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Quarantine or 30 day jail for refusing the toxic H1N1 vaccine

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I think the claim is to kill off the virus by vaccinating before the thing can actually mutate. I may be wrong but that sounds like a pretty plausable plan. I mean I know zip about vaccinations in the first place but this is what they're leading the "public" to believe.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

You can refuse them, that is true. However your child will not be allowed to go to school until they have proof of the shots.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Shadow_Lord

Which is a far better alternative than prison time and a $1000 a day fine. If you want, homeschool your kids. Still a much better option to me.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Your kidding right! 25 People have died in the first few days of the trial. It has been on the news.


I guess they will make a criminal out of me yet.

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Just gonna put it out there...

Tons of people got test vaccines already and I haven't heard anything about negative side effects or fatalities from it.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Just gonna put it out there...

Tons of people got test vaccines already and I haven't heard anything about negative side effects or fatalities from it.

Cool, so then when you take it, you can tell us how that goes!


posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:35 AM
everythig ive heard so far says the vaccines trials are going fine, no side affects, nothing.. that said we know the ingrediants and we know some of them are a red flag not to be putting in ur body.. as far as i can tell the swine flu doesnt do a whole lot to you except the sniffles and a cough so i see no point in getting a shot for it..

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:41 AM
Don't forget fokes what jay rockefeller said. "Were going to chip everyone and they won't even know it". This is one way I can see TPTB chipping everyone without them knowing it. Nano-chip tech is small enough now so you can't even see it. Then TPTB make everyone into there slaves forever.Its not even a shot, I saw the trail for kids its a liquid put up your nose. Then you get a bug in your head so you can be tracked.

scarry if true.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by flu_news

I'm not quite sure how you make the leap from a bill in the Mass state Senate to FEMA. I would suggest that you find and read Dr. Michael shermer's writing about the junk science scare surrounding the MMR vaccine and Jenifer Anniston's body count

[edit on 24-8-2009 by 4nsicphd]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Just gonna put it out there...

Tons of people got test vaccines already and I haven't heard anything about negative side effects or fatalities from it.

You won't either. You think the Gov't is willing to let that out? Not hardly.

I choose to excercise my rights as a human being....NO shot for me or my kids. My parents chose not to get it as well. I sigh with relief that my family will stay clean of this poison.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:48 AM
They want to forcibly invade our bodies and shoot their $hit into us....and no one is liable or responsible for any bad reactions or death from it?

What will they do next? Pass a law to make it legal for them to go all out and rape people?

I know a lot of religious groups that have consistently refused to be immunized, now they will become outlaws?

[edit on 24/8/09 by John Matrix]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Personally if anything like the Spanish flu appeared and millions of people started to die, I would be thankful the government is doing this.

If I had a something like that, and was getting on a jet plane, I just find it hard to believe that others would just be "OK" with me hopping on board with all of them knowing I had this.

I have not seen any credible sources of red flags for the swine flu vaccination.

I know people will say something like "fine, you take it and let me know how it goes" *sigh. I am not here to argue, just fill in some missing facts or misleading information on just why they are trying to stop this. There is nothing wrong with quarantining anyone with a potential killing virus. You do not have to take the shots, just stay at home, no contact. 1 of two things will happen. You will get sick, and get over it. Or you will die. But it ends there, it does not pass on to others.

I work in a biomedical research facility (not in the clean rooms). I have had the vaccine. (Along with many others). I have seen the test results, and other information about it. It is simply a matter of education and understanding. Oh, to answer the question, everything is going just fine...

One more thing. If the government ever does make mandatory vaccinations for a flu virus, there is a severe reason for it. If a outbreak like the Spanish flu arrived today, it would kill far more than the original Spanish flu in a shorter amount of time.

But as of today, there is no requirement to get a shot. It is a choice.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:14 AM
With a the government hoping for 250,000,000 doses (3 doses per person), there will only be enough for 20%-25% of the U.S. population. Highly doubt there will be any forced vaccinations, maybe quarantines in high infection areas where possible ( military base, college campuses).

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:17 AM
I think alot of you that are wanting or already taken the shot is missing something.

The current flu going around is not dangerous at all, so taking a shot for this is honestly not worth the chance of getting a bad reaction from the shot at this point. The killer mutated version is the one you "might" consider taking the shot.

If it does mutate, which is the biggest will need another shot, a shot they cannot create yet as they dont know how exactly it will mutate. If they do know how it will mutate, then that is a whole other thread subject as that would definatly prove they created it in the first place.

So you guys claiming you think this is just the gov trying to help out, your wrong until it does mutate and they create a new shot, but by that time its more than likely too late.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:19 AM
I will not willingly take the vaccine.

I won't be fined or put into jail.

I won't be forced to take the vaccine.

Because I'm not afraid. If you live in fear you'll attract exactly what you're afraid of.

If you live fearless in the now, in gratitude: circumstances and coincidences will deliver you to safety. This world is going through a revolution of the mind and the old powers are doing everything they can to hold on to the old world but it doesn't matter.

The only way they have power any more is to convince you that you're vulnerable and a victim of your circumstances. They know that you're really not and that you have the power to change your circumstances whenever you want. This is the reason for all the fear propaganda. This is why they "leak" information out like Fema camps, and Martial Law, etc. They want you to be afraid because they know if you are, you'll attract the exact agenda they have planned.

You don't have to believe me. Try your own experiments. For example. Pick something out of place (within your beliefs) that you want to see. Like a red feather or a praying Mantis or anything that is rare. Start being grateful that you're going to see whatever it is you've chosen to see but remember you have to be grateful you're going to see this thing and you have to practice NOT thinking about any thoughts which have doubt in them. Otherwise you'll be creating doubt that any of this really works this way and then you'll say "IT DIDN"T WORK". In other words be honest with yourself about your thoughts.

Good luck to you all.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:20 AM
This is absolutely ridiculous!

First of all, are there other states looking to do this? Or is the a pilot test to see if they can get it though at all?

Secondly, I thought i remembered them saying something about "...the best interest of the public..." How do they know what's best for the public. Have all of them personally reviewed every possible side effect of this vaccination? Have they looked at all the options that are available? Have they considered the possibility of collusion to make a profit off of this?

Absolutely burns me.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:21 AM
You guys got it twisted if you think that there is not enough jail cells for every one of you times two in america, i mean we are on ATS, theese jails and fema camps have been a topic for a long time, and i am dissapointed that people here on ATS ignore the facts. When it comes to the vaccines even if you dont take it and u do get your ass beat, and get thrown in jail, what makes you think that someone in a lab coat wont just walk into the cell and give you the vaccine anyway? I mean now there is nowhere to run, youre in a small space, isnt that exactly what they want?

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:21 AM
If everyone is so upset about this, why aren't people marching on the state capitols? Or, for that matter, why aren't people marching on the National Mall. I'm not talking about rioting or breaking any laws, but having a civilized protest and taking it directly to our elected officials. I'm sure that they can't wait for Congress to be back in session to get away from the town hall meetings and their angry constituents. Just because they go back to Washington, doesn't mean that the debate is over.

Personally, I, nor any of my family, will be receiving this vaccine, regardless of whether it is mandatory. I will fight to protect the my family's well-being, if it comes to that, but I hope it never does. I would rather strengthen my body with natural, raw food, and take my chances, then inject poison into myself, my wife, and our child.

The wolf is closing in on the sheeple and is ready to strike.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Greenize
Hi-ho Hi-ho its off to jail I go...

They are not injecting me!

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Greenize]

They will inject you in jail, this I guarantee you or they will just exterminate you and tell everyone you died from the swine flu as a cover.

Sorry to burst your bubble

Just don't get picked up by the storm troopers
leave the cities if you can when this crap goes down

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Wiz4769

I agree that WHO and CDC is worried that it may mutate and become more deadly. However the current vaccine (MAY) still be effective (depending on the mutation to the RNA of the virus strain).

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Let's face it. TPTB have got us from all angles.

The three shot regimen gives them cover to work things however they need to since they need not implement any truly lethal measures until the third of the series.

The most likely configuration (with variations for certain populations based on "desirability") would be as follows:

Shot 1: RFID or comparable Nanotech coupled with dormant pathogens and immune system suppressors which can be activated in the future. This shot will also probably include a significant dose of B Vitamins to provide a boost in general well being to propulgate the notion that the shots are good for you.

Shot 2: Second Verse Same as the first. More tracking tech, some more potentially nasty components and another boost of well being. Various other low-grade opiates may be included at this point with an eye towards forging an addiction which can be sated through various PTB approved goods and service.

Shot 3: Is the trigger shot. Have the sheeple been good? What has played out in the meantime? What endgame need they enact?

A) If they have massive widespread compliance, they can use the third shot to selectively weed out the population as per the majority of the concerns here.

B) If refusal catches on and only the most accepting sheep take the jab, then They can keep the third shot "healthy" and depict themselves in a benevolent light. A new wave of compliers line up for the shot and TPTB can choose between a return to option A's culling of the herd, or try leveraging their newly polished image into increased carte blanche on the destruction of civil liberties and boundless government power.

C) If there is a strong split between the takers and the refusers, then they can drive a wedge in the population. Quarantine camps for the refusers. The good life for the compliers. Select culls which could then be blamed on sabotage from "terror cells with links to anti-government elements in the quarantine camps"

Let us not forget the Terrorism card. TPTB are not dropping their other means of control to focus exclusively on the H1N1 canard. They are legion and they can multitask and numerous other gambits will be at the ready should they be considered neccesary.

Any "failure" of the government's "benevolent" vaccine can be blamed on tampering and terrorism. Anyone significantly vocal in the anti-vaccine movement can be villainized and implicated. The entire alternative medicine industry can be swept away in a see of prosecutions, show trials and bad publicity.

Any medical professional not soundly in the pocket of big pharma could be destroyed. Midwives will be forced out of business leaving birthing to the most interventionist of medical shills. Once all children need to be processed through the same corporate baby factory method, there is NOTHING stopping the immediate chipping, genetic scanning and biological culling of the population (under the guise of mysterious childhood illnesses).

Even if this whole thing plays out as just a blip on the radar, there is no way for this not to result in a deeper entrenchment of Big Pharma and Industrialized Medicine on a global scale.

The scope of the population culling will be carefully modulated based on levels of public outrage. Groups capable of revolt will be carefully monitored as will these boards. TPTB will know exactly what they can get away with while avoiding a tipping point. They will take as many inches as the people will give them, with a thorough plan for converting them to miles later on down the road.

Connect the dots. Use big black indelible marker and let them know that we are on to them. Make sure they know that we can see the strings if not the puppetmasters. We can not stop them just yet, but we can make them scale down their efforts. Such has been the case for thousands of years and if we keep shining a light on them, such can be the case for a thousand more.


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