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The Next Hacking Frontier! Your Brain??

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:57 PM
I came across this on the 7th of last month, reading up more on it, exploring the limited info available, discussing it with some people and drawing future scenarios before deciding to post this.

Source: Wired Science

Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they’ll try to take over your brain.

In the past year, researchers have developed technology that makes it possible to use thoughts to operate a computer, maneuver a wheelchair or even use Twitter — all without lifting a finger. But as neural devices become more complicated — and go wireless — some scientists say the risks of “brain hacking” should be taken seriously.

“Neural devices are innovating at an extremely rapid rate and hold tremendous promise for the future,” said computer security expert Tadayoshi Kohno of the University of Washington. “But if we don’t start paying attention to security, we’re worried that we might find ourselves in five or 10 years saying we’ve made a big mistake.”

As neural engineering becomes more complex and more widespread, the potential for security breaches will mushroom.

Download the full article here

Research paper

Although this article talks about the inherent dangers that may arise 10 years down the line, lets understand the clear and present danger that we are in. NOW.

Surgical implants are becoming increasingly common in both research and medicine. These include implantable medical devices (IMDs) such as pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), neurostimulators, and implantable drug pumps use embedded computers and radios to monitor chronic disorders and treat patients with automatic therapies.

These implants are designed to be surgically implanted and controlled, by a wireless link, like a TV remote. Anyone with the right remote can change the channel. Granted the control is in the hands of a few, but it can be hacked!

Which simply means, that if you are one with a surgically implemented implant, a hacker ( read individual/private organisation/government) can shut you down. And there is nothing that you can do about it, as of now.

I draw your attention to this site

Secure Medicine

Pacemakers and Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators: Software Radio Attacks and Zero-Power Defenses

Lets take a look at the attack vectors


Source:ICD study

In the attack simulation that was carried out, the follwing vectors were explored


a)Reverse-Engineering Transmissions

b)Eavesdropping with a Commodity Software Radio

c)Intercepting Patient Data

d)Intercepting Telemetry



a) Triggering ICD identification

b) Disclosing patient data.

c) Disclosing cardiac data.

d) Changing patient name.

e) Setting the ICD’s clock.

f) Changing therapies.

g) Inducing fibrillation.

h) Power denial of service attack.

i) Other attack vectors - such as insecure software updates or buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Although open to modifications and improvements, the current scenario is that anyone with enough knowledge and a commercial software radio can not only eavsdrop on your privacy, but also shut you down, without your knowledge. The potential for misuse cannot be grossly overstated.

Its important that this information is made available to those with or about to go in for implants, which while saving lives, can also be The Next Hacking Frontier! Your Brain??a doule edged weapon in the hands of the malicious.

Comments please, and thanks for reading this through!
The Next Hacking Frontier! Your Brain??

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Hey Charismagic

WOW that was a wicked read hun...............

Dam good find there.............

Came across something similar myself a while ago, although cant for the life of me think where it was now DOHHHH


posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:46 PM
I have come across this concept before in Rache Bartmoss's Guide to the Net. It is a roleplaying game supplement for Cyberpunk.

Each individual with imlpants has what is called a micronet. What you are describing is exactly what is invisioned in the game.

It is scary how much more science fiction is becoming reality.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 01:59 PM
Thanks for your reply guys...whats worrisome is the next step...and that is, very soon, hacking into brainwave patterns will be possible through cell phones as well.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Which simply means, that if you are one with a surgically implemented implant, a hacker ( read individual/private organisation/government) can shut you down. And there is nothing that you can do about it, as of now.

There is one thing that you can do about it. Don't get these sorts of implants, whenever possible. In some cases, you cannot avoid getting something like, say, a pacemaker, but if you have any choice in the matter, say no to the implant.

I'd never voluntarily get anything like this for exactly the same reasons they will never get a microchip in me.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Charismagic

Anyone that wants to hack into my brain will be very surprised at how little there is in there.

Scary times indeed however..

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:42 PM
I could say that our brains are already being hacked in ways of varying sophistication, and have been for all of societal history (even longer if you count the first male / female couple

But yhea the tech side of things could get pretty interesting in the next few decades.

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