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Marine citizen confronts Congressman Again

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posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:35 AM
I love this... this guy confront his Rep. at a townhall a week or two ago...

Now he's doing it again

This was the first time

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 03:42 AM
Looks like he along with others are being bused around to town halls. Either he is from Clark county, or Olympia, cant be from both so why was he at both? Disrupting town halls when your not even from that county is a brown shirt tactic that you people are accusing Obama of using.

Thanks!!! Posting this just proves that there is some brainwashing going on and you are a victim of it. As you say " I love this". You love people not from your district representing you to your congressmen. You love the same group of people being bused to a fro to town halls too disrupt. You love groups like Freedomwork and Americans for prosperity both lobbying firms who I believe are behind these repeat town hallers....

Town hall harrasment memo

And yet you are scared of groups like Acorn??? Either love both sides or neither at all. Then again, they are all apart of this left-right game, and it does look like you enjoy playing.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
Looks like he along with others are being bused around to town halls. Either he is from Clark county, or Olympia, cant be from both so why was he at both? Disrupting town halls when your not even from that county is a brown shirt tactic that you people are accusing Obama of using.

Thanks!!! Posting this just proves that there is some brainwashing going on and you are a victim of it. As you say " I love this". You love people not from your district representing you to your congressmen. You love the same group of people being bused to a fro to town halls too disrupt. You love groups like Freedomwork and Americans for prosperity both lobbying firms who I believe are behind these repeat town hallers....

Town hall harrasment memo

And yet you are scared of groups like Acorn??? Either love both sides or neither at all. Then again, they are all apart of this left-right game, and it does look like you enjoy playing.

He's a United States Marine and has the right to go to any meeting his Represenative is having anywhere. Where is this notion he has to be confined to his county? who invented that arbitrary restriction ... you?

I see reference Think Progress... from the Center of American Communists.

I wouldn't waste my time going there. The sooner that cesspool is abolished , the better.

And your notion of "disrupting" is without any basis.

Is that how you argue your case? By lying?

Typical "Progressive"

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by VinceP1974

I wouldn't waste my time going there. The sooner that cesspool is abolished , the better.

Thankfully were two different people. I myself try to read a little from here and there so I can you know, get a balanced view, or do you. Sounds like your not for free speach are you. Oh that's right, only if it comes from fox news.

And your notion of "disrupting" is without any basis.
Is that how you argue your case? By lying?

Why is he going around to town halls spewing the same rhetoric over and over, sounds like he's trying to get a certain response from certain people and that is disruptive. He is trying to make himself look the majority when that is not the case. If so many people shared his view , he woulnd't need to get his followers on a bus and ship them around, the numbers would be already there.

Typical "Progressive

How do you assume that? Because I don't prescibe to your narrow way of thinking. How do you argue a point? By throwing around bogus labels, anyone who has a different point of view is a progressive

Can you give me the defintion of a progressive, and then tell me how I am one before you throw that word around. I bet you never heard of a progressive until Obama was elected, now you act like you are a expert on it because Glenn Beck told you so. Give me a break.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 06:34 AM

Progressive comes from the late 1800 reaction to industrialization.

They're characterized by the willingness to assign to the State more power , authority and responsibility. Some Progressives were also very Pro-Democracy while others were ambivilent.

The US Constitution's Governmental framework is a impediment to the Progressive idea of Govt.

The Progressives believe in the ability of science to lead the State towards an ever efficient delivery of services to the people.

They believe in what is known as the Administrative State... this is a beuraracy that would be staffed with Experts.. and these experts would ensure the country was always benefiting from the effective deployment of resources.

The Administrative State is unaccountable to voters. They self-regulate and impose their regulations on the population.

Progressivism is the harnassing of State Power for the betterment of all people in soceity. It's also unlawful under the Constitution, and a tryanical system.

The following Constitutional Amendments come from the Progressive Era:

XVI: Income Tax
XVII: Popular Election of Senate
XVIII: Alcohol ban
XIX: Women the right to vote.

All of them HUGE errors which have led to the sort of massive govt we have now.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
Looks like he along with others are being bused around to town halls. Either he is from Clark county, or Olympia, cant be from both so why was he at both? Disrupting town halls when your not even from that county is a brown shirt tactic that you people are accusing Obama of using.

Thanks!!! Posting this just proves that there is some brainwashing going on and you are a victim of it. As you say " I love this". You love people not from your district representing you to your congressmen. You love the same group of people being bused to a fro to town halls too disrupt. You love groups like Freedomwork and Americans for prosperity both lobbying firms who I believe are behind these repeat town hallers....

Town hall harrasment memo

And yet you are scared of groups like Acorn??? Either love both sides or neither at all. Then again, they are all apart of this left-right game, and it does look like you enjoy playing.

The guy is intelligent and articulate, shame he can't use his energies towards something positive.

We're still amazed in the UK at the small minded view some people have taken in the US on this.

For an allegedly christian country, the compassion shown for their fellow citizen is appalling.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by phoenix103
The guy is intelligent and articulate, shame he can't use his energies towards something positive.

We're still amazed in the UK at the small minded view some people have taken in the US on this.

For an allegedly christian country, the compassion shown for their fellow citizen is appalling.

Enslaving the wage owners to subject the population to a failed health system is not compassion.

Indeed.. lazily supporting universal taxation is not compassion. It's domination.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Honestly I dont know where some of you have this notion that Anti-Obamacare is not the "Majority". The polls show it for one. Of course the polls are only accurate if they portray favorable results for "Your" position on the matter.

Have you ever taken the time to just strike up a conversation with the man on the street. Well I have and I have spoken to every race creed and social class and I can assure you the sentiment against healtcare reform has been unanimous. And to be quite honest the sentement from African americans has been the most pointed, especially from those who voted for him. I have had comments shared with me that I wouldn't even repeat here.

The Movement is Grassroots, just like it was with Congressman Pauls bid for the Oval Office and you can deny it all you want but the proof is in the streets. there is a pulse among the "silent majority" of Americans and it is strengthening. To deny it is delusional.

The People are no longer content to have their elected leaders tell them how its going to be, the people are now telling their servant govenment how its going to be.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

68% of voters nationwide say that passage of the Congressional health care reform legislation is likely to create larger deficits.

just 10% believe the legislation will reduce the deficit

Of the priorities outlined by the President earlier this year, 40% say that deficit reduction is the most important. Twenty-one percent (21%) say health care reform should be the top priority.

Middle income voters are more likely than others to see a connection between the proposed legislation and higher deficits.

Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly believe that the health care legislation will lead to higher deficits. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 79% believe the legislation will increase deficits while 3% believe it will reduce deficits.

Democrats are less sure of the outcome, but a plurality of those in the President’s party share the same view. Forty-three percent (43%) of Democrats believe that passing health care reform is likely to mean higher deficits. Twenty-two percent (22%) of Democrats say the legislation will reduce deficits while 26% expect it to have no impact.

In addition to concerns about deficits, 80% of voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that passage of health care reform will lead to higher taxes for the middle class. That’s up slightly from a month ago when 76% thought the legislation would lead to higher taxes.

Earlier polling showed that 54% of voters favor middle class tax cuts over new health care spending.

From 27 August
43% of voters nationwide favor the plan working its way through Congress while 53% are opposed.

Forty-three percent (43%) now Strongly Oppose the legislation while

23% Strongly Favor it.

While supporters of the reform effort say it is needed to help reduce the cost of health care, 52% of voters believe it will have the opposite effect and lead to higher costs. Just 17% believe the plans now in Congress will reduce costs. This is a critical point at a time when voters see deficit reduction as more important than health care reform.

Additionally, by a 50% to 23% margin, voters believe the proposed reforms would make the quality of care worse rather than better.

Voter skepticism of Congress remains high.

Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters believe that passage of the legislation is still at least somewhat likely.

Forty-one percent (41%) say it’s not likely.
Those figures include just 17% who say it is Very Likely and nine percent (9%) who say it is Not at All Likely, leaving the vast majority of voters somewhere in between.

It might be a challenge to win GOP votes in Congress because 87% of Republican voters around the country oppose the current legislation. That figure includes 74% who are Strongly Opposed. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 55% oppose the legislation including 47% who Strongly Oppose it.

Among Democrats, 75% support the plan including 48% who Strongly Favor it.

As for the protesters at congressional town hall meetings, 49% believe they are genuinely expressing the views of their neighbors, while 37% think they’ve been put up to it by special interest groups and lobbyists.

One reason the town hall protests have become so intense is that just 22% of voters believe Congress has a good understanding of the health care legislation.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

Thank you for your contribution of the forementioned polls.

Let me share a little story with you all. I was approached by a gentleman which we do business with. He is aware that I am a veteran and what he dared share with me chilled me to the core. He said he hoped that I and others would find a way to take this country back because he doesn't know how to combat this thing because he doesn't have the training but I do and somehow we'll find a way.

I never dreamed that I would ever have a conversation like that as an honorably dischagred veteran from a citizen who is suggesting that the only way we will ever know America again as it was intended is if trained veterans take up arms against their own Government.

I keep trying to avoid the direction we are heading but we are now to the point where ordinary citizens are willing to discuss violent overthrow of the system that exists in favor of an America envisioned by our forefathers.

Benjamin Franklin once replied "its a Republic mamm", but only "If you can keep it"

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by phoenix103

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
Looks like he along with others are being bused around to town halls. Either he is from Clark county, or Olympia, cant be from both so why was he at both? Disrupting town halls when your not even from that county is a brown shirt tactic that you people are accusing Obama of using.

Thanks!!! Posting this just proves that there is some brainwashing going on and you are a victim of it. As you say " I love this". You love people not from your district representing you to your congressmen. You love the same group of people being bused to a fro to town halls too disrupt. You love groups like Freedomwork and Americans for prosperity both lobbying firms who I believe are behind these repeat town hallers....

Town hall harrasment memo

And yet you are scared of groups like Acorn??? Either love both sides or neither at all. Then again, they are all apart of this left-right game, and it does look like you enjoy playing.

The guy is intelligent and articulate, shame he can't use his energies towards something positive.

We're still amazed in the UK at the small minded view some people have taken in the US on this.

For an allegedly christian country, the compassion shown for their fellow citizen is appalling.

Yes those people whom want the working class to be taxed more are very selfish. Those people are the real selfish people BTW and liberal scum like You think its the working class....

I wish You Liberal britians would stop posting on this forum about this subject. I don't want to hear how great Your healthcare is especially when You more than likely don't pay crap for it. We are one of the most heavily taxed country on earth and YOU benefit from my taxes. Our national defense budget is 10X than the second highest military budget. We spend more money on one ship than what YOUR pathetic country spends on its whole military ...... IF WE DIDN'T PROTECT YOU YOU WOULDN'T HAVE CRAP...

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

I started talking about military coup in 2007 when Pelosi took over the House and she started playing games with war funding bills.

Thomas Sowell said something similar around the same time.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

He's a United States Marine and has the right to go to any meeting his Represenative is having anywhere. Where is this notion he has to be confined to his county? who invented that arbitrary restriction ... you?

I agree with you. Mostly. Any US Citizen has the right to protest and make his/her voice heard anywhere in this entire country.

The fact that it is a Marine is superfluous. He doesn't speak for the Marine Corp, he speaks for himself, and quite frankly, that's good enough.

Still...this smacks a little bit of "plant", but...that's okay, too. Perils of a democracy.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori

I agree with you. Mostly. Any US Citizen has the right to protest and make his/her voice heard anywhere in this entire country.

The fact that it is a Marine is superfluous. He doesn't speak for the Marine Corp, he speaks for himself, and quite frankly, that's good enough.

Still...this smacks a little bit of "plant", but...that's okay, too. Perils of a democracy.

Whose plant do you think he might be?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by jkm1864

First off,

And as a Brit, one that you insult so freely, I do not understand one fact about this health care reform, and that is...

Where will the money come from?

America is entering into a depression, the US financial situation is worse than it has EVER BEEN throughout its history.

It hasn't filtered through properly yet, but it will do. Then, where is this tax revenue going to come from?

End the FED, rebuild the US financial system with a protectionist attitude, cut government by half, and then maybe, just maybe in ten years your nation can afford this universal healthcare.

And, while you're insulting my country, let me just say...


You people elected this failed businessman as a president, twice. You people accepted the Patriot Act. You people accepted a war for Oil without argument. You allowed America to become a fascist nation. You allowed the shredding of the constitution. You allowed Bush and his cronies to slink off into the shadows without answering for their crimes. You allowed your government to avoid, block and obstruct a true 9/11 investigation....

Yes, Britain isn't a great nation right now. But those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974


I believe much like Alex Jones that there is a Left-Right paradigm that keeps people from noticing what the clowns at the top are doing. These ruckuses at town halls are filled with true believers and agent provocateurs (in my opinion), whose purpose is to create mischief and make people who protest the government in any context appear as "radicals".

He may very well be a conservative "Republican", but he may be someone that is being used to create a "type" that can be publicized and shopped around on MSM, creating a further divide between left-leaning and right-leaning citizens. He's not there to hear the representative out and make his point, he's chastising, appearing aggressive somewhat. If he's trying to make an argument to take back to Washington he's not going about it the right way. In this climate appearing like an angry militant hurts the cause and will give justification to the crackdown they want, anyway.

Again, just my opinion.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
reply to post by jkm1864

First off,

And as a Brit, one that you insult so freely, I do not understand one fact about this health care reform, and that is...

Where will the money come from?

Where did the money come from when we gave the richest 1% another tax break?

Where did the money come from for the wars in Irag, and Afghan?

Where did the money come from for the bankers bailout?

When there is a program that supports the richest in the country, then you guys are silent, but to help the average american everybody is like "NO we don't have the money, we need the money we do have for the corporations". What?????

Why companies pay less

Maybe we can make these people pay, since they have not been paying their fare share.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by jkm1864

HAHAHA I do find you anti english americans so amusing,please keep the rant going for longer as its very entertaining.Thats the joy of ATS,it gives every one on the planet a chance to savour the delights of reading your tripe and smiling in satisfaction that we are not in your shoes

I am amazed that so many on this board will start a revolution over health care the straw that broke the camels back after the bank bailouts.Of course its all Obamas fault,and draft dodging Bush had nothing to do with the financial downturn with his money grabbing exploits for 0il companies and friends in the middle east

You lot have no problems with hundreds of thousands of arabs dying,but good god get the gun if health care for everyone gets in!

Whats gone wrong with america?Where did it all go wrong?

[edit on 7-9-2009 by noangels]

RE EDIT for spelling

[edit on 7-9-2009 by noangels]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 08:23 AM

Where did the money come from when we gave the richest 1% another tax break?

Where did the money come from for the wars in Irag, and Afghan?

Where did the money come from for the bankers bailout?

When there is a program that supports the richest in the country, then you guys are silent, but to help the average american everybody is like "NO we don't have the money, we need the money we do have for the corporations". What?????

Why companies pay less

Maybe we can make these people pay, since they have not been paying their fare share.

Exactly! This is why I would love to see our tax code die a bloody death and implement a sales or flat tax.

All of the hullabaloo over health care and socialism just makes me shake my head. If they argued against it for reasons other than "tax dollars" I'd listen, but I am really sick of this attitude that those that "work hard" are paying for the "lazy". Well, what about those that "work hard" paying for "corporate FUBARS"? What about those that "work hard" paying for wars we cannot afford? What about those that work hard paying for a space program that is a luxury item?

Those that "work hard" need to recognize that they've been paying for everything and instead of demonizing the less fortunate as though it it their fault. It's like blaming the person who forgot to lock their car door instead of the person who steals the car. Was the person stupid? Yes, but not a thief.

Many of my Republican friends (including my lovely mother) seem to have zero difficulties when it is a Republican writing bad checks, because it goes to programs that make them feel proud to be an American. Department of Defense--check out their budget during the Bush administration. Homeland Security--I mean, we didn't just make new Tsars, we created a whole new agency with unConstitutional powers and a HUGE budget. NASA???? WTF! NASA to me is like buying the LEXUS when you have Toyota money. When you have money left over you get to invest in a space program to look at rocks on Mars, not during a deficit.

All of this talk of how our money will go to paying for people who don't work ticks me off. How about paying to attack the wrong country and then having to occupy and police a factioned nations indefinitely? Bush and Cheney admitted that our reasons for being in Iraq were "wrong", that there were no WMDs. I remember watching the conference and being shocked at how cavalier he was--it was like: Yeh, my bad! *scratches head*

My problem with Reagan (FEMA law), Bush (New World Order UN lover), Clinton (reprobate), Bush ("Der Vaterland Security"), and Obama (Tsarist) is not how much money they spend (although that bothers the crap out of me) but how many rights we have lost in the past thirty years.

Due process...out the window
No unreasonable search and seizure...out the window
Limitless free speech...GONE GONE GONE (we can't even protest where we want)
Privacy...what privacy?

They slipped away in the middle of the night and not one person yelped because they used fear to control us. Now, we're losing even more rights with these bizarre quarantine laws and we're all stuck fighting among ourselves like crabs in a pot because--Dear God! There might be free Health Care.

"Oh no! They're going to ration our health care" *cough HMOs cough*
"I'm working hard to pay for the mistakes of others" *cough AIG cough GM cough Bear Stearns cough cough*

Everyone's tax dollars goes to something they don't like. My religion makes me anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, and anti-war, but my taxes go to pay for all of those things, unfortunately.

I can see protesting the stimulus package. Real capitalism would have said to those banks: you ran inefficiently, time to go out of business. It would have been economic evolution and appropriate. You do a bad job, you go out of business. We would have recovered much faster.

OR if they'd given us our own taxes back for one year and ran on deficit (which we are now) we'd have paid off bills or spend money--either way the economy would have gotten a big enough boost to get back on its feet.

This whole thing is a ploy to keep us fighting each other while they set up one world government.

Sheesh, I made a really long post.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Alright everyone, people are starting to see the light.

By all of the comments on this thread I see a slight coming together of ideas.

We are not alone-registered Dems, Repubs, Independants, and all the other non-registered and registered alike are beginning to lift the vale.

We must come together, it is Us versus Them.

The People Vs Corrupt, Immoral, Treasonous Politicians and TPTB behind them.

TPTB=Central Banks, Federal Reserve, Mega Corporations, Bildeburgers, Military Industrial Complex, Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellors and all the other scum of the Earth


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