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A Question on Strategic Planning Against TPTB

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:15 PM
"The most effectual means of preventing the perversion of power
into tyranny are to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds
of the people at large, and more especially to give them knowledge
of those facts which history exhibits, that possessed thereby of
the experience of other ages and countries, they may be enabled to
know ambition under all its shapes, and prompt to exert their
natural powers to defeat its purposes." --Thomas Jefferson:
Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.

Here on ATS, we are all aiming for, generally the same goal. Even with the sundriness of forums we have available to post on, the seemingly noticeable point we're all trying to get across is excruciatingly obvious:

What are we going to do about the ongoing, forthcoming GLOBAL CHAOS we are all going to experience, as well as the future generations to come.

I understand that many of you out there have been able to uncover all the nonsense that we have going on behind the scenes of governments across the globe. But the one thing I see lacking here on ATS is the astounding lack of effort to put forth ideas on how to fix these problems that we're all meticulously and whole-heartedly researching about.

I have to say that I may not be the one with all the answers, but after being here on a daily basis, even before my joining on the site, I have come across more than a dozen handfuls of gifted minds and strong leaders. Many of you are some of the most extremely articulate beings I've come across in my life time.

But, one of the problems that we all seem to be running into is this nomadic way of headbutting; arguing our points into oblivion to make the others seem invalid and deficient for merely not agreeing. The main cause of this?

Differentiating points of view.

This reminds me of a statement I heard recently of how the opposing political parties are merely the same, aiming towards the same end-production, only the great digression between the two is that they both get to the same marker by taking different paths.

In conclusion, I wish to see us set our differences aside and come to the realization that we're all aspiring to bring freedom back to our lives, and appoint justice, where justice is do. While some decide to take the highways and the interstates, others take the back roads, but we all end up in the same damn town.

My main goal here was to get some ideas out of you ATSers on what you think some possible strategies there are out there for us to cause the fall of the tyrannical infrastructure being laid down upon us today. For I know we all have an inkling of sorts on how to move forward with this ambition we all share.

To end with a quote from one of my favorite films:

"This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not STAND!"


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:39 PM
I don't have time to look it up, but a DHS whitepaper said that the biggest "domestic terrorism" threat is small, independent cells, leaderless movements and lone wolves. In the years to come, DO NOT join up with any movement that is supposedly about harming TPTB - this same tactic was used to get the Tsarists to identify themselves during the Russian revolution. Groups are okay only if they have a stated objective to use only peaceful, reasonable means to promote change. If anyone in the group promotes violence or illegal activity, voice your dissent and leave.

However, I do not think that violence against TPTB will get us anywhere. I am sure they are salivating at the thought of someone who visits a website like this killing a couple cops or something.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:54 PM
link cause the fall of the tyrannical infrastructure being laid down upon us today. For I know we all have an inkling of sorts on how to move forward with this ambition we all share.

I don't share that ambition.

In fact I think if the people who do share that ambition were to take over from the present tyrants, they would be far worse and bloodier tyrants.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by undermind

So you would like to see us as a society of people continue down the path that we are heading now, to an ever more destructive end?

And, no, ELNC3, I do not see that starting things off with a violent take would help us out in any instance. Peaceful, TACTICUL efforts are more ideal when it comes to something like this. But if the tides were to turn, for these people in power will face us with force and arms, then we have something else on our hands.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Some food for thought, at the end of the War for States Rights and the blacks found them selves free, many were of course elated but quite a few, more than you would think were not all that happy.

Their way of life, as dismal and limited as it was, was no longer defined for them. Gone was the guaranteed world they knew. It wasn't a great world, it wasn't an ideal world, but it was a world that for many they had come to accept and count on as their world. A roof over their head, a purpose to their life, a meal at the end of the day, a place to belong, and belonging to someone meant the world to them because well, it was their world.

Believe it or not, some people enjoy and like being slaves. Check any BDSM Internet Site if you don't believe me, White people, Black people, Oriental people, Indian people, men and women actually desiring a lack of rights, bondage and servitude to another.

Why? In large part because they would like to abdicate having to fend for themselves, feed themselves, clothe themselves, house themselves, it's hard work having to do these things in a dog eat dog world, and most people have become accustomed to doing with less.

They are slaves to their TV's and the Computers, Cellular Phones and Toyotas, to their Soap Operas and Reality TV shows, to their blogs and video games, to their little homes and towns and families and employers and while they all often dream of hitting the lottery and having fortune and fame fall in their lap, and though they often complain that they don't have this or that, or that or this, and that or this is not fair, at the end of the day THEY JUST DON'T CARE. Oparah is on, it's Monday Night Football, the kids need help with their homework, the dog needs walk, there is a delicious box of hamburger helper cooking on the stove with a tablespoon of real sour cream added for extra flavor. They have a beer, a class of wine or soda, or the ever popular Kool-Aide and all is basically always well in their worlds, even though little is often truly well in their worlds.

If you told them look, all you have to do is just march down the street, holding a candle singing this song and your whole life will change for the better for ever and every one else’s will too, and I will even give you the candle, and light it for you, and teach you the song...they will look at you and say...well can it wait until after Oprah is over?

You know I have a doctor's appointment early in the morning, tonight is just not a really good night for me changing the world and all, it sounds great but...(insert average person's average excuse here).

You know who is even sicker of how the world is and that the Powers that Be run it?


They would love for people to really get off their lazy Oprah loving, beer guzzling, football watching, Wal-Mart shopping butts and really do something with their lives but...

Alas, most people don't want the 40 acres and the Mule when they realize they have to farm it, and do it all, and be responsible for it all.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?. Masters or slaves, for the reality slaves need Masters sometimes in greater and more desperate ways than Masters need slaves.

In reality that's what most of the turmoil is about right now, too many slaves, too few Masters, and too few slaves, who really want to be free, or be free and become Masters to take care of all the slaves.

Long story short, you can't help people who won't help themselves, and most people have very little interest in actually doing anything themselves to help themselves.

Believe it or not the world is exactly as the world wishes to be. When people ever get tired of it, people will change it, by first changing themselves, how they look at things, how they respond and react to things and how they do things.

Talk is cheap and for lovers and fools.

You don't fight the Powers that Be, you become a Power that Be.

You accept responsibility for your own plight in the universe and do something about it.

If you are waiting around for your Master(s) to force you to change and become accountable for yourself, don't hold your breath, they are really pretty busy taking care of themselves and being responsible for themselves, and fighting for their place in the scheme of things.

It's not about leading the pilgrims to the promised land and parting the Red Sea along the way to get there.

It's about you leading yourself out of the bondage you have allowed yourself to be placed in to.

Most people will not accept that, most people have to have a scapegoat to blame it all on.

People are always right where they want to be, doing exactly what they want to do.

You can't save the world, but you can save you, and that is how the world will change if it ever changes, one person at a time.

Hush little baby don't you cry
Proto's going to sing you a lullaby
If by chance my words sting
You can pretend they don't mean a thing!

[edit on 14/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:19 PM
i dont think peace will get us anywhere, look at the Tea Party movement, that whole organization, (if we can actually call it one) has pretty much been hijacked by politicans who just want the people to believe that they are accomplishing something when in reality they are just being led in a circle.
I believe that the first step to combating our enemy, (tyranny), is to know our enemy and thats where information is important. But really who knows who are enemies are? Is it Obama? Or is he just working for someone else? Or if your a David Icke fan its a bunch of blood sucking lizards.
I think one or the other have to happen first, either we all agree on some piece of info that gives a majority of people fact, of who their enemies are, so that the majority can develop a plan of action against said enemy or something happens where the enemy shows itself enough to where a large majority see and know this is the enemy of a free world.
Bluntly put, i think we are fighting in the dark here.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:28 PM
My thoughts on this are simple. I feel it is important for individuals to unite on a local level, through things like food co-ops or even just neighborhood improvement organizations, at any rate, know your neighbors. At the same time, this may just be my paranoia, but I think its wise to disassociate yourself as much as possible from the larger "grid." Grow your own food if possible. Avoid credit cards, and if possible get by making slightly less than the taxable income, stop filing taxes (legal if you don't owe them) don't file just to get the measly refund if any. Stop banking. Cancel your facebook and myspace accounts. Keep your account here anonymous. Buy a couple good solar panels and a couple (or 4) good storage batteries, make a simple rain-catch with a good filter. Etc.
I don't think anyone's going to have to bring down the current system, it will likely fall apart on its own. What happens then is up to us. Collectively. I think having good neighbors, some degree of disaster preparedness, and as small and invisible a profile as you can is about all you can do.

edit for grammar

[edit on 14-9-2009 by joechip]

[edit on 14-9-2009 by joechip]

[edit on 14-9-2009 by joechip]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Here's my theory ProtoplasmicTraveler...

I believe in the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon:

The phenomenon bears some similarity to synchronicity, which is the experience of having a highly meaningful coincidence… such as having someone telephone you while you are thinking about them. Both phenomena invoke a feeling of mild surprise, and cause one to ponder the odds of such an intersection. Both smack of destiny, as though the events were supposed to occur in just that arrangement… as though we’re witnessing yet another domino tip over in a chain of dominoes beyond our reckoning.

source: Damn Interesting

If this theory is true, then it would mean that we can all use the power of Universal Consciousness to enlighten people of the terrors in this world and the pressures that are being pushed down upon them and their families.

Daily, numerous people are waking up to this unsettling feeling of someone's hot breath crawling down their necks, whispering for them to fall back to sleep, but they are REFUSING. They are seeing this world for what it is and are deciding to take a stand, and not be pressed farther down into this nicely knit scarf of society we live in. The tightly woven patterns are beginning to unravel and before to long, all that will be left is the yarn on the floor.

Violence is not my first choice when it comes to making a point over very controversial issues, but it seems that the peaceful, tasteful protesting that used to work back in the old-days does not have quite the same effect on societies of today.

The time is now, to take a stand for what you believe in. I think that most people in this world DO NOT want to be slaves. Society has been indoctrinated by the works of mind-control, subliminal messaging, and false truths. Thomas Jefferson said it right when he talked on how we all have a debt to society. I think that the debt we owe to society is saving them FROM THEMSELVES. Yes, many people these days want everything handed to them, because they think they deserve it. But what it is they are not realizing is that the end result from all of these hand-outs is a master-slave state. Many believe that an implantation of such a structure in society is not likely "in these days". But boy are they wrong.

After reading Anthem by Ayn Rand, I've realized something life-changing. Even with the novella first being published in the 1930's, it seems undeniably modern to me. Everyone lives together in a society where the World Council is set to demonize and destroy all individualist ideas. A caste is set from an early age, men and women are separated and no one lives alone. Solitude is a thing from the Unmentionable Times. Everyone is a slave to their society. No one has a name, just a code attached to a number. The Unspeakable Word, which has a penalty of death, is "I".

The story goes on about one character, Equality 7-2521, who unknowingly discovers secrets of the past which causes him to realize that the society he lives in is wrong. So he escapes and reads many books on the Unmentionable Times, and decides to plan a return to society with Liberty 5-3000, (a girl whom equally fell in love with him and ran from society as well to be with him) in hopes of teaching them everything he has learned about freedom from bondage and individualism.

It believe it is our responsibility to spread the knowledge of truth and justice to our brothers and sisters and not allow them to be sucked into this black hole of slavery.

You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong. And there's something to be done about it.

The time IS now.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by undefy.gravity]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by undefy.gravity

So you would like to see us as a society of people continue down the path that we are heading now, to an ever more destructive end?

You don't know what I'd like.

Some articulate hippie told you how the man was screwing everyone.

You were impressed.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by undermind

Actually, I never stated that I knew what you know. I just asked a simple question on a fate that I see coming towards us.

And actually, I see "the man" screwing many people on a daily basis. No hippie came and explained things to me. I went out on a search of my own, more of a journey of personal purpose and discovered many things. As far as being articulate, I think that's a very good quality to possess, both sides use it. No one's going to listen to a babbling moron.

So, whose assuming things now?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by undefy.gravity

Wow, ask the hard question will ya? First of all I have to give credit

to Proto's views. I have deep respect for his knowledge of history,

although I might add that it was not just black southerners who

were lost after the civil war - many whites were equally impoverished

at the war's end and lost for direction.

It was amazing what the newly freed slaves managed to accomplish

for themselves during the period of reconstruction - they formed

together and built schools and churches for themselves. Though poor

as the dirt they were farming they managed to create a better world

for themselves until they were disposessed of their lands and freedom

by Jim Crow laws.

As for the problems of the present I don't share Proto's cynical

outlook on modern Americans. It's true that many Americans are

content with the status quo but that will only be true as long as

their basic needs are being met. Many of us are losing everything

- their jobs, homes, savings. Once those things are gone people

tend to get more proactive about their fates. I'm guessing here

but I think the difference between Proto and myself is that I have

grandkids which is something I doubt Proto does - I cannot afford

to give up hope that logic, freedom and an adherance to Constitutional

law will become the rule of the day.

Most of us know that our current course is disastrous - it's

nothing but a continuation of the Bush administration's wreckess

policies with the added stresses of the TARP bailouts and expansions

and the National healthcare debate scaring many.

Obama was elected on his promises of reversing the damage done

by the Bush/Cheney cabal. This he has not only failed to do but it

looks like he is expanding the war into Pakistan and possibly Somalia

as well. Americans may be slow and somewhat uneducated but they

know when they can't afford to keep their homes, feed their families

or go to the doctor that something has to change.

Our choices are rather limited at this juncture. Most of us have never

participated in any kind of strike or collectivist action. Obviously our

representative election system has failed so we can count out voting

as a method of change. That only leaves a general strike as our sole

method of peaceful recourse. I would dearly love to see that happen

but I'm afraid Proto may be right, we can't get together in great enough

numbers to effect real change. That would only leave option #2 - the

doomsday scenario if you will. I'm ready for either choice in all honesty

just so long as something gets done. If we don't start to force the issue

soon our Republic will be lost, I can forsee no other outcome.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by undefy.gravity

You're assuming a destructive fate, as you call it.

Is that like, some article of faith that your hippie mentor insisted on?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by undermind
reply to post by undefy.gravity

You're assuming a destructive fate, as you call it.

Is that like, some article of faith that your hippie mentor insisted on?

What makes you assume I have anything to do with hippies? Can't
you at least make an argument with the content of what I said?

Perhaps you live in the Hamptons and assume that life will continue
as always for you. Enjoy your dream while it lasts, the starving
masses are assembling outside your gated community right now.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by undefy.gravity

I sure can empathize with your frustrations, curiosities, hopes and fears. The world does indeed seem poised on the cusp of some momentous change.

In the mid nineteen eighties, Mickey Rourke and Robert Diniro costarred in a move titled Angel Heart. Mickey played a run town, jaded, alcoholic big city private detective barely scraping by from job to job. Robert Diniro played an eccentric and enigmatic industrialist/capitalist looking to track down a business associate who had broken a contract with him and left it unpaid. The trail was years old and cold when Mickey started investigating looking to find the person who had broken the contract with him who had been a very famous singer and recording artist before simply vanishing off of the face of the earth. After a dozen bizarre and increasingly stranger and more sinister plot turns it turned our that Robert Diniro’s character a person by the name of Luis Cipher was none other than Lucifer looking to claim a soul who had sold it to him for fortune and fame, a singer by the name of Johnny Favorite. It turned out the missing singer Johnny Favorite was none other than Mickey Rourke’s character, a different body that through an obscure and arcane ritual was the only way to beat a contract with the devil, finding a random victim, cutting out his heart while still alive, eating it, and assuming his looks and identity through black magic. Imagine Mickey’s surprise when at the end of the trail he discovered the truth that it was himself he was looking for, and that the devil had come to claim his soul, when at last he could recall who he really was and how he came to be.

The truth is the only thing that will set people free in life. People do not really want to know the truth either. For you see as in the example above, the truth can be a very hard thing to not just come by, but very hard to accept too. The truth in fact will set a person, all peoples free, but it requires letting go of everything, as in well, everything.

So people cling to their illusions and a sentient world full of wonderfully erotic and exotic sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and joys, as well as some rather unpleasant things too, to give contrast and meaning and added flavor to the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This is life. You truly can manifest things and your own destiny alas Mickey in the movie was looking for a big, rich client, and a high paying case! He got one alright.

I grew up in the early seventies as a small boy reading books like Ann Rand, and 1984, and history, politics and corporate conspiracies. I was literally raised on them.

I have been poking my nose into nooks and crannies most people have never dreamed of or seen for 32 years and believe me when I say, no one out there is really ready for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but none the less it is the only thing that is going to set people free.

In the mean time though, they do prefer to be slaves to the illusion and I really don’t blame them. It truly is a wonderful world in so many ways.
Fear not it’s only part of an evolutionary process of self discovery.

Remember the three monkeys hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.

The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost, good luck on getting anyone on this rock to agree with everything!

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by undermind

Ayn Rand was so not a hippie. Not in the least. Your post could have been witty, except for that monumental error. Libertarian extremist is closer to the truth than "hippie". Not that I would recommend basing a life philosophy on her works of fiction, though she has certainly had her ardent fans. Ron Paul named his son after her (Rand, not Ayn). She seems to glorify capitalism a bit much for my taste. But I only read two of her novels and haven't read the one that so impressed the OP. But not a hippie. Not at all.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The truth is the only thing that will set people free in life. People do not really want to know the truth either. For you see as in the example above, the truth can be a very hard thing to not just come by, but very hard to accept too. The truth in fact will set a person, all peoples free, but it requires letting go of everything, as in well, everything.

So people cling to their illusions and a sentient world full of wonderfully erotic and exotic sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and joys, as well as some rather unpleasant things too, to give contrast and meaning and added flavor to the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I agree, COMPLETELY. I have had some heated conversations with people on topics that go on to dismiss their belief systems entirely. And it gets me wondering.... If the truth was out there, would people be able to change their entire belief system, revamping everything they grew up 'knowing' to be true, or would they just stick with what they believe, because it's easier.

For example, if it were ever possible to prove that there is no 'God', would all the Believers in the world stop doing these rituals that have been practiced for centuries and begin on a new journey in life (in a sense, being born-again, again) or would they just continue to worship these worthless idols?

Not that I like to shake the foundations of people's faith, but it really does get some people thinking outside the tightly closed box they once knew.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I have been poking my nose into nooks and crannies most people have never dreamed of or seen for 32 years and believe me when I say, no one out there is really ready for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but none the less it is the only thing that is going to set people free.

In the mean time though, they do prefer to be slaves to the illusion and I really don’t blame them. It truly is a wonderful world in so many ways.
Fear not it’s only part of an evolutionary process of self discovery.

And that's just it... It's a beautiful idea... Work for nothing, have everything given to you. I wish the world worked like that, too. Wouldn't that make things so SIMPLE? But, my conscious won't let me live in that reality. For the full 19 years of my life, I've been pulled from one place to the other, moving states, cities, changing schools, parent's divorcing, Mom killing herself (RIP Sept. 15, 05) and everything else, all I've known to be solid is movement. An idol hand makes me nervous. So, with so many of them around these days, I can only imagine what could come from all of this.

When I was younger, I never had books handed to me, with the words "Read this" being expressed to me. I was left to fend for myself and search for my own self. I found myself being drawn to books of alternative views on my own. And I guess the dilemma with me is that I've always felt the need to help people. Everyone always calls me the mom and says that they look up to me in life.

I feel that I have a purpose here, and this is one of them.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by ELNC3

Here is what you were talking about..

HSA - Rightwing Extremism

This is disgusting.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by undefy.gravity

For example, if it were ever possible to prove that there is no 'God', would all the Believers in the world stop doing these rituals that have been practiced for centuries and begin on a new journey in life (in a sense, being born-again, again) or would they just continue to worship these worthless idols?

Many of the ‘true’ believers would continue to believe, and sadly many will in fact hasten their own deaths because of their beliefs. The true believers would simply believe it was all a trick and a test that even though the proof was overwhelming, irrefutable, and absolutely accepted by everyone else, they would in fact think everyone else is wrong, because their belief system is based on circular logic. The reality is when the Powers that Be decide to get rid of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, they will do it simply be exterminating it’s believers and use technology that mimics their prophecies and orchestrate events that mimic their prophecies so that they go willing and happily to their deaths. Faith can be a dangerous thing.

For the full 19 years of my life, I've been pulled from one place to the other, moving states, cities, changing schools, parent's divorcing, Mom killing herself (RIP Sept. 15, 05) and everything else, all I've known to be solid is movement. An idol hand makes me nervous. So, with so many of them around these days, I can only imagine what could come from all of this.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. I was the product of a broken home too, and by 13 I had been made a ward of the state because of my political beliefs. I was a little hard on the state though and they realized trying to control me was exorbitantly costly from an economic standpoint and embarrassingly humiliating from a professional standpoint so after a few months and a botched assignation attempt I got an in home tutor courtesy of our friends in Langley, all parties decided it was best not to expose the other people children and adults alike in the educational system so by mutual contracted agreement I stopped going to school at 14. I kicked around for a year working minimum wage jobs and joined my first band at 15, and travelled all over the U.S. and Canada playing my drums with them, and settled down in L.A. at 17. Over the years I have lived in most major U.S. cities for a spell, and travelled around the world a few times. It’s good to travel and see the world, and when you can accept your alone, and no one thing or person is worth enslaving yourself to it provides you a freedom to learn.

I was lucky as a little boy in a way in that people saw various aptitudes and talents in me and provide me choices, no one ever said read this or learn that, but when they saw I was curious and displayed an aptitude and proficiency they would feed me a steady stream of information to devour and mentor and tutor me on the things I wanted to learn more and find out about. I am 45 now and I still devote like I always have a regular portion of my day to reading and learning about new things.

Most people are followers and when you have a capacity to lead, and people like your ideas, direction, agenda or just you, they will follow. People crave validation and absolution, and birds of a feather always flock together for that purpose.

You have had enough tragedy in your life already to know what tragedy truly is, and through that you are capable of a compassion and empathy most people aren’t, you know what it is to feel pain and loss, you can feel other people’s pain and loss too. In many ways it becomes less painful to focus on other people’s pain and loss and to help them deal with it, than to focus on your own pain and loss and deal with that instead. Helping other people deal with it, survive it, accept it and get beyond it makes it easier to believe that when you ever slow down and get a chance to deal with your own, that you can and it can be dealt with, but the reality is that day will never come. You will devote yourself to empathizing with others and helping them deal with significant but typically lesser tragedies than your own, and take comfort and joy that you are helping others and others will always seek you out because they will be able to tune in on your unique wisdom, caring and compassion. Life is about seasons and reasons, and people will come and go from your life for a season, for that reason, of learning and growing with the things you can share with them. As wonderful as it is, and vital too, to help people in this fashion it will add to your own burden of tragedy and sorrow as you help to lighten their load by taking on a portion of it for them, and when they leave your life after a season, for the reason, they came to you to learn these things for in the first place, to then go back out to face the world and put those lessons and knowledge to the tests a little part of your heart will go with them and regret seeing them leave, and a little part of their tragedy will stay with you, helping you be even more empathetic and wiser.
This makes you universally what’s known as a Child of Sorrow, a Wanderer, chances are you have a very old soul and have been around a very long time in the universe, and chose to be here at this time by manifesting yourself into this point of time and space to help others with their journey in learning love, wisdom and compassion.

It’s a hard road to hoe, and just about the only thing for you to do is to learn, and learn, and learn some more and amass knowledge and the wisdom of how to employ it with compassion.

That is your purpose here, and in time it will be what sustains you in life and constantly keeps you moving onward and forward, but part of that is never wanting to have to slow down or settle down to the point your own tragedies can catch up with you and overwhelm you. You will be able to help other people find balance in life easier than yourself, so your other real challenge in this life is finding a balance for yourself that doesn’t leave you an empty shell after giving your own heart away one little piece at a time to those who need a piece of it, and only having a piece of their sorrow in return to sustain you. You are young now, but you will need to try to remember this in another decade or two after you have exponentially increased your burden. You will do well, just remember yourself from time to time, it’s not selfish to do so, it’s vital for balance.

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