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Wear A Black Armband in Protest

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:49 PM
instead of a Star of David...
how bout a on the Gadsden flag?
something a bit more, "american" showing that we see whats coming and how its could be similar to the holocaust...but instead of the jews it will be americans.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori
reply to post by mikerussellus

Honestly, the swine flu is teetering out so maybe this will not come to pass, yes?

*Crosses fingers and hopes that there isn't a Select Agent alert*

You know *puts on black armband for size* back when everyone was so Gung Ho Patriot Act I asked people if they would still feel the same if Hillary was President instead of Bush and the room would get quiet.

I think we need to ask ourselves every time one of these "infringements" creep up on us: Would we still excuse it or be for it if the opposite party was in charge?

[edit on 17-9-2009 by A Fortiori]

swine flu teetering out? seems like its coming back to the forefront (if only to push this new vaccine)

so far, from what i know, its recombined supposedly into a possibly more virulent strain while in the southern hemisphere flu season and is now, more and more every day, becoming completly tamiflu resistant.

not that i think its a good reason to get a flu shot...but its definitely not an issue thats going anywhere.

and i don't think its a party thing.

anyone on this ATS site that doesn't see that there is only ONE party...and just the illusion of choices all around us...well, i guess lacks understanding?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by double_frick

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The death rate from the pandemic H1N1 swine flu is likely lower than earlier estimates, an expert in infectious diseases said on Wednesday.

New estimates suggest that the death rate compares to a moderate year of seasonal influenza, said Dr Marc Lipsitch of Harvard University.

"It's mildest in kids. That's one of the really good pieces of news in this pandemic," Lipsitch told a meeting of flu experts being held by the U.S. Institute of Medicine.

"Barring any changes in the virus, I think we can say we are in a category 1 pandemic. This has not become clear until fairly recently."

The Pandemic Severity Index set by the U.S. government has five categories of pandemic, with a category 1 being comparable to a seasonal flu epidemic.

What will the excuse be now? Select Agent? Terrorism?

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news, but just wait. I don't think the strain currently in existence will do anything, but I am betting all that soon We will see an "icky" strain come out. The idea by the Elites is to scare us into the vaccine. I am betting what will emerge is gonna be real ugly, and fly by night. They need the speed in order to scare properly

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by A Fortiori

I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news, but just wait. I don't think the strain currently in existence will do anything, but I am betting all that soon We will see an "icky" strain come out. The idea by the Elites is to scare us into the vaccine. I am betting what will emerge is gonna be real ugly, and fly by night. They need the speed in order to scare properly

What I am worried about, especially considering what you posted earlier, is a release of a select agent and they miraculously have a vaccine for it in stockpile.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 09:37 AM
Hey guys. I know I don’t post often (maybe two or three times) but this thread got me very interested. I work in the health care field and have just been told yesterday that we are going to be required to take the H1N1 vaccine to remain employed. As you can imagine, this got my hackles up a bit. Then I ran across this thread and decided to research the subject of arm bands as I fully intend to wear one. In my internet wanderings I’ve come to a few conclusions that I decided to share, because I am way too inactive at this site. While reading the posts it seems to me that everyone keeps saying the same things, in different ways, over and over again. Like, “We can/can’t use that color/symbol because at some point in history it meant this.”, “Lets use this because it will look cool (in so many words) regardless of whether or not everyone understands it.” or “We shouldn’t use this or that because it will demean/offend some group/ethnicity/historical event.” So, I came up with three simple guide lines that could be followed to come up with an arm band.

1) Keep it simple. Use one solid color and one symbol. To many issues and protested things use colors and symbols today, so it becomes necessary to mix and match one each to be unique.

2) Use colors and symbols for what they mean today, not what they meant in the past, and that are directly meaningful to your cause. Over complication, or trying to tie it into something in the past only leads to confusion and disagreement as so readily evident in this very thread.

3) You simply can't worry about it offending someone. Its GOING to happen. The purpose of the arm band is to protest something being done to you that you feel is wrong. Therefor, the purpose of the arm band is to "Target Offend". Now that doesn't mean use something that you know will offend outside of your "Target". The very mention of the Star of David offended someone, so common sense tells us that its right out.

With that said, whats wrong with a yellow arm band with an upside down American flag. The yellow band represents hope and protest. If we don't have hope that things are going to get better then why protest. And we all know that the flag upside down means distress and is a cry for help. Simple and it gets the point across. Black means your mourning a death. There have been deaths, but we are protesting bracelets and mandatory vaccination. Not the deaths.

On a quick side note, I also fully intend on putting an RFID signal jammer on whatever arm band we agree to. You can get one on the internet that fits in your palm for cheap. I encourage everyone to do this.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by peppersgc

Excellent post!

The upside down flag is a good one. Yellow (I will sound girly, but..) clashes with the red,white,and blue.


Where is MikeRusselVS when I need him...?

Okay, so our best suggestions thus far:


Upside down US flag
Gadson flag
BioHazard Symbol
Black Triangle

Suggested Colors:


posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by A Fortiori

That about sums it up. I do wonder what an upside down flag with a black triangle in the middle would look like on a black or yellow arm band. Also, the more we make it "clash" the more it will stand out and get noticed.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by peppersgc

Okay, is this something we vote on?

IF we were to create an armband in protest what symbols would be gain consensus on:

Folks tell us the colors and symbols from the list and why you prefer them.


Upside down flag
Bio Hazard Symbol
Black Triangle (Nazi sign for "trouble maker")
Gadson flag



posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 02:55 AM
Not one single reply or vote? Boy, when these leave the front page people just sort of forget about them. How do we get it back up there?

My vote is for yellow with upside down flag or a black triangle. Reading back through the replies, the current numbers are:


Upside down flag = 3 votes
Bio Hazard Symbol = 1 votes
Black Triangle (Nazi sign for "trouble maker") = 2 votes
Gadson flag = 3 votes


Black = 5 votes
Yellow = 6 votes
Red = 2 votes
White = 0 votes

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:17 AM
Black with an upside down flag.It's simple and the materials would be easy to find.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by peppersgc
Not one single reply or vote? Boy, when these leave the front page people just sort of forget about them. How do we get it back up there?

My vote is for yellow with upside down flag or a black triangle. Reading back through the replies, the current numbers are:


Upside down flag = 5 votes
Bio Hazard Symbol = 1 votes
Black Triangle (Nazi sign for "trouble maker") = 2 votes
Gadson flag = 3 votes


Black = 7 votes
Yellow = 6 votes
Red = 2 votes
White = 0 votes

It is looking like an upside down flag on a black armband. I am going to make a test one if I can find a good flag patch. If I manage to make one that doesn't look horrible I'll take a picture and post it.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 09:38 AM
I'm a bit late but I'd choose the upside down flag (understandable by all Americans) if I were in the US, and a black armband (symbol of mourning)

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori

Originally posted by peppersgc
Not one single reply or vote? Boy, when these leave the front page people just sort of forget about them. How do we get it back up there?

My vote is for yellow with upside down flag or a black triangle. Reading back through the replies, the current numbers are:


Upside down flag = 6 votes
Bio Hazard Symbol = 1 votes
Black Triangle (Nazi sign for "trouble maker") = 2 votes
Gadson flag = 3 votes


Black = 8 votes
Yellow = 6 votes
Red = 2 votes
White = 0 votes

It is looking like an upside down flag on a black armband. I am going to make a test one if I can find a good flag patch. If I manage to make one that doesn't look horrible I'll take a picture and post it.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:33 PM
They way things are shaping up, and seem to be headed, why prematurely jump to wearing any sort of arm band now. Soon enough, we'll be forced to wear them.
Along with showing your party membership card, and papers...

I'll wait to see which way the revolutionary winds blow, before I don any quasi paramilitary paraphernalia...heir komrade!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 06:56 AM
Well the president just declared a national state of emergency. Guess we are here.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by my_name_is_mud

You are right, my friend. Let's see what they do now.

I will support anyone who willingly chooses to take the vaccine. What I will not support is it being forced upon us. Let's hope they do not.

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