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Meeting a lover on the astral plane?

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Alright, so a few nights ago I had a dream where I had a new neighbor move in and I began to talk to her, but once I did the dream began to get 500% more real. I could not recognize her as anyone I knew in real life (I can't remember her face or name anymore) and I felt a true "happiness" when with her. Actually, it was more of a love. But different, it wasn't just the normal love you feel for someone (after being in numerous relationships) but it was as if she were as some people describe as my "soul mate".

When with her I was completely devoid of any negative emotions (that's the best way I can think of to describe the feeling, but words simply cannot explain it to it's full extent) and it was almost too good to be true. As the dream went on in the end she ended up dying (it was kind of weird, there were people shooting at us) and her last words were "remember the beginning." This was after getting to really know her in the dream, it wasn't like we just knew each other, it was as if I really met someone.

So I end up waking up, I go to the bathroom and grab a quick drink, it's about 8 am, and I go back to sleep. Well it ends up I returned right back to it, as if it were a actual place, everything was the same. Except it was back to when we started getting to know each other. This part of the dream we were just walking around, I don't really remember the scenery and I was just so happy when with her, it was odd considering I never felt that way in real life before.

That's when I began to think that maybe this really is a person, and on the astral plane. When she said "remember the beginning" it was like when I returned to the dream I was remembering it, as if I actually met her! I was fully conscious when this was going on, and it was weird because sometimes I didn't even have a body and from what I read about the astral plane you don't really have a "body" and your more of just an energy. The dream ended (not even sure to call it a dream) as me and her sitting next to each other, smiling, and then I awoke.

I was never able to return, but is it possible that I just met a actual person on the astral plane? Maybe it was my soul-mate? Every night I wish and hope that I can return to get a name or try to remember her face so I can try to look it up...but I thought I would ask you guys. Is it possible to meet a actual person on the astral plane? Or was this just something created in my mind?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and any thoughts or feelings you guys have just feel free to comment.

Thanks again!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:50 PM
George Noory did a show about this on Coast one night. Yes, it most likely is your soul mate or sharer of your oversoul. Your oversoul supposedly inhabits more than one body. The other body or bodies are said to be closer to you than any other person. Sometimes one of them tends to be your soul mate. Yes, she was actually reaching out for you in the Astral realms, where the bodies do not exist. Not to necessarily get your hopes up about anything in particular but, she is out there reaching for you.

Consider yourself very lucky

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:10 PM
I would be cautious as not everything out there is what it seems or proclaims to be. Not everyone that is nice is a friend.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:16 PM
I think you either

a. met your higher self ( it would naturally be your physical opposite).

b. you met with another (for lack of better term) corporeal soul. I agree with the admonishment above. When your hanging about in the lower astral (qabalistically "yesod") you are in the realm of illusion. Keep your wits about you.

I hope you may have had a rare (god knows how rare) chance to meet your "soulmate". Not likely but hey? Why not?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:52 AM
I have no idea whether this sort of thing is a real metaphysical connection or just a cool dream that is all made up, but I've had almost exactly what you describe several times, mostly in the last few years, so I know exactly what you're talking about.

It always seems (at least for me) that it is really hard to remember any of the details from this sort of dream, the kind of empirical stuff you could use to prove/disprove it in real life. A very few times I've been able to remember something, but never anything that I could use to actually find her, only enough that if I ever actually met her, I could find out if she was the one from the dream.

I find that I'm unable to remember her appearance, too, except in a few very vague ways, though occasionally in my dream she'll look like someone I've cared about in the past, but instead of acting like that person, will act like the 'soulmate', assuming that's what she is, and not a figment of my imagination.

I really hope this sort of thing is real, but so far I have no evidence for it. (none against it either, though!)

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

So by saying that she was "reaching out to me" (again I know this isn't fact, just a idea/opinion) you mean that she was purposely astral projecting, and kind of "searching" for me?

And if that's the case, then it would seem that she would be in control of what was going on, which would mean in my dream or trip to the astral plane (whichever you want to call it) when she died at the end before I woke up the first time, you think she wanted it to end that way?

I don't necesarily believe that it's for sure, but it can't hurt to hope that someone out there is searching.

Thanks everyone else for your replies, keep em commin'!

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 06:35 PM
look up the concept of Twin flames. They can exist on astral or earthly planes. This is not the concept of soul mates. This is a step up from there.
Although no one can tell you what you already know. Try not to question the feelings or analyze them too much. Go with the personal truth in the dream.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by seagrass

I just finished reading up on the concept of twin flames, and that really seems to explain what I experienced. I guess that means that we are both "balanced" with our energies?

Man, this is some deep stuff

Wish there was a way to just be able to verify this. If this ends up being the case, that means that if we were able to meet in the astral plane, that it could be possible to meet in the physical now?

Yeah, im pretty sure that this is the case, there is no way that I can feel that happy and completely devote of any negative emotions like I felt when astral projecting.

So...anyway to find the other twin flame in the physical plane?? I am more then sure that I would be able to kind of "feel" her energy if I was near, or if i seen her.

However, I am surprised that I am "balanced" with my energies already, only 16 years old, and kind of odd for others my age to be as well...or is it?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by toast317

I don't believe age would be a consideration on a meeting. Nor on how balanced one is.
Yes you can meet your twin flame on earth. Or as near to it as possible.
You will know, but it may not happen as you would think. No experience is the same.
In my experience, there were/are the predictable obstacles they speak of. It is a recognition not a movie like love at first sight. It is a comfort and a familiarity. But it has taken a lot of personal "work" as well.
My TF says he dreamed of me before we met.
The balancing work comes when you meet. The real balancing. It is a bouncing off of each other in a complimentary way.
[edit on 16-9-2009 by seagrass]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by seagrass]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by seagrass

Gotcha. I just have to keep my eyes open. I doubt I will be able to, but im going to start to lucid dream again and work my way up to astral projection again because even if it's a .00001% chance that I can meet up with her in the astral realm then im going to try anyways. As for this whole experience I wasn't astral projecting, but rather just kind of went into the astral plane by accident.

Kind of sucks though meeting her so early on in life, I mean it's a great thing, and I feel blessed as to of been able to maybe met my twin flame, but it's also a torture at the same time. Knowing me, I will be thinking about her, and blowing off any love relationships as I will be comparing it to how I felt before, even though the astral plane is VERY different then the physical here.

But hey, whatever happens happens. Just gotta go with it.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 09:24 PM
Hmm odd, my edit isn't showing up. Well ill just type it out here.

Now that I think about it, at the end of the first dream before waking up and returning, she died. Was it possible that she was trying to tell me in some way that she just exists in the astral plane, and no longer remains in the physical? Because her last words were "remember the beginning" and then in the second dream it was as if that didn't happen yet, and almost as if I were "remembering" something that I don't recall ever happening.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by toast317
Hmm odd, my edit isn't showing up. Well ill just type it out here.

Now that I think about it, at the end of the first dream before waking up and returning, she died. Was it possible that she was trying to tell me in some way that she just exists in the astral plane, and no longer remains in the physical? Because her last words were "remember the beginning" and then in the second dream it was as if that didn't happen yet, and almost as if I were "remembering" something that I don't recall ever happening.
like I said, you know what you feel. I can't answer that question. But the beginning could be many times a cycle. I know what you mean though, I have never had a dream to inspire that kind of standard, but I was always looking for "him" around every corner, especially when I would travel. He never showed up. I met him here on ATS. Even without a physical meeting, the recognition was instant.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:14 PM
and yes, i don't always see his physical form that he holds during this fact whenever i am visiting astrally with those i know during this life i never really see their form...its more of a soul essence.

good luck finding her, if you're already dreaming about her i have no doubt you will experience your twin flame during this life. just understand that a lifetime is such a short period time in the grand scheme of things...if it doesn't work out with your twin flame let it do what that experience is supposed to and open you up to the endlessness of the universe...
thats where my comfort comes from. that we may not be able to spend this lifetime together, but eternity is ours.

regarding her being only on the astral plane. that is very possible, but as another user said so perfectly, only YOU can know for sure. you know, don't let your mind get in the way of what you know to be true.
i must say it would be a bit easier to experience my twin flame if he were astral. if so you may even have your twin flame as one of your guides. lucky duck.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:52 PM
That's a neat story. I was thinking of writing a 'novel' (start and never finish!) about a couple meeting in the astral plane..

As Ahabstar said, though, you need to be careful. There are all kinds of things it could be... And just to freak you out, I remember hearing about alien demons faking things such as 'the light' you see when you die, for the sake of tricking you and capturing you! Oh god I freaked myself out! But yeah.. PLAY SAFE.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by Bananarama]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by toast317
reply to post by seagrass

Gotcha. I just have to keep my eyes open. I doubt I will be able to, but im going to start to lucid dream again and work my way up to astral projection again because even if it's a .00001% chance that I can meet up with her in the astral realm then im going to try anyways. As for this whole experience I wasn't astral projecting, but rather just kind of went into the astral plane by accident.

Kind of sucks though meeting her so early on in life, I mean it's a great thing, and I feel blessed as to of been able to maybe met my twin flame, but it's also a torture at the same time. Knowing me, I will be thinking about her, and blowing off any love relationships as I will be comparing it to how I felt before, even though the astral plane is VERY different then the physical here.

But hey, whatever happens happens. Just gotta go with it.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

[edit on 16-9-2009 by toast317]

your going to START lucid dreaming again...and after that your going to astral project? lol not to be a d**k but wouldn't it be just lucid dreaminG? and if not how would u truelly know? your able to control, shift and make any dream u want...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:23 AM
ow, your story is so cute (sue me, I'm a hopeless romantic... it can't be helped)
I hope i can meet mine someday, i have seen him on my dreams too and the feeling is just too strong, and different from the feelings i've had for my ex lovers and current BF... I don't care too much about meeting him right now. We can still meet in the next life! There's still a whole eternity to reach him!

Ok, now I'm depressed

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Caggy]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by kaskade
There are people who say they can control their dreams, I personally have not done so that I am aware of. Are you questioning the possibility?
Dreams are there for us to use. Our deepest subconscious, a natural resource, our creative emotional outlet. Why not use it?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by kaskade

By saying that I am going to start lucid dreaming, I mean exactly what I said. There's a way to induce a lucid dream which im not going to get into here, but there are ways all over the internet that you can look up on.

I stopped lucid dreaming purposely a while back, but now I figure that it would help me reach the astral plane much easier. (Now I could have lucid dreams without the intention of having one, but im speaking intentionally here)

But when I used to do it a lot, I found it a lot easier to reach the astral plane. And trust me, you can MASSIVELY tell the difference between a lucid dream and being on the astral plane...I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's just something you have to try to understand really.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:55 PM
Well, since the Astral Plane is not fact but rather speculation you can't really "meet" somebody on the plane. It's a personal experience, there is no proof you can actually meet other people on it. Just like you can't meet others in your dreams, no matter how convincing they may be. It's a 100% personal experience.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by FouL-LiveR

Some believe dreams and the dimensions connected to dreams are more real than our physical reality. It is not an uncommon belief.
We tolerate all belief systems here, at least we attempt it. Its a start.
You can argue it all you like, but some people will always believe as they choose.

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