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Curses. Curses. Why? (Not Curse Words)

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 02:07 AM
Curses, seem to be the most irrational thing to believe in, or acknowledge exist.

Now some can say that they honestly believe in curses, and that from a "personal'' experience truly believe that these mysterious "danger" that is placed upon someone are real.

Now, a prayer, could be considered a curse, a curse of getting someone to fall ill, is a curse, and so on and so forth.

Now if you pray or recite a mantra, is seems simply that you are just mumbling, and acting in a sick way.

Now curses can work in very odd ways I'd assume, of course putting a curse on someone can be a very real thing to encounter, *yes I agree*.

If a person on ATS, I disliked, Slayer69 for example, (lol just kidding bro), was being rude, and I felt the need to put a curse on him, I would assume I would feel a need to tell him I put a curse on him, as murderers and bank robbers and such seem to often brag about their acts they've gotten away with. So I would tell Slayer that hey I put a curse on you, and enter some strange text or whatever is put in, doesn't really matter it's the effect.

Slayer69 for example (sorry if i'm taking you out of context, no offense, just last U2U'er) would then probably be profoundly a non believer in curse, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he would be thinking of a curse put on him, whether or not the curse matters, he will know in his mind, that someone 1) wishes his harm 2) is paying him alot of attention. Now those two will likely stick, if someone wishes you harm, it will be on your mind (thank you evolution

Now with this on his mind, say Mr. Slayer goes to a coffee shop, spills his coffee, this causes his harm if it lands on him, immediately he would feel pain, (assuming hot coffee and not pansy Cold Coffee) then he would think of the person who wanted to cause him harm, then irrationality would kick in, and whether he believes it or not, would gain some credibility to the fact that the Curse did in fact work!

When in all, had no one place a curse, he would of spilled his coffee, and said (Insert word Here) Coffee slipped! Ahh I'm gonna have to go home and be late to work, yet with the curse irrationality would kick in, and persay "Spook" him.

Now I don't say this blindly as one who has not has a cursed put on him.

I've had curses from "You will never find love in life as I put this curse upon you". So far it's working lol, and i'm just fine, and young too!

Curses in which I will die shortly, well it's been awhile, but I guess it's perspective. Just imagine what the Preppy Jock in High School had put on him for making fun of the Goths in his class. lol.

I've had church people (even after my apostasy) prayed for my eye disease to go away, believe that they did it, and not the Eye Doctor who gave me the medicine, because of the time of it, they take credit, and my doctor could care less, other then being upset for my misuse of overwear on contacts. Eh, there all meant for overnight wear.

If their happens to be an intelligent member on ATS that tends to believe in Curses an Such, I'd like to hear why you believe in this. This is something we should've outgrown, yet we've become accustomed to believing that walking under a ladder brings bad luck, or a black cat walking infront of you is bad luck, spilling salt, all explainable things.

The Salt, well back in the day it was really expensive, of course spilling it was bad!

A ladder, well that's pretty dangerous not just for you, but for the guy on the ladder if you hit it!

A Mirror, well they too used to be expensive, if you break it, then wow, trying saving up for that again!

The cat, I never really understood, probably goes back to the curse part.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 02:17 AM

OK first off you're right. I don't believe in curses.

Why do they work? Because IMO people believe in them that's why. I would venture to guess that people who believe in them will just give in to the idea that there is nothing that could be done to prevent it and most likely would start to become obsessed with it to the point of making it a self fulfilling prophecy.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Republican08

You seem to have combined curses with superstitions in there. I always felt there to be a difference.

I've been victim of a curse. Didn't know at the time. Was informed about it afterwards by some very frightened members of the curser's family.

At the time, all I knew was I was experiencing very painful stabbing pains in different parts of my body, sometimes only minutes apart. No apparent reason for these. I was super fit, exercised a lot, had never experienced pains like it (in type, location, severity, timing) before. I wrote it off to being 'a weird virus'. It put me in bed for two weeks, which at the time was unprecedented. I'd never spent so long being 'sick' or in bed before.

It came to me, out of the blue, that a certain person was 'behind' my ailment. It didn't make sense and I knew it. It sounded like something from a bad novel and I knew that too. It was unintelligent thinking and I was fully aware of that. But I'm prone to 'flashes' or instinct and they'd always served me well before .. when I'd listened to them.

So, I remembered something I'd read once, which was to 'bless' the person you believed was responsible for whatever. This was supposed to 'send' their works back at them. Last thing I wanted to do of course was bless them. But I had nothing else in my arsenal and the pains and the whole weirdness of it was beginning to seriously concern me. So, with nothing to lose, I began mentally blessing the individual.

Of course, the manner of my blessing them probably had more in common with a curse and in effect it was, because I was consciously reversing the affliction they'd aimed at me.

Okay. Felt better not long afterwards. Quite possibly this was positive thinking, but it got me up and back to work.

Eager to prove I was fit and ready for action, I got right into work, assured everyone I was 100%. Later that day, stood on the footpath waiting for traffic to pass so I could dash across the street to buy something we needed.

Gap in the traffic and off I went. Next thing, I was lying in the gutter on the other side of the road. Group of oldies were clustered around me, saying 'I can't believe it ! ' and helping me to my feet.

One of the old men was more astounded than the rest. When traffic permitted, he sprinted into the centre of the road, retrieved my shoes and brought them back to me. Whatever had happened had made a big impression upon him, because he repeated several times: ' I've never seen anything like it. Your just blew across the road. Your shoes flew off. Never seen anything like it.'

Well, when you've been tossed into the gutter and caused a commotion, the only thing you want to do is tidy yourself up and pretend it didn't happen. Which is what I did. Quite a few people where I worked had witnessed the event, apparently. They too, said it had all been pretty weird. They'd seen me set off across the road through a gap in the traffic. Next thing .. and no-one had a clear impression of what had happened ... I'd apparently appeared to fall as a car approached .. only to end up in the opposite gutter. Lucky you, they said. You could have got squashed by a car.

I 'got sick' again that night. And back to bed for another week, wracked with pains as if something was jabbing a long pin into me, all over.

I'd had enough of it. So I remembered to 'bless' the person I perhaps irrationally blamed for what ailed me. I coined a little poem: ' So and So (their name) everything you wish for me --- I now return to thee --- ten-fold. It sounded suitably black magik-y. I was making myself laugh. How ridiculous was all this, I asked my lucid self. But I'd safeguarded my soul, because if the person I suspected was innocent, and if they wished me well, then all they wished would be returned to them tenfold. On the other hand, if they wished me ill, then they'd reap that also, ten fold.

When the pains really kicked in, I raised the ante to 'one hundred-fold'. And when I was really, really not liking this one bit, the ante rose to 'one thousand-fold'.

Then I got better and life went on. Never found out what had caused any of it because I tend to avoid doctors.

It must have been quite a few months afterwards that the husband and daughter of the person I suspected of being responsible, came to visit.

They were worried. They didn't want to say much. My adult daughter was there at the time, so I know I didn't imagine it. But it was a weird visit.

What they said was, the person I suspected had been behaving alarmingly for some time. Had 'accidentally' killed several of the family pets, one, two, three, sort of thing. All sorts of disturbing information emerged. And although it sounded pretty laughable in the middle of the day, sunshine all around .. they said that the person in question had been gathering with up to a dozen others, several nights a week. Her husband and son had peeked. Weird chanting, they said, and candles and lots of black. Look out for yourself, they told me .. she's really got it in for you. She's been telling people you won't be around for much longer. She has horrible little doll things, we've found them but we put them back. One of them is supposed to be you, we think. She has pins in them all the time, but she moves them. She doesn't know we know. They have human hair inside them.

This was followed by warnings from both my parents, who said pretty much the same, adding as the others had done, ' Don't say I told you this, please. Promise me you won't tell her I told you.' My mother said at one point, 'You should never have let her come to stay with you. And you should have had sense enough to hide your brushes and combs, you know'. (that's some very old English superstition coming out there).

These days, whenever I get the 'feeling' that the person is trying to effect negativity in my life I say (when it's gone on to the point I wake up) my little ditty, adding 'ten fold' or 'thousand fold' as the situation seems to merit, lol.

Ran into her recently. She's straightened herself out a bit .. on the surface. We did the kiss kiss thing. I looked into her eyes. 'I'm stronger than you'll ever be' my expression said. And I am. Because I have little helpers,who protect me, thank God. Just luck of the toss

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Republican08

When it comes to spilling salt, it definately causes bad luck. Take this example...

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
reply to post by Republican08

When it comes to spilling salt, it definately causes bad luck. Take this example...

But in the end reasoning beat them did it not?

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

Originally posted by XXXN3O
reply to post by Republican08

When it comes to spilling salt, it definately causes bad luck. Take this example...

But in the end reasoning beat them did it not?


In conclusion if you drop the salt or recieve gypsie curses, obtain a sample of their saliva, add to burger then feed them it to reverse the effects.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:05 AM
I will state for the record that belief is very powerful, IMO, (and I am Christian in essence), I believe we give power to things, and that is why God requires worship, and that is why daemons and magick and all of this works. I used to practice various magickal techniques and theories, and I always got better results after I'd given up the idea that it was all hogswash and that it did work if I believed (the power of attraction).

Unfortunately, I beleive that humans are naturally very pessemistic, and so we never REALLY believe 100% so thats why when we wish for the lotto or whatever, it never really happens, because the universe 'stops it'.

However, personally, I think that film can't think what it was called, about Hoodoo was in essence true - that up until the time she didn't believe in the whole thing she was safe, but the moment she did, it had power over her. Power is relative, so as belief increases, we make ourselves worse, and thats how curses work. Unfortunately, its inherent to belief, and even if you are an atheist, you believe in the belief there is NO GOD. Humans are full of belief in something, regardless of what it is.

So yes, I think they exist and you can do things to return or negate them, and that 'black' magick is more a case of personal belief and ego that changes the universe by that belief so it is temporary, than it is 'reality'.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by ejsaunders
I will state for the record that belief is very powerful, IMO, (and I am Christian in essence), I believe we give power to things, and that is why God requires worship, and that is why daemons and magick and all of this works. I used to practice various magickal techniques and theories, and I always got better results after I'd given up the idea that it was all hogswash and that it did work if I believed (the power of attraction).

Unfortunately, I beleive that humans are naturally very pessemistic, and so we never REALLY believe 100% so thats why when we wish for the lotto or whatever, it never really happens, because the universe 'stops it'.

However, personally, I think that film can't think what it was called, about Hoodoo was in essence true - that up until the time she didn't believe in the whole thing she was safe, but the moment she did, it had power over her. Power is relative, so as belief increases, we make ourselves worse, and thats how curses work. Unfortunately, its inherent to belief, and even if you are an atheist, you believe in the belief there is NO GOD. Humans are full of belief in something, regardless of what it is.

So yes, I think they exist and you can do things to return or negate them, and that 'black' magick is more a case of personal belief and ego that changes the universe by that belief so it is temporary, than it is 'reality'.

The power of belief is extremely powerful.

You know what I think is so hilarious or it would be if we all realised how stupid we are.

Look at a monetary note, thats your answer, its a promise to pay that everyone believes!

Governments issue promises that people work hard for, they take promises to the banks that keep the promises with a promise to give you the promise back if you want it. The longer you keep it there the more promises you will get back.
If you want to gain something in life, you take a promise on a note to a shop, you give the man the promise that you worked for, or the promise you got from the promise you deposited or the promise you were promised from the bank that promised they would give you more promises. You trade the promises in for a tangible object that was made by lots of promises.

The whole worlds based on a promise, a false promise that doesnt exist. Who gives false promises to tempt people into doing things?

If your seeing what I am saying here.

The world is based on one thing, a promise and thats all. We believe the promises.

You dont even get to keep the promises you get, they take their own promises back!

A man is only as good as his word?
Why are people listening to a thing that promises them things and takes their own promises back?

Its hilarious that we all believe in a liar but in another way, it is sad that we believe in the master of false promises.

Dont you see what I am saying, it doesnt matter how the world works, it is fake as it is based on air at its core. It is based on lies.

Meanwhile everyone is running around in circles looking for answers, the answer is staring in the face.

I mean think about it all, how is there such a thing as owing someone the promises they promised you?
Thats the delusion and its a great delusion, the best one ever created.

Yet some people will say that god is a delusion but the same people are enslaved by a thing that promises the world and gets the world in return for it!?

Peoples beliefs control the world, control beliefs and you control the world.

Its quite funny though, some people will say, I wish I could have $1 million, I'll give you a million. I promise x 1million and if you believe in me ill give you 2 million because then I am your god, you dont even know it is the deception.

[edit on 13-8-2009 by XXXN3O]

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