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Whispers, Voices, Premonitions During R.E.M. Sleep

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:05 PM
I would like to know if anyone else has experienced something similar to this or might have ideas of what this may be. This is a first for me on ATS, so if it's not posted in the right area, I apologize..MODS, I will be more than happy to move it..ANYWAY HERE WE GO...Several months ago I was hearing what sounded like whispering just before falling back asleep. It sounded close enough to my face that I would freeze up and have to literally "shake" myself awake (if that makes any sense)...It was constant for a few weeks straight (usually in the morning) I have had a few strange occurences in the past and was in some way "preparing" for something bad to happen. I could not make out what the "whispering" was (no clear words) and while I thought it might be a "message" of some sort, it just stopped. ***Now I'm preparing for the naysayers/ non-believers, but in 1999 I had a dream of 2 large explosions and I was woken up by a womans voice whispering 99999911111 -- Please bare with me, I know people are quick to judge -- I immediately called my mother (we have family in NY) and although there was nothing obvious about the dream taking place in NY, I told her that something bad was going to happen in NY on 9-9-01 or 9-11-01...Again, nothing about the dream was about NY, it was a feeling and I just "knew" somehow that what happened in my dream was in NY...I had no other details...just a crazy dream and an awful feeling. I was also insistant that my mother take me serious and write down the date. She did. The dream only happened once and I had long forgotten about it --without going into un-needed detail we all know what happened on that day -- and I have my entire family who tells people about the story and how creepy it is. I would like others to share similar stories and express their opinions. I am prepared for the "BS" comments and that's fine..I care more about hearing similar stories and your thoughts of what/who the whispers or "messages" may be.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by PeterGriffin]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:36 PM
I'd like to change this to the proper area of the site so it does not get removed but dont know how...

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Not disbelieving. What you say sounds interesting. I have heard strange noises but not voices combined with feelings of anxiety

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