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We all know the system sucks, so why don't we spread what we believe?

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Why do we keep our beliefs confined to ATS? We all generally agree with each other on the system, and that we need it fixed, so in reality, we arn't changing anybodies mind. We should get on other websites that generally don't have the same belief and convince people we need something new. It also has to be a website of the adult population too. Kids generally don't know what taxes are like, and how much control the government is actually in. (although I do, and yes I will call myself a kid, I am in my early teens)

We do need to spread the news to some kids, because the kids are the ones who are the most open minded. We need to get the truth out, instead of keeping it in.

If anyone could, suggest some websites where we can change peoples minds.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Exactly, we need to provide the inspiration along with the banishing of the current system. We've got to walk it, in addition to words. There are far too many sociopaths around for people to give any credence whatsoever to what we say, if we do not live it as well. This world is so full of hypocritical power, that gracefully, we are able to spot it easily, if we can also spot it in ourselves. Funny how we see in others what we see in ourselves.

This is the time for us to shine. We have to radiate an alternative, something that can transcend this foolishly self-destructive age of slavery and reinforced self-unawareness. This age of deception and domination. This age of controlling division. Divide (deceive) and conquer (dominate). The deceiver and dominator go hand in hand. This is the time to sever the link. They die. The life that they hid is revealed. The true nature of our connections is made clear.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by orwellianunenlightenment
Exactly, we need to provide the inspiration along with the banishing of the current system. We've got to walk it, in addition to words. There are far too many sociopaths around for people to give any credence whatsoever to what we say, if we do not live it as well. This world is so full of hypocritical power, that gracefully, we are able to spot it easily, if we can also spot it in ourselves. Funny how we see in others what we see in ourselves.

This is the time for us to shine. We have to radiate an alternative, something that can transcend this foolishly self-destructive age of slavery and reinforced self-unawareness. This age of deception and domination. This age of controlling division. Divide (deceive) and conquer (dominate). The deceiver and dominator go hand in hand. This is the time to sever the link. They die. The life that they hid is revealed. The true nature of our connections is made clear.

Thank you. I see that the way to sever the link is to get information out through the internet. The internet has the capabilities of being one of the greates things on the planet. Why don't we use it to make this world a better place?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:15 PM
Well, I can tell you "some" of us are taking great effort in alerting and educating those around them. I can't speak for anyone else, but me and my camp have over 500 people across the nation (and a few in other countries) listening to our warnings on various matters in today's chaotic times.

I suggest you do the same. Make some noise, use some art, music, visual displays and level headed speaking on microphones, and people will listen. Not "all" people, but some.

Most importantly, there will be many who mock and laugh, but those people will still "hear your message" and if SHTF they will be forced to remember your warnings.

Hopefully that will help down the road.

Lastly, I know you assume people are not aware. I know you said "kids" are paying the most attention. But I sincerely disagree with you there.

To me it seems "kids" are all being lead by Alex Jones and like-minded shills who risk nothing but ratings and payment at the expense of youth panicking.

Just so you know, there are many many many adults watching whats going on. Local militias and concerned patriots have been aware (and on ball) for decades.

In fact, it is the likes of those people who made it possible for people like Alex Jones to mimic and twist the warnings and words of people like the Great Bill Cooper.

Being someone who interacts with hundreds of young patriots in my 3D world, up close and personal, I can tell you I am overly concerned with this "youth truth movement" that you so proudly claim as more awake and aware.

In my humble opinion I see it absolutely the other way.

It is the panic born from kids newly introduced to these subjects that is more dangerous then all the sleeping sheeple world wide. Its those green spirited kids who are quick to do dumb actions like plastering posters in cities at the demand of a fear mongering radio host. It is those same kids who get less then half the facts, get riled up and run out in the open screaming "they know the truth"

The truth is not something you want to get killed for. I am not saying its always avoidable. But I am saying that this "young army of truthers" are doing a bad job at keeping a low profile and a calm head.

Just consider how many "kids" are open to the idea of the worst possible outcomes on this subject. Now picture what they will all do the very moment it all goes down officially. Do you think they will survive their own actions that day?

I see many kids today saying they are "awake" and "aware"...sadly, if this was true they wouldn't paint targets on their heads squawking and making themselves in to public enemy # 1 in the eyes of those who plot against us.

I can not be more passionate about this subject. Do NOT be fooled in to outting yourself as a dangerous young punk who is criminally intent on being a problem.

There are far more adults getting ready for what may come. They are in our local law, our reserves, our militias and our families world wide. They are not posting posters and poking sticks in the lions face. They are not trying to build a nation wide fear-camp. They are simply preparing and protecting.

Do not be dragged down as a social problem. Do not willingly give the the chance and right to label you a threat. Tune in to the larger picture and start seeing whats going on "really"

Alex is making all you wonderful young people look like fools going nuts. He is setting you up with false information that is easy to prove all these kids as "fanatical zealots" and "wackos".

If you really think its coming...posters and pranks are nothing in the face of it all.

There are many more movements watching the front lines with a more serious eye and a calmer resolve.

Don't let them paint you as a problem before it all explodes. We will need you when SHTF. So don't throw it all away in the name of a radio host or youth brigade of fools.

Heart is important,but intelligent actions are far more so.

Do not play in to the fabricated game of making you the enemy.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
Well, I can tell you "some" of us are taking great effort in alerting and educating those around them. I can't speak for anyone else, but me and my camp have over 500 people across the nation (and a few in other countries) listening to our warnings on various matters in today's chaotic times.

I suggest you do the same. Make some noise, use some art, music, visual displays and level headed speaking on microphones, and people will listen. Not "all" people, but some.

Most importantly, there will be many who mock and laugh, but those people will still "hear your message" and if SHTF they will be forced to remember your warnings.

Hopefully that will help down the road.

Lastly, I know you assume people are not aware. I know you said "kids" are paying the most attention. But I sincerely disagree with you there.

To me it seems "kids" are all being lead by Alex Jones and like-minded shills who risk nothing but ratings and payment at the expense of youth panicking.

Just so you know, there are many many many adults watching whats going on. Local militias and concerned patriots have been aware (and on ball) for decades.

In fact, it is the likes of those people who made it possible for people like Alex Jones to mimic and twist the warnings and words of people like the Great Bill Cooper.

Being someone who interacts with hundreds of young patriots in my 3D world, up close and personal, I can tell you I am overly concerned with this "youth truth movement" that you so proudly claim as more awake and aware.

In my humble opinion I see it absolutely the other way.

It is the panic born from kids newly introduced to these subjects that is more dangerous then all the sleeping sheeple world wide. Its those green spirited kids who are quick to do dumb actions like plastering posters in cities at the demand of a fear mongering radio host. It is those same kids who get less then half the facts, get riled up and run out in the open screaming "they know the truth"

The truth is not something you want to get killed for. I am not saying its always avoidable. But I am saying that this "young army of truthers" are doing a bad job at keeping a low profile and a calm head.

Just consider how many "kids" are open to the idea of the worst possible outcomes on this subject. Now picture what they will all do the very moment it all goes down officially. Do you think they will survive their own actions that day?

I see many kids today saying they are "awake" and "aware"...sadly, if this was true they wouldn't paint targets on their heads squawking and making themselves in to public enemy # 1 in the eyes of those who plot against us.

I can not be more passionate about this subject. Do NOT be fooled in to outting yourself as a dangerous young punk who is criminally intent on being a problem.

There are far more adults getting ready for what may come. They are in our local law, our reserves, our militias and our families world wide. They are not posting posters and poking sticks in the lions face. They are not trying to build a nation wide fear-camp. They are simply preparing and protecting.

Do not be dragged down as a social problem. Do not willingly give the the chance and right to label you a threat. Tune in to the larger picture and start seeing whats going on "really"

Alex is making all you wonderful young people look like fools going nuts. He is setting you up with false information that is easy to prove all these kids as "fanatical zealots" and "wackos".

If you really think its coming...posters and pranks are nothing in the face of it all.

There are many more movements watching the front lines with a more serious eye and a calmer resolve.

Don't let them paint you as a problem before it all explodes. We will need you when SHTF. So don't throw it all away in the name of a radio host or youth brigade of fools.

Heart is important,but intelligent actions are far more so.

Do not play in to the fabricated game of making you the enemy.

I'm not talking about the green kid idiots who act like they are cool because they got a new shirt that says 'recycle' from Wal mart.

I'm talking about the kids from 14-18 who are growing up in what we have now, we are the ones who are going to be hit hard with the taxes when we have to pay for houses and vehicles. The younger kids will not be hit with it so hard, because they will be use to it.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:29 PM
the easy answer is the vast majority of people have been brainwashed that their need to buy a house and hence a mortgage. People then have children which make you have responsibilites and in the capitalist world you have to work either to feed and clothe your children and or to pay the mortgage. People have a ball and chain around their neck. they become slaves to the system and the only way to bring down a system is to not work for it. So bearing that in mind you have all became slaves signed your life away as well as your childrens future and the only way this system is going to collapse is for us to believe in miracles and i dobnt believe in miracles.
So if you want to change the system all you have to do is not have children dont have a mortgage and only work for goods not money. this way they cannot touch or threaten you coz u have very little to lose

[edit on 14-8-2009 by loner007]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I also haven't seen this Alex Jones thing, and I have no need to, I believe wht I think is true, and I don't need someone else telling me something just to fit his own needs.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:33 PM
I am not saying "you" are part of what I am talking about.

I AM saying that I see this problem and its size is incredible.

If you are more level headed and informed, then god bless you. must be able to see the problem I am addressing here. Seeing as your age is close to this.

If you do understand what I am saying, and agree, I suggest that you try very hard to be a leader and inform the young radicals of their mistakes on this subject.

I also suggest that all these kids start reading from older sources on these subjects that date a lot farther back then this Alex Jones guy.

Many of us were warned a long time ago about this mocking bird coming. When he showed up, many patriots pointed it out.

One was even killed after doing so.

Again, forgive me if it seemed I was trying to paint you as a problem. I was not. There are plenty of young men and women with their best foot forward.

If you are one of them...I hope you take the call to help lead them towards the correct ways of preparing for what "may" be coming.

Hysteria and pranks will lead many to a bad place.

A calm, practiced mind behind a controlled and able body is something to achieve here. It is of the most importance in this day.

Be safe, stay healthy and gain wealth.

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