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Where exactly did the DNA come from?

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I have a few more questions. These should be even more simple than the last two that I was warned were far too easy and yet still await an answer for.

One) Where exactly did they supposedly find the hijacker's DNA within the rubble of the WTC collapses?

Two) Where exactly did they get the hijacker's DNA from at the pentagon crash scene?

Three) Where .....blah blah...... Shanksville.


Four) Where exactly did they get the original DNA to compare these recovered specimens from?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:06 PM
I have often wondered such things myself. The other day they killed some nameless bigshot arab guy in afghanistan and they said they were waiting on DNA confirmation to ensure they got the right guy. DNA? From where? Why didn't they just kill the guy when they got the sample? Why don't normal people think of these things?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

Someone did try to claim that we miraculously found and got permission to sample the families of the 19 hijackers. Now...why do I have a hard time believing that it was so easy to just go to all the -stans and identify these people and get DNA samples from them. Some people really have closed their minds to certain questions.

Great point btw about it being used still.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Lillydale]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:20 PM
Help me out on this.

They recovered DNA from WTC?


posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the New York Medical Examiner's Office, said the identifications had been made using DNA samples provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI had collected the DNA from tiny traces of skin on the steering wheels of vehicles hired by the hijackers and from hair samples recovered from their hotel rooms.

Now the question is how did the FBI know whose hair was whose and whose skin was whose?

You raise interesting questions

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by jam321

Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the New York Medical Examiner's Office, said the identifications had been made using DNA samples provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI had collected the DNA from tiny traces of skin on the steering wheels of vehicles hired by the hijackers and from hair samples recovered from their hotel rooms.

Now the question is how did the FBI know whose hair was whose and whose skin was whose?

You raise interesting questions

Aside from that...hotel rooms????? Now how the hell did they get these DNA samples from a hotel room? These men had checked out so the rooms had been cleaned. How did they manage to sift through all of that hotel DNA and all of that rubble and find the matching DNA?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:01 PM

posted by talisman
Help me out on this.

They recovered DNA from WTC?


Of course. How could you possibly doubt the integrity of our wonderful godlike government?

As far as the alleged hijackers go, many appear to have stolen identities. How then would they know what families to approach over in the Middle East to beg DNA samples from?

(allegedly 1625 identified from WTC)

Published Jan 3, 2009

Today, 1,126 of the 2,751 victims from the World Trade Center and five individuals from the Pentagon have yet to be identified at all—none of their remains and no traces of their DNA have been found.

Scientists are still trying. More than seven years later, the effort continues to identify the missing victims—and hijackers. Shaler and his successors have fulfilled at least part of their promise to the families. Through a combination of innovative DNA-mapping techniques, help from the FBI's crime lab and dumb luck, the scientists have now ID'd four of the 10 New York hijackers. The remains of the nine hijackers from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash sites have also been confirmed; six other hijackers have yet to be identified.


posted by Lillydale

One) Where exactly did they supposedly find the hijacker's DNA within the rubble of the WTC collapses?

They did not Lillydale.



Well gee willikers, from the good old FBI themselves it looks like none of the alleged 10 hijackers of Flights 11 and 175 have been identified because none of the families have provided DNA samples.

But to make matters worse, with the stolen identities and the alleged hijackers still alive after 9-11, the FBI doesn't even know which Muslim families to ask. The Muslim population in 2009 is 1,657,000,000 people. Assuming an average family size of 10, the FBI could theoretically collect a DNA database of 165 million Muslims to compare their alleged hijacker DNA to. Of course that is assuming that the FBI has actually collected hijacker DNA as alleged.

But it gets worse. If there were actually passengers and crew and hijackers inside the Flights 11 and 175 aircraft, they were crushed and pulverized against steel and concrete and trapped inside a raging inferno of burning jet fuel. They are the least likely in the whole tower to leave behind identifiable DNA. Of course there is still the unburned paper passport found in the street.


Enhanced: DNA Identifications After the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack - Science 18 November 2005

The attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 challenged current approaches to forensic DNA typing methods. The large number of victims and the extreme thermal and physical conditions of the site necessitated special approaches to the DNA-based identification. Because of these and many additional challenges, new procedures were created or modified from routine forensic protocols. This effort facilitated the identification of 1594 of the 2749 victims. In this Policy Forum, the authors, who were were members of the World Trade Center Kinship and Data Analysis Panel, review the lessons of the attack response from the perspective of DNA forensic identification and suggest policies and procedures for future mass disasters or large-scale terrorist attacks.


[edit on 9/21/09 by SPreston]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by SPreston

I forgot all about the stolen ID's. I remember reading one of the OSers fall all over themselves trying to explain how they compared the DNA they 'recovered from the crash site' to stolen identity DNA and new it was a match even before they new the identities were stolen which would mean they had the wrong DNA or these men stole DNA and replaced their own or they were lying when they said that they identified them.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 01:23 PM

posted by Lillydale
reply to post by SPreston

I forgot all about the stolen ID's. I remember reading one of the OSers fall all over themselves trying to explain how they compared the DNA they 'recovered from the crash site' to stolen identity DNA and new it was a match even before they new the identities were stolen which would mean they had the wrong DNA or these men stole DNA and replaced their own or they were lying when they said that they identified them.

No, obviously the FBI faked the alleged hijacker DNA because there would be no way to get DNA from their families for positive identification, and DNA from motels and combs and rental cars and prostitutes' panties and empty beer glasses would just be totally ridiculous with no possible way to prove whose DNA it was.

Proof positive that the FBI is the worst bunch of liars and evidence manufacturers who ever lived. The FBI Director Mueller makes public statements that the alleged 9-11 hijackers had stolen identities, and everybody including the FBI, the treacherous Mainstream News Media, the lying White House, and the lying duhbunkers and government loyalists and shills all pretend he never said it.


What a bunch of liars.

The FBI most likely faked all of the 9-11 aircraft occupant DNA.

September 21, 2001

(CNN) -- FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication.


June 24, 2003

While there is no doubt the hijackings were the work of al-Qaeda, questions remain about whether some of the hijackers actually were the men the FBI identified. Last year that doubt crept into the highest levels of law enforcement after a series of sensational news reports aired by the BBC, ABC and CNN, along with several British newspapers, cast suspicion on whether the FBI got it right. The reports suggested at least six of the men the FBI claimed were hijackers on the planes were in fact alive. They didn't survive the crashes, of course, but never boarded the planes.

The six claimed they were victims of identify theft. They were "outraged" to be identified as terrorists, they told the Telegraph of London. In fact, one of the men claimed he never had been to the United States, while another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who said he was in a flight-training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks.

The stunning news prompted FBI Director Robert Mueller to admit that some of the hijackers may have stolen identities of innocent citizens. In September 2002, Mueller told CNN twice that there is "no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers." After that admission a strange thing happened - nothing. No follow-up stories. No follow-up questions. There was dead silence and the story disappeared. It was almost as if no one wanted to know what had happened. In fact, the FBI didn't bother to change the names, backgrounds or photographs of the alleged 19 hijackers. It didn't even deny the news reports suggesting that the names and identities of at least six of the hijackers may be unknown. Mueller just left the door open.



[edit on 9/22/09 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Lillydale

Honest, this isn't really about DNA, not here. Lilly, this is a common tactic, displayed repeatedly. Why not move it over to a thread specfic to DNA???

Then they had a list of every tourist, visitor, and client in the buildings that day and were able to gather a sample of each and every person so they had a pool from which to use this process of elimination?

But, before you go, consider taking this thought with you:

A little bit of research into the actual methods, techniques, and science of DNA collecting, matching and forensics might be worthwhile study subject.

Just sayin'.....

Oh, and just for a hint: Let's say (and glad this is probably not the case) that you personally knew a visitor, tourist or client that was in o ne of the Towers that morning, and was never seen again. Is it fair to then assume that perhaps that individual might have been a victim in the collapse of the building? Is it not obvious that the individual would have personal items in his/her bathroom, bedroom, car...whatever...from which a representative DNA sample could be isolated, for a hope of a match at some time in the future???

Over simplified, but isn't that the basis of how DNA works, in such cases???


When over 1000 bodies were NOT accounted for, how do you do this process of elimination to find the terrorists? Your answer is mostly fluff and it sounds like you were just making it up as you went along. I would love a real answer.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Lillydale
You and I both Lilly when you have the director of the FBI telling us that they have no idea who the hijackers really were then we have a major problem.That this story was allowed to fall between the cracks shows how much the MSM and Government want this to go away.OS supporters would have us take the FBI's and Commission's word for it...

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 08:20 PM
So, if they didn't have their DNA samples, how was the FBI able to positively identify all 19 "alleged hijackers" on September 14, 2001, just three short days after the occurrence?

Surely, even if they were able to get all of the involved DNA samples, it would have taken a heck of a lot longer than just three days to gather, test and sort out all of the potential DNA.

Obviously, the media got the ball rolling on 9/11 by announcing which group was responsible for the attacks with absolutely ZERO evidence to support their claim. Since the scam worked so well for the media, the Government also jumped on the bandwagon and three days later named the guilty parties specifically without any evidence as well.

Guilty individuals fingered without any competent investigation and without any evidence and we're expected to believe this rubbish? Who are the real lunatics here?

[edit on 15-12-2009 by SphinxMontreal]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:40 AM

One) Where exactly did they supposedly find the hijacker's DNA within the rubble of the WTC collapses?

I have no idea but I know Weedwhacker knows he knows everything about DNA and WW has all the answers with creditable sources which I am looking forward to seeing.

I know the thread was set up for weedwhacker because he made it very clear to Lillydale that he could not really get into answering her questions to back up his claim about how the FBI found the hijackers DNA, because it would railroad the tread they where on.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Lillydale

Honest, this isn't really about DNA, not here. Lilly, this is a common tactic, displayed repeatedly. Why not move it over to a thread specfic to DNA???

Then they had a list of every tourist, visitor, and client in the buildings that day and were able to gather a sample of each and every person so they had a pool from which to use this process of elimination?

But, before you go, consider taking this thought with you:

A little bit of research into the actual methods, techniques, and science of DNA collecting, matching and forensics might be worthwhile study subject.

Just sayin'.....

Oh, and just for a hint: Let's say (and glad this is probably not the case) that you personally knew a visitor, tourist or client that was in o ne of the Towers that morning, and was never seen again. Is it fair to then assume that perhaps that individual might have been a victim in the collapse of the building? Is it not obvious that the individual would have personal items in his/her bathroom, bedroom, car...whatever...from which a representative DNA sample could be isolated, for a hope of a match at some time in the future???

Over simplified, but isn't that the basis of how DNA works, in such cases???

Originally posted by Lillydale
reply to post by weedwhacker

I am replying to you in a DNA related thread It would be lovely if you could answer me there.

My question to weed is if DNA is so great why haven’t they identified over a thousand missing bodies that died at the WTC?

My next question for weed is how can the FBI sift through millions of tons of ash to find the secret hidden DNA. Also who were the FBI matching the alleged hijackers DNA to? Since it has now been proven they were using stolen identities.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Lillydale

Well, for starters, the hijackers were mostly from Egypt and Lebanon. Second - this may be the shocker for some posters here - their families did not want their sons, cousins, brothers, etc to have been the hijackers. They gave samples in the hopes that it would prove negative - both to maintain their family's dignity and to hope that their kids hadn't, y'know, comitted suicide in what is today one of the most infamous acts of terrorism i nthe world.

of course... Asking HOW the original DNA samples were obtained is a pretty good question. Fire hot enough to weaken steel support beams isn't real conductive to preserving DNA... Or anything more complex than a carbon atom, really...

[edit on 16-12-2009 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:00 AM
This is more evidences of proof the government is lying and it defiantly points to a false flag operation. Why did we go to war then? These two countries did not attack us?
There is “no excuses” to justified these two wars, none.

The 19 hijackers were never identified with any proof; furthermore, this makes us the aggressor for war. Killing for profit nothing more. Our leaders in the Bush administration screwed the American people, they have committed treason.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Well, for starters, the hijackers were mostly from Egypt and Lebanon. Second - this may be the shocker for some posters here - their families did not want their sons, cousins, brothers, etc to have been the hijackers. They gave samples in the hopes that it would prove negative - both to maintain their family's dignity and to hope that their kids hadn't, y'know, comitted suicide in what is today one of the most infamous acts of terrorism i nthe world.

Do you have a “sources” for this information or is this your opinion?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Lillydale

Well, for starters, the hijackers were mostly from Egypt and Lebanon. Second - this may be the shocker for some posters here - their families did not want their sons, cousins, brothers, etc to have been the hijackers. They gave samples in the hopes that it would prove negative - both to maintain their family's dignity and to hope that their kids hadn't, y'know, comitted suicide in what is today one of the most infamous acts of terrorism i nthe world.

of course... Asking HOW the original DNA samples were obtained is a pretty good question. Fire hot enough to weaken steel support beams isn't real conductive to preserving DNA... Or anything more complex than a carbon atom, really...

[edit on 16-12-2009 by TheWalkingFox]

While I appreciate the second half of your answer, I need to ask for a source for the first half. I have seen this claim before but then I have seen statements from the FBI saying they did not receive any reference samples from families. I have seen the claim that it was obtained from hotel rooms and rental cars. I have also seen the FBI state that the identity of all the terrorists is in question. Therefore, I am interested in the source of your info.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:54 AM
Not all of the hi jackers have been indentified by DNA. And in addition, many victims have not been identified as well including many, many, many "peices of bodys" too. Most fit inside of a test tube. I have always wondered about the DNA claims the gov makes. I can understand that the victims' familys would be willing to provide samples BUT, I distinctually read a report from the gov (agency?..FAA, FBI something like that immediately after) that the DNA for the hijackers had been ID'd.....

I also remember thinking to myself, "bullsh**!" also.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by mikelee

Only three of the hijackers from the WTC attacked have been identified by DNA. DNA bearing material samples were garnished by forensic experts from the personal belongings of hijackers. They were labeled only "K" and sent to the lab were human remains from ground zero were being sent. Remains recovery at ground zero was painstakingly done over a 6 year period. Anything that may even look like a human remain was carefully collected and forwarded for analysis. When a match was found with the "K" samples they were labeled as hijacker. Simple, elementary, and logical.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by hooper

Can you back that up? In this thread alone we have the OS pushers telling us they were all identified by DNA and that only some were. We have them telling us DNA was found in hotel rooms and cars as well as we have them telling us terrorist families all supplied DNA. It cannot be all of these stories as they contradict each other but so far no one pushing any of them has offered any proof of any of these claims.

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