posted on May, 11 2004 @ 07:47 AM
in a u2u to 4 of the4 on 5/7/2004:
"the4 means you are part of the formula?
in the loop, in the circle, in the know?
which 1 could you be?
Certainly you are 1 of the 1s who equal the 1. You are the 1 and the 1s.
Should I go on?"
Although it might be unwise/impolite to share what was said in u2u, if we are to effectly work together to eventually solve this dilemma, it becomes
BTW, 4 didn't respond so there seems no purpose in withholding these thoughts based on confidentialty.
Thank you Ycon! This is the answer to the riddle I was hoping to get from 4!
1+1+1+1 (quarters/part/individuals) make a 1(whole.) (1 of the 1s who equal the 1)
1 (whole) has 1+1+1+1 quarters/parts/individuals). (the 1 and the 1s)
(Tonight we begin the cycle of the last quarter. On the 19th there is a new moon. The 27th we have the first quarter. At this point, I don't have
enough information to make a direct correlation, if any, to the phases of the moon and the rings. Perhaps it is the marker of the official start)
The only question IMHO is the same as I asked 4. Which 1 could you be?
4 of the4 is an interesting character, joined 30/6/02, member #43, last active 23/5/2003
*has posted 4 times about the Bilberberg (all lead back to the same page on the page) mentions Jef (could be Rense, OR the Bilberberg member
the author calls William ROCKEFELLER Clinton, who was William JEFFERSON Clinton).
*one coded post made up of the Sumarian word Insabatu (rings) which when decoded tells of his exit due to the return of the Hammurabian line.
*124000+ ATS points for these 5 posts.
Amatine kept excellent records. Thank you Amatine.
Our numbered friend 5 was a different matter. He requires more inspection.