posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 07:10 PM
I'm new here, I don't know if i should put stuff in here or create my own...although it seems like this topic best fits my situation maybe? I
definately need answers and am real serious. freaked out a lil in past few hrs of reading some posts before I became member, but im glad im not the
only one. How things since august 10th with my health, visions, dreams (past/present), fascination with stars thru me being sick, and in and out of
hospital and going to my second find of family doc to try and figure the physical part out, which most everything has came back normal cept finding
out why I was vomiting blood. I have been certain between hrs of 3am and 5 ive been seeing some kind of alien craft in the north east of the
farm(around 400 aceres) i live on.Its NOT an airplain! It don't move, but i see lights on and around it..mostly white and red. I wake in pains and
have excessive sweats,but always seemed to be drawn some nights to the back door..which i will explain my recurring dream: i was preg 6yrs ago was vivid, was about revelations in bible, w/horses/everything, then the world came to an end and the aliens were comming to take me away
and i woke up in fear seeing the last image that has tormented me till this day, why i always lock the back door seems its next to my bedroom..but
obviously that may not matter lol..but seen a short(head came up to the door knob) grey alien standing in the doorway(half cracked open). I havn't
had that dream but had same feelings of being pregnant again...feeling like something was way wrong w/my body and fatigued. Once after staring at tha
(hopeing it was a satilite) went, looked in mirror to wash my face to look again and my eyes were slanty and black, then once while i was in the
hospital. it just didnt look like "me" but i blamed it on not getting enuf sleep, but the thing was still outsid.Sometimes when i would close my
eyes; id see white circles,( rare for me unless when I tried deep meditation once). then Id see alien eyes looking back toward in the left corner.The
second time I went into the hospital I got admitted for four days and was unconcous for about a day 1/2 then i had bad pressure in my scull and all
kinds of weird things happened but towards the third day i was seeing the big white circles when id look at the clock and then seen a black blured
tunnel vision w/a white circle at the end, the doc came in and said nothing was wrong w/me that i was fine...even tho I couldnt speak what "i"
wanted to say, and couldnt walk and could only remember past situations and present wasnt clear to me at all..i got sent home in worse shape than i
went in. and just now being able to do a lot of simple ordinary things, remembering. Ive never had a reg family doc, i hardly ever get sick so all
these things that happend all at once was weird.This whole thing has been extremely weird and felt different in those times of last week of sep when i
first saw them till recently when i read verbally Matthew chapters 4-9. Then w/out taking any meds, my pains deminished then came back. Ive talked to
my g-ma about seeing the aliens and craft, us both being christians, she tells me she believes me and im not crazy that theyre real.(tho I cant tell
the doc's or theyll for sure admit me!lol) Her dad was a pastor and said he seen aircrafs too. Ive wanted to call my uncle who works for the fbi and
my aunt (NASSA) but I havnt talked to them since i strayed from God and moved from southern states to northern states since i got married/ 2000
and think theyll tell me im crazy.Something definately spiratul/war going on w/me, but i've also seen the same thing in the sky recently on an
uncloudy night. I turned 28 on the third day in hospital, not even realizing it was my birthday. I'm a libra..havnt went to get my palms read only
twice in my life both times things were so deep they didnt charge, now i have two endentations on ea.hand thru alla that. I have the bigdiper on my
belly-abs,but God has healed