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Lights over Austria

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Iv'e always seen a strange glittering light in the northeastern night-horizon, for as long as I remember anyways.
It looks like a white light in the center, and green/red/blue lights glittering around it.
I thought it was a geostationary satellite, but not after this:
Three days ago I noticed there was another one in the northwest. I watched the brighter one (NE) for about an hour or so, when I noticed that the red flashes became bigger, and then what appeared to be a golden meteorite shot away from it at roughly 45° down. I got really tired right about then, and just fell asleep.

I wanted to verify what it was, so I got some good binos, but it rained here until tonight.
With the extra magnification I can make out six lights! Three in the NE, two NW, and one NNW, up high. That one was moving erratically. Unlike any satellite/planet/aircraft/weatherballon/swampgas I've ever seen... Was moving towards a star, then stopped. Immediately reversed its course, and back again.

My camera is recharging (go figure), but the lights are too far away for my lens anyway...
I'll continue monitoring the night sky, and try to find a decent lens soon!
Once I manage to capture some nice pics, I'll post them (provided they're still around by then)

Has anyone here ever seen anything like this? What could they be?

Edit: It's getting late now, (01:30am) so good night folks!

[edit on 2009.8.5 by Carlthulhu]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Everybody keeps talking about this, but the only thing I ever see in the sky, and it is bright, is Jupiter. Maybe post some pics or something...


posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Well, I went out and finally bought a telescope.
One of those short ones that reflect back onto themselves 4x to save space.
Perhaps not the best for high altitude objects, but good enough for
star/bird photography.
What follows are pictures of one of the lights west of the big dipper
(there was another bright one east, but the lights of the big city interfered...
I tried to focus, but couldn't seem to get it right.
So I gradually turned the focus and shot the pics along the way.

Following: You can clearly see the many colors it radiates, I think the black thing is the reflector-aperture, since it may be out of focus?

This is my first exursion into the world of astro-photography, maybe I can get better pictures when I learn to use my camera/telescope properly. I probably had a bad focal point set or something. the first pics were shot at 1/13 sec. and the last five at 1/20 sec. shutter. Maybe y'all have some tips for me. I heard that tomorrow we'll have rain down here, but I endeavour to take more pictures soon.

Semper Non Sequitur!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Carlthulhu

I see those here in Kentucky too. I just assumed they were stars, even though I didn't remember seeing stars so colorful before. I'm still kind of under the impression that they are just stars, but I'm following these threads closely because I could very well be wrong!

Nice pics! I plan on buying a nice butt kickin telescope soon. Can't wait!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Carlthulhu

Carl, I don't know how I missed this perviously, but these are some very good photos you have taken.

I hope some people with some knowledge will see this soon and will provide their ideas as well.

Certainly looks familiar to something I see alot too, the one I see doesn't have all those colors, but the rest matches up nicely, and it's just not quite as far away as it pretends to be.

Well, good luck with this thread, I will check in on it again soon, and for now I hope some other people will give us their thoughts.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Carlthulhu

Scintillation. The twinkling of starlight caused by the atmosphere.

Scintillation is a generic term for rapid variations in apparent position, brightness, or color of a distant luminous object viewed through the atmosphere.

You may find these videos of interest.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:14 PM
That object must be brighter than starlight to hold someones attention.
I expect very bright light from craft with high voltage and a flame can
actually occur and the burning of nitrogen might release a great amount
of energy and light.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:50 AM
The scintillation thing seems right, however I noticed the lights seemed to move strangely.
What I first thought to be stationary lights, turned out over the course of the night, to be moving around the sky.

In this rather simple diagram I have detailed the movement of the lights in relation to the rest of the night sky. I attempted to take a long-shutter (or whatever) image, but failed miserably. I'd have to climb some of the hills around me to get the shot right, but even then it might not work. (trees, light pollution, etc...)The lights move along their lines over a course of about 6-8hrs, and then disappear behind a hill/in the sunlight. I actually verified this by noting the position relative to the big dipper each night for the past week, and staying up 'til 3am once. (I also have to work, you know)

I do want to take my telescope to a better, higher place. Maybe this weekend I'll go stumbling around in the dark wooded hills...

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Phage

Scintillation. The twinkling of starlight caused by the atmosphere.

nice one. its great when you learn a cool new word!! thanks phage, never heard that one before.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Carlthulhu
This sounds very similar to this thread:
The one who had these sightings (and still do regularly) is also from Austria. According to him, some of his neighbors even decided to move, because they where QUOTE: "Afraid of UFOs."

He also claims that his friend had talked to him about strange-acting lights in the sky, even though the guy I described had not even mentioned his own sightings for anybody earlier.

My guess is that you live close to each other, and near a UFO hotspot.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Phage

Or could be chromatic and/or spherical aberration.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 07:19 PM
Do I see a hint of the snake eyes of the Triangle craft landing gear covers.
So the central motor is illuminating the air from high voltage.

I had just posted a description of this phenomena.

They hover for hours, blinking, wobbling, flashing, meandering, beaming out multi-colored lights, and often jumping or shooting around,

From Page 172 of "Pentagon Aliens"

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:18 PM
I have seen the very same lights.

They are not swamp gas, they are not planets, they are not stars or satellites, they are not of this earth.

I know that, I observe their intelligent movement throughout the skies. I have my very own pictures.

I see them constantly, I get the impression that they are here to stay, that they have begun the next phase of revealing their presence.

Is it a coincidence that so many people report the exact same experiences, sightings, and encounters?

We know not all of them are planets or whatever the skeptics will have you believe - we know, we feel there is something different about them. We have observed their movements, as I am sure many have.

They do not behave as any kind of stationary "star" should, they exhibit features the suggest they are not what they appear.

Here are some of my pictures that my friend and I captured. We've been seeing them constantly, and still do. Sometimes they come in real close above the city. There have been times where there are as many as 3-4 of these "big" bright "stars" along with smaller star-like craft that move!

I've seen one of these travel across the Detroit River into Windsor and "blink" out. As it crossed the river I thought to shout to my friends that there was a UFO, but I doubted myself until the "star" crossed the river and blinked out just before these smaller "stars" that were above it's flight path began to move! At that point I shouted look, look!

After it blinked out it appeared shortly after in its usual "stationary" orbit. This is no planet my friends!

Here are the pics:

Those are just some of the pictures, mine you they are from a camera and not a telescope so they are not as close/detailed.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Carlthulhu

What's your position, bud? Looking at the trajectories, they don't seem to be fixed stars, planets or satellites. They might be meteors though, I've seen some quite extraordanary ones, especially those that come right at you, when they break the atmosphere, they look like flowers. Really shouldn't say this, but I was having an acid trip mixed with mushrooms once (I'm sober now, and by no means advocate the use of such substances) and saw these "straight in your face" meteors I mention, and I nearly turned crazy thinking this must be the end of the world..... There's probably a good explanation for it. Great pictures!

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