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WalMart=trashy people????

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posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by king9072

Wow, when I first saw the title of the thread I figured there was no chance in hell that people would actually come up with an argument supporting that there indeed are primarily 'trashy' people shopping at WalMart. You sir (or mam) are a blind fool for making such a pathetic statement as you just did. The only 'OBVIOUS' observance here is that you represent some of the more ignorant among us.

Now, WalMart equals poor treatment of their employees, poor working conditions for many of the sweat shops around the globe making their products, and on and on but it DOES NOT mean that only trashy people shop there. You are truly a fool among us for thinking that.

Let's just take for example our town. We had, up until 3 months ago, 3 grocery stores to choose from. However, due to their ability to price everyone out, the two local stores have shut their doors which leaves the only reasonable grocery option as the WalMart.

Now, I have an MBA so I can do some quick figuring for you here. If I wanted to go shop at a Kroger's for food I would have to drive 35 minutes to the nearest store. That's instead of the 5 minutes to the WalMart. Common sense and the price of fuel and the amount of time it takes to get home with the cold food items kinds to tells me that the 5 minute trip makes a lot more sense. Being that I have an MBA I make decent enough money. I don't live in a trailor, I live in a 3,000 sq. foot, 5 bedroom home (no, doesn't show wealth, homes are inexpensive in my part of the country).

Okay, now let's look at the household items situation. The same thing applies except that Kroger doesn't carry things like shoes, clothes, etc. Those stores are pretty much gone as well in our town. The nearest place that has any semblence of a reasonable cost is again approximately 35 minutes away. Hmmmmmm, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this statement is going.

Also, I have been to this local WalMart past midnight on a couple of occassions. I have yet to see any shady or 'trashy' people lurking around. Now, does it mean there aren't any people that many would consider 'trashy' shopping there? I'm not saying that. Just that your ignorant statement is simply that. IGNORANT.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by dooper

I'd like to refute something here: There are MANY unions that are working out to the benefit of everyone involved. Oregon's Local 290 is a perfect example.

Perhaps I should create a post about how all those that are pro-walmart are anti-union conservatives with no respect for the middle and lower classes.

Course, unlike some people, I like to make statements that are FACTUAL, not just blanket generalizations and ways to put large groups down.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by redhead57

I don't think it's fair to label anyone in such a general way like that but I agree with Walmart being a huge factor in local merchants losing businesses.

Saving a few cents (or even a few dollars) isn't worth our country practically giving the livelihood of many Americans away. When the Walmart came to my town I can't tell you how many local shops went bankrupt. It's a disgrace. Over all, Walmart puts more people out of business in this country than it employs, by far. Thanks to many Americans wanting cheap and cheaper we've given away the store (so to speak) to China.

But if you're looking for poor quality clothing in ridiculously gigantic sizes, Walmart is the place to go.

(It's the department store version of McDonald's Supersize Me.)

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by king9072

It has nothing to do with attitude and everything to do with observation.

We won't get into the fact that WalMart is practically as unamerican as a corporation can get. Destroying communities, providing unsafe Chinese products, and ruthlessly squashing all attempts of organizing any form of a union.

To see WalMart as an asset to any community is ignorance, bottom line. Furthermore, it's completely short sighted to see the immediate gratification of small savings as more important than the ultimate implications of regularly visiting the store.

Intentional ignorance = stupidity.
Stupid + ignorance + short sightedness = trash.

Again, sorry if you're offended but facts are facts. Don't mistake this as a claim that this is some sort of exclusive club. Middle class, regular, average people are just as likely to shop there and often do.

Doesn't make them any better, even if their clothes are nicer or cleaner or if they have more teeth in their mouth,

Yes, I also touched on some of the issues that you mentioned. However, I'm going to put it to you plainly. People look for the most logical way to save money. I for one feel that driving out of my way for 30 more minutes each way to pay for the same food at at least a 25% increase is kind of ignorant. Which would, by your sad reasoning, mean that I am trashy no matter what.

Yup, you are a logic personified!

I won't speak for Redhead but I'm not offended by your statements. Ignorance doesn't offend me.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:46 PM
What i always belived is, you have the right by the law of the land here, to be creative and open a store if one desires, to better yuorself and sell anything almost, providing availability and at least good customer service, not like the clowns at my local home depot. now thiers a ghetto store and mafia store. One time a few years ago, i went in at night, to buy a tool. I asked an assitant manager where it was. This guy soemthing was different about him...he had the bi or gay look all over his face. NO pun towards the bi or gay people, but sometimes its obvious. his relpy to me was."well tell you what, i guess right and you have to buy me dinner". My fears and gut suspicions were true. he was hitting on me! i felt so damn small, and becuase fo that, to this day refuse, REFUSE to go into a home depot, except for a quick in and out job every 2 years, for mulching that cheap and of descent quality that i like to lay down on our shrubs.
My only thought was geesh. not only is home depot taking over, but i guess its ok to make or suggest sexual advacnes towars the customers too.
coporate america has gotten rid of places like woolworths! i LOVED that store! but it folded up in january, 1996. they had evertyhing and the people thier were cool. cool selection of cloths,affordable! and so many toys, fishing gear, ect ect ect. i wish woolworths was around today. ide be willing to bet, even through this recession..theyd create jobs, AND still double thier profits, agianst the giants.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Nah, I may get my feelings hurt on occasion by those sort of remarks but not offended. Frankly I would challenge people with that opinion to survive on my budget as well as I do.

I don't buy cheap clothing at all. I let others spend the big money on their clothes and then go and buy brand new silk blouses and expensive clothing at second hand stores sometimes for less than $3. LOL

I sure don't look trashy in my Calvin Klein when I go out shopping at WalMart. LOLOL

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by redhead57

have you ever been to walmart?

have you ever looked around?

then it should be obvious lol

maybe you live in a nice neighborhood....

or mayybeeee... just maybe.... you are one of the trashy bumpkins, and its more like smokers can't smell the difference when someone smokes.

haha i kid i kid.

seriously though, have you never been to a walmart? at least in the south. its the parade of the least common denominators.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

Wow. Outted you, didn't I?

No, unions a hundred years ago did help things progress, but one also has to consider from where they started from.

The unions shut down our steel industry, our ship building industry, and one of the latest, they ruined our auto industry.

Our schools positively suck, because of the teachers union. Can't get rid of the sorry-assed teachers, because of the union.

Wal-Mart knows all this. The unions don't have ANYTHING. They can't give the employees anything. It has to come from employers.

So while all the union businesses are tanking and millions of union workers are out of work, non-union businesses such as Wal-Mart are doing very well.

I can't recall the city, but Wal-Mart just spent all that money opening up a new store in a new town that was pleased because they needed the jobs and the products, and once it opened, immediately the union got in.

Wal-Mart locked the doors, shipped the inventory to other stores, and that was that. The town was begging them to reopen, but hell no.

That's just smart.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:01 PM
Essentially if you are lucky enough to be able to shop at a store that isn't Wal-Mart, you live in a pretty good location because for most areas of the country, Wal-Mart is the closest multi-purpose store.

I didn't know we were talking about choices here, my bad.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

Wow. Outted you, didn't I?

No, unions a hundred years ago did help things progress, but one also has to consider from where they started from.

The unions shut down our steel industry, our ship building industry, and one of the latest, they ruined our auto industry.

Our schools positively suck, because of the teachers union. Can't get rid of the sorry-assed teachers, because of the union.

Wal-Mart knows all this. The unions don't have ANYTHING. They can't give the employees anything. It has to come from employers.

So while all the union businesses are tanking and millions of union workers are out of work, non-union businesses such as Wal-Mart are doing very well.

I can't recall the city, but Wal-Mart just spent all that money opening up a new store in a new town that was pleased because they needed the jobs and the products, and once it opened, immediately the union got in.

Wal-Mart locked the doors, shipped the inventory to other stores, and that was that. The town was begging them to reopen, but hell no.

That's just smart.

You didn't out me on anything. Nice try though.

You obviously didnt reasearch the Local 290, but thats okay. I didnt really expect you to.

You want to talk about schools, perhaps we ought to talk about funding and pay for teachers, before we start blaming the unions. Do you really think you are going to get the best of the best to teach our youth at 30,000 per year? Or is that the unions fault as well?

Unions are the only reason that we have large buildings, that plumbing gets done, that infrastructure gets built.

Walmart is doing well because they offer no benifits, poor pay, and poor product, which allows them to keep their overhead low.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:09 PM
Perhaps I'm a trashy person.

The thought does make a me a little sad though.

I'm dissappointed that we have folks on here that would label a person 'trash' because of where they shop, or for any other reason really.

In understand that you are not saying that because I shop at Walmart, I'm trash, but that if I go to Walmart, I will find a lot of 'trashy' people there.

That is very, very sad. When we throw those words around, it just gets easier to dehumanize each other. The outcome of that is never good.

There are people that make bad decisions and those that have poor fortune, those that have other problems and then those that would fit into someone's idea of what a good, wholesome person should look like or act like. Walmarts are usually pretty crowded, so there will be more representatives of people in there that some might find distasteful.

I have come to believe that when I am ambivalent towards someone, I'm usually upset at something I see in THEM that reminds me of myself.

I would beseach you to open your heart and look at all people with love and respect, regardless of what you feel their 'worth' may be to you.

Look a little further than what is on the surface and please stop thinking that you are of such tremendous importance that you have some right, or qualification to label another human being as trash.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:10 PM
I was just sitting over on the couch and this though occurred to me. What you couldn't possibly know about me is how strongly I feel about locally owned businesses. Prior to my becoming disabled I did have more money and though I have always been frugal (my grandmothers contribution to who I am) and always try to use local companies for purchases.

When moving into this apartment the first thing I did was to check out the local shops. There is a nice liquor store that I purchase my wine at, a lovely mom and pop diner that has a line out the door on weekends that I visit once or twice a month, and several other neighborhood businesses. As a city dweller, I know that if these businesses go under so does my nice new neighborhood. I am very much a supporter of local money and effort.

I went to the local hardware store to see about prices for doing my windows at my new apartment. The prices for the rods, nails, extension cords and other necessary things to set up housekeeping were in many cases twice the cost of going to WalMart. I am no fool and like I said on a small income so I shop wisely.

I just hate generalizations and always hear this chatter on here and had to ask why.


posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Well evidently the banks think Wal Mart customers are "less than" as well :

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Maybe you hit on why that bothers me so much right there. I really don't see many people as trash! To me when a person is referred to as a trashy person they are the stereotypical uneducated, drug head, dirty, child abusing sort, but never because people are poor.

I have lived in poor areas with high crime before, and now am in a nice safe and a bit upper scale community. I like it very much because it is a mix of people, races and economic situations. Sure there are some of we call trashy people in the neighborhood that are too loud, don't have control over there kids and that sort of stuff. They are there in the wealthiest of neighborhoods.
and the poorest. Yet so are some of the nicest, most proper and spiritual people in the world in every area and economic group.

Thing is we often don't see that, we see poor white trash, or poor black trash or poor foreign trash...instead of people.

to you for bringing some humanity to the conversation.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by redhead57
Obvious observation

I have shopped in WM's in the suburbs and in the city and while there may be an occasional person that is either very poor or unkempt, that is in the minority. I am really surprised that you would say that.

It is sad to see this in a place with otherwise very savvy people this is the attitude. I guess all the money bags people have to find ways of entertaining themselves. Geesh....

[edit on 9/2/2009 by redhead57]

it's the minority now...people that have lost their jobs, had wage cutbacks, and work hour cutbacks in the last 10 to 15 years, are now coming into wal-mart out of necessity. this country is becoming a majority of the poor...just like it was planned. approx. % of labor union workers 15%, private sector labor union workers 8%. fully 92% of the private sector workers have no labor union help or many businesses that employ that 92% give a damn about how your able to make a living. don't like it...they just hire someone else, and the race to the bottom continues.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack


Everyone should view that link! If you shop at WalMart your credit score and credit line can be effected negatively.

Way bigger than this thread for certain!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by redhead57
I don't know if this is the place for this or not, if not my apologies and please put it where it should be.

I don't understand why so many on this site equate WalMart patrons as trash, uneducated bumpkins and all the rest of the garbage that is said around here. I grant you that WalMart has its issues with all the Chinese good etc. but this attitude is about as elitist as anything the rich people do or say.

So, all you that think WalMart shoppers are trash, please explain yourselves.

The people who think Walmart shoppers are trash are scared to death they will end up like the poor people who shop at Walmart. Yes, rich people also shop at Walmart for convenience, but the poor fat people stick out in the minds of people who hate Walmart shoppers. Their fears are legitimate also. If they do not become poor in this life they will be incarnated as poor people. That which we fear we pull to ourselves.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by eradown]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

I have some more bad news. Large buildings were built long before unions. Large buildings would continue to be built without unions.

In fact, the stone cutters, rope makers, and log rollers at the Great Pyramids at Gaza didn't even have local, much less any AFL/CIO, though these structures are beyond massive, and in many ways, surpass any modern structure.

A hell of a lot more has been built in this country without unions than with.


Are the unions dictating designs to the architects?

Are they validating the engineers on these large projects?

Does the union supervise the construction crews doing the work?

Are the unions providing the capital to fund these large projects?

Is everyone working in the building - union?

No. The modern unions are nothing more than a method whereby union organizers make a living off their members.

They suck the life out of one host industry, and pry their way into another.

Wal-Mart suddenly found their meat cutters had joined a meatcutters union. Rather than let that sit, they fired the meat cutters by doing away with meat cutting, and contracted out their meat cutting. Wal-Mart doesn't care if their contractors are union or not, but they are smart enough to keep these blood suckers out.

You're wrong. Wal-Mart DOES have benefits. They have profit sharing. They have many benefits, and everyone knows that retail isn't exactly on par with Wall Street banker pay.

Not one person working at Wal-Mart is chained to their work station. They all applied for the jobs, and then were hired.

Hey - if you don't want to work for certain wages - then DON'T!

But God Almighty! Leave those who want the jobs the hell alone!

At least everyone at Wal-Mart has good job security.

Can't say that about the UAW. Or United Steel Workers.

Wal-Mart got their profit sharing checks - but I bet the UAW didn't.

Hey, teaching has never been the pinnacle of the financial mountain, but now with the Unions, even the sorry-assed teachers are untouchable.

You have to get caught ON TAPE with farm animals before they can get rid of you.

Our graduating seniors couldn't hold a candle to the skills of a 1960's sophomore.

I want to thank all union members for doing their part to crap the US out of all production, meaning all manufacturing jobs.


I'll be shopping at Wal-Mart.

Buying Chinese products.

Made with non-union labor.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by dooper]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Hahaha what a typical thread, it's got all the ingredients.

First off, never once did I say it is absolutely exclusive, you don't have to present your I am trash card to be granted entrance. Of course other people shop there, and to get personally offended because the majority of shoppers ARE TRASH, is completely ridiculous.

The only person to take offense would likely be someone who worries they might just fit that shoe. How can you guys not understand the easy generalization that can be made? If a large majority of a group of people always tends to be the same people, don't get offended cause someone points it out it's just reality.

Regardless of how you guys want to make this a battle of semantics, the facts are facts. Walmart has had a part in destroying the economy and lowering the living standards of a lot of people in a lot of places.

Billions in wealth consolidated into a family. And as usual, everyone gets all emotional and outright ignores the entire point I have been standing on this entire thread cause of their own personal pride. Grow up, and grab a pair because life ain't fair.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

I have some more bad news. Large buildings were built long before unions. Large buildings would continue to be built without unions.

In fact, the stone cutters, rope makers, and log rollers at the Great Pyramids at Gaza didn't even have local, much less any AFL/CIO, though these structures are beyond massive, and in many ways, surpass any modern structure.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by dooper]

Hahaha you are seriously comparing stonemasons with today's skyscrapers. That right there is enough for me to know there is no point in conitnuing this exchange with you.

Also, you ought to do a little research as far as teachers go. Here, in Oregon, teachers are paid and kept employed based on merit.

Would safety standards be as high without unions?

Would workers receive as good of training as they do without unions?

Would workers be paid a livable wage without unions?

Again, nice try though.

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