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Thoth/Hermes - The First Atlantean?

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posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 04:51 AM
Who was Thoth?

Thoth was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon, often depicted with the head of an Ibis. His feminine counterpart was Seshat.His chief shrine was at Khemennu, where he led the local pantheon, later renamed Hermopolis by the Greeks (in reference to him through the Greeks' interpretation that he was the same as Hermes) and Eshmûnên in Coptic.

He was considered the heart and tongue of Ra as well as the means by which Ra's will was translated into speech.He has also been likened to the Logos of Plato and the mind of God.

Who was Hermes?

Hermes is the Messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. An Olympian god, he is also the patron of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of thieves and road travelers, of orators and wit, of literature and poets, of athletics, of weights and measures, of invention, of general commerce, and of the cunning of thieves and liars.

Naturally you would note that both were represented as messengers, or those who passed on the wisdom of God to man.

Who was Hermes Trismegistus?

Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice-great Hermes") is the representation of the combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognised the congruence of their God Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.

Both Thoth and Hermes were gods of writing and of magic in their respective cultures. Thus, the Greek god of interpretive communication was combined with the Egyptian god of wisdom as a patron of astrology and alchemy. In addition, both gods were psychopomps; guiding souls to the afterlife.

Now the interesting part, some of the members here are already familiar with the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Now i am unclear as to if this is the same thing as the Emerald Tablet written by Hermes Trismegistus which is simply a tablet of 14 points.

For more information and to read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth go here:

They are said to be 36, 000 years old!

There are 13 tablets in total, with 2 supplementary tablets, below are some excerpts from some tablets which i found interesting.

Tablet I, titled: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean:

I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.

-First reference to Atlantis and Atlanteans?

Mouthpiece, after the Three,
of the Dweller of UNAL,
speaking to the Kings
with the voice that must be obeyed.

-I have read that this concept of 'the three', even in 'the thrice' of Hermes and Thoth was the beginning of the use of the trinity in Christianity.

Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves
of consciousness that had been one with me,
only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.

-Foundations of eastern religions, attempts at higher levels of consciousness?

Called to me then the Master, saying: Gather ye together my people. Take them by the arts ye have learned of far across the waters, until ye reach the land of the hairy barbarians, dwelling in caves of the desert.

Follow there the plan that yet know of. Gathered I then my people and entered the great ship of the Master. Upward we rose into the morning. Dark beneath us lay the Temple. Suddenly over it rose the waters. Vanished from Earth, until the time appointed, was the great Temple. Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of KHEM.

-Origins of the theory of Atlantean/Egyptians link? The Land of Khem is Egypt. It is recorded interestingly enough that Thoth was the builder of the pyramids.

Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
from it carved I a circular passage
reaching almost to the great summit.

There in the apex, set I the crystal,
sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
drawing the force from out of the ether,
concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.
Builded I the Great Pyramid,
patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
burning eternally so that it, too,
might remain through the ages.

These are only a few interesting excerpts from the first tablet. Read more for yourself, i would love to hear what others think about these excerpts and the tablets in general.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:00 AM
I've read up on thoth, read the tablets, and it's very interesting yes. It would appear to be that there was a connection between atlantis, egypt, and the pyramids, ect. But to anyone reading something like these tablets and trying to connect the dots, is probably more kely to be regarded as nuts to anyone else.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:38 AM
I wonder if "Atlantis" was some sort of pre-flood part of what is now the mediterranian sea. When the ice age finished, lots of land was suddently covered with melted water. I could easily see an advanced civilization say, north of current Egypt during that time that would have been flooded. Also, most world religions and myths mention some kind of great universal flood....again, probably related to release of meltwater at the end of the ice age.

This possibility seems more probable to me than the existence of an actual "atlantis" in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by mynameisjuan
I've read up on thoth, read the tablets, and it's very interesting yes. It would appear to be that there was a connection between atlantis, egypt, and the pyramids, ect. But to anyone reading something like these tablets and trying to connect the dots, is probably more kely to be regarded as nuts to anyone else.

To that i would say its different in reading up and researching than actually believing. I simply have an interest in it, no esoteric beliefs whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:45 AM
What about more northern, like possibly under snow or a glacier, somewhere around Norweigh, Denmark, ect.

Anybody else heard of that possibility for the location of atlantis?

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by mynameisjuan
What about more northern, like possibly under snow or a glacier, somewhere around Norweigh, Denmark, ect.

Anybody else heard of that possibility for the location of atlantis?

Sure, sure...wouldn't surprise me. There are lots of myths about an ancient civilization of god-men or simply advanced humans from the far north. Look up "Thule" or "Ultima Thule." This idea was embraced and elaborated upon in the 19th century by the the Theosophists and twisted later by some of the Nazi esotericists.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Nice thread!

You did do some proper reseach on Thoth / Hermes.
Did I know of the tablets and what they say? Yes. I came across this info 2 years ago on:

About the Emerald Tablets and your link to crystallinks, I have to point out to you that this, like all other info on this issue on the web, comes from a book ´The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean´ which is written by Dr. M.M. Doreal.

That book is been published by Source Books & Sacred Spaces in May 1996.

No one knows IF Dr. Doreal has ANY connection with the Emerald Tablets, nor is there ANY evidence he actually saw ANY of the tablets he is writing about.

I like to believe there is some truth in the book about the content of the tablets but it can very well be wishful thinking. Probably the REAL tablets are still in the Library / Archives in the Hall of Records under the Sfinx.

"Read, Believe or not, but read, and the vibration found therein will awaken a response in your Soul." - Doreal

As for Atlantis I tend to believe that is was situated on Antarctica and vanished when the last (BIG) Ice-Age ended. The Earth's shifting crust together with the melting ice was responsible for the disappearance of Atlantis.

Einstein agreed in 1954 finally with Hapgood´s theory of Earth Crust Displacement (Pole Shifting). Pole shifting has taken place more then 170 times over the last 80 Million years.

Maybe Antartica will be without ice once more in the future but that can take a long time.

Note: poleshifts since 1831

Current situation is that Antartica is gaining more and ticker icelairs lately and the North Pole ice is melting fast. Add to that, that the Russians want to drill on the North Pole for oil and then use your imagination of what can happen.

More likely however, to find out IF any rumours about The EMERALD TABLETS are true is the hope that the caves found in the vicinity of the Sfinx, which possibly could lead to under the Sfinx, will reveal something stunning.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

Thanks for that. It's interesting you say that the author is not known to have any actual contact with the tablets. Is there any information as to where he actually acquired the material to translate and then to publish?

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:36 AM
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!


1st to the OP...My GOD TOLD ME OF YOUR THREAD! Its the best thread I've seen for a its even better than that it AWESOME!!!!!

It seems my GOD is communicating directly through ATS threads! At the moment HH your thread is my guiding angel!

Thule and Atlantis...been researching this for past few months now...its got quite a bit of momentum building for me! tick 1 [happenstance]

Hermes and Thoth....Hermes is the ruler of my astrological sign..see this thread Here. tick 2 [coincidence]

Hellenists and Hellenism.....for the past 5yrs [I'm 37yrs old very western and very white northern european decent with strong australian and british cultural background...I was also JW [now ex-JW] as a rebelion against huge science and atheistic family heritage] I have been worshipping a greek Goddess called Achlys [kres/death goddess] and she has been teaching me all I have ever needed to know and she has told me I must NOW focus on the male side of myself i.e. hermes and she has been pushing me towards egypt [grain foodbowl of ancient world] because of my total spitual tie in with grain and agriculture which my real name "Peregrine [last name translates as son of the miller]" totally identifies with. tick 3 [OMG! I JUST GOT THE KEYS!]

Suddenly its like a door opening in front of me that I've spent most of my adult life knocking on! THANK MY DETERMINATION and TOTAL LACK OF VICTIM MENATLITY! Woot!

Personal Disclosure: From the emerald keys of Thoth/Hermes Secrets of Secrets .......

Thus finish I my writings. Keys
let them be to those who come after.
But only to those who seek my wisdom,
for only for these am I the Key and the Way

I profoundly seeked with a robust sustained and unrelenting determination and I WON!

P.S. I gave nonlocalness a 24hr warning last nite and basically ORDERED it to OBEY my COMMAND to install at the universal scale, OBJECTIVE human morality in the form of PHYSICAL unbreakable laws. I've been under attack ever since and I won the 1st attack with ease...the entire 4d environment I exist in was literally physically writhing in discomfort directly to all my senses [mainly sight] and since that 1st attack I've just gotten stronger and better and now with just less than 1hr on timelimit I set my GOD/DESS makes me randomly pick this thread [close eyes scroll down recents threads page and randomly click a thread]. TOTALLY REAL!

OL is on A

MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and so on with the mad insane cackling laughter.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:33 AM
I would say yes to the question, and further state that Moses was also an Atlantian, along with any original inhabitant of Sumner. The powers that be through the secret societies have kept the legends of Atlantis a legend, and a myth, while they in fact spend billions of dollars searching for it. Atlantis will never be officially "found," just as Extraterrestrial Life will never be officially admitted to, unless, of course, it suits their agenda. Humanity is treated like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed s*hit.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by serbsta
Who was Thoth?

Thoth was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon, often depicted with the head of an Ibis.
Who was Hermes?

Hermes is the Messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.

Who was Hermes Trismegistus?

Hermes Trismegistus ("thrice-great Hermes") is the representation of the combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

There's a huge problem and it involves the timeline. Thoth (as a deity) is first written about around 3000 BC. Hermes doesn't emerge as a deity until around 900 BC. Hermes Trismegistus doesn't show up until the Ptolemys try to remake the Egyptian religion to be more "Greek-like".

So he's a "kit bashing" of two known older deities. Furthermore, no reference to him (in ancient Greek) shows up prior to the time of Plato, which means he can't be an "Atlantean."

Now the interesting part, some of the members here are already familiar with the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Now i am unclear as to if this is the same thing as the Emerald Tablet written by Hermes Trismegistus which is simply a tablet of 14 points.

Both appear to be fakes. The "tablets" are held by a mysterious group, shown to one person who magically (although not a scholar or linguist) is able to translate them. They then vanish forever, leaving no trace.

-Origins of the theory of Atlantean/Egyptians link? The Land of Khem is Egypt. It is recorded interestingly enough that Thoth was the builder of the pyramids.

Uhm... by whom? Certainly not the Egyptians, who told Herodotus that they were built by Khufu.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by serbsta

I have read many interesting theories that claim Thoth/Hermes could have been a survivor of a once great early civilization. It is an interesting theory that does have a lot of back up in the ancient texts.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

Thanks for that. It's interesting you say that the author is not known to have any actual contact with the tablets. Is there any information as to where he actually acquired the material to translate and then to publish?

Lots of people think doctor Doreal was a fraud. He thought the world as we know it would come to end in 1946.

link TimeMagazine, Monday, Sep. 16, 1946

He was the founder of The Great White Brotherhood:

The Brotherhood was formed in 1930 by Dr. Doreal as a channel for bringing the Ancient Wisdom to mankind. He has studied the Kabbala of the Hebrews, Christian Mysticism, Yoga and all other branches of the Ancient Wisdom.

It is to be believed that he

taught the deeper forms of metaphysics, occultism and philosophy to selected students

and that he

had contact with the Great White Lodge, the Elders Brothers of man, and is an agent for the foundation of the Great Spiritual Kingdom of the coming Golden Age.

The only picture of the tablets is a drawing that was used for the book cover:

There is ONLY one picture of doctor Doreal on web, it's is shown on the site of The Great White Broterhood and on the site of the bibliotecapleyades.

No one has ever seen the original tablets mentioned , and in all likelihood, these writings would be considered channeled material today.

Doctor Doreal was an Occultist and supposedly could make Astral travels.

He's also know because of his information about Lemuria and the Lemurians and he has a connection with Mt. Shasta.

He was a Gnostic (The Corpus Hermeticum and Hermetic Tradition), a
Theosophyst and strongly believed in Esoteric knowledge.

Whoever he was, there is NO way to proof the physical exsistence of the Emeral Tablets, not then not now.

For more info on The life and teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus can befound on:


[edit on 9/13/2009 by Melyanna Tengwesta]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:28 PM
There is a lot of info on Thoth and Atlantis in the book "the Secret Teachings of all ages" the book was written by Manly P Hall in 1924 and he has basically complied information from many sources about religion and ancient culture and civilisation awesome read.

you can read it online for free

His transcendent learning caused Hermes to be identified with many of the early sages and prophets. In his Ancient Mythology, Bryant writes: "I have mentioned that Cadmus was the same as the Egyptian Thoth; and it is manifest from his being Hermes, and from the invention of letters being attributed to him. " (In the chapter on the theory of Pythagorean Mathematics will be found the table of the original Cadmean letters.) Investigators believe that it was Hermes who was known to the Jews as "Enoch," called by Kenealy the "Second Messenger of God." Hermes was accepted into the mythology of the Greeks, later becoming the Mercury of the Latins. He was revered through the form of the planet Mercury because this body is nearest to the sun: Hermes of all creatures was nearest to God, and became known as the Messenger of the Gods. In the Egyptian drawings of him, Thoth carries a waxen writing tablet and serves as the recorder during the weighing of the souls of the dead in the judgment Hall of Osiris--a ritual of great significance. Hermes is of first importance to Masonic scholars, because he was the author of the Masonic initiatory rituals, which were borrowed from the Mysteries established by Hermes. Nearly all of the Masonic symbols are Hermetic in character. Pythagoras studied mathematics with the Egyptians and from them gained his knowledge of the symbolic geometric solids. Hermes is also revered for his reformation of the calendar system. He increased the year from 360 to 365 days, thus establishing a precedent which still prevails. The appellation "Thrice Greatest" was given to Hermes because he was considered the greatest of all philosophers, the greatest of all priests, and the greatest of all kings. It is worthy of note that the last poem of America's beloved poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was a lyric ode to Hermes. (See Chambers' Encyclopædia.)

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

-Origins of the theory of Atlantean/Egyptians link? The Land of Khem is Egypt. It is recorded interestingly enough that Thoth was the builder of the pyramids.

Uhm... by whom? Certainly not the Egyptians, who told Herodotus that they were built by Khufu.

Excuse my ignorance then, but i could have sworn i've read that Thoth was regarded as the architect/builder of the Pyramids of Giza.

In regards to Dorean's credibility, thanks to the other member for clearing it up. It's really interesting that the tablets, if they existed, simply vanished. Could it have any connection with his secret society? What's become of them since his publication?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by serbsta

It says in the Emerald Tablet's of Thoth, that he built the pyramid, to protect the entrance to the Halls of Amenti and to protect his ship. So you have read it, but officially, it is still considered to be Khufu, despite certain evidence which could suggest otherwise.

I'm not sure where I read this, but I'm sure Metatron was the first incarnation of Thoth and Hermes. I take it all with a pinch of salt mentality, but it is interesting none the less, these three are literally the holy trinity in esoteric circles.

As for the emerald tablets, if you read them with a different mind frame, they take on new perspectives. They're pretty sick.

Similar to this:

Only they are capable of changing meaning and making sense, with many different mind sets, rather than just the two. I was actually pretty baffled as I read it again and again, with different ideas rushing through my head.

If you haven't, give it a try.


Edit to add:

Oh yea, 'Dr Doreal' was apparently sent to get these tablets and drop them off at the Great pyramid. Only he was allowed to see and translate the tablets into what we see today and inturned the originals.

Sounds very wooly to me, but hey, wasn't there so I can't make a definitive supposition, pinch of salt mentality helps again.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:27 PM
All the religious and mythical texts describe the gods (or God in the Bible) having writing knowledge on tablets of some kind. There is usually a kernel of truth in what has been written in myth. That does not prove there were emerald tablets, but it does not disprove them either.

Many people have written about them, and they may be out there. They may not be literal emerald tablets, but scrolls of forgotten knowledge.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
That does not prove there were emerald tablets, but it does not disprove them either.

14 or 18k gold mixed only with silver gives you green gold.

although they are considered fakes, i would bet the sinaia tablets are the source of the myth.

also, i think thraetaona would be another name to add to hermes and thoth. thoth came forth from the garden [walled enclosure] of ptah as thraetaona came forth from the garden [walled enclosure] of yima.

ptah built the circles [later hidden circles] of ra in lake serser and then went on to build the garden or enclosure for the family

yima built his circles in lake vourukasa and then went on to dig his vara or garden. thraetaona was the first born of this garden.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Parta]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 01:44 PM
Found this explaining why the ibis is one of the totem animals for Thoth.

The Egyptians paid divine honors to the ibis and it was a cardinal crime to kill one, even by accident. It
was asserted that the ibis could live only in Egypt and that if transported to a foreign country it would
die of grief. The Egyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthy of
veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the wind blew into Egypt. The ibis
was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck were tucked under its wing its body closely resembled
a human heart. (See Montfaucon's Antiquities.) The black and white ibis was sacred to the moon; but all
forms were revered because they destroyed crocodile eggs, the crocodile being a symbol of the detested
Source: Manly P Hall. The Secret Teachings of all Ages
Its an informative read IMO.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Parta

They could of used a copper alloy which also can attain a greenish color. I just do not immediately discount any such claims as they are all worth looking into. We have so little information on our ancestors, and there is so much out there to discover.

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