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Videotaped rape - now the 87th most popular website in the world

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:50 PM

I recently made the following post onto the member's forum of an internet pornography site, having offered this story over 6 months ago to the 'Independent' newspaper and being turned down due to "time constraints". (I only joined to make this post, and to take action).


The websites *** and *** share the same content.

There is a huge amount of porn which is legal, and I have no objection to.

In fact, I discovered these sites and initially thought wow they're great.

However, I searched through the available 'tags' and it turns out that there is a 'tag' for rape, in which there are as of today's date, 469 videos [0.4% illegal content]

Furthermore, I viewed a number of these videos, and it transpires that a great number - it appears the majority - are real life rapes that have been recorded. Many 'rapes' labelled "fantasy" are in fact 'real', and also there are many videos tagged "REAL rape", and nothing is done to remove them.

According to Alexa, *** is now the 157th most popular website in the world, and *** is now the 87th most popular website in the world.

Rape is illegal and an abhorrent crime. Why is it that this website countenances (allows) the uploading of videos of real life rapes - in many of these videos the women are crying, in some of these videos the women are shown being threatened with murder.

And what now of the legal position?

According to wikipedia there is no such thing as real life rape videos on the internet, it says there is not a single instance of real life rapes known about. However, we are dealing with the 157th and 87th most popular sites in the world respectively, and it appears the majority of videos shown on 'rape' are actual real life rapes.

I do not believe the website can continue long-term if it continues with the tolerance of rape!"


Within 60 seconds, I received a reply from a 'Moderator', advising me to contact the Site Administrator with my complaint, which I have done, and I awaited reply.

One week later, no reply received from the Site Administrator, and they have allowed the additional uploading of 20 further new 'rape' videos.

Significant numbers of the videos show women crying, screaming, being threatened with knives and other weapons - terrible ordeals being broadcast to up to millions of viewers - the 87th most popular website in the world. Please note it is likely (and I hope) that by far the greater majority of access to the site is for their legal pornography content, nonetheless there's no two ways about it, the illegal content cannot remain, otherwise I do not see how the website can stay in business !

[edit on 17-9-2009 by TheDailyPlanet]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:13 PM
That is absolutely horrifying to hear. But strangely enough, believable.

I can't even get started on this subject because there is not enough time in the universe to express my complete thoughts.

How sad that torture and violation are such hot topics. I hope your statistics are wrong but I doubt it.

Girls and women have always, and will always be playthings for the rich and powerful whether we like or not (apparently).

There is Karma.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:18 PM
Yeah right... real c'mon. How do you recon that they're real? You got any proof? Crying, knives, weapons, bondage all are part of the act. Even beating.

[edit on 17/9/2009 by PsykoOps]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by TheDailyPlanet

How do you know these are real life rapes? Are you just assuming this based on the tags or because they have realistic acting?

I can replace the logos on a Yugo with Cadillac, doesn't make it true.

Rape is a horrible disgusting thing but consensual adults should be able to recreate and watch any fantasy they like as long as it just that, fantasy.

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Fantasy Rape can seem very real. Most of the women who have Rape Fantasies, and are willing enough to act them out on camera, tend to be significantly more intelligent than your average Porn Star. Thus, the acting, even by amateurs, is significantly better to the point that it quite realistic. Some of the more masochistic of women actually enjoy these Fantasy Rapes being physically brutal and emotionally humiliating.

Would you be surprised to know that those who watch Rape Porn are generally women?

I too would be suspect about a Man who routinely watches it, as it would denote that they have control fantasies, or rape fantasies of their own, which if not channeled in a healthy manner could turn malevolent if ever they decided to act upon those fantasies. However, for women it is something very empowering and actually can be a therapeutic practice.

It is commonly known that the majority of women in the West will be a victim of either a violent rape or a date-rape at some point in their lives. The psychological impact of rape can be devastating. Many victims of rape find it useful to participate in fantasy rape. It allows them to have control of a situation in a role-playing perspective, re-enacting their trauma in a safe environment. Each time they re-enact the trauma while having control of the scene helps undo the damage that had been wrongfully done to them by someone else. Some women actually find a kind of liberation and release in surrendering control and responsibility during sex. The female psyche is a strange and peculiar thing that is difficult for men to understand. It defies logic and reason because although the females may have logic and reason, their psyche doesn't necessarily abide by them in a manner which men can easily comprehend.

When two (or more) adults do something that is consensual, even if it may not appear to be consensual on camera, it is no one's business but their own and there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, if they upload it to share with World+Dog, then it becomes the business of everyone else. However, if it was consensual and all parties involved in the filming signed Waivers and Release Forms and provided proper Identification, then there is nothing morally wrong with it...even if it may not be your particular cup of tea.

I think the Internet has allowed women to be a lot more open about their fantasies. For the longest time, a man's philandering was considered acceptable, and their fetishes were never considered as taboo as Western Society regarded women's sexuality and fetishes.

Rape is something that shouldn't be tolerated ever. However, Fantasy Rape between consensual adults, no matter how realistic or brutal or violent it may be or seem, is another ballgame.

Your heart is in the right place...but your experience in the Fantasy Rape Scene is clearly naive (but that's no fault of your own and not necessarily a bad thing).

However, I do agree that if a site does not have signed Waivers, Release Forms and Photo Identification of all participants in a video that they should be treated as if they were real Rapes and not Fantasy Rape, and pursued under the full extent that the law allows. However, as those sites no doubt have 18 U.S.C. 2257 Disclaimers then that shows that they do collect and keep this information on file. (Maybe we need an additional disclaimer in the films themselves that reads "No humans were harmed in the making of this video"!)

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by TheDailyPlanet

I commend you for your refusal to do nothing, DailyPlanet.

But why haven't you forwarded this to the police?
Don't you know they are OBLIGATED by law to investigate anything of the sort that comes their way?

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Hmmmm. If these were/ are real rapes...seems that many of them would be subpeona'd, tagged as evidence, removed from the site and hopefully result in significant convictions. The fact that they're still there is a testiment to their falsehood.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

fraternormus, I usually agree with your opinion on most topics I've seen you comment on. Unfortunately for me, this time I am diabolically opposed to your post and the insinuation that rape victims LIKE being in control of simulated reverse-rape situations.

Rape victims do not enjoy being raped, nor do they enjoy "therapies" that "enable them to be in control" in simulated fantasy. That is bizarre thinking. Women are the number one viewers of rape fantasies????

If everything you posted is backed by the medical community, I'm soaking three cigarettes in water and drinking the resulting poison to end this fiasco of a life on a planet that makes no sense whatsoever. When the sickest, most harmful, life ruining thing a girl/woman can ever experience becomes respectable entertainment, I quit.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:37 PM
I would think some sites such as this that even though they are questionable, may actually be used to profile many. I would imagine that using these sites by name in court would expose them also. Seems many are so obcessed, that they take the risk? People have a habit of exposing their weekness and are easily exploited, usually for their money.

I never got into watching abusive videos or movies. I wonder if that says something as well. I'm glad I'm not an addict. It was mentioned to me by someone sevral years ago about live snuff videos coming out of Mexico. Movies such as Hostel, many seem to think are just horror films and not advertising. Maybe theaters are also part of the profiling?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Yeah right... real c'mon. How do you recon that they're real? You got any proof? Crying, knives, weapons, bondage all are part of the act. Even beating.

[edit on 17/9/2009 by PsykoOps]

If they are real, this sounds like a great resource for police.

Who would be dumb to put themselves on video with free access commiting a crime?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I wholeheartedly agree with hazelnut here. I find your assertions preposterous. A lot of women who are raped are scarred for life. I doubt many, if any, think…‘I know, I will go into the porn business and re-enact my torture so men can watch me and be humiliated and violated all over again. That will be therapeutic.’ Sigh.
I would find it exceedingly surprising if it were true that most who watch ‘fantasy rape’ are women, I doubt that highly. I doubt many women even frequent porn sites at all.
I am so sickened by this that I will state my opinion that anyone, male or female who would get a kick out of watching someone being raped, threatened with death and showing distress…for sexual ‘entertainment‘…is a sick little bunny…and needs to get help.
I despair of this world.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Well, this is indicative of the collapse of western civilization. We have turned into a cess pool of lunatics. Why would anyone who had any sense want to watch such garbage?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
fraternormus, I usually agree with your opinion on most topics I've seen you comment on. Unfortunately for me, this time I am diabolically opposed to your post and the insinuation that rape victims LIKE being in control of simulated reverse-rape situations.

Rape victims do not enjoy being raped, nor do they enjoy "therapies" that "enable them to be in control" in simulated fantasy. That is bizarre thinking. Women are the number one viewers of rape fantasies????

Hazel, I respect that.

Allow me to clarify on my previous post...

When I say "therapy" I didn't mean for it to sound like it was a MDS-IV approved form of therapy. I meant it in a manner of a Rape Victim choosing that route for themselves to find empowerment and to work through the trauma that they had previously experienced.

Nor was it meant to suggest that Rape Victims enjoyed being raped. They absolutely did not (and such reasoning is nothing more than justification that is commonly used by the perpetrators of such violent acts). However, it is indeed common for Rape Victims to later develop Rape Fantasies and act out those Fantasies as a form of emotional healing (as per your protest, I have abstained from further using the word "therapy").

Although it is difficult gaining statistics of those who participate in deviant sexual practices, at least all of the women I have ever met (every single one of them) in the BDSM Community, regardless of whether they were DOMinant or submissive, had been victims of Rape. Every woman I have met in the BDSM community has had Rape Fantasies either on the giving or receiving end (depending on whether they were DOMinant/Switch/submissive). Most of those women had actually acted out Fantasy Rape at least once. Outside of the BDSM Community I have seen similar trends, although not as so clearly universal.

And I am not the only one who has noticed such trends. This is a field of study that Aberrant and Abnormal Psychologists are beginning to explore with valid research. Although previously considered a psychological disorder classified under "paraphilia", Rape Fantasies by victims of Rape is complex and not easily understood (or at least poorly understood). Regardless, the traditional forms of psychological treatment is rarely effective. In addition, many professionals prefer not to pathologize this kind of sexual behavior that involves willing adults, even if the behavior might be deemed deviant in mainstream society.

However, it is important to note that not every victim of Rape develops Rape Fantasies or pursues paraphiliac acts such as Fantasy Rape. We are talking about one particular subset niche here. Of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Rape in the United States alone, what percentage of them develop Rape Fantasies or act out Fantasy Rape? That data is currently not available...but it does happen far more frequently than one might consider.

Perhaps I should have clarified that last part first and foremost. For that I am sorry if not having explicitly stated it may have led one to believe that the opposite had been insinuated.

Originally posted by Hazelnut When the sickest, most harmful, life ruining thing a girl/woman can ever experience becomes respectable entertainment, I quit.

Well I wouldn't say it is respectable entertainment...but then again is any porn considered respectable entertainment? It doesn't have to be regarded as tasteful to the majority, it just has to appeal to that niche that share that particular fetish.

However, I hope I don't appear as making light of a serious subject. I do whole-heartedly agree with you. Rape, whether you are a female or male victim, is one of the most harmful, life ruining things one could ever experience. Next to murder, mutilation, and clitoral circumcision, I can't think of anything more traumatic for a woman to ever have to go through.

Perhaps it is offensive to many victims of Rape, however to at least a percentage of Rape victims, Fantasy Rape is actually regarded as a powerfully positive thing. (And you are right...that is bizarre thinking...and I wouldn't ever deny that...but that doesn't make it any the less true.)

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:15 PM
its disgusting but you probably wont get much support here

there have been numerous threads on this type of topic

the common reply

you cant censor art

and all the girls know what they are getting into

blah blah blah

most people are just speaking out of their orifices and have no clue what they are talking about

this type of thing is horrible, it is an absolute atrocity

whats worse, is under the name of "art" people think it is acceptable for people to want to watch "simulated" rape

i am an art student, i went to art school, i think art is great

but i find it pathetic, appalling, and ridiculous that a number of certain atrocities are able to find refuge under the art banner

yes i know censorship is a slippery slope

but id personally rather fall down the slope then allow things like rape and the like to be able to continue and influence upcoming generations

the internet is very powerful

the youth are very impressionable

we should be more responsible in what we allow to be out there for the next generations to see

just because our generations are already corrupted does not mean we should give up hope for the future ones

we should also take rape more seriously, especially with whats happening in certain areas of africa and many other places, rape is a very serious problem in the world, and personally i dont feel rape videos are necessary there are plenty of other porn options available

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:17 PM
one more post just to add i find it interesting that a few replies so far think that if they were real the cops wouldve done something about it

too many people have too much dependance on the police, that is one of our societies biggest problems

in reality the police cant do everything, they cant search every site, they cant watch every single rape video and investigate which one was a real rape and which one was staged

there is simply not enough man power for the job

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Bondage Porn, or Rape Porn, is popular but fake.

The actors who play the rape victims are payed good money to do what they do. The girls know EXACTLY what they are doing, and have done it many times before. It's really good money, too hard for some girls to resist. The violence is part of the whole act. They sign contracts to get treated like that. It is technically violent rape, but the girls have been payed and agreed to it.

If it was the least bit real, it would be taken down. I assure you.

I agree it is disgusting, but there are all kinds of disgusting people out there, not just the sickos who watch it, but the girls who do it for a living.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by FouL-LiveR
Bondage Porn, or Rape Porn, is popular but fake.

The actors who play the rape victims are payed good money to do what they do. The girls know EXACTLY what they are doing, and have done it many times before. It's really good money, too hard for some girls to resist. The violence is part of the whole act. They sign contracts to get treated like that. It is technically violent rape, but the girls have been payed and agreed to it.

If it was the least bit real, it would be taken down. I assure you.

I agree it is disgusting, but there are all kinds of disgusting people out there, not just the sickos who watch it, but the girls who do it for a living.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

just curious, do you know any of the numbers behind what you say?

for example you say its really good money, but do you know how much?

if you do know how much, then possibly our views of whats really good are different but in my opinion shooting a video that will be around forever, and only making a couple hundred, maybe a thousand max isnt exactly really good money

what if the girl actually gets hurt in the making of the video, who pays the medical bills?

its not the guy, its the girl, a single trip to a hospital even for the smallest thing, would pretty much eat up the whole paycheck from the rape scene

its really only the main stream porn players that get any kind of good money, the rest of the unknowns, which are the majority of the ones in the rape scenes, are lucky to get a couple hundred

and just because the girls are paid does it really make the rape ok?
in that type of thinking, all rapists have to do is get a girl to sign a contract and throw a couple hundred bucks on the bed after they have their way with her

not attacking you, but definitely playing devils advocate

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I have worked as a volunteer aiding abused women, and not once have I ever come across an instance where a victim of rape hasn't been scarred or traumatized. To even suggest that rape victims turn to fantasy rape as a form of self-therapy is despicable in all shapes and forms. Perhaps a deluded, twisted mind might contemplate such a sick scenario, but I'd be willing to bet my last dollar that these situations are unlikely to exist in the real world.

Rape victims have a hard enough time coming to terms with such a life changing event. You are going to be hard pressed to find one willing to relive, or re-enact, one of the most nightmarish events of their lives.

The fact that this line of reasoning even exists in any form or fashion is downright appalling.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Listen - many of the videos I saw in this 'tag' appeared to be very real indeed. There was much shedding of tears seen, that is something that is very hard to act!

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Some of you say that if they were real the police would do something about it.

But in reality that are very busy with kiddie porn and the sad fact is, In America alone something like 20 Million people a year watch Child porn and get away with it, the traffic so high that in many cases the best they can do is get out an occasional automated message in hopes of scaring you off it, actual action tends to focus on direct online predators trying to seek meeting with live children and those who have downloaded huge amounts of images and stored them on HD

So they haven't even put a dent in Child porn watching, not a dent... let alone catch up to Rape which is allot easier to claim was fake...

These sites

Have real rapes

Will almost assuredly not be hosted in a Nation where they can be gotten to by the cops

A Woman's idea of Rape Fantasy Does NOT look like these sites

This is no "expression"

The Mind believes fantasy is real and this sort of thing is genuinely dangerous to watch and allow yourself to be aroused by

There is no defense of this what so ever, there is real rape in the mix for sure

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