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Another hospital destroyed by ILLEGAL ALIENS

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posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
Third world countries are third world BECAUSE of the lifestyles we choose.

Gosh, don't you think you are oversimplifying yourself? Most 3rd world countries have birth rates way beyond sustainable limits, and that's their damn lifestyle choice. Go read some books.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:26 PM
In nearly every state, hospitals are in danger of running in the red because of emergency rooms being used for minor care. A hang nail and folks go to the ER. Most of them are welfare recipients or illegals. Their care is payed 100% but the rest of us are getting higher and higher co-pays plus we pay our own premiums or work for it as a benefit of our employment! They have nothing to loose but we bare the brunt of those costs!

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Merigold
The process for a mexican however to come to the United States legally is fraught with expenses and paperwork which is out of reach to most.

Although I completely agree that the expenses and paperwork to immigrate legally in the United States is quite substantial, it is nonetheless used as a buffer for those who are committed to being productive in American society. My parents, came to the United States with very little money, they didn't take a dime from the government nor their friends and family. They both had 2 jobs, and took college courses at night. They were responsible with their finances, and were able to move up in society. I believe the expenses and paperwork is a weak excuse to come to this country illegally.

As for the reason why health care is so expensive, including hospital costs and premiums, is because of 'runners'. In order for the hospital to cover their losses, they have to raise hospital costs and charge insurance companies more. Although I believe that health care should be available to all, I do believe that private hospitals should have to right to turn away those who are unable to pay. If you're wondering where these individuals who are unable to pay would go, there a many free clinics.

Remember, private hospitals are a business, they are put together to make a profit. If they do not profit, the business shuts down. If they were able to turn away 'runners' and potential 'runners', I can almost guarantee that hospital costs and insurance premiums would drop substantially.

Whether it's health care, welfare, or immigration, individuals need to start taking accountability, responsibility, and start thinking long term, rather than depending on others to get them through life. We are not their parents, and nor should we act like them.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45

Marine snipers and land mines would be better than a wall. We could paper the wall with warnings though and anyone who ignored them would only have themselves to blame.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by IKnowNothing

I believe that if all private insurance and medicare and medicaid were eliminated it would also bring costs down. Once people are paying with their own money, they will decide they do not want to pay forty years to pay off a medical bill. How many weeks of operation does it take at five hundred dollars a night to pay off a 14 thousand dollar hospital bed? Once it is paid off, the price should drop for the patient. After all five hundred dollars to rent a mechanical bed for one night is a bit steep. Twelve dollar aspirin and eight hundred dollars to "consult" for less than ten minutes are also frivolous charges I have personally seen on hospital bills. The local emergency room doctor makes three hundred and fifty dollars an hour on each of the 8 beds in that facility. That does not even count the charges that the hospital makes. That means this particular doctor makes over twenty thousand dollars per day if the beds stay full, and they do. I do not care if you have twenty years of doctor schooling. NOBODY IS WORTH $20,000.00 per eight hour shift.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45


I hear that. Four years ago I moved from a small resort town in northern Indiana. This toms went from 2-3% Illegals to 56% illegal Mexicans within two short years. they used the local hospital as their private doctor's office, an ER visit would generally take 4 hours because the ER waiting room was full of illegal Mexicans. Car thefts and home break ins went up 200%, rapes went up 100%. These illegal Mexicans would buy brand new SUVs on easy credit and take the car back to Mexico, screwing the banks out of the money, they did that same on home loans.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
NOBODY IS WORTH $20,000.00 per eight hour shift.

I absolutely agree, and I do believe that hospitals costs are outrageous, however, these hospitals need to recoup their losses over the last 20 or so years. Every year, a hospital falls deeper into the red, and those who have to pay for it, are those who took the responsibility to purchase health insurance. It's a catch 22 for the responsible, not only are they getting hit by high insurance costs and premiums, but when they have to use it, they get hit with higher bills. This is not because hospitals or insurance companies are greedy, it's because they're feeling the backlash of medical policies implemented by politicians.

Imagine an Individual #1 without health insurance going to the hospital. In order to treat the individual, the hospital charges a cost of $200. After the individual receives the treatment, they leave the hospital without paying the bill. In the end the hospital is -$200.

Now, imagine an Individual #2 with health insurance going to the hospital for the same reason as Individual #1. They receive the same treatment. Instead of costing $200, it now costs $400 because Individual #1 didn't pay the bill.

Because the insurance company was charged $400 instead of $200, the insurance company had to up the premium in order to cover there loss.

Imagine all the people and illegal immigrants without health insurance, that run off on their hospital bills, which are then incurred by the hospitals themselves. Those with insurance, are unfortunately, covering the costs, while getting their insurance premiums increased, and minimizing the losses of the hospital, for those that ran from their bill.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Isnt nice to know our tax dollars are well spent?Our hospitals are being shut down by invading criminals and we foot the bill.Way to go congress!I was planning to move to move to beutiful cali for health reasons but...

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45

Like it or not, it is the duty of doctors to uphold their oath to care for the ill. If they don't, they must have their license revoked. That's universal.

In any case, the story should be more about the greed of the medical community rather than even vaguely suggesting that they turn a living soul away. Just exactly what are your values? Can you really look yourself in the eyes and admit that you're that cold?

Medical care should be virtually free. Doctors should perform their duties out of love for their fellow man - not love of the almighty dollar. Everyone should choose their livelihood based on what stirs the fire in their heart.

What have we become when our value is based on where on the planet our mothers delivered us or how many bits of paper we possess? Please tell me you don't mean what you wrote up there.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
Why is it that ALL of our leaders are the ones who don't use COMMON SENSE ?

2nd frustrated line..

Because they are all taking bribes from big Business. Our leaders have common sense and know what is best for america but they don't care about that. They ask themselves one question - Which side will pay me the most?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
In nearly every state, hospitals are in danger of running in the red because of emergency rooms being used for minor care. A hang nail and folks go to the ER.

That's why i am so opposed to any form of health care that pays for everything. Hell - a lot of these idiots are just lonely and go to the ER to have someone to talk to!!!

People need to pay part of every health care bill.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

I hear that. Four years ago I moved from a small resort town in northern Indiana. This toms went from 2-3% Illegals to 56% illegal Mexicans within two short years. they used the local hospital as their private doctor's office, an ER visit would generally take 4 hours because the ER waiting room was full of illegal Mexicans. Car thefts and home break ins went up 200%, rapes went up 100%. These illegal Mexicans would buy brand new SUVs on easy credit and take the car back to Mexico, screwing the banks out of the money, they did that same on home loans.

It's insane and people ask why won't our govt stop it. The answer is because our legislators and judges and police chiefs are accepting bribes from companies like walmart and mcdonalds and the fruit-picker associations to help the illegals.

It's corruption everywhere in america .

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg

Medical care should be virtually free. Doctors should perform their duties out of love for their fellow man - not love of the almighty dollar. Everyone should choose their livelihood based on what stirs the fire in their heart.

That's a joke post, right??

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Merigold
The process for a mexican however to come to the United States legally is fraught with expenses and paperwork which is out of reach to most.

So? Not our problem. Coming here is a privilege, not a right. If they cant afford it, we dont want them here anyways, they would be nothing but a drain on our resources.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Merigold

Having lived as an illegal alien in the USA for over 25 years let me assure I never qualified for any welfare. Illegal aliens DO NOT GET WELFARE!

Uh, yes they do.

Through fraud, identity theft, etc etc.

You couldnt possibly be more wrong.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 03:06 PM

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Krpano

The planet is overpopulated, but irrational morons like you tend to think only in terms of space.

You never give a single ounce of thought to carrying capacity. Think the infrastructure exists to support 7 billion people? How bout 10 billion?

A reduction of the herd is necessary, and it will happen. Regardless of its by mans hand or by mother nature, the population will be corrected.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Make Speed Limit 45

Originally posted by 3vilscript

Thank you. I have not qualified nor have applied for welfare ever!!! Some of us really just want to work here. Hell me and my family even found a law here in Texas that enables us to pay taxes.

HAHAHAHA. Now that's funny. You expect anyone to believe that???

You can choose not to believe me. I'm through several proxies and have no reason to lie because of it.

Night Star I have worked in factories most of my life. Most factories here have moved out of the country or just arn't hiring. Some places are only working 4 days a week and not hiring, downsizing, or whatever. Yes I can cancel my internet service when things get really bad. I have no television reception, no cable, no cell phone, no credit card debt. I do have money in the bank due to a lawsuit when I was hit as a pedestrian by a vehicle, so I can use that until I find employment. Yes, we would still have violence and what-not, but there has been such an increase. Look up how many lives have been lost because of illegals. I was shocked and saddened. Don't tell me I don't want to work. I have worked my butt off for over 30 years and have never been in this position before. Don't tell me what kind of job I will or will not do. You don't know me. As for illegals taking only the jobs citizens don't want, that is not true. The last place I worked I had illegal friends and this place paid very well. I had 'legal' friends who were qualified and turned away. As for welfare, some states do help illegals.

Funny... the Mexicans I know came here because they needed work. I assure you, someone needs you somewhere in this country. Yes I have searched for the deaths caused by illegals, here they are:

Native Americans- 12 million, four centuries later 237,000

Black slaves in Americas history: "too many"

Asians, Mexicans, Central Americans South Americans... well you get the picture. I would never think of blaming you for the crimes of your ancestors, or the crimes being being done now by your fellow citizens. Why would you blame me for what other people do?... just cause we both happen to be of the same race and or legal status?

Make Speed limit 45 They pay some taxes like gas tax and sales tax. But they don't pay income or property taxes

I pay gas taxes, sales taxes and income tax. I'n texas you can get an IRS number to pay taxes. And so I do it. Property.... well, I rent.

Make Speed Limit 45 Actually human lives are NOT important. Way too many people in the world now and most of the problems of the third world would vanish if they would reduce population. The more aid we send to the starving, the more they breed and just make things worse.

Spoken like a true cynic. You know what the difference between a man that lives in the third world and you is? Luck. You're lucky to have been born here, you're lucky to be able to go to a school with A/c, etc. I would be a sad, uneducated, peasant in Mexico if my father had not made the difficult decision to bring me here to study. You know what... people like you make things worse. You think that you deserve something and you could not be more wrong. None of us do, if you work for something and you get it good. If you don't you shut up and keep working till you do and then you change things.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by 3vilscript

And, unfortunately, it's people like you that think they can break our laws and benefit by it then accuse us of being racist and bigots for wanting the laws enforced. We wouldn't have one chance in Hades to do what you and your father did here if we tried that in Mexico. It's just fine that you can come here and ignore our laws I guess. It's not up to us to improve your lot in life. It;s up to you to go back and improve Mexico. After all, it's your country not mine! Maybe then I could come there and live off the country and not worry about being deported for breaking your laws! When pigs Fly!!!


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:15 PM
There are some illegals who are wonderful people. The problem is that the illegals who don't go through proper channels are not screened. We have millions of people coming here, some of who have been deported for one reason or another and come back. No community wants a child molestor, theif, gang member etc, no matter if they are legal or not. But when just anyone comes over the border, we have no idea if they are wanted by the law enforcers of their own country. Does everyone understand this?

Does everyone understand that illegals are getting things that 'legal' citizens do not? How can anyone say that is fair? How can people keep bringing up the past? I didn't live in the past. If I had, I would have spoken to my people to try to make peace with the indians. I even have some indian heritage. If it was the time of the slaves, I would have opened my mouth and fought to make people see how barbaric and cruel they were for even thinking about having slaves.

This is today and it is different from yesterday. If I came from a poor country I would stand up with others to fight for our rights. If millions and millions of people keep coming there will be chaos. America is broke. America has its' own poor and hungry. Why are they ignored? Why? It's like they don't even matter. It doesn't matter if they have homes or jobs. it matters that illegals do. This is right?

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