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Andromedan Presence near Earth [pt. 1]

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by JacobNH

Could you tell me who flies Triangle Ships? Dark grey Triangles, 3 orange lights in each corner. Fly extremely low, and are completely silent. I have the feeling there is a Reptillian connection, of which i don't believe is negative.

Most of these triangle craft are human (Earth) made from reverse engineered Zeta craft, hence your lizard connection. Some are actual Zeta craft.

But just to clear something up, isn't there rules that forbid direct interference with humanity, ie, the average persons knowledge of Ets?
I mean, if there wasn't, wouldn't there be alot of people with info like this?
Although, since you're Andromedan, that is a seperate Galaxy, of which has a seperate stellar Government.

Yes there are "rules", but not all ETs follow them, nor do they apply equally to all ETs. The Andromedans (my people) have such runles, however in this case we were asked by some of the local stellar factions and Earth. Si we have a license to interfere.

Truthfully, there are rules, and part of our task here is to insure that they are followed. The posting of this information is part of an official request from one of the Earth factions.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Topsy_Cret

Telling the whole world is a task for your governments, and it is supposed to happen within the year (assuming they don't change their minds again). As for posting this here, when it does happen some of you will be better prepared for the "official" news.

If you look around the world today, you can notice more information being released by various governments...disclosure IS happening.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

If you truly think this is a "hoax post", then please explain the link I provided above. There are many who have already verified the U.N. meetings. All I'm doing is giving more details.

But, on the other hand, if you don't want to believe...thats on you.

[edit on 31-8-2009 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Yeah, i heard the Triangles were either reverse engineered gov projects, or lizzie.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Well, if you don't mind, another question. I don't know how youll deal with Philisophical issues, but well, there is one more major thing that needs explaining.


What is the deal with Genesis, as in the Bible Genesis. So many metaphors, so confusing.

I prefer to distance myself from western religion and cultures, but its just something so confusing.

Higher dimensional Plane?

Man, that # has me stumped.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by Topsy_Cret

Telling the whole world is a task for your governments, and it is supposed to happen within the year (assuming they don't change their minds again). As for posting this here, when it does happen some of you will be better prepared for the "official" news.

If you look around the world today, you can notice more information being released by various governments...disclosure IS happening.

Change minds again?

Thanks for your help. I have many more questions, but i dont want to overload you. After all, your only human.



posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Thank you OP for responding to my questions. I find the things you are talking about to be very interesting so if you don't mind, I would like to continue to ask you questions.

These UN meetings that you speak of, I have heard alot of mumblings about these through the past year. Is there any certain agenda that is being worked out in these? If there are, could you give us a brief summary of what is being discussed? Maybe like an itinerary?

You say that disclosure is for the government leaders to provide, and to some degree I agree with that. So my question is, what benefit do we have from listening to your information? I'm not discounting anything, god knows i would be thrilled to have accurate info proir to disclosure. What I mean is, why are you taking the time to tell us here? I know you said it was mandated, but why? Why would "they" choose to not just wait until full disclosure with everyone?

Thanks for your posts so far, Im very glad that you take the time to respond to the questions. Most posts like this are never responded to after people start asking questions. XD

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:38 AM
If they are working with the governments, they are not the positives.

Be wary of any groups that claim they are working with our leaders and sharing technology. There is a greater agenda here. 90% of the craft in the skies is Nordic/Grey/Human secret ops, and they have some surprises up ahead for you.

10% are the positives and mostly show up in Central and South American skies for now, as well as some other select areas.

Follow your intuition and your hearts when the time comes that you will need to make some choices. And remember, do not feel pressured to board a craft in order to escape Earth changes. Center yourself, stay out of your mind, stay in your heart.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Violet Sky]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by JacobNH

What is the deal with Genesis, as in the Bible Genesis. So many metaphors, so confusing.

I prefer to distance myself from western religion and cultures, but its just something so confusing.

First, whatever a peoples/persons philosophical system is is something that MUST remain personal, it is up to individuals to determine what they believe.

As for Genesis and the Bible. I feel that one needs to put this in perspective; it is a body of text that was derived from a verbal tradition (for the most part), and that tradition was created to explain something that couldn't be explained. Hence most things belonging to God. As a people progress and learn many things are taken from God and given to science, yet there will always be some things that science can't explain and remain the property of God.

Eden is a historical metaphore; yet science is showing it may also have been a historical place that was distroyed by Earth changes. The ancient Eden very well could have been a place where hunter/gatherers lived, was distroyed by climate changes, and yet lived on in a verbal tradition.

Higher dimensional planes...not sure I want to go This has many meanings and they are as different as what God is to each individual. This is more of a philosophical construct than it is anything that may exist in the physical sense. According to esoteric teaching there are 11 planes, many believe humans live in the 3rd plane, and are starting to ascend to the 4th. If one were to read some theosophical texts, then humans are in/at the 4th level and may soon ascend to the 5th.

Most seem to feel that these dimensional planes are like levels of consciousness or thinking, and to be sure it is possible for anyone to rise to higher levels of consciousness and thinking.

Many of these things can be quite confusing...all I could suggest is that one meditate on these things and perhaps gain a better understanding within themselves.

Yes...change their minds! There was supposed to be an internal disclosure this didn't happen. By "internal" I mean that the presence of ET was supposed to be disclosed to governments...all governments. There is no indication that this has happened. Human governments seem to have a knack for making a decission and then changing their minds...they do this about a lot of things, and it seems that the more important it is, the more likely they are to change. I'm not at all sure that this is just human governments either...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by applejack real itinerary. Most of what was/is being discussed is which specific technologies Earth will receive and how will these technologies be distributed, who will get a specific technology. There seems to be some disagreement between humans on some of these points, especially on the distribution. If you read in my original document there is a list of technologies that we (the ETs) want distributed to everyone, and some we do not. More recent discussion have centered around the distribution issues.

So my question is, what benefit do we have from listening to your information? I'm not discounting anything, god knows i would be thrilled to have accurate info proir to disclosure. What I mean is, why are you taking the time to tell us here? I know you said it was mandated, but why? Why would "they" choose to not just wait until full disclosure with everyone?

Currently these discussions are limited to select individuals within select governments, it is felt by some Earth governmental factions and many ETs as well, that if this information is kept secret, then there is an unacceptably high rish of non-disclosure. By "leaking" this info to the public then a degree of transparency can be gained and therefore increase the probability that the technologies, etc. will reach the people of Earth, and there will be a reasonably complete disclosure. Though, in my experience, I doubt that there will be a full disclosure.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Violet Sky

If they are working with the governments, they are not the positives.

Be wary of any groups that claim they are working with our leaders and sharing technology. There is a greater agenda here. 90% of the craft in the skies is Nordic/Grey/Human secret ops, and they have some surprises up ahead for you.

Not true! Any ET who would try to circumvent the established government is attempting to interfere with Earth natural and normal progress. It also places the people in the position of being, in essence, the enemy of the government. This would, of course, be wholly unacceptable.

It is also mandated by interstellar and intergalatic law that this kind of interference NOT occur.

I do understand why the governments cannot be trusted with something like this, which is part of why I have my current task. And, yes there is a greater agenda, however, please don't lump all ETs who interface with governments into the same box; we are NOT the same, and don't have the same agendas or motives.

By-the-way...good call on how to approach all this! Yes people should pay atention to the many cases it will serve better than the mind. But, by the same token, don't totally discount the mind either.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:10 PM
No offense sir/madam but I have to ask,.. You dont actually really believe this tripe do you? Again no offense.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:12 PM
Can proof of any of these claims be shown? These are some incredible stories but do you have anything to bac this up? A bad picture a video anything? We have a member on ATS that is a commander in the Ashtar command would he be able to back up your story?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:42 PM
I find this story to be rather riveting. As for believable...I'm not so sure.

I do have a few questions however. You mentioned interstellar and intergalactic laws. Just curious, who establishes and enforces these "laws"? Also, I am interested in said "technologies". I can't accept just the general area, I want a specific technology stated if it is possible.

Thank you for taking the time to replying to the posts. Sorry if I may come off as a nonbeliever, by no means have I decided my belief yet. There is still much to be learned.

Good day to you, a2d

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
Can proof of any of these claims be shown? These are some incredible stories but do you have anything to bac this up? A bad picture a video anything? We have a member on ATS that is a commander in the Ashtar command would he be able to back up your story?

NO, sorry, no bad videos. I don't know what the "Ashtar Command" will say about us/me. You could ask about Anthra-Andromda however, though if you do...please post the answer.

As for my back up on this...
Exopolitical article
Article on secret UN meetings
Yet another article

While there is more, I think this will do for now.

Etarzi od Oma
[Peace and understanding]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Agree2Disagree

I do have a few questions however. You mentioned interstellar and intergalactic laws. Just curious, who establishes and enforces these "laws"? Also, I am interested in said "technologies". I can't accept just the general area, I want a specific technology stated if it is possible.

I'm no authority on interstellar or intergalatic laws and treaties, however, I would presume they are arrived at in much the same way as international laws and treaties are here on Earth. Through negotiation and agreement. As for the enforcement, I would think that is on those who sign the respective treaties. This is just a guess...

As for any specific technologies, sorry but what I have stated so far is all the information I have. I unfortunately don't get to have this info in a detailed form, nor, first hand. All that I do know comes from D'Arna-Shat, the lead negotiator for the Andromedans.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by Mr Mask

If you truly think this is a "hoax post", then please explain the link I provided above. There are many who have already verified the U.N. meetings. All I'm doing is giving more details.

But, on the other hand, if you don't want to believe...thats on you.

[edit on 31-8-2009 by AnthraAndromda]

if you were really an alien, you wouldn't have said," thats on you." a real alien would have said," that is your responsibility to behold," or something along that line. y'see, you have to at least TRY and sound like an alien. so far you're not being a very good one. a lot of other ones that i see on here are much better at pretending than you are. you suck.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:14 PM
Reply to post by DOADOA

who is to say that ETs are vernacularly skilled in English of all languages? Perhaps clickclack is his native tongue. Leave the poor guy alone would ya.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:21 PM
Hi AnthraAndromeda,

I had a few questions for you.

I am a big fan of Alex Collier. I have seen all his interviews.

I was wondering if he really is legit and he really is in contact with andromedans?

Like he says we have been manipulated for thousands of years, the earth is hollow and reptilians live down there, the moon was brought here from another solar system, and stuff like that, is it all true?

Also if most of the INFO he gives is true and if not, can you explian what isnt true?

Last, im kind of confused, are u an andromdan?

And do our governments really care for US? I thought they were selfish and would do anything to have power?

[edit on 9/1/2009 by guitarhero4rox]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM
So, no specifics. That is acceptable I suppose.

For my next question - Why us?

I am almost certain human beings cannot be the only race of beings in their infancy. What makes us noteworthy of galactic acknowledgement? IMHO, we're galactic rodents that should have been exterminated years ago.

for pessimism!

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

It is believed by the Andromedan people that the Earth is a free and sovereign Planet with the right to determine its own course. Further that Earth has, through its own endeavors succeeded in becoming a planet and people worthy of interstellar recognition.

I dislike having to disagree with such erudite extraterrestrials as the Andromedans, but I wholeheartedly believe that the majority of humanity isn't worth a plugged nickle*.

They are a greedy inconsiderate and spiteful species bent on violence to further themselves at every turn. Very few, and I mean VERY few actually care about anything other than themselves and what personally benefits them right now. They have no care for the immediate future nor even a concern for the well-being of their own children.

I beg you, Andromedans, to reconsider allowing such lowly creatures as mankind generally represents into the greater galactic community. They are simply not ready for it.

Please, take your focus away from those who carry the most power on Earth and take the time to contact those who are forced into the regions of this planet which no-one cares about. Look to those who are powerless and humble. It is among THOSE people that the true hope for mankind resides.

Thank you for listening.

* (please Google for meaning)

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Agree2Disagree
Reply to post by DOADOA

who is to say that ETs are vernacularly skilled in English of all languages? Perhaps clickclack is his native tongue. Leave the poor guy alone would ya.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

A2D's right! most ETs don't speak english and when conversing with Humans either use telepathy or a translation device.

I've been on Earth for 62 years, and I live in the US, so my English is fairly good. Though, I do wish I could speak my native least some.

But, wait, it gets worse...I also live in Texas, so...y'all might want to rethink just how a real alien would talk. Of course, I would think that would depend on where said alien has been living for most to all of his life...just a thought.

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