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Wake up and take it like a MAN!

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 04:51 AM
This subject is dedicated to all the people in this community who are Sick and Tired of hearing a bunch of scared people making plans of hiding in caves and basements, waiting for the coming storm to pass.

There are people on this Forum (At least I pray) who have decided that their not going to pack up and hide in basements afraid of anyone or everything that could hurt them!

There are Men and Women who know their God given Rights and will not let anyone or ANYTHING force them to huddle in fear, sitting on piles of rice and ammo, while their dirty kids fight over rotten drum sticks!

In fact, America wasn't built on the foundation of frightened, hidden citizens. It was fought by people who DECLARED that NO MAN will bring them or their families to their knees and force them to cower in FEAR!!! Wasn't it !????

I can't even imagine us winning against the British, shooting from a dark corner only when a soldier threatens to take our bottled water!!!

When we get through this Armageddon, everyone is afraid of, my family will still be human beings. You're not going to find my family and I, executed in some basement, huddled around a radio, bag of flour and a jammed 9mm.

There are REAL Americans who will Die on their feet, standing for what is rightfully theirs, which is their God Given rights as Human Beings!

Quite frankly, of all the people I want thrown out of this Country, the bank criminals and political criminals, I want the COWARDS tossed out with them! That is, of course, after they forfeit all their hordes of decaying food and medical supplies which could have easily fed a million starving children.

Holing up in your cave and leaving the fighting and sacrifice to the "Unprepared people", is a truly cowardice act, and I doubt people like that even deserve to have the right to vote in this Country.

This makes me want to ask.What happened to all that talk about " I'll fight for my country if the enemy is in my backyard." ?

Is it now, "I'll shoot fellow Americans and hide from my enemy until smoke clears!"?

The NWO is hoping most of you will hide in your bat caves nice and quiet, while they reformulate your Country WITHOUT your say. Oh, I see., you want to exercise Democracy from the corner of a cave?

Gentlemen! FEAR does not exist. LIFE is not lived by reacting to it. Are you free or are you dead already?

Can someone make my day and tell me I'm not alone in this thinking!!!!!!!!

[edit on 27-9-2009 by juzchilln]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:04 AM
its cool man,but im only 20 and i cant really know how war will make me feel,i meen family is the most precious thing in the world,if you die who is going to take care of them O_o

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:05 AM
sorry matey as much as i agree with your stance im afraid it will not last long, Society has been divided and conquered so to speak, For you and your kin to make a stance is a waste of your resources and intellect ..IMO
I propose that you gather your family and kin and keep a low profile till things settle and start collecting items to barter with brush up on building skills or electronic hobbies such as SW Radio land line to keep communications up and running..
Sorry to rain on your parade but your a cleaver chappie and there's no need for you to waste your talent "going down with the ship "

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:17 AM
I agree wiuth you, man. Of course, I don't live in the US, but if it were my country, let me tell you, I'd rather "be dead and cool than alive and uncool". I'd rather fight those bastards head-on than I would run away and hide.

But then again, things always look different when you have family to take care of, when you have a wife and kids. I can say it now, but I can't say for certain I'd say the same thing when I have a wife and children. It's human nature to want your family to be safe, even if you have to be "the coward" to protect them.

The best way, of course, is to take them somewhere safe...and then return and kick ass and chew bubblegum.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by foxhoundone
sorry matey as much as i agree with your stance im afraid it will not last long, Society has been divided and conquered so to speak, For you and your kin to make a stance is a waste of your resources and intellect ..IMO
I propose that you gather your family and kin and keep a low profile till things settle and start collecting items to barter with brush up on building skills or electronic hobbies such as SW Radio land line to keep communications up and running..
Sorry to rain on your parade but your a cleaver chappie and there's no need for you to waste your talent "going down with the ship "

I'm talking about standing right where I am. A human being. You talk about waiting until things settle.... well who's settling it? You mean wait until the enemy has settled in our homes before we walk out of our basements under their control??

What kind of Man would raise a family to believe that it's ok to hide when you are scared so that you can live to be a fear controlled slave.

Don't you see that the enemy uses fear to control the very people huddled up in caves trying to avoid it?

Let me ask you this, are you going to let a Man tell you that you are not fit to walk the earth unless you obey his laws? Are you going to tell your children that it's ok to bow to fear in the name of self preservation?

What do the hideaways do, when the world they emerge into is infested with the enemy and his rule? Get groceries and go back in their caves? For how long?

Every time difficulty arises, should we put our rights as human beings on hold, until the smoke clears and we emerge in a world we played no part in creating?

Fighting the enemies as they approach is one thing, and I'm not preaching that. But, waiting for the dust to settle, for the enemy to be in your living room sipping coffee, before you decide to peacefully resolve the matter is the Doctrine of fools. That isn't what America is.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by juzchilln]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by juzchilln

Of course i am going to fight, But i am going to use my head not brawn,
I have good bunch of friends fellow veterans and tradesmen we will gather when TSHTF till then i will stay low avoid eye contact and keep below the radar so to speak, And i don't think any one is daft enough to try and invade the states, Sorry i do not follow the old adage "Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees " Thats for fools IMO

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by foxhoundone

I guess that makes brother Zapata a fool then. Oh, wait...

But you know, in the words of Ned White, sheer cussedness can take you a long way in this world.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by David_Reale]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by foxhoundone
reply to post by juzchilln

Of course i am going to fight, But i am going to use my head not brawn,
I have good bunch of friends fellow veterans and tradesmen we will gather when TSHTF till then i will stay low avoid eye contact and keep below the radar so to speak, And i don't think any one is daft enough to try and invade the states, Sorry i do not follow the old adage "Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees " Thats for fools IMO

Then can I respectfully assume, that you prefer to live on your knees then to die on your feet?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by David_Reale

OK as iam a 45 year old man, And without coming across as patronising.
I feel i have the better understanding of living in a police/army totalitarian state run by TPTB.. you see i am from N Ireland and we had 35 years of roadblocks stop and search and general state control..
General trials without jury called dip lock courts. You do not have the right to silence you do not have the right to a solicitor...

sorry if iam abit abrupt this morning but i got a bit of a sore head lol

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by juzchilln

No i am getting old and i am not as agile s i used to be LOL..
And i do not want to see my young family go of to die for a stupid cause..
I believe in strong family ties and looking after your own kin, The state can
get its cannon fodder so to speak from some where else .. "Black water"

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:58 AM
Then I'll admit that you're more experienced in the whole issue than I am.
But I can still say with 100 percent certainty that I'd never stop ascribing to the "dead and free" motto, especially not in a police state, because that's when it matters the most.

And, let's face it, it's not like the United States have a patent on the New World Order. It's coming here too.
I'm sure it won't be long before my dear old Sweden get more than their own taste of what happens at the G20 meeting this year. I just hope that that pure cussedness and ideals can take us all the way, but if not, I'll still choose to stay and fight...out of sheer cussedness.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by David_Reale

Then you my friend are playing into TPTB hands..
If you choose to fight that's your call and i will respect you for your decision,
But use your calling wisely.. if i may suggest train to be a medic/nurse or
even a pilot...

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:13 AM
That you play into their hands doesn't mean you can't win, though.

But, yeah, one of these days, when I have the time, I'm gonna brush up on my medic skills from the Navy. That's something everyone should do in prep for the # to hit the fan.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:21 AM
You start, and I'll follow. Everyone has a fighting spirit within them, everyone wants to experience true freedom that our forefathers did.

However, as someone mentioned before, we are divided and conquered. Broken up like the compounds of gasoline, and scattered all over the tank. What we need is someone to put us together and light the spark, and it will cause a wildfire of human will that can't be extinguished by the water of our overbearing government.

I wait, and prepare until that day. I am a coward in my own sense, I won't lead the attack, or the initial fire, but once it starts, I will be the steady ember that keeps that fire hot.

That's my personal take on any revolution be it violent or non violent.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by LeTan

There's an old quote from this part of the "peaceful " world..
"The ballot box or the Armourlite" after all the shooting and bombings and tit for tat sectarian murders, What won the day ?? Yep the ballot box..

As you can tell i have been there seen it done it and got the T shirt..
All i am saying is i don't want any younger "gun hoes" going off to fight for another mans war..
Stay at home help your mom and your younger family members and be a productive citizen and learn new things.. in short live your life not theres..

[edit on 27-9-2009 by foxhoundone]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by foxhoundone
reply to post by LeTan

There's an old quote from this part of the "peaceful " world..
"The ballot box or the Armourlite" after all the shooting and bombings and tit for tat sectarian murders, What won the day ?? Yep the ballot box..

I agree, but such symbolism was relevant to a time when the people still had a voice. I believe that ballot box is now taped shut, and must be opened with a razor so that the people can cast their voice again.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:46 AM
To each their own, it's the diversity of the human populace that will never succumb to complete takeover by a nazi hivemind. Even if 1% of free thinkers remain, that's all it takes.

Let the warriors gather inner peace and strength to fight, while the asthmatic continue to burn their fuses into nothingness before the juicystuff happens.

Cowardice is being a lazy thinker in all your actions which if you believe in "god" would be disrespectful to the pure brilliance of the tree seed... knowledge exists to be unveiled as remembrance of how to over come karmic problems, even on a scale as large as 7 billion or so people. This war is about denying samsara..

"A person who thinks in terms of right and wrong is both a right and wrong person."
[edit on 27-9-2009 by thaknobodi]

[edit on 27-9-2009 by thaknobodi]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:52 AM
It's nice to see that we are getting emotionally prepared for the showdown. No longer is it just a physical conflict. This is a clear indication that we are moving toward the battle and not away.

New world order is on the way. I just don't want to be wearing a burka when it happens.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 07:56 AM
Your assumptions are correct, we have turned fearful. We're hardly
the country we once were. It's not the fault of the citizenry, the media
has taken every single method of instilling fear in us and have
apparently succeeded.

Not to overgeneralize, many have awoken to this and now stand
on both feet. I think we are waiting for leaders, the people with
the charisma and courage to lead.

I can't say which I am, I'm still waiting for things to congeal a bit
until I stick my neck out but I do have my inclinations

Like in the movie Network, we do need to get mad as hell. Once we
are mad we need to do something more with it than sit and stew as
that is self destructive. They kind of have us screwed in more than
one way. Even those who are aware have issues that are imposed
on them by the PTB even though they feel they are in control of
their lives.

Courage is quiet, patient and kind. We will know when
the time is right and like snowflakes on the mountainside, when
enough flakes move it will become an avalanche. Each snowflake
feels no power of itself but when working in unison it's a whole
different game. Strength & vigilance.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:46 AM
Ive gotta put my two sense in here, Ive known this is coming for a long time, and for a long time, I was afraid of what would happen to me and my family, but Ive discovered something just here recently, I'm not scared any more. I woke up about a month ago, and realized that this is MY home, and MY country, and MY family down through the years made it what it is. And now some idiot is trying to destroy and I'M not going to set idly by and watch it happen. So we stand and fight. Its basic simple, and easy to understand. No hiding in a cave or a basement for us, not this crew. Even my daughter understands why we have to fight, and she is only a young teenager.
While I'm sure she doesn't understand fully what the consequences are, she has listened to what her parents have taught her, and knows why we will do what we have to do. For ourselves, and our country.
We use whatever means necessary be it ballot box or weapon, or the power of words. But we must stand!

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