle the truth? You haven't supplied any yet. What, do you think that typingf in bold makes you more believable? LOL!!

You want to insult more, or do you want to provide information, other than something moronic like
FACT #1 - Bush is a moron!
FACT #2 - Somebody's stock market fell because the leader of Iraq was killed and that is Bush's fault!

Come on, take your meds and try and speak lucidly.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Now you accuse me of burning crosses. You are what you accuse me. You have no truth, no fact, nothing but baseless assertions, and you do the typical democrat thing, you attack those who tell you it is you that has not a stitch of clothing.

I can't handle the truth? You haven't supplied any yet. What, do you think that typingf in bold makes you more believable? LOL!!

You want to insult more, or do you want to provide information, other than something moronic like
FACT #1 - Bush is a moron!
FACT #2 - Somebody's stock market fell because the leader of Iraq was killed and that is Bush's fault!

Come on, take your meds and try and speak lucidly.


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:52 AM
I agree, its not fair to pick on Bush, I blame his creator.

Jim Henson has alot to answer for.

Michael Moore no more exagerates the truth than Bush denies it.

The present administration in no way has global union at heart, they will only act if it benefits their agenda, which is economic and power.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Tc don't listen to Orang,

He speaks from the same Liberal tongue the rest of em do. He's fallen victim to the twisted words and misleading media the far left has been spewing.

Everything that goes wrong is Bush's fault.

Everything the leftist leaders has done is ok, it was a mistake.

It's ok the Clinton was watching golf and didn't answer his phone when they had Bin Laden locked in, but it's not ok if Bush was watching a golf game. If that was Rumsfeld, they'd demand he resign.

They can't admit Kerry is a flip flop. It's ok if he changes his mind, but if Bush did that they'd be flaming pissed and ask what kind of leader he is.

There's many more hypocries I find them in daily.

But just remember their fowl mouth is a reflection upon themselves, anybody who would believe that kind of garbage and mind insulting mumbo jumbo is a moron themself.

It's pure self projection.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Tc don't listen to Orang,

Hate to burst your bubble TL, but Clinton was not only a suckee, he sucked himself.

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by orang]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 10:24 AM
Let's also remember the hypocrisy of the far left.

Who started Vietnam thats right, the left leaning liberal president himself, JFK, When he got ousted (bless his soul), Johnson (the dumbass) kept it going.
Those guys over in Vietnam got slaughtered.
Remember the homeless vets afterwards??

Who put a stop to this?? Nixon did. Bless his soul.
he got those troops outta there. That war was a death sentence.

So now that Bush is in Iraq, actually doing some good, the lefties bitch.

Look, you can't have it both ways.

I just think you guys are terribly angry, let your emotion over ride your logic, say what you feel (which is never a good thing to do), and make poor decisions because of it.

I think Dr.Laura should flick the common sense button in your brains.
Seems ya'll have none left.

And remember back in the day when the left were right, and right was left.

And because the lefties have become too fanatical I think the GOP has taken their spot.
Maybe their pissed cuz they took em out of the limelight.

Who knows.

But you guys need to override your emotion w/ logic.

And ask yourself what would you do if you were faced with such and such a problem, instead of just bitching.

too much hypocrisy, maybe thats why they love john kerry.

It's far more easier to drink from the same kool aid then to go off and think for yourself and heaven forbid FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.

Lefties never have an original thought of their own.
As shown in all of Orang's posts.

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Let's also remember the hypocrisy of the far left.
Who started Vietnam thats right, the left leaning liberal president himself, JFK, When he got ousted (bless his soul), Johnson (the dumbass) kept it going.
Those guys over in Vietnam got slaughtered.
Remember the homeless vets afterwards??
Who put a stop to this?? Nixon did. Bless his soul.
he got those troops outta there. That war was a death sentence.
So now that Bush is in Iraq, actually doing some good, the lefties bitch. ----

TL, you were doing fairly right up to the Bush part, then you lost it.

Bush is not doing any good in Iraq because he failed to exterminate Osama and the Al Qaeda FIRST BEFORE INVADING IRAQ.

So today the Al Qaeda are getting stronger every day because of Bush's failures in leadership that are resulting the the deaths of hundreds of American Heroes like Tillman, and atrocities against Americans like Berg, with no end in sight.

Bush's ego and "gut feeling" has betrayed the American military man and woman defending America in the Middle East with his runamuck Iraq campaign.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 03:38 PM
Do you like the change in your name? I figured "Ornag" would be better than "Orang" because you are most like a nag - you banter and banter without any proof or concrete evidence on something, and when someone calls you on the carpet over it, when it's put up or shut up time, you resort to name-calling and libelous statements.


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 03:44 PM

Your mindless drivel, such as that below isn't worth the electrons wasted on it. Might it be possible for you to develop a cohesive train of thought?


posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Koka
I agree, its not fair to pick on Bush, I blame his creator.

Jim Henson has alot to answer for.

Michael Moore no more exagerates the truth than Bush denies it.

The present administration in no way has global union at heart, they will only act if it benefits their agenda, which is economic and power.

I fail to understand. Moore is a liar, and all one has to do is see what, for example with Bowling for Columbine, he edits together to give the appearance of one thing, and then see the actual truth. He deceives by manipulating facts, therefore he is a liar. This is because his agenda is more important than the truth. Bush, on the other hand, there is no evidence that I've seen to back up your assertion that he denies the truth. All I see is rabid liberals running around cursing Bush and looking for something legitimate to back up their fears. It is really incredible to me. Heck, to me its a dismal day for this country that Bush is the best option we have. Do you see what I mean? When mediocre is the best we can come up with, we aren't long for the world stage as a major player!

As far as you saying this administration does not have the global union at heart, you are right. That is one of his bright points. He is not a big NWO fan; he and his father really part ways on that issue. All that stuff means is the rest of the world wants us to dismantle ourselves for their benefit. Thanks, but no thanks. I see how wonderful our "Global partners" would be; we are attacked, everyone knows that Hussein has a hand in that and has known since the first month or so of the attacks, but our partners could give a darn less because they are making profits by dealing with Hussein under the table. We have hardly any international friends, only those who want to take advantage of us.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
Seek Wisdom!
Knowledge Without Wisdom Often Results In Arrogance

The only thing I found interesting about the last three deranged diatribes for Bush is CS's "signature"

Wisdom and Knowledge are two thing that Bush lacks the most, and he is most certainly the most arrogantly incompetent ruler in the world today.

The last three posts against me prove that wisdom and knowledge are wasted on NeoCons who act more like mad dog stormtroopers everyday.

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by orang

The only thing I found interesting about the last three deranged diatribes for Bush is CS's "signature"

Wisdom and Knowledge are two thing that Bush lacks the most, and he is most certainly the most arrogantly incompetent ruler in the world today.

The last three posts against me prove that wisdom and knowledge are wasted on NeoCons who act more like mad dog stormtroopers everyday.

I do believe that orang has taken over from the Kernal as the most vile, hated, pontificating, lying sack of shiite on the board. What rock did this dork crawl out from under?

But that's only because the Kernal's been so quiet lately....

[Edited on 17-5-2004 by Affirmative Reaction]

posted on May, 17 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Take a look at the last few posts in this thread One might really believe the curnull got a new ID

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