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Time Traveler named: Future

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by dedalive
reply to post by EnlightenUp

With all respect..

No need for respect, just compiance with T&C.

The person may not even know about this site to have the capacity to intentionally avoid it. Also, as Electric has said, the person can't be contacted. Everything seems to be on a pretty anonymous basis over there. Other than the thread, while it exists, there isn't any other way to contact posters on there as far as I can tell.

Of course they might not know but somehow I actually would be surprised if they didn't.

Does 4chan always 404 those threads? After having looked at that place for as long as I could stand to, I can't fathom why anything isn't good enough to be there.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Threads 404 after they hit the bottom of page ten. If people stop posting then the thread dies. It's an anonymous imageboard so there are no accounts. Some threads are achieved but I don't think any of his threads were archived on the 4chan archive, I do think that some anons have saved threads on megaupload which I would have to find. Even popular threads will eventually 404 due to bump limits. Each board has a bump limit of a different number but I think the /r9k/ bumplimit is close to 600posts. But still, it will eventually 404 into oblivion never to be seen again.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Thank You dedalive Seriously, thank you for going through all the trouble to save and repost that.

Anyways, to all of those requesting him to come here...that would be close to impossible since you guys do not respond 1/1000th the speed of people do on the other site. His appearance would do nothing but waste time with little to no questions being answered. Trust me, if there are more threads I will be sure to post the links and repost the more important details here.

reply to post by AlienCarnage


Listen up if you didn't read it before. This guy has been posting towards myself and others for over a year now. He pops up randomly and most of the times his threads get like 300+ replies...and the people who he interacts with are pretty intelligent (albeit arrogant) and try their best to put him to task. He has about a 1% credibility factor with me.

I merely created this thread because that 1% is pretty huge. If a CNPA and Chridom party ever formed I actually would trust most of you on this site to reread this thread and stop it in it's tracks. You all are the fringe, therefore I trust that you all could possibly stop a fringe group if need be.

Though, it does make for an interesting read as well

[edit on 31-8-2009 by TheOneElectric]

[edit on 31-8-2009 by TheOneElectric]

This is interesting.

I say that because about 6 years or so ago, I started having "visions", if you could call them that.

Basically, I see mirages of things. Could be ghosts or I could be crazy too, but all I know is what I see and hear. I hear them sometimes too.

Anyway, to make a long story short. While riding with a friend in his truck one night on our way to get something to eat, we had to stop at his bros house before, we went to the restaurant.

This was in So. Lake Tahoe and it is very dark on the streets by pioneer trail, the road that runs along Heavenly Valleys slopes. Anyway, we pull up to his bros house and he runs inside, saying it will take only a few minutes.

He goes inside and im sitting in his truck. My eyes start to adjust and in the drivers seat I see this mirage, (Like watching road runner dart off leaving just his form in the dust...kinda like that except mist not dust) of my buddy and some girl having sex.

I tripped out, then I look out the window of the car and I can see wolves running by, but again not real, just mirage. I start laughing cause this kinda stuff happens to me a lot.

My buddy finally comes out and we take off to the restaurant. On the way I say, "I know this is going to sound crazy, but did you nail a girl in your front seat lately"....His face turns white and he says, "two days ago"...

A string of weird stuff happened that night....but that was the kicker.

I believe the energy we put out becomes static. All of the EM fields around us....cages really.

So is it that they can't send material back through time or is it only information? What's with the 1/2 material must stay behind? I'm sorry, I didn't see if there was a response.


posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Not sure about the 404 but it seems that way. Last night was maybe the 3rd time in my life that I have visited that site. I found a couple of links on google regarding him by searching his user name, Future !GUYX/6jp3w - but yeah they were also 404'd. The thread from last night looks like it was active for maybe 6 - 7 hours or so before it went away.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

Thanks. That's interesting in contrast to the packratty, archival model of this site. I guess it's sort of like the Sin City of message boards and what happens there stays there, in a way.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 07:13 PM
Ask him to take a screen shot of a news site today, post it in a thread a couple of weeks ago and then come forward and give a link. If he can't, its not real.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric

The Guaranteed Basic Income bill entitles every legal resident of a state to dividends on the industrial exploitation of the resources of their state. It was patterned after the Alaskan Permanent Fund, which was written into law well before you were born. It's basically just the affirmation that every citizen owns some proportional quantity of the natural resources of their state. When most American industry had been automated, everyone was finally able to live entirely off the productivity of those machines.

Interesting. That concept has actually worked well here. The Permanent Fund invests the money from resources paid by the companies developing them and we get annual checks and pay no income tax. We the People literally own the State.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:12 PM
Sarah Palin has Glenn Beck's back

(Palin quote) "FOX News' Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House. Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch."

And so it begins!

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:23 PM
I thought I saw somewhere in his postings information about Global Warming...a poster asked him if he was such and such from a website giving information from the future slightly after a Global Warming Effects over the earth "He said yes, that was him"

Than later in threads he said the planet will be cooling and a year with no summer etc.

and there was one other thing that slipped my mind while typing. Not sure if someone wants to do the look over again, but I saw it as slip he could bust him.

I would rather much believe him but I dont see if being true good story though. I would like more answers.

I mean some big events have to happen between 2009-2100 etc I know its almost 100 years but he should know things that happend from the top of his head and gives us dates later on

I mean I dont give a hoot about 2070 and such im sure I will be long gone

[edit on 31-8-2009 by KonigKaos]

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:32 PM
Just went back to the 4 channel and its gone. So what happens now where does he post and how does this continue, its like reading a neat spread out story!

post with link of the chat continuing

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:48 PM
Is this not going on in another thread...How many times do we need to filter out this BS?

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Bass9

Oh wow, this has been going on for a year plus and sounds more realistic and plausible than all the other nonsense that panders to your conspiracy. This one paints a darkside to your far right ideology. It's alright, be upset.


Oh yeah, I will attempt to find some of the archived posts.

[edit on 31-8-2009 by TheOneElectric]

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 10:54 PM
COOL STORY BR... wait.

aside of some of those facts being possible, i don't believe anything that comes from that forums (read the disclaimer in the header: "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I have been around there since 2006 and he's not the only one "time traveler" i have seen since then.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Caggy

So, is this from a creative writing website? If so, shouldn't this have been posted in BTS instead?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by AlienCarnage
reply to post by Caggy

So, is this from a creative writing website? If so, shouldn't this have been posted in BTS instead?

I wouldn't really call it a creative writing website, more of a creative website it self, it's highly possible as that's one way to hit the masses.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by AlienCarnage

No it shouldn't.

Also, yeah I know it isn't the first TT story from that place, however this is one of the most plausible ones that I have ever seen. It also has been going on for more that a, I mean.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:39 PM
This whole story sounds like a good plotline for Fallout 4.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

I understand this is posted on the Skunk Works Forum which is open to all theories no matter how off the wall, it just seems that this is more of a creative writing work in progress, it wouldn't be the first creative writing project that has gone on for over a couple of years.

There was another creative writing project that had done the same, the difference is that it was an admitted creative writing story.

Read the whole above story and notice the dates it was entered, and you will see that a creative writing project can exist over several years, and still immerse you in and seem real at times as well.

It is because of this story above that the time traveler story seems more of a creative writing project. Perhaps i will be proven wrong, who knows. . . .

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:51 AM
few tour the future
it takes courage to cure rage
perhaps the soul you shun is the solution

new my, man i'm in eye

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:22 PM
The way that this guy explains his "time travel" would be quite easy to get some proof. You don't need pictures or news stories or anything.

Simply ask him to come to this site (ATS) but in 2006. Have him create a new thread that simply says "Hi OutKast Searcher". I was not on this website in 2006. Then he can come back to a new session in 2009 and tell us that he made the post. We do a search and see if we can find it. Doing this would give us no knowledge of the future, wouldn't give us anything that we could use to change would simply prove that he can do this internet time travel...which is what he wants us all to believe anyway. This is different situation than other "time travelers" because they claim to actually physically be here...where this guy just claims that he can send internet packets back in the he opens up a unique way for him to prove himself.

I'm sure he will come up with some excuse on why he can't or doesn't want to do this. It is very easy to do...there is no paradox...and by his own description it should be technically possible.

The same with news for late 2009...he could open a "session" for late 2009...go on 4chan and see what they are talking about. Then the next time he opens a session to our current time...he could just tell us about what he read.

It's a good story...but he opens himself up in too many ways to "prove" that he can "internet time travel"...yet he won't do it.

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