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War has been declared in Australia.

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posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:53 AM

Thank you for a very poignant subject which is very real and growing worse. You will no doubt have the "do gooders" spew the automatic line of "thats Racist" but for people who experience this kind of behavior it is very real.

I have talked to African Americans, Indian and South African people who are all dark skinned and they all say exactly the same thing. The Australian 'Half Caste" Aborigine is like no other race of human they have experienced. Generally the impression is that they have no respect for anyone or anything and have no respect for even themself.

The common theme is violence without provocation and the "Ganging" up on purely defenseless demographics like 80 year old women and bashing them unconscious and in some cases killing them. All for absolutely no reason and without motivation except for the thrill of bashing someone into a bloody pulp.

Now I will add for anyone who will sit back and claim this is pure lies and made up racism, come to Perth and wander around and have a look and experience it for yourself. However I guess its so easy to sit back put the blinkers on and call people racist because you are trying so hard to be politically correct.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

A lot of countries are, unfortunately, now getting the backlash of oppressing and mistreating the people who were there first.

Also, we are living in desperate times, and it is disheartening for underprivileged youth who perceive that they are now lower than the low.

What goes round comes round, and the arrogant invaders are probably getting their just dues.

Having said that, I am very sorry for all the innocent victims in this mess.

It is not only Australia, but everywhere people are desperate.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by spellbound

I think that govts. instruct media to focus on indigenous reconciliation stories and scenarios, for 2 reasons:1) to take the heat of themselves; make themselves out to be the good guys.
2) Make people think that they are not supressed- its the indigenous whom are.

We are all just as supressed as the indigineous; I think that we (other than indigenous ) realised this centuries ago; and now just put-up.
We are all in the same boat.
Non-indigenous just realise how futile the fight really is.

If we really want to nit-pick, we could say that war was declared on the PLEBS, long before Australia was even a colony.

[edit on 8/23/2009 by KRISKALI777]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Really because the VICAP stats here in the states are pretty conclusive. The majority of violent crime in the US is committed by African American and Hispanic males.

Now, you can argue why that is amongst yourselves.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:08 AM
Well when you oppress a people, keep them in poverty,remove their culture, and degrade them. They tend to act out eventually.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by swinggal
You know what upset me MORE about the bus incident? That NOT A SINGLE PERSON ON THE BUS TRIED TO HELP the driver!!!!!! What is WRONG with the world today?


They are not trained to fight criminals. They are not authorized to fight criminals. The ones whose job is to protect people, don't do that, because it is all false promises. People entrusted another group of people to take care of everything - it's a perfect world, a democratic world. What more do you want?

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Come live in Perth and know for yourself rather than just cite the same old rhetorical reply.

Im with you OP. I live in Cannington. I've seen it at it's worst, and it is a war zone near the train station (Queens Park also) so much that I don't ever go any further up the trainline than Gosnells (which is also dangerous) unless I have to, and it's the same heading towards Perth. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to go there weekly.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
Can you even imagine how the Aborigines must feel. their whole culture has been pretty much destroyed. Thousands of years of culture destroyed by white men in the space of a few hundred years. Now they are made to feel like 2nd class citizens in their own country.

No, they are told they are by people who like to feel superior by making sweeping statements like yours.

No one has anyone but themselves to blame if they go around throwing concrete at peoples heads and bashing people for fun.

No one has anyone but themselves to blame if they want to live on the dole and not work.

And all this "It's their land" BS is really old. Everyone on ANY country on this planet is there by chance. Unless right now, I came here today and forced everyone to live by my rules, then THIS is MY country as much as it is everyone else who lives here.

Being made to feel second class - even if that were true, does it give anyone the right to bash people with cricket bats in a park, to smash beer bottles into elderly womens faces as they steal their christmas presents, to throw concrete into a bus drivers face, to threaten to kill people with pick axes while muttering "Im gunna kill the next white c# that I see tonight" ?

Bah, personal responsibility is PERSONAL. No one elses.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:51 PM
This thread is just retarded. I cannot believe I actually read this. Let me say this though: in my many years living in Southern California, the ONLY group of people I've been afraid to come across is a group of skinheads/white supremacists. (I am half white and half Filipino) The blacks, the Mexicans, other Asians haven't given me any trouble whatsoever.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by patentpending
I'm not sure what the answer is, but vilifiying one section of the population isnt going to help.

I think one issue that needs to be mentioned is that there is a difference between random acts of violence committed by anyone, and the mentality that causes the sorts of violence mentioned in the OP.

It's predatory and unhindered. No amount of logic affects it.

Reports of people walking alone being confronted by 1 person who asks for something small, often end up where a number of others appear from bushes and there is no question that the intent was to beat someone up and take everything.

Sure this happens everywhere, but it is a problem that has become obvious here in Perth, because there is nothing that confronts it. By the time the police are called, it's all over.

My cousin is a nyungar - a hard working bloke too, puts his nose to the grind and gets on with it. He cannot associate with half of his own family because they threatened to kill his wife and children. My cousin and her kids - simply because she's a wetjala.

When you're confronted by a gang of these teenagers intent on violence, there is nothing but rage and hate in their eyes towards you - and sadly, it's often they who see skin colour as the reason for it, not the other way around.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:06 PM
There is something about this that is screaming to be fixed. The underlying issues are of course, social issues and problematic and need to be resolved from that viewpoint.

But in the meantime, to protect the good citizens of Australia, why are your law enforcement agencies not incarcerating these individuals who are attacking innocents? Juvenile Detention?

Can you not "clean-up" law enforcement, and demand protection, and that they do their jobs? We vote our sheriffs in, and consequently they are under political pressure to well....protect us.

Raise hell until law enforcement enforces the law.

Then get together a community "Task Force" to start trying to target the underlying causes of these problems (poverty, mental illness, and poor parenting are all likely causation factors), and start trying to identify some solutions. These kids need to be placed in homes, where they can get the things they need, and proper guidance including morals.

What say?

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Well when you oppress a people, keep them in poverty,remove their culture, and degrade them. They tend to act out eventually.

What country are you talking about now?

Certainly not Australia...

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Guys, I'm serious. If you want to address this issue in a noisy and legal way, I can point you in the direction to go.

Example of how a community task force can work:
About 15 years ago my town had a problem with homeless people. They were dirty, begging, drunk, etc. They were everywhere in the downtown area, where there are many bars and restaurants. A few of us were concerned about them. A call to the Mayor's office, suggestions for other professionals in town who would volunteer to serve on our Task Force, we had meetings in our city hall, delegated who would do what. I actually went down by the river at midnight and knocked on the "door" of a refrigerator box. (Our homeless had no history of violence).

What we learned was all these homeless were vietnam vets. We started inviting more and more VA employee's, mostly social workers, and administrator's to our meetings. Within a year, the VA had identified the homeless population, rennovated two old houses on their beautiful property into "temporary lodges" for this population. They moved in, got off the booze, and the VA Social Workers helped them find homes, jobs, etc.

We also (not me, but others) accomplished working with law enforcement when we were having so many incidents involving "gangstas", and day time burglaries. We enacted a new law re: truancy. Anytime a youth was not in school the parent was fined 50.00 per day. If she had no money, she spent a night in jail. Remarkable how well this worked.

The police department also put small trailors in these "gangsta" neighborhoods, forming sub-stations for the police department.

I hope I don't sound naive. I don't mean too, and I am hearing you guys have real problems with this population of folks. I'm just sayin' ---
there has to be solutions. Be noisy. Don't let law enforcment off the hook.
Replace your city leaders. Make this an issue. Picket city hall! Write editorials ! Just become visible and let them know you want this problem solved!

Is any of this useful or applicable to you?

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Well when you oppress a people, keep them in poverty,remove their culture, and degrade them. They tend to act out eventually.

Well said and right on the money Nixie.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Can you not "clean-up" law enforcement, and demand protection, and that they do their jobs? We vote our sheriffs in, and consequently they are under political pressure to well....protect us.

Yeah, you guys are soooo protected- isn't being killed by a weapon like almost a natural cause of death in your country?

How many people go missing in the states each year, how many people are shot each year?

And yes 'this population' has it's problems, for the reasons Nixie stated- but they are not responsible for all the violence in our country- that is just plain ridiculous and racist bs-

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by Agit8dChop

A lot of countries are, unfortunately, now getting the backlash of oppressing and mistreating the people who were there first.

Also, we are living in desperate times, and it is disheartening for underprivileged youth who perceive that they are now lower than the low.

What goes round comes round, and the arrogant invaders are probably getting their just dues.

Having said that, I am very sorry for all the innocent victims in this mess.

It is not only Australia, but everywhere people are desperate.

Good post Spellbound.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:10 PM
Anyone doubting what the OP is saying should see the film "Once Were Warriors", might shed things in a different light. I know most Americans only know the Crocodile Dundee version of Australia.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by lifecitizen

Surely you are not talking to me. Nothing you said even remotely addresses the point I was making. Talk about bs.

Better still....I think I have made three posts in this thread other than this one. I strongly recommend you get a feel for what someone is saying, before you come in with a bunch of holier-than-thou-judgmental comments, speaking to a post of which you obviously have no knowledge.
You might save yourself from a little embarrestment later. Pop top.

[edit on 8/23/0909 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:15 PM
That's awful.

You know, I watch the News almost every night. And every robbery, rape, and murder shows generally the same looking Hispanic/African American suspect.

I don't want to take either side and say ""Those people are causing more crime" or "The media must be playing the entire thing up." But I'm sure the answer is somewhere in the middle and I don't really want to know where.

But I know for a fact that blasting that stuff all over the TV and newspapers isn't going to help people be more tolerant.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:26 PM
people here in america carry guns...legally...alot of that crap gets stopped real quick...maybe having carry permits given out to law-abiding people might help

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