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Do Not Go To Cars.Gov!!!!

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:52 PM
This is a complete lie from Glenn Beck.

1. The site he references is ONLY for dealers accessing the DoT website. You can't enter that part of the site without the proper registration and login details. Only dealers get that, he didn't accidentally make his way into that page. He and his producers knew what they were doing. Non-dealer citizens are not subject to this.

2. This is a fairly common government practice. If you use a computer at a government/military facility everything you do is monitored. You need access cards to turn on or use certain machines. This is to ensure classified information is not compromised and that unauthorized access doesn't take place. This is a security measure used on every military base and I would assume every government office.

3. They don't take data from the computers. This doesn't mean they own anything on your computer. When you are not logged into the site they have no authority or control over your computer or information. What it means is that while you are connected to that server, your computer is treated like the computer in every other office, from Sgt. to General. For that time they can monitor traffic and usage to ensure that security isn't compromised while you are connected to government computers. It's more of a warning, they aren't scanning your hard drive while you access the site. They will only keep records of changes, transactions, things like that.

4. Glenn Beck and his producers knew all of this. They aren't idiots. While many people will read and headline and run with it, they do not. They research and then appear to do the same thing, but they are well aware of how public opinion is formed from shows like his. They know that even if they are caught lying that it doesn't matter, there are no repercussions and most people won't hear it about it. This is ridiculous and a spit in the face to the American people.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Parabol

This is a complete lie from Glenn Beck.

Actually, he is not lying. If you read his transcript, he says:

s. If you are the administrator, you know, in your company, let's say you're, you know, Bill's Car Lot and you are the guy who is processing all of the cash for clunkers thing. You get on your computer and you type in all of the information, you go onto the website, you click on something and it comes up and it says, warning, you are entering a secure site. Okay? You've seen that warning before. You go to input more information about who's going to buy this car and this warning comes up on the screen: This application provides access to the DOT CARS system. When logged onto the CARS system, your computer is considered a federal computer system and it is property of the United States government.

He doesn't claim that it is the buyer that has access to this site. He explicitly states that he is talking about the people who administer the car dealer's paperwork.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by Parabol

This is a complete lie from Glenn Beck.

Actually, he is not lying. If you read his transcript, he says:

He doesn't claim that it is the buyer that has access to this site. He explicitly states that he is talking about the people who administer the car dealer's paperwork.


The transcript you quoted is from a statement at his website, which he wrote in response to his on air statements. What he said during his show was a blatant lie. Here is a partial transcript of those statements...

BECK: Kim, I wanted to bring you in because the -- and I recommend, America, do not try this at home. I'm going to show it to you. This is somebody else's computer. I took it from their office, because I wouldn't do this on mine.

He warns Americans, of which the vast majority are not car dealers. He doesn't say everyone, the population, dealers, or car owners. He says Americans which is a subconscious appeal to our patriotism. If something should not be tried in an American home (I doubt the dealers are accessing the government server from home) then it is definitely dangerous right? He won't even use his own computer... which shouldn't be logging on to the site in the first place, which isn't subject to the restrictions. He is targeting citizens with this, not dealers.

BECK: This actually came in a tip from what I call a constitutional watchdog. I'm asking my radio listeners earlier all this week to watch these things, because 10 million eyes on radio, and God knows how many millions of eyes here on television watching things that we can't watch. This is a frightening thing.

Why can't he tell us who brought this to his attention? Why would it need to be a secret? If it's out in the open for everyone to read it's not as if he needs to protect the people or group that passed the info to him. It sounds more like a cover.

"A frightening thing"... for the "10 million eyes" and "God knows how many millions" of... car dealers right? He's directing this at car dealers isn't he?

GUILFOYLE: Don't -- people shouldn't go on it right now while you're doing it. Don't do it.

BECK: Do not do this at home. Trust me. You'll understand why.

Stating "trust me" and "you'll understand why" are psychological primers. I have a degree in psych and I won't be the only one to tell you how much programming power words like this have. Again, he is focusing on fear and danger associated with his viewers.

BECK: Here is

Go to and look at the page background, the site is formatted in green for people visiting This site is not for dealers, it is for citizens and car owners. Dealers have a separate website they work through.

Now go to the login page for dealers, The scheme for the dealer site is blue, now lets look again at the screen Glenn Shows during his program.

BECK: Let's say you go in. If I understand this right, I go in and I say, "I want to turn in my clunker." The dealer goes to, and then they hit "submit transaction." Here it says "privacy act and security statement," and it's like, oh, it's the Privacy Act of 1974. Whatever.

Who is the "you" going to the site? If you aren't a dealer you don't go to the site he shows. The dealer isn't the one saying they want to turn in their clunker. Now he switches from addressing 'us', to a third person dealer... who wouldn't be going to

Oh, yeah, stupid Privacy Act of 1974 trying to protect government intruders from being accessing for malicious intent. Whatever, stupid thing in the way, why would I read something trying to warn me in advance of what the consequences and rules are for using someone elses system.

BECK: Now, this is how bad this system is. It probably won't pull up, because the system is so overwhelmed. You know, it was a $19 million Web site.

GUILFOYLE: Right. (always nice to have someone one to confirm everything)

BECK: So, let me -- it's not going to pull up now. Watch. It's thinking. It's trying really hard.Let me show you what it does say when you pull it up. Can you bring up the full screen on what it says?

1. He states the system is poor, implies unorganized and incapable.
2. It may have been overwhelmed, but he is only speculating here.
3. I don't know if $19 million was literally put into building the website itself, but the coding and man hours to create a nationwide program handling this would not be cheap. It's not like they paid $500,000 for the graphic.
4. Really, you thought you'd just pull up the site live assuming it would be quicker than the previous times you tested it? Oh, you already have screens to show instead of the site itself? And you had to ask for it, as if you didn't know that would happen?


[edit on 3-8-2009 by Parabol]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Parabol]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:38 PM

GUILFOYLE: Because guess what? They can continue to track you basically forever. Once they tap into your system, the government, of course, has like malware systems and tracking cookies and they can tap in anytime you want.

Now, look, I'm not suggesting that the government engages in any kind of nefarious activity.

  1. How will they track you forever, and what does she mean by basically?
  2. "The government, of course, has like"... seriously? That's how she begins her argument?
  3. She is 100% certain the government has malware because, "of course" they do yet.... she's "not suggesting" MALware is bad?
  4. What's worse? The insinuation that being tracked and watched forever isn't bad or her immediate contradiction?

BECK: No. That would be crazy!

GUILFOYLE: I wouldn't -- no, that they do that.


GUILFOYLE: But, you know what? They said "for any intended use, purpose, foreign, domestic -- it's so broad that they can just about do anything with it, saying that it's in the government's interest that they're trying to protect against fraud and that type of thing.

What??? Of course they can track you forever with malware, i'm not saying they do bad things, that's crazy. But you know, if they wanted to do bad things, they could make things up and harm you by trying to protect their system. What the hell is she trying to say??

GUILFOYLE: Can you believe that? I mean, seriously, they can got all your information.

BECK: Yes. Actually, I do, because I know who our czars are now. And I think these are -- this collection of these czars, these are evil people. These are wicked.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!!? Now we're back to them 'gotting' all of our information? Then Beck agrees because the people running the program are evil!? Wicked, there's a nice biblical term to throw in there. I can't believe this sort of thing passes for a form of news. It just blows me away.

No evidence, no facts, no logic, entirely speculation and people take this as fact!


BECK: . crazy, frightening people.


Let's see, now we're at malware, thieves, blackmailers, evil, wicked, crazy, and frightening. Wow, just wow... I hope that speaks for itself as to their position and the validity of their words.

Now Beck brings in another commenter Jonah Goldberg, let's see some of his thoughts on this.

GOLDBERG: Look, as a conservative, you always have to hold out the possibility that government people are just stupid rather than evil.


GOLDBERG: Now, look, I agree that there's -- that it's all very troubling. And, look, let me give you a hard example of this. Say you use Skype or some other Internet phone system, right? If you're on the phone while logged in on this thing, according to this, according to a lawyer I talked to before -- Kim can verify this -- the government can legally listen to your phone call. They can check out what Web sites you've been searching.

I hope if someone is accessing information on a government or military computer while simultaneously talking with someone live on the internet that the government can check to make sure they aren't dictating what they see. Do you think you can just instant message to your hearts content while logged into a federal server?

If the following statements don't open peoples eyes to this I don't know what will...

GOLDBERG: Because it says that the government -- your computer is a government's property.

BECK: That's -- wait, wait, wait. That's correct?

GUILFOYLE: One hundred percent correct. It's legal. There is nothing that you can do about it.

BECK: If you log on to this at your home.


BECK: . everything in your home is now theirs?

GUILFOYLE: Basically, and there's nothing you can do.

Oh here she is with her basic knowledge on everything. Yeah, everything in your home, not just your computer is the governments now. You signed it all away by clicking on this website, ahh, so foolish of us to make that click. And now there is no recourse to owning your own stuff once again, tough luck everyone. Guilfoyle has it all covered, she's done some research, of course, like, you know a lot, basically. Ridiculous... absolutely ridiculous.

If you still don't believe that Beck, his guests, and producers are liars then go to and show me how to get to the page where that user agreement comes up. You can get to the dealer support page, which changes to blue, but again, that is not something Americans will use and won't be at 'risk' for.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Parabol]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Parabol]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:00 PM
For those who are curious, here is the Privacy Statement that Beck skipped over and said "whatever" to.

Odd, why would he skip over the part which explains what they use the information for and why...

This notice is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC § 552a: This information is solicited under the authority of Public Law 111-32, 123 Stat. 1859. Furnishing the information is voluntary, but failure to provide all or part of the information may result in disapproval of your request for a credit on this purchase or lease transaction under the Cars Program. The principal purposes for collecting the information are to determine if purchase or lease transactions are eligible for credits under the CARS Program, to ensure proper disposal of trade-in vehicles, to prevent, identify and penalize fraud in connection with the Program, and to update an existing government database of Vehicle Identification Numbers. If you complete the optional survey, the survey information will be used to report to Congress on the Program. Other routine uses are published in the Federal Register at 65 F.R. 19476 (April 11, 2000), available at:

Ensuring transaction security is a crucial requirement of NHTSA-CARS clients. Using industry-standard security techniques ensures that your personal and financial information remains confidential. NHTSA-CARS uses security technologies that include your personal customer number and password, government standard encryption, and hardened perimeter protections such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. The combination of your customer number and password enables you to be uniquely identified to NHTSA-CARS transaction processing. It is your responsibility to keep your password secure. Compromising your password by sharing it with others can have negative consequences for the integrity of your transactions. You will also need to use a secure browser. Certain browsers have the ability to communicate securely by encrypting the information as it passes across the Internet. This method of communication is called Secure Socket Layer (SSL). NHTSA requires the use of a properly configured browser as a condition for connecting to NHTSA-CARS using SSL. Therefore, SSL must be enabled on your browser to establish a connection with NHTSA-CARS. Additionally, be aware that your transaction passes through multiple security mechanisms, any one of which can halt the transaction if suspicious activity coming from your computer is detected. To avoid this from happening, please keep your anti-virus software on your computer current.

Now, if you choose to agree to this statement it takes you here, to the login screen that I posted above.

To get to the message Glenn Beck is attacking you have to log in. You have to be a registered dealer, most likely on a computer at your work. Which doesn't have your home or personal life attached to it. Americans, the citizens, we can't go there! It's not meant for us, it's about a contract between dealers and the government.

On the login page there is a link to a privacy statement. This leads to the Department of Transportion webpage which details more information about security and privacy, such as...

This Privacy Policy explains our online information practices only, including how we collect and use your personal information. It does not apply to third-party websites that you are able to reach from this website, nor does it cover practices of other areas within the Department of Transportation.

What We Automatically Collect Online

We collect information about your visit that does not identify you personally. We can tell the computer, browser, and web service you are using. We also know the date, time, and pages you visit. Collecting this information helps us design the site to suit your needs. In the event of a known security or virus threat, we may collect information on the web content you view.

Other Information We May Collect

When you visit our website, we may request and collect the following categories of personal information from you:

* Contact information
* IDs and passwords

As in, we'll need to know who you are and what username and password you want to use when you log in if you want to interact with us.

There's a lot more information there as well, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for online security.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Parabol]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Parabol

He warns Americans, of which the vast majority are not car dealers. He doesn't say everyone, the population, dealers, or car owners. He says Americans which is a subconscious appeal to our patriotism. If something should not be tried in an American home (I doubt the dealers are accessing the government server from home) then it is definitely dangerous right? He won't even use his own computer... which shouldn't be logging on to the site in the first place, which isn't subject to the restrictions. He is targeting citizens with this, not dealers.

Believe whatever you want. He was talking about American CAR DEALERS. Your logic is a complete stretch, but I can see that there is no point in discussing this with you. You read into his statement whatever you want.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by Parabol

Believe whatever you want. He was talking about American CAR DEALERS. Your logic is a complete stretch, but I can see that there is no point in discussing this with you. You read into his statement whatever you want.

He described millions of people, he told the viewers not to do this at home, he said it would take your personal information. He was not speaking to dealers. He was not warning the dealers about the government being evil and wicked thieves who will own everything on your computer. In what manner did you interpret his use of pronouns to suggest that he was only speaking to dealers and not all American citizens?

I read exactly what he said. There is no interpretation involved when someone refers to you or my home. It's a matter of basic english to determine who the subject of the sentence is. The only evidence I have of this is the words he uses, and his words stated that he meant citizens, not just dealers.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

And you trust Glen Beck why? I trust our politicians more than that bottom feeder.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM
What Beck is not telling you.

1. If you are a consumer visiting (the "cash for clunkers" website) the Federal government cannot take control over your computer, nor will it ask permission to do so.

2. The "Terms of Use" statement to which Beck refers is not from Rather it is a login page for dealer transactions located at

3. The only people who can get login credentials for the site are dealers who have been screened and registered for the "cash for clunkers" program.

4. To summarize: the page in question isn't on and can only be used by dealers who have already registered.

Far from the malicious and conniving scenario that Beck presents, the federal government is merely warning the dealers to whom it will be writing checks that their submissions are subject to scrutiny.

Consumers won't be impacted by any of this.

Read more @ /nmpz5g

[edit on 3-8-2009 by tesla23]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Glenn Beck Youtube clip

I agree that Glenn Beck grossly misrepresented how the site actually works and that he completely and conveniently neglected to explain how that terms of use on the site is for "dealers only and not average citizen users.

THe woman is absolutely clueless when she starts explaining how people are trying to be good citizens donating a car and the govt will come inside your computer and seize everything, and of course the they like have malware stuff and tracking cookies
WTF she has zero understanding about what she is talking about
and makes it out to non technical people that believe whatever the expert on foxs new says that this site is some evil nefarious site with the goal of data mining everyone's personal computers. In fact at the end she even makes some comments about how there's no help for anyone if you logon to the site from home everything in your computer will be sucked up by the govt it's like an octopus that keeps regenerating tentacles
WTF seriously listen to the very end I couldn't make something up like that if I tried!!

[edit on 3-8-2009 by warpboost]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 11:56 AM
A friend of mine just posted this and I had to see if there was a thread on ATS yet.

This is scary stuff. Absolutely unbelievable.

Thanks for posting. F'd and the S.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:16 PM
To all those arguing about it just affecting dealers and not citizens:

So this bothers you less because it’s for the auto dealers rather than Average Joe’s computer? I still find it deplorable … I don’t care if it’s Mork from Ork’s computer that is being violated in such a manner. To just brush it off as if it means nothing is completely ignorant in every sense of the word. Thousands of people died in the 9/11 attack, but I guess you think that the people who get upset by that event are stupid because it didn’t happen to them?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:56 PM
This @#$% is just starting to get #$%^&^% dumb! im growing so sick and tired of all they are doing and how "TPB" think they can do whatever they want. How much more evidence do people need....we'll see whos laughing when the NWO is here and its too late for people to back track. then how dumb will all of us have sounded when people laughed when we warned them

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

Is it bothers me less. They are creating a contract with the government. They are remotely accessing government servers. I've lived on military bases for most of my life, you can not, repeat, can not walk into a building and just get on a computer. That doesn't happen, you need access cards or log in credentials to bring anything up. You need access cards for certain copy machines and other security credentials. They aren't playing around, there is classified information connected to these systems.

If you don't want to deal with that, then don't participate in the program. That simple, no one is forcing them. These are work computers they are logging in from, not their home computer with personal information on it. Work computers. At the dealership.

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