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An Exercise that will help you Find your Inner "Third Eye"

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Kind of you to take the time to post this lesson, I'll give it a go.

If I vaguely remember correctly, This is automatic when we are children.

Before the skull platelets seal, and the pineal is sealed off.

Check this out ...

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:56 PM

[edit on 8-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by drkid

Hi Drkid,

This is the first time i read anything regarding this method.

I wouldn't really know since I do not research or read up on this kind of stuff and it's only an exercise based on my own experience trying it. lol

Enjoy and good luck

Best Wishes!

Hey ET man i have a question... What is the point of touching your finger tips when meditating?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by supaflyrobby

The research is being done, though not for "paraspychology" reasons, nor for furthering anyone's spiritual progress. Much research along these lines is being done for learning the subtle(st) neurological continuities so companies can sell you more products, even from being just a few months old.

They are doing this to establish, from conception to grave [and perhaps beyond] a virtual reality of perpetual consumptionism. This does not match what Adam Smith had in mind when he conceptualized capeetalism.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by Mystical Sadhu]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by drkid

Many people do so only for ostentatious reasons, "flauntulence".

Your body is a tuning device, the most subtle tuning device as it is both instrument and the place where you live.

Every gateway orifice, i.e. ears, eyes, nose, genitals, anus, mouth, have nerve endings as gateways to each organ and body system, as do each motor organ at their extremities, i.e. feet, hands, etc. Every little nuance of body inflection changes the vibrancy, vitality, direction, flow, and sentiment, elementary factors of what are called "mudras".

Another reason in doing so is called japa, or repetition. For example, some pranayama exercises involve alternating breaths a specific number of times. Japa for this is typically done by touching the tips of one's fingers sequentially for each trip of the breath so that one can better concentrate on the practice and not numbers, auditorily or visually.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Mystical Sadhu

Oh Indeed, I just see the shutting down of these various programs (remote Viewing, clairvoyance, etc) and laboratories from any and all areas of academic study symbolizes an end of an era of sorts. An ending that I certainly do not welcome.

If every scientist over the course of history (despite their particular discipline) decided to just give up when told things like:

"Your conclusions are faulty"
"Your data is unconvincing"
or the biggest crusher
"You are an embarrassment to the scientific establishment"
I can not even imagine the kind of world we would live in today

Much of the meditation and inward reflection that is individually realized has its roots in parapsychology, you just do not need a PhD in a lab coat to tell you about them now do you? XD.

Thanks for the response.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by supaflyrobby]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Hey ET_Man, good thread. I didn't read through every post so I'm not sure if anyone else mention this, but, it should be said that this is merely a simple and quick way to see what the 'Third eye' looks like and not an actual exercise to activate or use it.

Meditation is a practice that amongst many other things strengthens your consciousness, and in doing so you are able to activate your 'Third eye', which will allow one to open themselves to a greater level of 'spiritual' energy. So all in all, forcing yourself to see what the 'Third Eye' light looks like will only be beneficial for just that, seeing what it looks like. That can be helpful for someone who is having trouble finding it through Meditation, but it should not be substituted or thought of as a key to unlocking some secret in the mind. An analogy of this could be like that of a parent holding a baby up and forcing it to run before they even learn to crawl, they may briefly see/feel what its like to stand, walk and run very quickly but they will immediately fall and not understand what just happened.

Just wanted to add that, but good post non the less.


ps. I know exactly what most of you are saying. As a child, when things got crazy in my house, I would run to the basement and hide in a big cardboard box we had, and I would hold my hands over my eyes to stop the crying which would then give me these same sensations of light energy some of you described.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

I'm gonna try this tonight, sounds interesting.

Anyway, what you describe totally makes me think it will feel like putting the "Ring" on my finger and seeing, like on LOTR. Cool.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by earth2]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Mystical Sadhu
reply to post by drkid

Many people do so only for ostentatious reasons, "flauntulence".

Your body is a tuning device, the most subtle tuning device as it is both instrument and the place where you live.

Every gateway orifice, i.e. ears, eyes, nose, genitals, anus, mouth, have nerve endings as gateways to each organ and body system, as do each motor organ at their extremities, i.e. feet, hands, etc. Every little nuance of body inflection changes the vibrancy, vitality, direction, flow, and sentiment, elementary factors of what are called "mudras".

Another reason in doing so is called japa, or repetition. For example, some pranayama exercises involve alternating breaths a specific number of times. Japa for this is typically done by touching the tips of one's fingers sequentially for each trip of the breath so that one can better concentrate on the practice and not numbers, auditorily or visually.

Thank you!

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by drkid

Originally posted by ET_MAN
reply to post by drkid

Hey ET man i have a question... What is the point of touching your finger tips when meditating?

Hi Drkid,

This is not really a meditating exercise and I agree with what Mystical Sadhu wrote on the human vehicle/body/vessel.

Your body is a tuning device, the most subtle tuning device as it is both instrument and the place where you live.

Every gateway orifice, i.e. ears, eyes, nose, genitals, anus, mouth, have nerve endings as gateways to each organ and body system, as do each motor organ at their extremities, i.e. feet, hands, etc. Every little nuance of body inflection changes the vibrancy, vitality, direction, flow, and sentiment, elementary factors of what are called "mudras".
Best Wishes!

[edit on 8-6-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by supaflyrobby

Indeed, such things are happening as you describe, SupraFlyRobby, and our wisdom must guide us as to understanding why and such.

For one thing, after a while, the participants get rather anchored into their paradigm of what they are doing, become posessive, even in a good sense as married partners become protective of each other as a single unit, not just two people or a family of more. When one's intent in creating such exploratory projects and departments is research and discovery, having people get comfortable in their work, operations and such increases social sloppiness when the intent is to keep it secret. Those participants who have gotten so comfortable and dedicated will get posessive, protective and "too intimately attached" to the project(s) so, before such happens, obtuse, insultive, caustic and dismissive sentiments, decisions and actions are made that make the participants lose their skills, disintegrate their social comraderie and "become less of a threat to the secrecy" of the project(s).

A bigger picture may be operating here, though participants in any of various aspects of such projects are purposefully underinformed about and insulated from the broader picture. The caustic attitudes and decisions help keep their expanse of mind from going beyond the perimeters of their assigned or prescribed realm of attention and close it off further with more heartless or seemingly clueless treatment.

Quite possibly, in reality, sufficient information, perhaps even minimal information has been garnered from a project before its cancelation, then new recruits highly insulated from the current or past participants in similar projects are entrusted with further research building upon or counter verifying the results of previous projects.

A good example of this is what seems to be an alternative space program which already has astronauts going to other planets, some of them that will support life like humans. A CEO of SkunkWorks has said as much in public. Perhaps elements and people of NASA have been involved with such efforts, perhaps not, though if they have that would not preclude that everyone else at NASA would know about it -- Need To Know basis.

Before the opportunity for secrets to be unveiled, before the disintegration phase of any project can ensue, the projects are disbanded, perhaps, and often, with derisive, derogatory, obtuse, seemingly clueless, malignantly stupid, or occupationally incompetent reasoning at the forfront of dismissive words and actions, sealing off the hearts and minds of participants and lessening the chance of exposure.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Mystical Sadhu]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Your concerns are legitimate, LifeIsEnergy, manually manipulating the eyes are a good form of massage, maybe, though the lights and images seen are occular illusions, not true third eye development or visions.

Every move we make involves sentiment, vital energy, desideratum, instrument and motion, key ingredients to what constitutes "mudra". Such affects us touching our hands to your head in any of various ways, including a caress of our third eye, however subtle or exploratory that may be, and such will have its positive influence provided our mind is unfettered in the process, thus in such a spirit placing our hands on or near our third eye may be supportive. While placing our hand in the general area, it would make good sense to tap all around our head in a progressive manner, awakening all the other elements of mind and body and making our intended goal, such as developing the third eye, a greater success arrived at more synergistically. This is true for all of our glands, supportive tissues and organs, lymph, blood, joints and bones and such, which are why yogis do yogasanas, for yogasanas target the glands first and foremost, regardless of what you learn in a "yoga studio".

If we were to focus solely on one gland, chakra, or otherwise any other specific location in the body it will burn out the gland, lymph, or neurology for that location or area. This too is a reason why whole body glandular development is practiced by yogis, in a progressive manner.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Mystical Sadhu]

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 05:03 PM
thanks for this, really easy instructions unlike any other i have read trying to open you're 3rd eye, but i've also read that some people really wished they hadn't opened it?!

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