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"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

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posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Remember the most recent Manchurian Film candidate with that guy’s mother controlling him…well Valerie Jarret is playing that role to Obama.

She’s his controller...his puppet master

“In 1991, as deputy chief of staff to Mayor Richard Daley, she interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office, after which she immediately offered her the job.[26] Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet her fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor’s office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and “introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own.” She later took Michelle with her when she left the mayor’s office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development.”

edit on 4-11-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Your original post was so dead on accurate.........You could give some of the best psychics a run for their money...( I had to double check the date to be sure you'd not just posted it recently.)

I find it deeply depressing to see that those who are the first and loudest to proclaim their 'patriotism' are some of the same that would tear the country to shreds because they'd not gotten their they not care even for the futures of their children and grandchildren that will have to live in the tattered remains?

Thank you for stating it so well!....

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 12:50 PM
What? Who would wear a Kohls suit and work for a Congressman? You can get a custom bespoke suit made and shipped for less than $500 these days. Just go to a tailor and have yourself measured. Geeze.

Anyway, on topic. I find it surprising you had to actually meet with these people to believe it. It's so blatantly obvious that the people have lost control of their government. Perhaps because I come from a state with a lot of big oil and lobbying its much more apparent, but still...

Good people don't get into politics. Period. It's one of the worst jobs in the world, and unless you find a way to make a ton of money from it -- it's a sadistic existence.

If you haven't yet, watch the new House of Cards with Kevin Spacey. From the insiders I know, it's creepily accurate (a tad over dramatized for TV, but pretty accurate on some points).

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

that's true MM, politicians are despicable

I think it is so complicated, when you read the forum and keep up with it on a daily basis, it's a freak show

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Yup, a couple years back I said it was the three, Jarrett, Michelle, and the mother in law.
there are so many layers to this onion

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Anyway, on topic. I find it surprising you had to actually meet with these people to believe it. It's so blatantly obvious that the people have lost control of their government. Perhaps because I come from a state with a lot of big oil and lobbying its much more apparent, but still...

It's one thing to opine here on ATS on the sad state of the special interest republic, it's quite another to be in the "belly of the beast" and have it all confirmed -- and not just confirmed by observation, but by a confidence.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 01:42 PM
Thanks for sharing! I totally agree with your assessment.

Republicans do have an "Obama must fail" mindset. We see it with Obamacare. There is no...let's change the things we need to change to make it better. It's repeal or nothing.

If you ran I business, as I do, you would see the retardedness of that statement. When something is broke and I'm losing money, I fix it or replace it with something better. If my credit card machine is broken and my rates are too high. I don't just throw it away and stop accepting credit card payments. I replace the machine or get my rates better with another vendor. But it's not just Obama Care it's everything Obama. And worse, it's not just Obama but it's all republicans and democrats. They all want to stop each other no matter how good the idea, bill, law, legislation or act is. They just oppose each other for the sake of opposition alone. We're broken. The ONLY solution is strong, third, forth and more parties. We need a real socialist party, a real communist party, a real constitution party, a real green party, a real libertarian party a real progressive party...With all the billionaires in our country...where are these parties? We do we have no other options?

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 01:49 PM
Well here we are the last election before we choose a new president and I wonder have party tactics paid off it is hard to say until the results are in. I voted against every incumbent this election. Does it matter?

I don't think anything short of a natural disaster occurring on DC while congress is in session will help. I would feel better if DC was on top of Yellowstone or close to Mt Saint Helens.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

It is not the people anymore controlling the future it is a framework or system. This is why so many insiders fear and hate the same things but feel powerless to do anything. The system itself needs to change we have strayed to far off the path the founding fathers started 200 years ago. They understood then what would happen if banking and other special interest money infected the country.

The only way this stops dear readers is to.........follow the constitution. Ron Paul.......Ron Paul was right. His voice will be the proverbial canary in the coal mine for future generations.
edit on 4-11-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: poedxsoldiervet

You hit the nail on the head, how are the people to change things within the bonds of "the system" if the system is a big corrupt pile of #?

The system either needs to be burnt down and remade or changed significantly to the point that it is hardly recognizable as the old system.

If we are to truely attempt to save the old system then it needs to be fair. The only way it can be fair is if we get the #ing money out of politics. Maybe we should remove lobbyists from the system since they clealry don't represent the best interests of the people.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:45 PM
I think government "Self" correction cannot happen now. I believe there will be another American Revolution. Maybe not in my life time but in the next 50-75 years. We the People can only tolerate so much before uprising. It is in our blood. Our ancestors were of the Rebel Rouser type and we inherited their spirit in our DNA. Most Americans are descended from Doer's. People who got fed up and fought or got fed up and moved here. Risk takers.

We are not like the Iraqi Army that just crumbles under stress. We are born to fight and born to raise hell. When our blood pressure peaks, the government will face reset. I firmly believe that is the only way out at this point. It is going to go through much pain before the end. I believe we will see another constitution similar to the one we have but one that helps to discourage the partisanship that plaques us today.

You cannot maintain a nation where a few rake in all the wealth sitting at a computer screen making "investments" while the many scrounge for food while working hard each and every day.

Hunger is a hell of a motivator and so is being jobless and homeless.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:47 PM
I just voted today. Listening to the people chatting in line, the feeling was clear ...

Whether they were choosing the red plate or the blue plate ... they still felt like they were having to eat a plate of manure.

There's going to have to be a change in this country. More than ever people are exhausted with this government, not the guys in the red hats and not the guys in the blue ... ALL OF THEM.

I would bank on a strong Independent running for President in 2016. I think it's time.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:50 PM
I am NOW worried about what the far RIGHT is going to try,
EVEN money they are going to make Jeb their boy and look out arts ,ecology and yet another attempt to scare us with better skills and hardware.

If they continue the LAND GRAB tactics and we have another Bundy type situation THEY will shoot.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 02:52 PM
Well said Skeptic.
Some say business as usual, I say that business is
treasonous when an entire country is damned because
of politics.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: groingrinder
It is clear to me that lobbyists need to go.

If somebody wants my lawmaker to vote a certain way, then they should have to come to the constituency and make their case.

Then the constituency would approach the lawmaker and give him their opinions.

My lawmakers are supposed to be working for me. They do not work for the lobbyists.
Lobbying is one of the things that is messing the country up badly.

Lobbying should be made a capitol crime. The only influence that Congressmen and Senators should be experiencing needs to come from the constituency.


If somebody wants my lawmaker to vote a certain way, then they should have to come to the constituency and make their case.

That's what political and Union Ads do already

Then the constituency would approach the lawmaker and give him their opinions

that sounds like the office holder has a revolving door to this home office and the DC office... or else be in need of on-demand Caucus type events

My lawmakers are supposed to be working for me. They do not work for the lobbyists.

Lobbyists Are constituents too ...not just the voters in the politicians district !

very good Populist speech & bullet points there, those Superstition Mountains do have an effect, No?

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

my own ballot with some 30 slots up for election...

had only 3 Libertarian Candidates... so I breezed thru my electronic ballot in less than 2 minutes

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

SO great reporting and observations , from a conspiracy theorist (whoda thunk it?).

It does appear that our country's politics has degenerated down to the level of the "Nuclear Option" for just about everything.

I hope this is not the case because a "Last Resort" (ABC TV series) scenario could be in our not to distant future.

The Holy Bible states in Proverbs 29:18 that "Where there is no vision, the people perish.

We need REAL change. Or we'll end up with chump...

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 03:44 PM
The tentacles of corruption find their deepest seat in the bowels of professional politicians. There should be no such thing as a professional politician. And why we allowed this to happen is well beyond my ability to comprehend.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 06:39 PM
Make no mistake. It is no longer about Obama failing or the country failing. After the recent elections, it is about destroying the country as we know it and remaking it into a Libertarian and John Birch Society (JBS) utopia.

The following was included in David Koch‘s 1980 Libertarian Party platform:

“We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immediate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission.”
“We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”
“We oppose any compulsory insurance or tax-supported plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion services.”
“We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.”
“We favor the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal, participation in Social Security should be made voluntary.”
“We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
“We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes.”
“We support the eventual repeal of all taxation.”
“As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”
“We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
“We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.”
“We condemn compulsory education laws … and we call for the immediate repeal of such laws.”
“We support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit or non-profit.”
“We support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.”
“We support abolition of the Department of Energy.”
“We call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation, including the Department of Transportation.”
“We demand the return of America's railroad system to private ownership. We call for the privatization of the public roads and national highway system.”
“We specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called "self-protection" equipment such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.”
“We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Administration.”
“We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration.”
“We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported services for children.”
“We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and ‘aid to the poor’ programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.”
“We call for the privatization of the inland waterways, and of the distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and households.”
“We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.”
“We call for the abolition of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
“We support the repeal of all state usury laws.”

It is clear that the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires are calling the shots and are pulling the strings of the Republican Party. And because of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, they now have the power to spend an unlimited amount of money to buy the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the next President of the United States.

Bernie Sanders

And what of the JBS influence? From a daughter of an early member:

And I think that is the most important message: You have to take this seriously. They are very smart. They have a belief about the United States. They want to change the way we are governed. They want to change the nature of the federal government, and take it back to a time before any New Deal programs.

The Tea the new JBS

There are some differences between the two, but in terms of policy, I see very little difference. The Tea Partiers would probably take exception to that, because they don’t want to think they’re just leftovers from a bygone era. They want to think they’re original and unique. But the fact is that the early funding for the Tea Party came from Americans for Prosperity, which is a Koch Brothers group.


Third (multi) parties are not successful in America, because we have “winner takes all” elections. Proportional representation would give a real chance for a third party candidate to win a seat; other ways of deciding voting could be used as well. Bill Clinton withdrew his assistant Attorney General nomination, Lani Guinier, because he didn‘t want to fight the GOP over her advocacy of proportional voting.

The two party system worked best for the people when members “work across the aisles” to find a compromise. But that was back in a time when there were liberals and conservatives in BOTH parties.

Unfortunately, because compromise has been redefined by GOP members since the 1990s from “finding common ground” (which is not wanted when common ground is not wanted) to “compromise your beliefs to do it our way” (an attitude found in authoritarian/abusive relationships), there is little hope for “compromise“. Newt Gingrich established this tradition when he said, “I am not prepared to compromise.”

Welcome to Utopian States of America.

edit on 7-11-2014 by desert because: took sentence out for clarity

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 07:04 PM
I think we should pay every politician a 20 year severance to stay the # home. But that's just me.

Thanks for sharing your observations S o.

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