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Point Blank: Is there a God, why and why not?

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by resonance

a poster claimed there is no evidence for God..this is entirely untrue.

There is no explicit evidence for the Christian God anymore than there is evidence for Zeus, Osiris or Odin. Christians can equally be called Atheistic because they doubt the existence and validity of other Gods worshiped and claimed to exist through personal revelation of their followers.

A true atheist just takes this one step further by denouncing the existence and validity of all Gods.

The Christian God holds tremendous weight..History validates a lot of the it.

There are also many mythologies discussing the actions of other Gods on real tangible proven physical towns and peoples, since we know these places and peoples existed, does this equally validate the existence of those peoples Gods?

When you read a fiction book, you don't automatically assume it's talking about a non-fiction occurrence even though elements of the story may include real past events, people, places. Since you fail to do this, there is no logical reason for you to contradictorily assume the fictional content of a mythological religion should be more truer than any other fictional text.

physics and biology show how our life and universe is much too finely tuned for chance.

The universe is even more fine tuned for the existence of black holes, we may just be a by product.

the degree of chance involved is just astounding.

Claiming chance has a role would imply explicit knowledge of all variables existent prior to the universe and since no man has ever obtained such knowledge, the chance argument is moot and invalid.

for anyone who does serious study in to all fields of science and history with an open mind will come to this conclusion.

I disagree with the statement. If anyone was serious and honest with themselves, they would see that throughout history, man's ideas of where the universe has come from has constantly changed in form and complexity, that man has an innate drive to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. An honest person would concede that we may never have an answer.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by sirnex

"There is no explicit evidence for the Christian God anymore than there is evidence for Zeus, Osiris or Odin. Christians can equally be called Atheistic because they doubt the existence and validity of other Gods worshiped and claimed to exist through personal revelation of their followers.

A true atheist just takes this one step further by denouncing the existence and validity of all Gods. "

history continues to validate the bible..go study it..there is more proof for the things the bible says than any other religion..

"The universe is even more fine tuned for the existence of black holes, we may just be a by product."

wrong..every thing in the universe is exactly as it needs to be for us to argue that is ignorant

"I disagree with the statement. If anyone was serious and honest with themselves, they would see that throughout history, man's ideas of where the universe has come from has constantly changed in form and complexity, that man has an innate drive to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. An honest person would concede that we may never have an answer."

actually..throughout history the story of the bible has stayed the yes mainstream christianity and Catholicism have changed it around to control people and make money...but the story that the bible tells of the redemption of man has been around since the first man...the story was not written but told with the hebrew mazzaroth

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 11:13 AM
As to the OP's Question:

There have been too many things happen to me in my life, and with those around me to deny the existence of god. I firmly beleive there is a god and that he is love.

Which god? Well that is my business.


I am really disappointed in some of you. I understand that many of you don't beleive in god, but some of you vocalize your reasoning with such ignorance it almost makes me sick.

It is ignorant to deny the possibility that there is a god period. You just don't know whether you think you do or not.

Some of you say there "is no evidence to support god". You must understand there is no evidence to disprove him either. Not one Iota of evidence on either side. Hence our infinite religious circle jerk that some of us constantly get into.


Many of you became atheists because you had the concept of god crammed down your throats your whole lives. Some of you have been preached to so much that you rebelled. Some of you just hate the idea. These feelings and thoughts are perfectly understandable.

Deny all the gods we have held all you want, but don't deny that there might be a real one out there that we don't understand.

At least hold the possibility as possible. This is no more far fetched as dark matter or string theory.

We have a human idea of an infinite omnipotent god. Humans are fallible. They couldn't possibly understand a being that could very well equal the entire universe (both physically and metaphorically) and beyond in one neat organized consciousness. We can barely wrap our heads around the concept of infinity.

Anyway I'm not trying to preach. Enough people do that. I'm trying to be the voice of reason between both sides here.

I don't expect the atheist group to all of a sudden turn around and say that they beleive in god. I just hope that they at least admit the idea is a possibility.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:39 AM
I think it does.

You gotta be kidding.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:09 AM
Some of the largest answers in the universe might not be found on a website.
Jus sayin'.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ineverknew

Yes and No

God is more or less every living thing in reality, maybe even everything. It's omnipresent because god has the experience of of being anything at any point all at once. God can do 'everything' because it has all of our combined skills and talents. Thinking of God as an actual entity that is seperate from everything else is a pretty silly way of looking at it. I know it's kind of hard not to, especially if you grew up in a family that follows a monotheistic religion like christianity. They present God as a being rather than the sum of all beings, where as if you pay attention to a lot of what The New Testament says can easily be interpreted the way I've explained God, but people have a tendency to personify things...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by resonance

history continues to validate the bible..go study it..there is more proof for the things the bible says than any other religion..

Archeologists have been able to use mythologies to discover lost cities. What's your point?

wrong..every thing in the universe is exactly as it needs to be for us to argue that is ignorant

Naive. Our *singular* planet is exactly as it needs to be as we evolved to exist on it. Please take a stroll on the surface of the sun and proceed to tell me how perfect the universe is suited to human existence.

actually..throughout history the story of the bible has stayed the yes mainstream christianity and Catholicism have changed it around to control people and make money...but the story that the bible tells of the redemption of man has been around since the first man...the story was not written but told with the hebrew mazzaroth

The story is pretty similar to older mythologies as well.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 12:31 AM
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Our only true mission in life is to WAKE UP and REMEMBER who we are. This is commonly known as "Awakening" or "Enlightenment".

The inevitable truth is that- You are God.

And when a person has their "awakening", this is so obvious and simple that you laugh and say "OMFG....I REMEMBER!"

Many experience Awakening thru the use of entheogens....some thru meditation, fasting, sensory deprivation, drumming, dancing....anything that can induce enough of an altered state to put the Ego in a box long enough for your TRUE SELF to awake. It happens in an INSTANT. Total and utter realization...w/o any doubt. And you feel like you are finally HOME. This is why we are here! To find ourselves.

We are all God playing hide-n-seek for our own entertainment.


posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Proof that God exists.

Do not be intellectually lazy if you go here.

The greatest search you can undertake is for: TRUTH.
The greatest gift you can give someone else: TRUTH.
The biggest mistake you will ever make: Reject the TRUTH.
The most important thing you use to guide your life: TRUTH.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 03:29 AM

Why strive to be only good, how does the one creator learn of evil if various aspects are trying to do away with it? Why punish evil if evil is nothing more than an equal part of the one creator? I see no point in being moral with this line of thought. Why should I be only good to others when evil is part of the one creators learning experience of itself?
reply to post by sirnex

I am only now joining this thread, and have not read it in its entirety, but I must say that I appreciate the logic and consistency you display in your thinking and present in your arguments.

In my own belief, if God does exist, he guides us towards a state of consciousness, a condition of being, wherein we reach our highest potential of bliss, joy, and love.

Evil or "bad" actions are a contraction of consciousness, a backward step, as it were, and good actions are a forward step, a growing in awareness.

The pain experienced as a consequence of evil actions is often a greater impetus to move in a "good" direction than the reward of good actions, so from that point of view, even evil actions can ultimately lead to progress in the right direction, though by a circuitous path of unpleasant "karma".

Why cannot we be in that highest state of consiousness without those interminable lessons of good and bad actions simply by the click of God's proverbial fingers? In my understanding, this learning process is necessary because we would be un-conscious at that level, we would lack the necessary spiritual strength to remain aware at such a refined spiritual level, and hence would not be able to participate in the joy and bliss such state offers.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:33 PM
some of the reasons why i believe in God is because i believe were not just some pieces of meat in this big thing with water n whatnot, but that we have a purpose, alot of trustworthy testimonies about people seeing things then disapearing, ex satanists, songs that talk about satan, our holy books telling us, most people in most places throughout history have believed in God, it gives you hope for an afterlife and a sense of purpose. for more go to

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